Page 85 - TheGoldBug1940-41
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The Gold Bug. Watera MaryLmd College, W~, Md., May 22,1941 PAGE THREB ---- All-Fraternity Sohball Team ---- First Team Baseballers Close Season Against Mounts--- Tennis Tearn Stands High In ConFerence Lee Lodse,Johnny Hancock Take Ninth League Victory And George Barrick Spark Against Two Loses; Baughot Western Maryland Attack Leads With Thirteen Wins Lee Lodge's four-hit pitching Western Maryland's racquet-swing- upset Loyoll1 College, pace setter ers, under the tutelage of Professor in the Mason-Dixon loop, rester- Frank B. Hurt, have amassed a con- Day, when his mates pushed ference record of nine wins and only Engle Added To Coaching Staff; across the only tally of the ball two defeats today. exclusive of the Towson game in the tenth inning to win team in the Every skirmish ItoO. conference has been defeated once. Football Schedule Announced Western Maryland's luckless base- Locals Lose Close Ones' ball team will conclude its 1941 sea- Mount St. Mary's was humbled at By John Robinson son next Wednesday when it plays Westminster 8 to 1, and on a two day SPORTS EDITOR host to the visiting Mount St. Mary's tour of the !Eastern Shore, the Terrors nine on Hoffa Field. Prior to this en- lost to Delaware 5 to 4, but white- "Rip" Engle is the newest acquisition to the Western Mary- gagement, the Terrors will journey to washed Washington 9 to O. The ta- land Athletic Association in the capacity of assistant football Emmitsburg on Saturday where they ~ coach. Rip, who graduated in 1930 along with will meet the Mounties for the first bles were then turned on Loyola as the Greyhounds were defeated 7 to 2, Charlie Havens, will take over his new position time. Both teams 'have been having the same score by which they had next fall. In the winter he will take over the bad breaks all year and records point Lee Lodge beat the Terrors before. Gettysburg basketball reins left open by the departure of to a toss-up game with Lee Lodge and Dickinson both defeated the Bruce Ferguson and at the same time will be probably dr-awing the pitching assign, working towards his master's degree. ment for the Green and Gold. For Orchids Green club by 5 to 4 scores on Penn- Catholic soil. University sylvania the Mounts, Captain Jim Kane no Engle, an end on the football team while was then defeated 6 to 0 and darkness here, comes from Waynesboro High School in doubt .will do the hurling, with Tony Chase, Taylor, prevented the playing of the doubles Pennsylvania where he coached football, basket- Celeste behind the plate. matches. The Cardinals were lost in ball, and baseball. His football teams are the Frederick, and the match did not start most talked about in the district, and Harry Ba- Brtekee Hurls Test Irwin Praised until 5 o'clock. ker, Terror linesman, played under Rip' while at- Jack Redinger's four-hit pitching Coach Hurt stated, "We have had Next year's football schedule is just ========== played a major role in George Wash- By Dr. Nathan a splendid season and played stiff, tending Waynesboro. The breaks were opposition. strong about what the doctor usually orders ington's 11 to 1 win over the Terrors against us, as we lost five matches by on Monday. The in Washington for pigskin fans. Out of the eight rangy right hander had a no hit game Garnering a total of eight and one 5 to 4 scores." to home grounds that the majority of Terror GolFers up until the seventh inning, when, half points, the western Maryland BayIies Ranks Second games on tab, six will be close enough Boz Baugher the student body will probably attend. with one out, Manny Kaplan singled track and field team, under Coach Dr. wins with thirteen leads the netmen in to start off a short Terror rally. Lee succeeded in captur- Nathan, victories and only Walter Two games are in westminster, two Face Maryland Lodge forced Kaplan, however; but ing seventh place in the annual Ma- four defeat's, while Bill Baylies ranks in Baltimore, cue in Emmitsburg, "and George Barrick came through with a son-Dixon track and field classic. second with eleven wins and five loss- one in Gettysburg. 