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* CollelOElGHTEENTH ANNUAL MAY DAY CELEBRATION ISSUE ANNUAL VISITORS CROSS WORD PUZZLE DAY ON MAY 10 FOR MAY DAY PAGE 3 PAGE 2 • • Vol. 18, No. 20 • WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. May 1,1941 Coronation Of Coe Will Climax May Day Fete May Day Dance Court Procession, Picnic Supper, To Feature Rohr Play, And Dance Will Be Events And His Band Of Hill's Annual Spring Festival Jack Rohr and his orchestra Kathleen Coe, veteran of the May Day festivities of the past will furnish the music for the three years, will gain the laurels of this year's activities when she annual "leap year" dance, spon- will be crowned May Queen this Saturday, May 3, in the amphi- sored by the Women's Student Government. Saturday evening, theater. May 3, from 8 to 11 :30 P. M. The Queen, who has been an attendant in the May Court every Rohr hails from Baltimore year since she has been at Western Maryland, will preside over a and will be bringing his ten- court of twelve escorts. The members composing this bevy of beau- piece band to the Hill for the ties are the following; Jeannette Wigley, senior duchess, Anne Dexter and Addie Ruth Williams, senior attendants; Edna Triesler, first time when he plays for the junior duchess, Mabel Greenwood and Jean Lamoreau, junior at- May Day celebration Saturday night. tendants; Mary Francis Hawkins, sophomore duchess, Peggy Coe To Reign _________ ~ Wilson and Mary Ann Hassenplug, During the intermission, Kathleen Coe and her May Court will reign sophomore attendants; Doris Himler, over the festivities and will lead the Mozart Concert freshman duchess, Rebecca Larmore, promenade. and Dorothy Wharton, freshman at- The dance is a semi-formal, pro- Will Be Given t€ndants. gram dance consisting of twelve sets, Allan Spicer Assists and costs one dollar a couple for ad- Allan Spicer will assist in the cere- mittance. By Orchestra mony as crown-bearer, and Margaret Following the "Leap Year" custom Whitfield, as flower girL Florence the girls are doing the inviting and Featuring as soloist, Jane Fraley, Kobelgard and Helen Heminghaus are arranging the programs for the pianist, and Mr. Alfred de Long, will be the heralds. dance. After the pageantry of the May In the receiving line, will be bass-baritone, the department o:f mu- Court procession and the crowning of "Queen" Kathleen Coe and Neil Eck- sic will present the Westetn Mary- the May Queen by Dr. Holloway, a enrode, Betty Brown and Robert land College Symphony Orchestra in one-act play directed by Lucie Leigh Annual Spring- Concert on its tenth Stropp and Jeanne Shank and escort. 'I'hursday, May 1, at 8 o'clock in A,l- Barnes will be presented in the am- Jeanne Shank, general chairman of umni Hall, Mr. Philip Royer conduct- phitheater. tho dance, has announced that all ar- ing. This program will be a part of Cast Of Play rangements have been made for the The cast o:f this play, Tho Prince dance by the following committee: the nation-wide sesquicentennial cele- Who Was A Piper by Harold Brig- programs, Elise Wiedersum, chair- bration of the death of Wolfgang house, is composed of the following man, Edna Bandorf, Frances Dillaway, Amodeus Mozart and will tinclude girls: Deborah Bowers, Virginia Bell, Muriel Harding, Margaret Rudisill, Mozart's music only. Dorothy Attix, Phebe Robinson, Lu- Cordelia Price, and Julia Rose Collin- The orchestra has forty members cie Leigh Barnes, Victoria Hurley, son. and will include among its players Doris Davenport, Jeanne Trump, Caltrider On Decorations two alumni, Miss Beulah Griffin, now Mary Miller, Ruth MacVean, and the Decorations, Ruth Caltrider, teaching music in Great Mills, Mary- dancers: Virginia Kinnaman, Betty chairman, Betty Armstrong, Eileen land and Mr. Henry Reindollar, who Copperthwait, Betty Shivers, Ruth Trott, Margaret Rudy, Thelma Bow- teaches in La Plata, Maryland. Both Broderick, Virginia Elzey, Doris en, Betty Ellwein, Jeanne Kaestner, are former members of the orchestra. Cummings, Jean Bentley, Ann Cov- and Phyllis Cade; refreshments, Mary Miss Fraley is a music student un- ington, Shirley Belle Reese, and Jane Stevenson, chairman, Annett-e Hutch- der the tutelage of Mr. Oliver H. MacComas, and the valets: Dorothy ins, Mary Jane Jeffries, and Florence Spangler. Mr. de Long is a former Rovccamp and Rebecca Wooden. El- Barker; publicity, Mildred Harding, member o:f an opera company, havingo lene Edmond is director of the dance. chairman, Phyllis Dietsch, Adele Mas- performed in the United States and Following the play which has been tell, Mary C. Hudson, Ruth A. Whit- Canada. The program is as follows: more, Alice Kiefer, and Jeanne Dief- planned by the Woman's Student fenbach. Overture to "The Marriage o:f Figa- Government, with Betty supper Brown which in charge, will be a picnic ro" Kathleen Cae will be served to all students, parents, Women's SGA Symphony No. 40 in G Minor and guests, on the lawn surrounding Molto Allegro the summer house. Andante Candidates For Dean's Omce Becomes Bedroom Menuetto: Allegretto Miss Tweed, dietitian. be prepared by will Box suppers Finale: Allegro assai Prexy Chosen As Men Vie' For Best Rooms The Catalogue Aria, from "Don with a leap year dance in GiU Gym- The May Day celebration will close Elaine Barnes, Mabel Greenwood, Juan" nasium. Ruth MacVean, Dorothy