Page 76 - TheGoldBug1940-41
P. 76
PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westininster, MeL, April!7, 1941 Davenport Is WHERE'S GEORGE?-- Henry Triesler - and a mem- journalism. At present, however, the army will provide" the most immediate Henry as class president SeA Prexy ber of the Student Government. He occupation, will for soon after least graduation at a year's begin Henry Freshman- "chairmanned" the also Sophomore Hop. service as a second lieutenant. And Doris Davenport was elected preel- while on the subject of the army, na- Henry's deep-rooted Last year dent at the final meeting of the Dog-tired George ing for the army was strengthened, lik- tional defense, etc.-Henry doesn't S.C.A. before Spring Vacation during for he took advanced military and think we'll get in the war. He be- the coming- year. Miss Davenport is turns in for the became a platoon leader. lieves, moreover, that before too long a member of the present junior class Hitler will be defeated, and has been active iI!- the S.C.A. for night. Photo tak~n He obtained quite a taste for jour- If journalism instead of the Army three years. Other officers elected just before George nalism, too, last year, as managing becomes Henry's work, he wants to were: vice-president, Jim Wrightson: editor of the Gold Bug and as editor get his Mester's degree at Columbia. the Gold year This Henry edited secretary, Peggy Reeves; .treasurer, left for his new Bug (as you may remember), cap- After that he hopes to get into real Ed Thomas. newspaper work, where, if he does as The new and old officers met Tues- home. tained C Company, majored in Eng- well as he did here, he's certain to day with Dr. Little, faculty adviser, lish, and supported Willkie. Of all really go places. and appointed !lew cabinet members. these ventures, the last seems to have They are as follows: Bert Jones, pro- been the least successful. usual - things- CASSELL'S -- Jewelers likes the Henry gram chairman j Marie Crawiord, in- Tommy Dorsey, Glenn Miller, swim- The Store of New Fashioned Jewelry Something tercollegiate relations committee; our campus ... has been mi;sing from I Daniel (famous ... for its lovers of na- and Old Fashioned Honesty ture and birds) to all of us a friend Jack Rawlins, publicity chairman: human beings . . . the missing ele- Every upper classman remembers ming, reading, dancing (not "jitter- J. WJ\l. HULL, Owner Thomas O'Leary, project chairman; ment is George. Everyone remem- the tragic history of departed friend, bugging"), camping, and the movies. 51 E. Main Sf. Westminster, Md. Margaret Ann Smith and Arlie He would, however, make no commit- Mansberger. co-chairmen of social bel'S George ... you remember the Strongheart. There are rumors that ment as to which Hollywood Glamor and said he SPECIAL SALE service; Larry Brown, community clever canine that had an apartment George has been numbers two on the Girls pa?·timdarly catch his eye. On being quizzed on his likes and Dean's list. This is not true, however. ,you in the "castle of section A" .. eontactj Don Griffin, christian world remember the dog who feared to go George is basking in the-sunshine of service; Helen Heminghaus, recrea- into the dining hall for fear that he the back yard of Mr. and Mrs. W. dislikes, Henry grinned tion; and Aliee Rohrer, house chair, would come back out on a waiter's Brunson of Riderwood. George turned has "lots' of queer habits," but he holds several Golf Clubs man. tray. (I know several students who on his personality, made himself at wouldn't be pinned down to just ex- This week-end, several of the new actly what some of them were. He oflkers will attend a Training Con- were afraid that he would too, and home, and adopted his new masters was, in fact, definitely evasive on this (George, the personality to eat some of the pre- who refused point. pooch, turns ferenee at Washington, D. C., where pared food if George had not been on the oomph and conquers new they will be instructed in their new seen in the last fifteen minutes. This fields). FOl' Henry the future duties as officers. Tane Takahashi is exaggerated of course, but,-) you Yes, it was wonderful knowing possibilities; either the army or Get yours while there is and Paul Cummins will sponsor one remember the four-legged idol of Me- George it was good to have him A Selection phase of the conference. around So here's to ya', George. PRESCRIPTION DEPARTIIIENT We guarantee the quality of our med- icines Regarding Purity, Accuracy Where Old Friends Meet The SMITH 8< REIFSNIDER and as Being Strictly in Accordance GOLF BAGS with Physician's Order. Incorporated And Like To Eat Coffman-Fisher WESTMINSTER, MD. Mackenzie's Drug Store $2.00 LUMBER-COAL Come in and look over our new line of Company COLUMBIA, BLUEBIRD Western Maryland College Jewelry Benny's Kitchen DEPARTMENT STORE And VICTOR RECORDS Columbia Jewelry Company BONSACK'S prices at moderate New-deslgns BENNY ARBAUGH, Prop. GeC~~~~i!lti~~iCR'a~tlc~~dR~tctY~f~r J. STONER GEIMAN Jewelers and Opticians Ready-to-wear Sport Wear Phone 300 Millinery Hose rk$ZwffJ Mojud CARROLLEEN Nisley Shoes Shoes Freeman Individual Coiffures Essley Shirts Beauty in its Entirety Clothing 66 W. Main St. 11 EAST MAIN ST. Chesterfleld WESTMINSTER, MD. Phone 102 with a Cooler, Milder, Better Taste City Restaurant that everybody likes • • who enjoys Chesterfield's Definitely -Milder, With the stars, and with every smoker WESTMINSTER'S BEST PLACE TO EAT Cooler, Decidedly Better Taste, Chesterfield is known as the smoker's cigarette. • from our own Southland and from far-off Turkey Its famous combination of the best tobaccos and Greece makes Chesterfield the one cigarette 12 W. MAIN STREET that truly satisfies, ~:i~I" I~h and ..lollFmtv. Olh-ier --~I starring in Ale..ander Kordo's Hit CARROLL THEATRE Production "THAT HAMILTON WOMAN!" Today and Friday, April 17 and 18 Thursday, Friday, and Saturday April 24, 25, and 26 ~~~~!an and :aa;t~~r "ANDY HARDY'S PRIVATE in SECRETARY" "ADAM HAD FOUR SONS" with Lewis Mickey Fay Saturday, Monday, and Tuesday Stone Rooney Holden April 19, 21, and 22 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Deanna Durbin in April 28, 29, and 30 "NICE GIRL" J eau Robert Wednesday, April 23 Arthur Cumming s "THE TRIAL OF MARY DUGAN" in with Robert Young "THE DEVIL AND MRS JONES" STATE THEATRE Thursday and Friday I Wednesday and Thursday April 117, and 18 April 23 and 24 "FOUR MOTHERS" "MAISIE WAS A LADY" ----=s--=.,--=.,"'dC-=.y-'-,"A"P''CiI-C'CC,-- "A NIGlr,p~,f' April 25 "CO\~ntDO" EARL CARROLL'S" Roy Rogers Saturday, April 26 Monday and Tuesday "BEYOND Double Feature THE SACRAMENTO" April 21, and 22 Ann George "Winners of the West" Sheridan Brent ,1'Ilonday, Tuesday, and Wednesday in THREE" I April 28. 29, and 30 "HONEYMOON FOR "TOBACCO ROAD"'
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