Page 86 - TheGoldBug1940-41
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PAGE Foul( The Gold Bug. Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md., May 22, 1941 Oil Portrait Of Schedule Of Conferences Commencement •••• ROTC Noles ..•. winners in the band were First Ser. geant William G. Vincent, Corp. Wil. (Cont. from page 1, col. 5) (Cont. from page 1, col. 5) Ham O. Prettyman, Dr. Wills To' For Summer Announced the course of the annual in which all w. Bakel', Gold Medal; -Seccnd Harry L Diefenbach and Cadet Viron Baccalau- vanced Course, First Sergeant reate Service, a program Year Be Presented have a complete schedule College will the churches At 7:30 Westminster will basic course, Silver Corporal First Year B. Photography At Its Best Western Maryland of Joseph of confer- part.icipate. P. M. the Col- Workman, Medal; ences, training schools, and institu- lege Choir .will present a concert in basic course, Cadet Fred A. Kullmar, Presentation to the school of the oil tional meetings this summer. Various Alumni Hall consisting of the selec- Jr., Bronze Medal. portrait of Dr. George Stockton church organizations and teachers tions sung on their recent concert Westminster Studio also received Band members Wills, head of the English depart- groups, who find the college conven- tour in Baltimore and Washington. awards at the same exercises. their Cap- ment, will be made at the annual AI· iently located and well-equipped for Highlight and climax of the events tain William M. Banks and First Individual end Group umni banquet on May 31 in the din- such activities, arc sponsoring indi- of the week-end will be the seventy- Lieutenant Robert O. Lambert re- ing hall. vidual events in this program. first commencement program, in al- Pictures The painting was completed about The first meeting will be June 7 to umni Hall at 10 A. M. Monday, June ceived college letters. Other award December, and its presentation is be- 9, when the Women's Baptist Mlsston- 2. RU5kin B. Warren ing made possible by contributions aty Association of the District of Co-- Following the prayer and the pre- PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS from former students of Western lumbia has its annual convention. sentation of a selection by the College Maryland, in recognition of Dr. There will be a high school teachers' Orehestra, Bishop Leonard will ad- Wills' outstanding record of service. conference July 14. From June 20 to dress the seniors, their friends, and The arrangements for the ceremony 22 the Washington Young Peoples' are in charge of Col. T. K. Harrison, Conference will take place. The young relatives. After the address, the or- City Restaurant executive secretary of the Alumni As- Adult Conference on June 27·29 and chestra will offer another selection. The R. O. T. C. will award the com- sociation. the Junior High Conference from missions of second lieutenants in the The committee in charge of this June 30 to July 6 complete the June Reserve Army to graduates of the undertaking is headed by Mr. Henry calendar. four-year course. After the R. O. T. • • Gilligan, '01. The other members are A summer school for ministerial C. commissions have been awarded, Mr. Roger J. Whiteford, ' 06; Dr. training meets on July 6 and lasts un- Wills and Wiley Chase, '23; Mr. Ly- til July 13. In the meantime, the EI· degrees will be conferred on the grad. WESTMINSTER'S BEST PLACE TO EAT uates by Dr. Holloway. man L. Long, '24; Mrs. Miriam Royer ementary Leaders' Conference is Brickett, '27; Miss Ida Mae Thomas scheduled for July 11·13. From July Riley, '36; and professors Dean W. 14 to 20 the Senior High Conference CASSELL'S -- Jewelers • Hendrickson and John D. Makosky of convenes. Then the Young Peoples' the faculty. Conference, with Dr John N. Link as The Store of New Fashioned Jewelry dean, meets July 21·27. July closes and Old Fashioned Honesty 12 W. MAIN STREET' with the Alexandria District Insn- J. WM. HULL, Owner tute, which continues until August 2. 51 E. Main St. Westminster, Md. The friendly place to meet There is a ministers' conference from August 25 to August 29, and a meet- your friends ing of the Organized Bible Class As- Phone 300 NOTICE TO SENIORS Special Notice t. Under Graduates 30 to September 1. sociation August class COLUMBIA, BLUEBIRD CARROLLEEN The demand is greater than the Take future Have steady vacations in instructions employ. Shorthand. Summer during ment Home Cooked Lunches supply for A. B- and B. S. degree and a resourceful money making And VICTOR RECORD Individual Coiffures Secretaries. Qualify at once. Term asset on completing college by ae- touch stenography and Carefully Prepare
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