Page 71 - TheGoldBug1940-41
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The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md., March 20, 1941 PAGI! TI-lRI!E Bob Stropp To Replace Bruce Ferguson ---- Spring Schedules ---~ TENNIS BASEBALL April: April: As Head Baseball Coach For Season 17, Manhattan (home) 11, Trinity (home) 18, Johns Hopkins (away) 17, Syracuse, home) 19, Western State (home) 19, Villanova (away) Former Star First Baseman To Tutor Nine 22, Loyola (away) 23, Washington (home) 23, Washington (home) In Heavy Open And Conference Schedule»- 26, Mount St. Mary's (horne) 24, George Washington (Away) 29, Univ. of Delaware (home) 26, American U. (home) Pitching Staff Hard Hit By Graduation May: 28, American U. (away) Facing a nineteen game card, Coach Bob Stropp in his initial 2, Univ. of Delaware (away) May: year as varsity baseball mentor, will lead the Green and Gold toss- 3, Washington (away) 3, Penn State (away) ers into action for the first time immediately following spring vaca- 6, Towson State (home) 7, Loyola (away) tion in one of the toughest schedules for many a season. 10, Loyola (home) 9, George Washington (home) 12, Gettysburg (away) 10, Johns Hopkins (away) Stropp, three-letter man and captain of three sports during 14, Dickinson (away) 12, Gettysburg (home) 1939-40, was graduated last June, performed as assistant coach to Charlie Havens in football last fall, and tutored a most successful 15, Catholic U. (home) 15, Washington (away) freshman basketball team during the winter. He now takes his big 17,Prep Schl. Tourna. (home) 16, Seton Hall (away) step in handling the Western Maryland nine. 20, Catholic U. (away) 17, Delaware (away) During his stay as a student, Bob participated in three years 22, Towson State (away) 21, Loyola (away) 24, Elkridge Tennis Club (home) 24, Mount St. Mary's (away) " of football, four years of basketball, and four years of baseball, 27, Mount St. Mary's (away) 28, Mount St. Mary's (home) playing first base for the Terrors, and was on several all-Maryland teams in the several sports. TRACK This year his team will face.Syracuse University, Penn State, April: May: Navy, George Washington, Seton Hall, Trinity, University of Dela- 19,Dickinson (horne) 14, Catholic U. and ware, Villanova, and Gettysburg, along with the usual league op- 23, Gettysburg (away) Mount. St. Mary's (home) ~~~~~~~~~~-tpo:n:en:t:s.::O:f:t:he::lll:·n:et:ee:n:g:a:m~es, nine will be played at home, with 26, Penn Relays (away) 17, Mason-Dixon Coni. (Balto.) the opening tussle scheduled for ,7\ lathan Has Seven Lettermen holes to fill, in as much as three of 30, Wash. and Towson (home) Meet with Hopkins pending. ~ April 11 with Trinity College. Pitching will be on, of the hardest. llj 1 "4 performers were steady The Short 01 It I uand Doru eavy T"-ackCa"-d last year's and thus only Lee Lodge and seniors; Mason-Dixon Conference Grants On £11 r I 111 II I I Mik, Phillip', both sophomores are to this department. returning On the infield, Jaek Kenny is putting With seven lettermen leading the way, Dr. Walter Membership To Two Institutions large group of track and fieJd candidates through season. Nathan indoor workouts a Bill Sturm are returning, Ryan, and first Bills, Elmer Evans, Bill Phillips, and preliminary in Gill Gym in preparation Four meets and two for the approaching On Tuesday night, when Miss Tweed honored the basketball Mason-Dixon events go to make up the card. Dickinson and Gettysburg wili base is the only post that is particu- Stropp. larly worrying team at the championship banquet, there were missing two ele- be met in dual affairs, while \Vashington, Towson, Catholie University and Outfield spots will be plentiful lf ments of a title-winning aggregation. ;------------~ Mount St. Mary's will be met in triangular meets, with Hopkins still to be Don Honeman is moved to initial First of all, Coach carded. Bruce Ferguson Among The Greeks Among the returning monogram winners are retiring Captain Lindsay sack, but if not, right and left field was not on the Chase and Bill Taylor, distance runners; Ed Lewis and Pete