Attix, Betty (Picture on page 6) No More You'll Rove, from "The Ellwein, and Pat White were nomi- Marriage o:f Figaro" nated to the office of: president of the Room-reservation-day tor men bring home to his roommate the de- Alfred de Long Chemistry Group women's Student Government Asso- again transformed the Dean's office sired bacon. ciation on Tuesday evening by the into a bedroom for persevering night Tuesday night the fort was held Coricertino in C women boarding students. The '41- owls, as students flocked to the first by eight men who passed the time by Transcribed for Piano and Cham- To Hear Hopkins '42 president will be elected by- secret floor B section twelve hours before reading the Police Gazette. The first ber Orchestra by Phillip James ballot in assembly on May 12. opening gun to insure getting their to arrive was "Deacon" Boulden, who Allegro . Dr. B. S. Hopkins, professor of in- In the near future there will be a desired future homes. had chosen his place on the sofa at Jane Fraley organic chemistry of the University meeting in Smith Hall of all girls to This year's series of all night vigils 12:06 (noon). George Wilson, who of Illinois, will present a paper to the nominate and elect the honor chair- had cut drill to insure his place, de- Maryland section of the American man and vice-president for next year. began Sunday evening when William cided to let his future roommate keep Chemical Society at 8:30 P. M. on These two and the president must be Leatherman, Bingo Binns, and Wil- his place in the line. The deacon was Rev. Berger To Address Friday, May 9, in McDaniel nall chosen from the incoming senior liam Clark, all desirous of fourth very much interested in selling his Lounge. Dr. Hopkins is best known class. Each class, at the same meet- fioor rooms in Albert Norman Ward place at the head of the line for the Sunday School Meeting as the discoverer o:f element 61, which office en masse. ing, will elect at class ropresentatlve. Hall, invaded the sweet sum of $10.00. he named Illinium in honor of the The incoming junior representative Monday night's crowd consisted of Jimmie Skidmore, Bill Sires (he as- The Rev. Edward Berger, Episco- University of Illinois. automatically becomes the treasurer, Bert Jones, Abe Gruel, John Han- serts that he studied through it all), pal minister, will address the Sunday Dr. Hopkins also has written sever- while the sophomore representative cock, and Willis Witter. Willie the Jim Griffin, and Em Gross, who had School congregation on""'_Sunday,May al college chemistry textbooks and is will act as secretary. Soon after Wit, was well pleased with the re- brought a radio with him, were seek- 4, at 9:15 A. M. in Baker Chapel. The one of the regular contributors to the school begins in September, house sults of his one-night stand-he was ing rooms for next year in Lower services for that morning will be con- scientific journals of research. presidents will be elected who will successful in getting the room he ducted by Mary Houston Wright. Presiding over the meeting will be complete the membership of the wanted, fourth floor, D section. He McKinstry. The only person from Doris Ba~er will present a solo Dr. Howard H. Lloyd, chairman of o:f Old Ward was Lew the precincts S.G.A. also said that if the Dean had more voice selection during the program. the Maryland section of the Ameri- comfortable sofas, and that if the Aumack, who was worrying about A special Mother's Day service will can Chemical Society. Secretary of Men's SGA Candidates gentlemen of B section would go to having to carry his whole bed back to be held on Sunday, May 11, according the section is Edward S. Hopkins, his room. Carl Webb (the B section bed earlier, the school would profit Asked To Contact Faw considerably. Witter said he enjoyed blonde) was in the ranks; Roy Gerd- to Jeannette The program committee Principal Sanitary Engineer of Balti- a Brannock, Sunday School president. more City. Mr. Hopkins has taught All junior men who are inter- the fireworks, bonfire, and Indian war ing was the lone member in favor of has announced no definite program as course in sanitation chemistry at out the lights so they might turning ested in running for the position dances performed in honor of the "all get some sleep". yet, but the speaker will be, in all Western Maryland College alternate- of president of the Men's Student "atay-awakees." Most of the vigilantes seemed well probability, a mother who is a mem- ly in the last few years. Government are requested to ex- Bert Jones, who had wrestled all satisfied with. it all, however, except ber of the faculty. According to William G. Leather- press their desires to Robert Faw, night with a mattress on the floor, that they couldn't see the humor in On May 18, the last meeting of the man, president of the Western Mary- president of the Men's Student was not so pleased with results of his the act of some rank outsider who year; new officers chosen on May 5 land College chemistry club, this Government, by Wednesday, May watch. He had his room all picked burned sulfur in their chosen bed- will be installed by Dean Lloyd Ber- meeting will take the place of the 7. out, but failed, for some reason, to room during the night. tholf. regular meeting of that organization.
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