27, the On Home links single into right field and Lodge came Nine men were entered in the meet, es, with Harry Yingling close behind, Starting off on September on in when McNeil, Colonel shortstop, but only three succeeded in capturing having gathered ten wins while losing Green and Gold will tangle with Cort- thumbed the relay. The loss was the paints. Captain Lindsay Chase, Bill but five matches. Gene Belt has a land Teachers on Hoffa Feld, then With the season coming to a swift fourth straight for the Green and Taylor, and Charlie Irwin were near nine and seven record; Capt. Ted move to Baltimore the following week close, the golf squad, after a poor Gold following their lone win over the top, Chase gathering four points, Bowen has won eight while dropping to meet the "terps" from Mary- showing in the state intercollegiates at Johns Hopkins. Bobby Bricker hurled Irwin three and one half, and Taylor eight; Sig Jensen a six and eight land. The Mounts will be next at Hillendale, is looking forward to two for the losers and except for a five record, and Reece Scott has been vic- Emmitsburg, followed by Gettysburg more matches before the final curtain run fourth inning turned in a credit- tortess in three battles. en the Bullets' home grounds, while is brought down. Today the team able job. It was Chase in the two-mile event In the doubles competition, Bayl'ies the Terriers of Boston University meets Catholic University on local who gave Corbett, the Catholic Uni- prepare for their fray ill the Sta- turf and are hoping for another mark On their three day trip a week ago, versity distance star, trouble as he and Belt lead the pack with eleven dium at Baltimore. Then the home in the win column; and on Saturday, the Terrors dropped two tilts, losing sprinted to an early lead and set the triumphs and only four losses; Bowen eleven travels out of sight to Buck- the strong University of Maryland to Seton Hall 8 to 2 and Delaware 10 pace for the first three laps. For the and Baugher have nine wins and six nell, and on November 8 the Terrors team, runners up in the intercoJleg- to 2. Lee Lodge went the route for next four laps the two runners defeats, and Jensen and Ying'ling- celebrate Homecoming Day aginst the Terrors at South Orange, N. J., matched stride for stride, and it was have seven wins and six losses. Scott Dickinson's Red Devils. The ccnclud- iates, invade the local links. giving up 11 saieties, while the Ter- only on the final round that the de- has a three and one record in his contest is with Lafayette at Eas- Past results finds the squad gain- rors had to be content with five base fending champion from C. U. was doubles work, and Jack Warner won Pennsylvania. ing ties with Haverford 3 to 3, beat- hits. able to shake the determined captain his only doubles match. of the Terror team. can be so sad! Such is the ing West Chester twice, 6 to 0 and 5 outlook at the present time. to 1, tying Loyola 3 to 3, bowing to Terrors Tally First Taylor turned in the surprise per- into past records we see Bucknell 1 to 8, and defeating Gettys- Western Maryland scored both runs formance in the two-mile event. Bill The Mt. Vernon School fall and winter athletes end- burg on a rain-swept course 5% to stayed with the leaders for seven 01 Law Green and Gold teams win- 31>. in the first inning, when, with one laps, seemed to be tiring, and was games, losing 26 and tying Although losing Captain Neil Eck- away, Jack Ryan got the first hit of content to drop to seventh place. It Founded 1935 after two months of activ- -enrode, Coach John D. Makosky an- the ball game, went to second as John was on the final stretch of the last Evening Course--4 years lettermen have skidded with ticipates a strong future for the golf Hancock walked, and scored moments lap that Bill called on his reserve LL.B. degree which once again places them team. With Dick Hausler, Fred Hol- later on Lodge's one base blow. With po~_r and sprinted up into fifth place. Excellent faculty the .500 mark. loway, Woody Preston, Mike Phillips, runners on first and third, Kaplan Sa Coach Nathan, "It was one of Successful bar examlnatlon 45 contests the Terrors salvaged Tommy Lavin, and Rip Hudson all flied to deep left field, H'ancock scor- th best races Bill has ever run. He record 13 wins, dropped 29 engagements, returning next year's outlook appears ing after the catch. certainly deserved to place." Approved by Maryland State Board of Education tied 3. With the season praett- rosy. At Delaware, the Terrors were be- The efforts of Charlie Irwin are not eally over there appears to be no way hind 4 to 0 before they scored