Page 79 - TheGoldBug1940-41
P. 79
The Gold Wesbninster, Md., May 1, 1941 PAGE THREE Dean Hudson Escorts Of The Queen . • • Students Sign To Play For I For Courses Pan-Hellenic 'Next Week Thirteen-Piece Orchestra Several Important Changes Is Most Expensive Ever Listed In New Bulletin By To Play For Dance Here Registrar For Year '41 -'42 Dean Hudson and his orchestra has Registration for the college year been signed to furnish the music for 1941-42 will open Tuesday, May 6, the Pan-Hellenic dance to be held on with several important catalogue Saturday evening, May 24, according changes listed. Students may register to Thomas Lewis, general chairman for courses with their advisors of the Pan-Hell Dance committee. In throughout the entire week. A fine of signing Dean Hudson, the Inter-fra- $2.00 will be imposed for late regis- ternity-Inter-sorority Council has se- tration. cured one of the most expensive bands The Department of Library Science, ever to play for a Western Maryland which was set up last year under Pro- dance. fessor Edwin C. Mirise, is offering Dean Hudson will bring to the Hill new courses in administration of a thirteen-piece orchestra and two school librm-ies, the history of books vocalists who can and printing, and the teaching of the be h e e rd any use of books and libraries. Monday, Tuesday The Courses in religious education and Wednesday and philosophy, which were formerly morning over Sta- listed under separate departments, tion WMAL at -, Members of the May Court around whom activities leen Coe (Queen), Anne Dexter, Margaret Whitfield, I wi'll be merged to form the Depart- 9:15 A. M. and will center this Saturday; left to right; Dorothy wbur- Addie Ruth 'Williams, Edna Triesler, Mary Anne Has- ment of Philosophy and Religion, over Station ton, Doris Himler, Peggy 'Wilson, Jean Lemoreau, Ma- sen plug, Mary Frances Hawkins, Rebecca Larmore. headed by Dr. Lawrence C. Little. , WEAL at 9:30 A. bel Greenwood, Jeanette Wigley, Allan Spicer, Kath- (Story on page 1) This department is offering new M. Included in the courses-a survey course in philoso- orchestra are sev- phy and religion, courses in American and Visitors Day To BeHe~d May 10 Thomas Lewis era! musicians who and European philosophy, and one in have been featured Biblical history. with Isham Jones, Lee Brown, The courses in business education the Pickens sisters. which were included in the Depart- Aside from playing at Western Large Number Of Senior Program Will Open With ment of Economics and Business Ad- Maryland this spring, Dean Hudson Sche'/,;Ie For Registration Of Guests' ministration are being discontinued. is furnishing the music for the Junior High School Students Is Visitors' Day Miss Edna Harley, who was the in- Prom at North Carolina State. Last Expected By College In McDaniel Lounge structor in this department, will not year his orchestra played at twenty- 10 A. M. Registration McDaniel return to the Hill in the fall. six colleges, including University of Visitors' Day, annual event at . Lounge verstties in the surrounding parts Dr. Marian R. Bartlett of the De- Florida, Hudson's alma mater, Dart- Western Maryland College, will be Sightseeing Trip have been invited. partment of Psychology, who came to mouth, and Iowa State. held this year on Saturday, May 10. Address of welccme--, Dr. Hol- The feature attraction of the day Western Maryland in January of this Preparations for the dance have al- With invitations being sent to. all loway will be an exhibition spring football- year, will remain here. As yet, no ready gotten underway and the fol- Maryland high school pupils, to all Address on Curricula-c-Dr. Ber- intersquad game to be held on Hoffa eucceasor has been appointed to fill lowing committees have been ap- that are already represented at West- tholf-Alumni Hall Field. This will be the first contest the vacancy created by the resigna- pointed: decorations, William Leath- ern Maryland, and to all who have 1 P. M. Lunch-Dining Hall of its nature to be held at this insti- tion of Ell'. Walter L. Nathan. erman, cha'irman ; \Villiam Parks, communicated in any manner with tution. During the game the R. O. Joseph Rouse,' Edna Bandorf, and the school, a crowd of 300 or more ob- 2:30 P. M. Tennis Match with T. C. band will play, providing a typi- PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS Judy Collinson; publicity, Mickey servers of Western Maryland College Loyola College cal football atmosphere. Reynolds, chairman; Miriam Shroy- life is expected to come from most er, John Ryan, Guy Windsor, and Maryland high schools and from close after Dean Free and Dean Ad- SMITH &: REIFSNIDER Marvin Evans; invitations, Mildred many schools in the surrounding kins describe tlle general life and ac- Incorporated CASSELL'S Melvin, chairman; Mabel Greenwood, states, extending as far north as New