Page 74 - TheGoldBug1940-41
P. 74
PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Watmiruter, Md., April 17. 1941 Big Man On Campus THE BY Henry Triesler, Ex-Editor, KEG News And Workman Joe From Kicking Post 'Reveals AW To Readers L To Seventh Gr •• n _l Spring Puling Born on New Year's Eve, 1918, and "hailing from the hills of One of the reddest reds to appear on the campus this season Hagerstown," Henry Christian Triesler, Jr., past Gold Bug editor, is the sunkissed nose of Ginny Elzey, "Miss Sunburn of 1941." captain of C Company, and consumer After all, a pink nose is only a small of uncountable vanilla ice cream price to pay when one considers the cones is now, comparatively at least, absent April showers which usually a gentleman of leisure. At least, he are so prominent at this time of year. The Gold Bug this year shall be dedicated in the Gold Bug news, feature, sports, or edi- The McDaniel roof is really packing to serving the students of Western Mary- torial departments shall vary directly with them in with the shining herald of land College with the best material collected the amount of cooperation given by the read- Spring holding forth for the second from its readers, presented in the best pos- ere. consecutive week. The lounge of the sible manner. The editorial columns of the Gold Bug same name has suffered a sudden The greater part of the readers of the shall be devoted to the presentation, inter- drought, but really, who ever heard Gold Bug is assumed to be composed of the pretation, and criticism of facts in an effort of anyone getting moonburned? students, faculty, alumni, and friends of to help further the welfare of the college. Western Maryland College. Because of the The Gold Bug shall not merely confine its Checkmate difficulty of serving too diffuse a public, the efforts to printing its view of any situation. Gold Bug shall focus its attention primarily By its fortunate position of being in fre- McKinstry's own Bill Taylor led on the students of the college. To focus on quent contact with both students and admin- his crew of chessmen to Navy the too broad an object may blur the entire im- istration it can collect opinions from both other day and suffered a 5 to 0 set- age. Student activities shall be presented, elements of the college, analyze and deliber- back at the hands of the Middies. Ru- _however, not as isolated facts, but in their ate upon these opinions, and, present an ob- mor has it that the "Assistant Sage proper relationship to the common ground jective. viewpoint. The open forum shall of McKinstry" is carrying on the of all the readers-Western Maryland Col- open wider than ever with the Gold Bug not lege. only publishing the contributors' comments To best serve its public, the Gold Bug but also a reply obtained in this objective shall shove into the background extrinsic re- manner. If it feels that the interests of the wards in the form of praise or rating by , students can best be served by witholding national press associations. The standards comment upon a situation, the Gold Bug of judgment of those organizations are shall follow this policy, despite the pressure no longer spends all day Thursday at necessarily along lines which can be mea- brought upon it from outside sources. the printer's and Monday. Tuesday, sured by objective means. The Gold Bug The material in the Gold Bug shall be pre- and Wednesday nights making up shall attempt to lay emphasis on those fea- sented in the most efficient, modern manner pages in the Gold Bug office. The ex- tures of the college which make this college available. Every effort shall be used to make editor says, in fact, that although he unique; and the success of such an enter- the Gold Bug appetizing and inviting to the greatly enjoyed putting out the Gold prise can truly be measured only by those readers. The streamlined make-up with Bug, he is "glad to get some sleep and familiar with the college. flush-left headlines, instituted in the Gold Joe workman go to meals regularly for a change." _ Although the Gold Bug shall be entered in Henry arrived at. Western Mary- the national competition sponsored by the Bug several years ago, shall be continued feud with the Navy captain by way land after doing a lot of traveling Associated Collegiate Press, it shall do so with the addition of more modern sans-serif of of the mail service. It seems that of the techniques type races. Studies and after living in towns from here with the belief that if the paper meets the - other newspapers shall be made, and suit- they make one move apiece on each to Florida. The THeslers moved to standards of its readers, it will necessarily able improvements shall be incorporated as of four boards, record the move on a DeLand, Florida, in fact, when Henry meet national standards. they are discovered. The policy of produc- postal card and Uncle Sam takes was seven years old. DeLand is near The material published in the Gold Bug ing an attractive newspaper shall be con- over. Taylor is confident that the Daytona Beach, but Henry says he shall be as accurate, as complete, as enlight- tinued by the present staff. "Chess by' Correspondence" match never saw any automobiles riding ening as the staff, with the cooperation of In accordance with its budget, the Gold will be completed by June. right along the beach like the "Come the contributors (the readers), can make it. B1~gshall be published bi-weekly for the re- to Plorida" folders say they do. Prominence shall be given to those items mainder of this school year; but it intends Music Minded Lynchburg, Virginia, was the next which the readers will desire to read, and to resume the weekly schedule at the be- stopping place for Henry, who had, which the staff feels that they should read. ginning of the next school session. The sweet and swing music that I incidentally, his Ma and Pa and sis- To facilitate complete and accurate cover- Any comments or criticisms are invited: you good people heal' when you ven- age, 'Y~r,iousinnovations have been made. all and the staff shall do its best to answer ture by the front entrance to McDan- w;~~!~~ginwi;~,:;~JnJ'.' Sch -t that 0: wnrcn reY_UHO;:g-re
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