Page 75 - TheGoldBug1940-41
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The Gold Bug, Western Marylmd College, W~, Mel., April 17. 1941 PAGB TIIRER THE=====. Western Maryland Tackles Cinderpath MORNING Linkmen Seek Dickinson Here .,=====AFTER Victory Toclay Villanova 'Cats And Sho'men By John Robinson Against F & M Terrors Drop Initial Saturclay For SPORTS EDITOR Test To Connecticut Track Meet And that All-Star ba;ketball game With a layoff of six days, and a Nine By 10-3 Score played at the Baltimore Coliseum be- good chance for intensive practice, tween the Optimist Pals Club and the the Makosky-coached golf aggrega- Western Maryland hits the road With the first track meet of the Maryland Colle- tion is looking forward to the match Saturday to meet a highly touted Vil- season only two days off, Coach Wal- 1""' ..... gi a te All-Stars today at Lancaster, Pa., with the lanova team on the latter's home field. ter Nathan is still uncertain of the on March 26, is powerful Franklin and Marshall team. The probable starting lineup will be .starting line-up because of the short still not clear to They are reputed to have a strong the same, but the name of the start- time that he has had in which to look some fans. Cap- team, and the Green Terror golf ing pitcher has not yet been disclosed. oyer the men now trying out for posi- tained by our squad will have their hands full. Bobby Bricker is expected to be be- tions on this year's team. own Irv Biasi, On Saturday, April 19th, the team hind tho plate again after having Dickinson College will furnish the the AIl·Stars will make its first home appearance been up for .several days. The Phila- oppoait.ion for the Terrors on the cin- were represented of the year when it meets the Gettys- delphia nine is highly favored to win ders of Hoffa Field on Saturday. Not by top notch per- burg golf club on the local course. the tilt, but the Terror men have been much is known about Dickinson be- forme-rs from This promises to be a close match working hard for the past week and cause it is early in the season, and it college quints and one well-worth attending, as Get- are keyed-up, confident of upsetting is also their initial meet of the year. throughout the tysburg has a team of no mean abil- the Pennsylvanians. "Bad weather has held us up", Robinson state. Mter be- ity. Last year, as proved by the rec- Hoffa Field will be the scene of the to be losing his "stuff" as he loaded pointed out Coach Nathan, "and ing held to a tie ords, Western Maryland defeated next hqme game to be held next Wed- the bases by handing out free trips caused us to start late, which is a at half time, the All-Stars, led offen- them at home, while dropping a de- nesday with Washington College. to the first sack, but the Hartford great drawback, since it requires at sively by Johnny Meyers, Frostburg's cision on the tree-infested Caledonia Trinity College of Hartford, Con- hurler bore down when the occasion least two weeks of hard work in or- scoring machine, went on a spree and Golf Course. necticut, defeated Western Maryland, demanded. As a result of his bearing der to get into condition for compe- before the night was over had bung- Playing at first position, Fred Hol- 10 to 3, in the opening game of the down, the Terrors were only able to tition in track." season Green the up an easy 68 to 47 win. loway, after leading 2 up at the Thursday for at Hoffa Field. Terrors last gather three scattered singles, one Captain Lindsay Chase and Bill Meyers, fast and deceptive, chucked eleventh hole, lost his touch and Jack Harris of Trinity made the in- apiece by Honeman in the. fifth, Jack Taylor, also a veteran, will run the in 11 field goals in 14 shots to total dropped a 3 and 2 decision to Buss itial hit of the game off the Terror Ryan in the eighth, and Manny Kap- distance races; and according to the 22 points for the night. To the casual Fleming. Dick Hausler, playing a lan in the ninth. Terror mentor, they should have good observer, some of his tosses seemed fine, consistent match throughout, pitcher- Lee Lodge after Lodge had • Terror Rally Short seasons. Charlie Irwin, a freshman, on the impossible side. Although not beat George Washington's second previously walked Beidler, tho Trini- Western Maryland's rally in the will compete in the field events, very adept at guarding (for Meyers place man, 2 and 1. In the third tey shortstop. An outfield error per- final frame was short-lived. Kaplan throwing his the javelin of and discus, and doing jumping. high share mitted both men to Score, giving the is inclined to hang in mid court), the slot, Woody Preston, playing a close visitors an edge which they never singled to left and was advanced to Manny Kaplan will also be on hand Frostburg point-getter could proba- match, finally gave way to his oppo- lost. In the eecond frame, the Con- second on Lodge's fly to centerfield. to heave the javelin. For the dashes, bly gain a place on most any college nent, 4 and 3. necticut nine capitalized on three sin- Honeman and Kenny Bills walked, five. Captain Neil Eckenrode made the filling