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WHERE, OH WHERE GOLD BUG POLICY IS GEORGE? IS OUTLINED PAGE 4 PAGE 2 • • ------~------------------~~----~--~~----~----------------~~~~'-. Vol. 18, No. -r9 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. April 17,1941 Dramatic Art Gold Bug Adopl. McKinley And Orchestra To Furnish N.w Policy Seniors Will _ In accordance for with the budget of Music For Junior Prom On Saturday spring the requirements this year, the Gold Bug will ap- Give Recital pear bi-weekly until the end of S.n!;,,, Are Invil.d May. Weekly issue of the paper 'You Can'l Teke II will be resumed in September. Dr. Linton Will To :Attend As Guesls henceforth Day will students Wilh You' Chos.n find their copies of the Gold Bug Talk To Group 01 Junier Cia" '41 Class Play in the day student's rooms in Barry McKinley and his orchestra Seven senior members of the Dra- Ward Hall on Thursday evening Of Faculty will furnishthe music for the annual Junior Saturday evening, Prom, matic Art department will present a or Friday morning. April 19, from 8 P. M. to 11:30 P. M., program of interpretive readings next ..._A contribution box in which all of the college Friday evening, April '18, in Alumni criticisms, news, features, or let- Dr. Clarence Linton, director of the at which the seniors playing an ex- may be sub- ters by the students After will be feted. Hall. The department also announces mitted to the paper has been set Division of Student Personnel at tended engagement at Richmond's its choice of "You Can't Take It With up outside the postoffice. The Teachers' College of Columbia Uni- Westwood Supper Club, McKinley You" as the senior production for student body is urged to take ad- versity, will speak to the faculty at a brings his eleven-piece orchestra to 1941. • vantage of it, -airing their ideas, volunteer meeting ~f the Faculty the Hill to play for the second of the The senior recitals represent the opinions, or news to the Gold Club on Tuesday, April 22, 1941, at climax of four years' work in speech. Bug. . 8:00 P. M. in McDaniel Lounge. "Big Three" dances. Those parbicipa.ting include Arnold Although the exact title is not Featuring slow, easy rhythm on Fleagle, Ruth Beard, Ruth Reid, Mary known, Dr. Linton's subject will in- the mellow side, the band's music has Rhythm" and been called "Romantic Hudson, ~fary Louise Asbury, Doris County Schools clude the crtter-lon by which Student Band's Ris. was recently acclaimed to be tops at Hess, and Madelyn Schultheis. Personnel Service can be measured. Ushers for the occasion will be Jean After his talk, he will answer ques- Due To V."alilily the Beyshore Beach Club of Virginia Trump, Jean Lamoreau, Dorothy At- To Present tions and make suggestions for im- Barry McKinley, bandmaster, pian- Beach. tix, and Doris Davenport. provement in order to follow up the Cliff Seamen, featured first sax and George S. Kaufman, Eisteddfod "You Can't Take It With You," by faculty's recent survey on Student ist, and vocalist, is one of the main man, has played with the orchestras !lfo'ss Hart Personnel Service. reasons for his orchestra's current of IIIaI Hallett, Red Nichols,' and is the story of the members of. the On April 25, jhe 18th annual Car- Dr. Linton will also be on the success in the Southland. When he Ruby Newman and specializes in tone at the Junior Prom at West- appears Sycamore family. This energetic roll County Eisteddfod will be held campus Tuesday afternoon in order ern Maryland College on Saturday color, For those who prefer jive in household, headed by Grandpa Von- in Alumni Hall at 7:30 P.M:. This to visit the various deans and the of- evening, April 19, he will sing bari- their reed section Ray O'Connor will derhof, constitutes a Hvil!g commen- festival is sponsored by the Carroll ficers of administration. do the "hot" clarinet work for the tary on the accepted fact that there's - County Board of Education and is The Faculty Club will hold its last tone solos that have entertained peo- band \ no time like the present to get the directed by Mr. Philip Royer. business meeting of the year on ple from coast to coast. Barry McKinley stand~ out for his most pleasure possible out of life. The program will include instru- Thursday, April 17, 1941,.at 8:00 P. Mr. McKinley has appeared as vocal work. Although he plays hoog- In contrast to these delightful peo- mental and choral selections. Rep- M. in McDaniel Lounge. guest star on the Lucky Strike's Hit te-wocgjes on the piano and is the ple, the play concerns the unhappy resentatives of the nine Carroll Parade, Philip Morris Program, and bandmaster as well, he has been hon- Kirbys, a typical example of- an