Page 82 - TheGoldBug1940-41
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PAGE SIX The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md., May 1, 1941 Military Unit Active As Inspection Solic/ Comlorl ••• Th. Morning Aft.r .... (Cont. from page 4, col. 5) And Enrollment Take Place Dick immediately asked them the score. One of the players answered Lt. Col. Frank B. Lammons Applicants For Advanc.d rather proudly, "8 to 3, Mr, Harlow," not "That's Dick smiled and muttered To Inspect Battalion Course S.t R.cord so bad" upon which all three scream- On May 5, 6 As 53 M.n Apply ed in unison, "Not bad-we beat the bums." Lt. Col. Frank B. Lammons, Infan- Breaking all past records for ad- We certainly could stand a pleasant try, in charge of the first military dis- vanced military enthusiasts, 53 out of surprise like that this year. About trict of the Third Corp Area, with its 68 eligible enrollees have declared the only ray of hope in the present headquarters at Pittsburgh, Pennsyl., their' desire to continue with the ad- season are some of the boys' clubbing vania, will be the official War depart- vanced course, which has as its pur- averages. Don Honeman is the most ment representative during annual pose the training of officers for the consistent hitter, and Manny Kaplan R. O. T. C. inspection next Monday organized reserves. is doing his share with the bat. Ryan and Tuesday, May 5 and 6, respect- Out of the 53 applicants the de- has been getting base hits; and Bob ively. partment expects to enroll 25 or 26 in Brickel' is at least getting his wood Col. Lammons is a World War of- the advanced courses, according to on the ball, even if all of them are not ficer with overseas experience, and Percy L. Sadler, Professor of Mili- falling safely. But the bingles are has officiated at similar inspections at tary Science and Tactics. The main coming- at the wrong time, at least various ether colleges an~ universi- considerations governing selections from the Terror outlook, and there is ties. • will be qualities of leadership, mili- all the trouble. The visiting officer will observe tary ability, interest in work, military With men on the sacks, the bom- both theoretical and practical instruc- grades, and academic - standing in Bingo Binns, Bill Leatherman, and Brownie recline at ease in Dean harding stops-and it's not because tion, in addition to a scheduled drill school. Free's office, to secure choice nooks in the New Dormitory. Brownie was the pitching is tougher in these spots. by the entire unit on Monday after- Physical examination of all those refused a room by the Dean. Story on page L Nevertheless, the season is still young noon, May 5, from 1:10 P. M. to ap- declaring their intentions to continue and perhaps-well, we're hoping that proximately 4:00 P. M. There will the course will be held during the let- Louise Young Is Elected Track Meet. something will happen to make our also be an inspection of administra- boys say, "not bad-we beat the bums." tion, class records, clothing, supplies, ~:t~:r:t o~o~: ~~a~~:::!~~a~n a~~[ President Of Argonauts (Cont. from page 5, col. 4) and preparation of inspection forms. timore, but definite selections w:ill not Louise Young was elected president when the latter sprinted neal' the fin- Doctor Nathan's chances of making All these factors will be considered in be made until the middle of the sum- of the Argonauts for the coming ish line. This race accounted for the track team a crack team are con- the awarding of the rating, which has timfally receiving set backs. First, it been excellent for the past two years. mer, at which time all applicants will year at a meeting held Tuesday, eight of the team's 27 points. Irwin was the injury to Arlie Mansberger, Col. Percy L. Sadler, PMS and T, be notified. April 22. Miss Young is a member and Jim Tindel' were tied for second