the "bases, and Kaplan was the Green team is fortified with the most brilliant rally of the day; then gles and an error to push across three forced home as Bricker was hit by a veteran Bill Robinson, who possesses additional tallies. sprint, a great Arlie and freshman lrv Wins Trophy losing 6 down at the turn, he came pitched ball. Honeman crossed the Mansberger, who has shown much back only to lose on the seventeenth • Don Honeman Singles plate as Game Captain Bill Sturm Biasi, too, did his bit for the night' hole, 2 and 1. Tommy Lavin, playing In the meantime, the Green team drove a long, high fly to deep center promise in the past ten days. War- as he won the foul shooting contest fifth man, bowed to his rival, 5 and 4. could do little with the pitching of field. The Connecticut pit c her ren Earl I will run the 220 yard dash, and Don Wildey will compete in and a good looking trophy in a heat Rip Hudson, playing last position, southpaw Joe Scully, who held them tightened up and ended the rally and of over 20 com- proved himself a good prospect by hitless until the fifth inning when Don the game, as he forced the next bat- the pole vault. petitors, by cag- whipping his rival, 3 and 2. Fred "Razzle" Honeman slashed out a sin- ter to pop up. Plans are being made to send the ipg eight straight Holloway and Dick Hausler won a gle to center field to advance Lodge, Harris, Bill Viering, and Scully hit mile relay team to the famous Penn free throws. His half-point by tying the best ball who had reached base on an error. hard for the New Englanders, gath- Relays to be held in Philadelphia on nearest rival, match in their foursome. Later, Lodge scored the initial run ering two hits apiece. April 26. Robinson, Taylor, Bob Sor- compose Tommy Groda- Though they dropped their first for the Terrors as Bobby Bricker Bob Stropp highly pleased with ensen, and Pete Townsend or four year No freshman the team. v e n t of the tournament of the season, the team slammed a high fly into deep left field. the efforts of his men. "The team men are allowed to compete in thla Mounts, pocketed is due to have a successful year. The Western Maryland nine, im- played exceptional ball, considering four straigh t With three promising freshmen, the proving as the game progressed, held the fact that it was their third day tournament ... that the squad has Nathan stated charity shots be- presence of Captain Eckenrode, a the strong Trinity club to single on the field, and with a littlo brushing fore dropping out four-year man, and John Pirie now markers in the third, sixth, seventh, up here and there we'll have a good, a good schedule and more material in a microphone ready to swing into action, the club eighth, and final frames. well rounded ball club," said Coach than last season but there are still described contest Biasi should be ready to write on the win Scully, from time to time, seemed Stropp. varsity bertha open. He urges en-r-- men to come out for the sport. before a fairly side of the ledger. "The prospects are not bad," con- large crowd. tinued the coach, "and the showing of Probably the best combination of the team depends on the encourage- the evening was Meyers, Barczak, Preachers Score Run In Ninth ment from the rest of the school." of Loyola, Grodavent, Terrors Oppose and Goldberg and Biasi. To Down Bachelors In 4-3 Tilt Western State Five Co-Eds To Tennis Outlook Bright Tallying a run in the ninth inning with two out, Delta Pi Alpha, derend-: From all outward appearances, this On Home Court ing champion in the fraternity softball league, took their first step toward Attend Sports year's varsity tennis team should Western Maryland's tennis team reclaiming their crown in downing a fighting Bachelor ten on Tuesday after- the regulation Tournament boast one of the finest campaigns in \vil! meet its second opponent of the noon, 4 to 3. It was Bo Baugher'S double to left field that scored Reece Scott many a year; for with a nucleus of week when it matches strokes with with the deciding counter after the team had battled through material :from last season, two prom- the strong Western State College of seven inning stretch standing at g up. western Maryland College will be ising freshmen, and a well balanced Michigan on Saturday at weatmtn- Pitching was brilliant on both sides as Bill Robinson and Tom Elias represented in the Second Annual schedule, Coach Frank Hurt is await- ster. The Westerners are on an eas- hooked up in a hurling duel right from the start. Robinson allowed five hits Sports Tournament on April 25, 26, ing anxiously the opening of the clay tern tour and played Johns Hopkins' and walked four while going the ,----------- and 27, when five women will be sent COUI·tplay. "We're going to have a racqueteers on the Baltimore courts whole route, as did Elias, who gave the Bachelors, it was Duke Windsor, to compete in the three different fine team this year," said Professor today. up seven safeties and passed foul' Francis Cook, Townsend, Duncan, sports at Penn State College. This Hurt when questioned about his rae- Last year the Terrors were