Page 72 - TheGoldBug1940-41
P. 72
PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug. Westec:nMary~ College, Westminster, Md., March 20,1941 '42 Aloha Staff ProFessor Raver Gives His Opinion I Short Of It the track!" and the cry continued for while the runners were 10 minutes (Cont. from page 3, col. 1) Begins Plans On Proposed Honor System time by Collyel~8 Ey", the magazine called to the post six times. Finally the competitors set out in the search and Tom Fields won the hunt hands- of sports-writers. Contracts Signed For leading cage coaches as selected by down when he discovered the belated The complete team, Tar Heel sound asleep. After Morri- observers and of an honor the adoption I favor Printing, Engraving, system on our campus because I be- college experience I left such posses- throughout the country, contains rep- son had regained consciousness, the sions as books, drawing instruments, two of them set out on a dead fun for And Photography lieve in it; believe that it can-be made or slide rule on an open work table in resentatives rro»i ten Institutions. the track and arrived to find that the to work, and that there are. many ad- a study room which was never locked men had already taken their marks Plans for the 1942 Aloha got under vantages to be derived from its use. throughout my college career. Neith- and the starter's gun was in the air. way last week with the completion of It is with the hope that I may be able -er did I lose any of them, nor did I "In due time the event got under the signing of contracts by Lucie 10 point out these advantages that I heal' of any being stolen. way, and Dave swears that he can't Leigh Barnes and Jack Doenges, edi- attempt to express myself through Lastly, I favor an honor system be- remember the first three laps in the tor and business manager, respective- these 'lines. cause of its-democratic nature. I be- Ben Snyder, a member of the sports race. However, the Carolinian must Iy. I have obtained the impression that lieve that if such an institution is put staff of the N orth Carolina Du,ily Tar have come to himself along about th~ The Horn-Shafer Printing Com- a large number of students feel that into operation on this campus it will Heel tells an interesting story con- last lap, for he pushed Fields to a new the Carolina Dave Morrison, pany of Baltimore and Zamsky Stu- an honor system would be a fine thing become a tradition which every Wes- cerning co-captain, who ran second to record of 2.12.1, losing by two yards. track dios of Philadelphia will do the for Western 'Maryland if it would tern Maryland College student will Tommy Fields in the Catholic Urri- Ken Lyden of Georgetown was third printing and engraving for the book. work but they doubt that it would. look back upon, in future years, as and Walt Carey of Fordham fourth. Both of these companies have the Why not? As individuals we repre- connected with their most outstand- versity Rector's 1000 a couple of Both Fields and Morrison were clock- contracts for the Hl41 Aloha. Pen- sent a highly select group of people. inf college experiences. weeks ago. ed in 1.56 for the first half mile as tiac Engraving Company of Chicago with high standards of conduct, yet "Morrison had pulled into Wash- they set about eclipsing Jim Kehoe's has been signed to do the engraving we lack the backbone and courage of ington two hours before starting time old record, which was bettered by five for the book. cur convictions -tc work together and Hazel Beard Will and the trip from his home in Plain- and one half seconds." Detailed planning for the yearbook establish a fine tradition for Western field, N. J., had been tiring at best. will be started this spring and com- Maryland College. Give Piano Recital After the customary rub-down and pleted this summer, according to Miss When such an honor system is the preliminary laps around the H. E. REESE Hazel Beard, senior music student, Barnes. The staff intends to begin properly instituted on a campus it be- will present a piano recital in the Mu- track he felt fatigued to the extent of TAILOR photography this spring with the tak- cernes a fine tradition. To begin at lying on a table behind a row of seats Cleaning ing of pictures of the campus and of the beginning, the entering freshman sic Hall on Tuesday, March 25, at 8 for a quick nap before his event got Pressing P. M. The program consists of the the senior play. ic informed