Fred Bohn's sore knee, Bob Soren- The following men desire to take who feels optimistic about the future the advanced military course: H. B. of the present junior class and is a in place in the high jump, the and Irwin sen's bum leg, and Bill Robinson's honors missed javelin for- graduition third candidate place in rating of the unit, has asserted that sicknesa; secondly, the Terrors jour- "the r-ight; spirit coupled with a little Gusgesky, Glenn E. Martin, JOe mathematics. Other officers elected throw by the scant margin of l,4 inch. neyed to the Penn Relays and finished effort by every man in the battalion ii:t:~~~:~e~!~e~.':iC~;i~~~~::Il: were: vice-president, Isaac Rehert; W~J~e~h:n~e:;,;:t~e;~et~eUI~~~~ ~e~~ ninth in a field of ten. . in the cleaning of shoes, brass, leath- Cohen, Josh Ensor, Emanuel J. Kap- secretary, Elizabeth Tyson; treasur- rors to score victories, Wildey win- Doc is still keeping at it. however, er, uniform, and rifle will inevitably and expects much better results when P. Suffern, Robert F. So- and Irwin the ning the pole vault, lan, Frank lead to a successful inspection." rensen, William O. Prettyman, James er, Bill Leatherman. high-jump. Irwin also placed second the boys work back into shape again. Plans were made' for the annual Col. Sadler also wishes to e'mpha- size that drill is scheduled for Mon- ~. ~~:'::rt~VPa:e~~~r~~:,s~~~:e~:: banquet, which will be held on May 20 :~ast~':nj:e:~~: j~~~e 8~~t;a;t:u~~:~ day afternoon, May 5, at 1:10 to ap- E. Bachman, Jr., A. Ridgely Friedel, at the Charles Carroll Hotel at 6:30. was Hall in the 440. Chase scored sec- proximately 4: 00. In event of incle- Adam H. Slysofski, T. Bosley Baugh- Dr. William Tolley, president of AI- onds in the one and two mile races, ment weather on this day, the same er-, Robert T. Siemon, Clarence F. Jegheny College at Meadville, Penn- was followed by Taylor in the two program will be moved to the follow. Harry Cook, ' GrueH, John Nowak, ing day, Tuesday, 12;40 to approxi- Scott, AlbertNewman, .Francis D. :Y:lv:an:ia~'~W~il~lb~,~t~h,~gu::,,:t:'P:,"~k'~':".~:m:ile~':v:'n:t.=======,!~~~~~~~~~~ mately 4:00 P. M. Thomas E. Price, John H. Nace, How- ard C. Deeds, Jr., William Dumler, J. Blair, John M. Robinson, Frencl;r Club Captures Francis P. Shubert, Joseph A. Elliott, IN THE NAVY Earl /- Play Honors Lee D. Lodge, Frederick H. Bohn, Jr., J. Lavin, J. Robert Thomas Jr., Coached by Miss Margaret Snader, Moore, John M. Wjlliams, John A. of the French department, the players Hancock, James C, Hancock, James I. Beglin, Willis D. A. Robert Elliott, of Fellcas et M elisande by Maeternick F. Evans, Tony L. Fleming, WiI!iam J/JChesterfield won the first prizf( of the 1941 inter- Witter, Joseph S. Whiteford, Clyde college competition Ifor £6 CfJrle R. Boller, James B. Higman, Marvin Francaise of Western Maryland Col- lege on Thursday, April 25, at the C. Baylies, James J. Thomas, Jr., University of Mar-yland. This year Van D. Hudson, Richard Shuck, and the COOLER, MILDER, BETTER- marks the third successive time that William M. Clarke. Western Maryland has triumphed. The roles of Pelleas and Melisande TASTING cigarette that SATISFIES were played by David Osborn and Edna Triesler, both members of the Compliments Chesterfield has so many things a junior class. of smoker likes that it's just naturally called the smoker's cigarette. Because they're made from the world's best cigarette tobaccos, you'll enjoy Chesterfield's COOLER, BETTER TASTE. They're really MILDER too. Get ICE yourself a pack of Chesterfields. CREAM EVERYWHERE YOU GO '1fqf~ J BORDENs IF ITS For Graduation Gifts see ..._'T_S_€QI_O_"_0,.J _ BE GOOD Columbia Jewelry Co. • Latest designs in WESTMINSTER,. MD. Western Maryland College Jewelry City Restaurant • • WESTMINSTER'S BEST PLi\CE TO EAT • 12 W. MAIN STREET
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