un- County senior and junior high schools In addition to the election of the was featured with Jessie Crawford on ored as outstanding baritone on happy, rich family. The plot deals will participate in the festival. The dub officers and an executive commit- the Camay Soap Hour for over two N.B.C. for the past two years. with Tony, the attractive young son grand finale is a concertized version 'tee for the coming year, a musical years. Robert Podlich, general chairman of the Kirbys, who falls in love with of Gilbert and Sullivan's opera, The program' will be provided by Mr. the early age of thirteen over WLW, of the dance, has announced that the Alice Sycamore and brings his par- Mikado. Mischa Nadelman, celloist of theNa- McKinley signed a contract immedi- dance decorations wi11 c">rry out" t.he ents to the Sycamore home, where in- The Eisteddfod is an old Welsh tional Symphony Orchestra, ately after his first appearance. m:>bf of spring, but that the exact teresting developments occur. custom originally designating a con- parried by Mr. Louis Shub. Within six months talent scouts of- theme is not to be known until the The part of Grandpa Vanderhof test of singing and dramatics. The fered him an NBC contract. McKin- night of the dance. will be played by Arnold Fleagle, ley sang over the NBC networks for Philip Bechtel and Doris Lubking, Alice Sycamore by Mary Lou Asbury, contest element has been eliminated, of over nine years. Dr. and Mrs. F. G. Holloway, Dr. and and it has come to mean a festival and that of Tony Kirby by Irvin music. In accordance with the origi- Cee To Preside At Not content with remaining as a Mrs. L. Bertholf, Miss Bertha Adkins Katz." _ vocalist only, McKinley organized his and escort, and Dean and Mrs. L. F. nal custom, Dr. Raymond Burrows of May Day Activities own dance orchestra. Careful to se- Frce will be in the receiving line. IRC To Hear Allnutt Princeton will act as the adjudicator, lect versatile musicians, he has a ,The dance is formal and admission for its each performance Read Honors Paper evaluating Dr. Burrows will reveal these In Amphitheater band that features sweet music, yet will 'be by invitation from only. Invitations merit. Adkins may be obtained Dean Benjamin Allnutt, senior honors judgments in an address to be deliv- Kathleen Coe, recently elected May is able to swing out for the hep cats. and from Dean Free. Students who student, will read his honors paper to ered the following morning at the Queen, will preside over the annual Saturday evening, Weste:cn Mary- desire to bring friends from outside the International Relations Club at Westminster High School. May Day celebration at Western land will have the opportunity of the college may obtain invitations their regular meeting on Monday eve- Schools participating in the Eis- Maryland College on May 3. Weath- hearing Barry McKinley and his ris- for them by leaving their names at ning, April 21. teddfod are Westminster, New Wind- er permitting, the exercises will be ing band. the office of either the Dean of Men His talk will be composed of three sor, Union Bridge, Charles Carroll, held in the amphitheater, beginning or the Dean of Women. sections: the struggle over neutrality Manchester, Hampstead, Taneytown, at three o'clock with the procession and neutral rights between 1914- Sykesville, and Mt. Airy High consisting of the May Queen and her No Applaus., Pie... , . , 1917, peace efforts between 1914-1917, Schools. Admission to the public will court of attendants. The music for ROTC Noles ... and the coordination of war efforts in be 25c per person to be paid at the the procession is being written by Bob Faw requests that the stu- Sixteen members of the senior 1917-1918; door. Professor Royer. dents refrain from applauding military class at western Maryland After the coronation of the queen, any music played during the College have been temporarily signed members of the dramatics classes meals in the dining hall. Efforts to the 319th infantry. All Is Quiet On Nursery Front will pr,.esent the play, "The Prince are being made to play the music The assignments are purely for or- Who Was A Piper", directed by Lucie desired by the students, and full ganization purposes. Designation of As Home Ec Students Practice Leigh Barnes. cooperation is required. the senior members who wiII go into At 8: 15, the W omen's Student Gov- Not a" cry or a scream breaks the rhythm. ernment, sponsors of May Day, will the service is still tentative. calmness of spring as one approaches As for any problems of discipline, present the annual leap year dance in the nursery school at the management there just aren't any. Respect for Gill Gymnasium. Patrons