defeat- Preacher batsmen. and pitcher Elias who garnered the is not an intercollegiate program, but queteers. "By golly, this lad Harry ed by Western State in an abbreviat- The champions drew first blood in safe blows. all competitors will be college women Yingling plays a dandy game and Mr. ed indoor match here by the score of the second frame when Don Wildey who are especially interested in var- Jensen, who played that number one 4 to 1. Coach Frank Haueeholder of hit safely, stole second, and came ious forms of athletics. According to spot in high school, is coming around Western State will bring a veteran home on an error by Elias after two SPORTS WEEK Miss Josephine Werner, Sports Day beautifully. Of course, we have Boz weetcm conference team to the east were out. They picked up another in chairman, the goal of this tournament for number one and maybe Mr. Jen- in an effort to get his men in mid- the fourth on a second Bachelor mis- is "to foster a wholesome recreation sen for number two. Then we will season shape in order to face the hard cue, but the Blue and White scored in and social program for college women "probably play Mr. Bowen, Mr. Ying- schedule of Western Conference foes the same half of the frame to make who are sufficiently skilled in sports ling, Eugene Belt, and Mr. Baylies in later in the month. the count stand at 2 to 1. to desire the stimulus of a higher de- {.hat order. We may shift around a Coach Frank Hurt announced that gree of competition." lot during the season by putting Mr. 11ewill continue with the same lineup There was no more scoring until seventh, when Pete Bowen in second, Harry in third, and that faced Manhattan College today. the Bachelor's safely with one down Townsend hit Jensen in that fourth spot; but at the Bo Baugher or Sig Jensen will play and Bill Hauff dropped a perfect present time, my choice is the first the number one position, depending on lineup." the condition of Baugher, who is still bunt down the first base line. The throw to first got away from Captain Softball is definitely here. Matty recuperating from sickness which he John Tomlinson and placed runners on Mathewson has his "Hot Spuds" out had during the spring vacation. The second and third. Warren Cook drilling regularly, especially since his other will fall back to the number two popped to short, but then Wilson Dun- 8 WEEK COURSE club toppled over the Barrels in an slot. Captain Ted Bowen will play can rifled a double into center field to exhibition game before a good sized third; Harry Yingling, fourth; Gene give the Alpha Gamma Tau Club a 3 IN SHORTHAND & TYPEWRITING gathering, 10 to 6. It was the initial Belt, fifth; and Bill Baylies, sixth. to 2 lead. AN ideal summer course, recommended especially for game for the Barrel Ten and condi- For doubles competition, Bowen college students, and high school graduates planning to tioning told the story, since Matty's and Baugher will be at number one, The Preachers came back in their enter college. boys had been scrimmaging the day the freshman team of Jensen and half of the inning as Scott singled, LEARN to take notes on lectures and to typewrite before, Yingling at the second position, and went to second on Mac McWilliams' assignments. Improve your opportunity to find gainful walk, and both advanced on a passed employment by specializedtraining for secretarialduties. Belt and Baylies at the third slot. ball. Fred Kullmar then tallied Scott Barrels Roll Out Reece Scott and Otis O'Keeffe will be with the tying run by hoisting a long, BEGIN JUNE 23 OR JULY 7 held in reserve. COMPLETE courses leading to Secretadal Diplomas. As to why the Barrels could not get high fly to the left center field. Review and speed building classesfot commercial grad- rolling, Manager Royce Gibson ex- Both teams went SCOreless in the uates. Training for employment in businessand govern- plained that due to Easter Week Havens Succeeds Stropp eighth, and the Bachelors also failed merit. practice sessions had been prohibited Charles W. Havens resumed his to tally in the second extra inning, STRAYER Employment Service secures and the boys were forced to play un- duty as mentor of the baseball but then came Baugher's smash and positions for graduates. Over 2000 em- ployment calls annually. der handicap. In case you were away team when the Terrors played the ball game. Reece Scott led the on Saturday, Gibson has Manny Kap- Syracuse today. Bob Stropp gave winners' attack, getting on base four Ask for Catalog and Rales lan, Bill Walls, Jim Thomas, Georgie way to Havens, who will soon be times, twice by safeties, once on a STRAYER COLLEGE Barrick, Chubby Blair, Neil Ecken- able to devote all his time to the walk, and the other on an error. He 13111 & F STREETS WASHINGTON, D. C. rode, and Tus Applegarth all work- tossers in as much as spring foot- scored the tying and winning run for ing out at present and promises no ball is almost at an end. the winners and also handled several slip ups or set Upf in the future. chances flawlessly at second base. For
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