in the to be overlooked for it was the initial Inquire about our plan of co- of getting back on the winning side first half of the fourth. Kaplan open- Mason-Dixon classic for him. Char- ordinating the study of law one or of the ledger; and except for Coach Battins Averases ed the session with a base hit, Sturm lie-gathered a fourth in both the high more evenings a week, with pres- Frank Hurt's tennis team, the sea. sacrificed, and Barrick singled in the jump and javelin throw. ent college course. son would be an entire flop. Thus with Plnyer Ab R. H SO W Pet. first Terror tally. Delaware came -Write for Catalog- 43 victories, 55 losses, and 8 ties, W~:'~~illS , a s , 0 back in the same inning, added an- Baltimore, Maryland western Maryland looks into the fu- " aa so s a , a other to take a 5 to 0 lead, but the SENIORS, SUBSCRIBE '" a , a , , , ture after a none too successful eem- l1:':,~ge~nan ., '" 0 0 visitors scored again on successive TO THE 18 North Charles Street "" , , , paign. ~:~~ick " '" , , , hits by Ryan, Hanc2ck and Lodge. GOLD BUG " , , 0' " '" , " Ryan This has calibre softball proven itself to be just about as good i~~£:iJliP' " , , , , , The Hens counted five runs in the last year's " , " , , , , innings, the while however, three as any college can brag about. From " , 00 , 0 Terrors were held scoreless. CARROLL THEATRE the four fraternities, an All-Star , " , , " , , 0 , After a slow start, Barrick has 00 team has been chosen and to date is ~rl!~: " , 00 , 0 0 gathered seven base hits in the last Thur., ~ziiE~:EtD ~g-{Rl~; 23, 24' Wednesday, May 28. , 0 leading a league composed of URi- ~:~b~~~!k; , 00 0 0 fifteen times for a .466 average while Jane Stewart Judy Garland "THE LONE WOLF TAKES " , 00 , 0 I'ersity of Baltimore, Maryland Den- ~~~~~D 00 00 0 0 0 i Hancock's nine hits in 22 trips up Hedy Lamarr A CHANCE" " 0 tal School, and Maryland Pharmacist ~-- 0 0 0 - give him a .409 figure for tne last five School tens. Toal 45143 "' .217 games. "RiIGEdi~ ~Ip,IJ~N" Warren Williar, June Storey Robert Montgomery, Bachelors Upset Black And Whites, 72-2, To Force Three Way Tie Ingrid Bergman Thur., Fri. & Sat. Tuesday, May 27 May 29, 30, 31 Behind the five hit pitching of Tom eight bingles. The Preachers tallied "LET'S MAKE MUSIC" "THE SEA WOLF" Elias, the Bachelors upset the Black twice in the initial frame and six At the number two post Johnny Bob Crossby and his Dixieland Band and Whites softball ten, 12 to~2, yes- times in the last three innings. When Williams won two matches while Edward G. Robinson, Ida Lupino terday to force the second round into the same two teams met on Tuesday Verne Weisand in the third spot was At in his three matches. undefeated a three way tie for first place. The in a second round setto, the Preach- the present time, the Preachers hold STATE THEATRE same two teams met this afternoon as ers behind Bud Blair took an 11 to 2 the upper hand in tennis, with the the Preachers gained a bye in the decision. Bachelors second. Thursday, Friday, Saturday Friday, May 30 draw, the winner of the test to play For the second straight year, the May 22, 23, 24 'the latter for the title. Gamma Bets captured the fraternity ''TRAT NIGHT IN RIO" ''TEXAS RANGERS RIDE" On Monday, the Preachers shut out golf title as they won six of their THREE CHAIR SERVICE the Gamma Bets by an 8 to 0 score nine matches. Ed Weant at number No Waiting Don Ameche, Alice Faye AGAIN" and thereby captured the first round one defeated Bachelor Francis Cook HEAGY BROTHERS' with a record of three wins and no and Black and White Jack Quynn. BARBER SHOP Mon. & Tues., May 26, 27 John Howard losses. The game was a played over His only setback came when he was Next to Post Ofjlce "THE BAD MAN BEERY" affair, as the Gamma Bets had pro- bested by the Preachers' Bob Beglin. Wallace Beery, Lionel Barrymore tested a previous 4 to 3 triumph of , \ Loraine Day Delta Pi Alpht. SMITH &: REIFSNIDER For Graduation Gifts see Saturday, May 31 Nemo Robinson, on the mound for Columbia Jewelry Co. Wed. & Thur., May 28, and 29 the winners, set the Blue and Red Incorporated "POT 0' GOLD" "THE DURANGO KID" down with but four safeties, while LUMBER-COAL Latest designs in his teammates rapped Norm Foy for WESTMINSTER, MD. Western .Maryland College ~ewelry Jane Stewart, Paulette Goddard Charles Starrett Liberal Discount
   80   81   82   83   84   85   86