Page 80 - TheGoldBug1940-41
P. 80
The Gold Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md., May 1, 1941 Seminary Will All American Honor Rating -Music Recitals THE=====. Graduate Four To Be Offered MORNING College Alumni Won By '40-'41 Gold Bug In Levine Hall .==========~AFTER All American "superior" honor rat- points accredited to the college paper By John Robinson ing was awarded the Gold Bug by the last year when the Gold Bug was Or. Nolan 8. Harmon Will Associated Collegiate Press critical awarded the First Class "excellent" Hawkins, Carnochan, And SPORTS EDITOR Address Graduates May S service for the past semester for the rating for the second time. Huffman To Give Varied ye~~dJa!~rR;:: h::v::~n ~~sccse:~:: Special was In Immanuel Church first time in the eighteen year history Editor-in-chief commendation Triesler given Programs May 2, 6 & 9 in the batter's box opposite John Sel- The rating was of the school paper. for Henry Four alumni of Western Maryland based on news value, news editing, the sense and maturity that was pres- Mary Frances Hawkins, John Car- by. Selby, Washington Coil e g e College will be included in the four- features, headlines, typography, ent in his editorials and the eye-ap- nochan, Jr., and Betty Jo Huffman, mound Star, and OUl' own Ryan teen graduates of the Westminster make-up, editorials, and sports of the pealing quality of his makeup. The music majors, will present recitals in have tangled each spring of their Theological Seminary at the 58th an- issues of the first semester of the sports page under William C. Robin- Lev:ine Hall on May 2, 6, and 9 reo collegiate and three years nual commencement exercises on May 1940-41 session. son, was praised for its coverage, spectively. in high school. 5-6. They are as follows: Alfred With headlines, typography, make- treatment, writing, and display. Miss Hawkins, soprano, will be ac- The most recent, Odell Osteen, Edward Richard Simms, up, and department pages receiving- In cr-iticizing- the Gold Bug, the As- companied at the piano by Oliver and perhaps the Harold Bell Wright, and Malcolm the highest number of points for su- sociated Collegiate Press suggested Spangler of the music department. last of the string Francis Wright. periority, the Gold Bug amassed 845 several phases of the paper that could Her program is as follows: of encounters, Those to receive diplomas and de- points to be well beyond the 825- be improved. It cited the scarcity of As the DrYVe Laments Her LrYVe went to Ryan grees are Donald Oscar Hornung, points minimum for an All American human interest features, speech re- (Acis and .Galathea)-Handel; Voi, who bested the Walter Howard Baker, John Harper rating. ports, local tie, ins, and the need for Cke 8apete (L6 Nozze Di Fizal'o)- flreballer from Dawson, John Arnold Frehor, Donald This was far better than the 715 anecdotes of campus life. Mozart; The Mermaid's 80'l1.g_ the 'Shore as he Harmon Miller, Norman McGrail Haydn; Feldeinsamkeit - Brahms; pinched a single Parr, Paul Wesley Pentz, Warren Botschoft - Brahms; Morgen _ R. between t h i r d Wright Almy, James Arthur Rich- Is College Worthwhile ? ~ Strauss: Stam.dcJum.---R. Strauss; and short in his a~ds, and Edward Veily Strasbaugh. L'heure Bequiee - Hahn; Chanson Robinson only time at bat. The commencement exercises will Senior Students Discuss What d'autr6fois - Benoist; Je Dis Que Selby, however, be held in the Immanuel Church in RUm. Ne M'epouvante (Carinen)- had his inning, since he did limit the Westminster. Dr. Nolan B. Harmon, College Has Meant To Them Bizet; D() Not Go, Illy Lovc--Hagc_ Terrors to two runs while his mates Book Editor of the Methodist Pub- man; Sk(lph(Jrd, Thy Demeanor Vary ccllected seven. In this manner, the lishing House, New York City, will Green and Gold dropped the first deliver the address to the graduates. By William Anthony -Old English; The Sleep That Fliu Mason-Dixon baseball game of the President Charles Edward Forlines Rousseau once said that education By Ruth l\Ians'berger On Baby's Eyes-Carpenter; Who'll year, 7 to 2. will deliver the Baccalaureate Ser- There is infinitely more to college Buy My Lavender-German; Tell Me, Ryan Notes Improvement mon in the Immanuel Methodist is not a preparation for life; it is life than what can be gained from books. o Blue, Blue Sky-Giannini. Long John, as he is better known, Church at 10:45 A. M. on Sunday, itself. That principle is clearly dem- In fact, if the benefits derived from Miss Jane Veasey wi.ll accompany has come a long way since his high May 4, At 8 P. M. that evening Dr. onstrated in the visionary and imagi- college were dependent upon this one John Carnochan, baritone, when he School days and, according to Ryan, native growth that we may obtain in Clifford Homer Richmond, '20, will the college classroom. This broaden- factor, I would say that college is a sings the following selections on is much faster and smarter than when deliver the Alumni sermon. waste of time. Tuesday, May 6: both performed on Delaware soil. The annual Senior Banquet will be ing of our mental horizon is some- But college is not a waste of time, AM, Troppo (J Duro--Monteverde; John has a brothel', Lou, who carries held in Centenary Methodist Church thing that virtually defies explanation for besides information gained from Dom;elle, Fuggit6-Cavallij Obocca on the baseball tradition by perform- on Monday, May 5, at 1 P. M. Charles in such a short space, for it required books, which as I have asserted I feel DoWroBa.-Sibella; SpiII·ate Pur-Do- ing at the University of Delaware in Forlines, organist, the Seminary four years of constant exposure to ac- to be incidental, it gives one the op- nandy j Vis-ion Fugitive ("Herodi- the capacity of first baseman, quire even a 'precious Fruhlingstraum..- smattering. ade")-Massenet; Chorus, and James Arthur Richards, portunity to develop his personality Give the golf team a big hand for baritone, win present a vesper re- High School Different in ways that no other type life could Schubert; Die Post--Schubert; Die their fine showing against the strong cital in Centenary sanctuary the In high school we gathered facts, possibly give, Nebensonnen--Schubert; Dol' Sturm- University of Baltimore dub last same evening at 8 P. M. with little or no provision for correla- Helps Toward Unselfishness isoh~ M o)·gen..-Schubert j DM Wirt.h..- week. After falling weakly before tion or overview. In college we also It helps many people to become less Bhaas-Schubert; Quiet--Sanderson; the University of Maryland on the acquired facts, but there was integra- selfish and to learn their relative im- Morning Hymn'- Henscfel; Sweet previous afternoon, Coach Makosky's Bank., Band Captain, Has tion and fusion so that the facts rep- portance. For example, when I first Little Jeeus Boy-Mac Gimsey; In lads battled all the way, only to lose resented a more or less unified picture came to college I was about as the Silence of Night-Rachmaninoff; on the foreign turf, 5 to 4. Received Record Numbe~ of the inter-active character of Intel- "cocky" as they come. I had been o In My; As I Went Greiner Bests Hausler lectual pursuits. Thus comes a liberal spoiled .in high school-had led my A-roaming-Brahe; Cl
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