tivities to be found on the campus. Jean Lamoreau, Eileen Edmonds, Phil England. All guests will then have lunch in the LUMBER-COAL Bechtel, William Vincent, Frank Tar- The program for the day begins at college dining room at 1:00 P. M. In WESTMINSTER. MD. button, and Royce Gibson; programs, 10 A. M., with all visitors registering the afternoon the visitors will watch Jewelers Lewis Elliott, chairman j Ellen Giles, in McDaniel Hall Lounge. Following a tennis match with Loyola College of Virginia Elzey, and Leigh Venzke. this procedure, all the guests will be Baltimore and the Western Maryland The Store of New Fashioned Jewelry escorted about the buildings and ThePerfec! Permanent and Old Fashioned Honesty grounds by men and women of the College invitation golf tournament to J. WM. HULL, Owner student body. which the various colleges and uni- 51 E. Main St. Westminster, Md. After the sightseeing trip, the vis- For Your Hair itors will assemble for a general THREE CHAIR SERVICE Our New HALLIWELL MA· meeting of the entire group in Alumni No Waiting Hall. President Holloway will open HEAGY BROTHERS' CHINE adjusts the waving the meeting with a speech of welcome, BARBER SHOP temperature to your individ- after which talk Dr. Bertholf will Next to POllt Office ual texture of hair. discuss the curricula offered by Make an appointment today • President Fred G. Holloway will Western Maryland College. hold a buffet dinner in honor of sen- The Assembly will be brought to a SC~~,OL HORTICULTURE WO~~~ for this that comfortable perma- for nent PERFECT is ior students at his home on May 13. Shorl Summer Couru July 7 10 AUKu.t Z • The college was glad to see Mr. SbRra in natlon~l delense, prepa.II for inter your hair. and Mrs. Sherwood Balderson return esting eueers. Intensi"ework. Phone 395 to the Hill for a visit last week-end. Compliments of Fruit Growing Floriculture Vegetabl" Gardening Lnnd.""peDesign Mrs. Balderson was formerly Bert Po,:,liry Raising Trees nnd Shrubs :Materials DaIrying Plant Gosnell ... both she and her hus- Mitten's Bakery . Son Science Beekeeping Lowry Beauty Salon band were graduates of '38. Also 2·YT. diploma co",,"e. Catalog. Ambler, Pa Mrs . .Tarnell Bush·Brown, • News from the sororities .. Ruth Reese entertained Sigma Sigma Tau --+-- at a buffet supper given at her horne 2.p E. Main Street on April 23 .. on April 26 Phi Al- pha Mu celebrated its fifteenth birth- WESTMINSTER, MD. CARROLL THEATRE day with a dinner for its members, Phone 220 "- Today, Friday, and Saturday Thursday, and Friday, May 8 and 9 followed by a dance later in McDan- May 1, 2, and 3 iel Lounge with Gamma Beta Chi The Aldrich Family in fraternity members as its guests . Charlie Chaplin in "LIFE WITH HENRY" all the sororities are making plans ''THE GREAT DICTATOR" with Jackie Cooper for swimming parpes in warmer BEAUTIFUL weather ... the Sigma spring rush Monday. Tuesday, and Wednesday Saturday, Monday, and Tuesday May 5, 6,"and 7 party is scheduled for May 7 ..• the ASSORTMENT May 10, 12, and 13 alumnae members of Sigma Sigma ''THE LADY EVE""i", "HIGH SIERRA" Tau will hold a tea for the present MOTHER'S DAY Barbara Henry Starring club members on }\fay 10 ... all the CARDS Stanwick Fonda Ida Lupino Humphrey Bogart sororities will have open house on May Day. PERSONAL STATE THEATRE • Former State Senator and Mrs. ~TATIONERY Milton T. Veasey have announced the _. '$1 00 engagement of their daughter Jane to 100 Sheers ..' Today, May 1 Wednesday and Thursday May 7 and 8 HARVEST" Dr. John R. Stehn of Green Bay, 100 Envelopea.; _ • French film with English captions Ginger James Step out gaily in FLATTER- Wisconsin ... Miss Veasey's fiance sponsored by W.M.C. French Club Rogers Stewart NIT ••. the new hosiery was formerly an instructor of physics P. G. Coffman Co. in fabric with a flatter, almost at Harvard University and is now Friday, May 2 "VIVACIOUS LADY" ribless surface that resists doing research work for the Western Times Building "PLAYGIRL" with Kay Francis Cartridge Company ... the wedding WESTMINSTER. MD. Saturday, May 3 Friday, May 9 runs and snags. New colors will take place in June. ''THE BORDER LEGION" "FOOTLIGHT FEVER" • .. new styles thqt will with Roy Rogers Alan with Donald keep their elasticity and THE ONLY Monday and Tuesday, May 5 and 6 Mowbray MacBride LUX beautifully! COURSE IN PRACTICAL ADVERTISING Louisa M. Alcott's $1.00 1:-' W.ASHIKGTON, D. C. "LIITLE MEN" Saturday, 1\Iay 10 with ~xpe~~~~~t-;(~"!d,~~~;~t~~"d fl~~'r"r~~~~inL:a~;rilS;m~e:"jilaJ'6"~~ hail): t~~:d"~~~~"lhei:a!ign:ro't'l!mBB~ K.y Jack "BORDER VIGILANTS" N.ATIONAL ART SOHOOL. 1503 21st STREET Francis Oakie with William Boyd T. W. Mather « Sons DUPONT 1934 AND 2610 CALEB O'OONNOR, .Advertising Direetor. New studenta may r.uistllr the flr~t Tuesday of the month. i I
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