about it and made to feel following selections: under way. Before Dave realized it, Repairing A tentative staff will be drawn up his own responsibility in upholding Prelude and Fugue in C Minor ....Bach the few winks ripened into a deep KENNY BILLS-Representative after spring vacation. it. He is made to feel that his honor Sonata, Opus 27, No.1 ....Beethoven slumber, and it wasn't long before the 94 East Main Street An intensive advertising campaign "as a gentleman is taken for granted large field, comprised of some of the to help produce funds for a superior by the rest of the student body. Andante-allegro best runners in the East, lined up to Aloha will be held next year, accord- There are few exceptions to his be- Allegro-molto take their marks. As luck would SMITH '" REIFSNIDER ing to Mr. Doenges. Iieving- accordingly. Adagip con expreeeione- have it, the Rectors 1000 is an invi- Incorporated At present, plans for the book are The honor system applies not only Allegro vivace tational event and it didn't take the LUMBER-COAL still in the formative stages. Miss to the taking of tests in the class- Sonata G Minor .. Schumann starter long to perceive that one of Presto Barnes stated that she plans to pro- room, but also to all phases of cam- Andantino the invited guests wasn't present. WESTMINSTER. MD. duce an informal, readable book with pus life; such as the safety of per- "Immediately the loudspeakers be- an integrating theme. sonal belongings and the use of such Allegro molto gan to roar "Morrison is wanted on facilities as the library. In my own Presto Times Printing Company Moment Mus-icals Schubert Keefer's F minor Taylor Forms Sociology Study Impromptu Opus 142, No. 4..Schubert Sanitary Market { Western Maryland} A flat major ./ (Cont. from page 1, col. 1) Miss Beard is a member of the Col- Chess Club Hens are: lege Choir and the Girls' Glee Club If It's Good To Eat We Have It PRINTERS (1) Conceitedness, (2) Temperamental, and an honor student ill music. WESTMINSTER, MD. Westminster, Md. For the first time in the history of the college the newly organized West- (3) No ambition or initiative, (4) Insufficient income- ern Maryland Chess Club will meet in bunch of gold-diggers, the men's old Lounge on Friday, (5) Inferior education- March 21, 1941, from 10 to 12 What are we at college for? P. M. The chess club, which was 01'_1 (6) Attitude towards drinking, ganized by William Taylor, will form- ally represent the college; and it is (7) Slovenliness, Ch~~t~J[~id expected that the club will engage in (8) Moody, intercollegiate tournaments. 'Paylor (9) Religious differences- is dickering at the present time for a this was fifteenth on the list against the women, match with the Naval Academy Chess (10) Jealousy. Club in Annapolis. Members of the new club are the Cum- CARROLL THEATRE following: William Taylor, president; MILDER James Griffin, secretary; Paul mins, Fred Kullmar, Emil Grenda,. Today, Friday, Saturday, COOLER ••• SETTER- TASTING Earl Darsch, Ell Tao Chi, Martin Garten, Jack Alexander, Thomas Lav- March 20, 21, 22 in, Vernon weisand, wan-en Spen- Bud and Lou Yes, the Fleet smokes a lot of Costello Abbott ser, Vernon Seibert, James Skidmore, in Chesterfields ..• and so do millions of other William Potts, Sam Harris, Emory "BUCK PRIVATES" Gross, Irvin Katz, and William Sires. smokers like yourself. You'll find that Instruction in the elementary Monday, Tuesday, March 24, 25 Chesterfields are MILD,the way you want a points of chess will be given to tyros, "WUTHERING HEIGHTS" and all those interested in the ancient Co-starring Merle Oberon and cigarette •.• not flat, not strong. They SMOKE sport are urged to attend the initial Laurence Olivier COOLER ••• with a decidedly BETTERTASTE. meeting. Wednesday and Thursday March 26, 27 Jane Withers in JOHN EVERHART "GOLDEN HOOFS" THE COLLEGE BARBER AND BOBBER STATE THEATRE AT THE FORKS Today. Friday, and Saturday March 20, 21, 22 Zane Grey's"\vESTERN UNION" in Technicolor The Endicott Johnson Co. Monday Tuesday, March 24, 25 "Better shoes for less money" "SO ENDS OUR NIGHT" starring Ladies' and Men's Frederick March, Margaret Sulli- SPORT AND DRESS SHOES van, Frances Dee Wednesday, March 26 Tennis shoes-a specialty "THE HAUNTED HOUSE" 11 W. Main St. Thursday, March 27 "TORPEDO RAIDER" City Restaurant • • WESTMINSTER'S BEST PLACE TO EAT • 12 W. MAIN STREET
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