will dress house. Instead, the joyous sound of the. rights of others is taught; non- senti-formal; women will issue the in- Dr. Little Talks On Responsibilities children's voices mingles with the conformists are dealt with, as Miss vitations. Admission to the dance songs of the birds. So it has been Gray explained, "by a sort of social will be $1.00. At Annual Investiture Service since last Thursday, when the nur- pressure". Supper will be served in the form sery school was opened to children Your correspondent enjoyed a rath- of box lunches by the Women's Stu- Choosing as keynote of his address yourselves than it is for you to ac- from two to four years old. er unsatisfactory interview with one dent Government. Invitations have the question "whet is an education?", cept what we think." This project is serious work, the of the future citizens, a two year old been sent out to the parents of all Lawrence Calvin Little, D.D., head of Asserting the point of his address purpose being to give the senior home boy. There was definitely a positive students. Each student will receive the philosophy department, delivered in a three-part summation, Dr. Lit- economics students practical experi- response to the query, "Are you hav- two tickets after showing a written the investiture speech to the senior tle explained that the college youth of ence in handling children so that they ing a good time?"; but during the re- acceptance from their parents. Tick- class, dad for the first time this year today needs an acquaintance with may better fill positions in children's meinder of the Interview, the little ets for any other guests may be in caps and go.wns, in Alumni Hall on the past, a knowledge of the present, institutions. fellow became restless and seemed to bought for twenty-five cents. Wednesday, April 9. and preparation for the future. There are ten of these little visit- be in a hurry to leave. When asked Dr. Little, who will receive his "What would some of the youth of ors in all; and, although there are if he intended to attend Western Ph.D. degree in philosophy from Yale Europe give for our opportunities," seven girls and three boys, there is no Maryland College, he seemed to be University this June, emphasized to declared Dr. Little in emphasizing the dating problem. Since the youngste-rs rather reticent about answering and Dean Sets Date For the newly-invested class the changes three needs of a student. are from the best families in West- looked longingly at a chum playing that have taken place in the world of, The senior class, standing in si- minster, the best of everything is pro- "W.P.A." by wheeling an empty Room Reservation. business and of education in the past lence to receive the remerka of Dr. vided for them. Puzzles, games, and wheelbarrow. two decades. Little, appeared solemn in their black toys especially made to develop cre- To any questions concerning the Dean Free has announced that _ "We were tragically unprepared caps and gowns as Dr. Little reached ative instinct and outdoor equipment future, no interest whatsoever was men's reservations for the follow- intellectually, morally, and spiritual- the point of his speech. for developing coordination are the expressed; the lad seemed to be liv- ing year can be made by seniors ly for the new ideas and epoch mak- Concluding his address, the pro- means of keeping the children ing only for the moment and demon- on Monday. April 28; juniors on ing transformations that have en- fessor of philosophy again empha- amused. strated it by dashing off abruptly in Tuesday, April 29; and sopho- gulfed civilization in recent years," sized the responsibilities of the stu- Fruit juices are served in mid- the middle of the interview to take a mores on \Vedne;sday, April 30. asserted Dr. Little as he compared dent as he stated: "In times like morning, and there is a rest period turn on the eliding board. It will be necessary for the the college education of 1920 to that these, unless a person recognizes later in which the soft music of '!'his ar~cIe was ~upposed to be men to have paid their $10 reser- of today. Speaking of the present great obligations and is willing to ac- Brahms and Schubert are heard. written without. uamg the word vation fee before any room wiIl day college professor Dr. Little said, cept great responsibilities, no matter 'there-are also special records played "cute", but in talking about these be reserved. "We realize that it is much more im- how much he knows, he is never truly to give the little tots a sense of youngsters it just can't be done. portant for you to learn to think for educated."
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