Townsend, half are available. Francis Smith will not scene of the ante- miler s ; Bob Sorensen and Bill Robinson, in the sprints and quarter-mile; and be able to see any action on the dia- mond because of his injured knee. climax of the Bachelors In Lead Manny Kaplan, in the weights. Hold- ;----------~ most successful overs from last year's squad include Coming up from last year's fresh- season a Green As Second Round Glenn Martin, Tom O'Leary, George men team are infielders Manny Kap- and Gold court Barrick, Fred Bohn, Jack Stewart, lan and Earl Schubert, outfielder quint has experi- Volleyball Begins Bill \V ails, and Frazier Scott. A num- Royce Gibson, and catcher Bill Walls. enced in the last ber of newcomers have swelled the Bobby Bricker, regular receiver last decade. Overcom- squad to about twenty-five. season, will probably draw the nod ing several hand- Showing an almost complete re- Chase end Taylor are expected to over Walls, however. icaps to bring the versal of form, the .Bachelor volley- handle the mile and two mile in con- first Mason-Dix- ball team handed the Preacher six a sistent style, while Tom O'LeaTY may Robinson on crown to the severe trouncing on Tuesday, as the find himself this season. Among Hill is an accom- second round got under way. The those missing in the dashes and mid- On The Links plishment that speaks for itself, losers, undefeated in the fhst round, dle distance runs .are Frank Mather Secondly, conspicuous by its ab- fell by the scores of 15 to 7 and 15 to and Jack Morris, last year's freshman NeilEckenrode sence was the trophy that goes to the 8. standout, now a member of the conference winner. According to For the winners it was Bill Walls, Army plebe squad. Charlie Irwin and To Captain '41 Charlie Havens, who represented Tim Lewis, and Otts O'Keefe, who Arlie Mansberger are expected to bol- Western Maryland at the loop meet- performed in a steady manner to lead ster Robinson and Sorensen in the and ing in Baltimore Sunday, the trophy Alpha Gamma Tau into the leading 440 and 220, while Jim Tinder in the Golf Squad will compete Earll Warren is on the way and is due to be pre- position. On Friday, the Bachelors ean be done until the weather breaks sented in the near future. will face the Gamma Bets and the shorter dashes. and we get outside." Preachers joust the Black and Whites. .Nathan's main job, a perennial one, Faced with the problem of preserv- Gallaudet-Bridgewater will be the developing of capable field To aid in producing a larger active ing last year's fine record of but six At the ....confab Sunday several im- The latter coupled the strong point performers for both the jumps and squad, the intramural and Jnter-rra- portant matters were discussed, and smashes of Lou Elliott and the out- weights. Otts Bradley, last year's ternities truck meets will be held losses in fifteen matches, John Me- among the more prominent was the atanding defensive play of Abe Gruel high jumper and pole vaulter, and sometime in the early part of April to kosky'a TeITo~' golfers are preparing admission of Gallaudet College, of and Paul Cummins to overthrow the Lou Williams and Morris, from the allow more men to compete in varsity to face the aeventeen-ruateh schedule Washington, D. C., and Bridgewater Gamma Bets 21 to 17 in the other broad jump, all left vacancies to be competition. that has been drawn up. The squad by Neil Eckenrode, will be eaptained College, of Bridgewater, Virginia. senior loop contest. filled. To Kaplan, Scott, and O'Leary playing his fourth year on the varsi- These two institutions will compete In the junior league, only one con- will go the javeline assignments, Fencers • . • ty, and managed by Fred Holloway, for the main in track and wrestling, test developed when the Gamma Bets while Barrick, Bohn, and Walls will Tonight the Green Terror fen- but may meet the Washington schools could not produce a second team and carry the brunt of the shot put. cers will take to the road to meet Jr, in basketball and baseball. forfeited their match to the Black Commenting on the approaching the strong York (Pa.) YMCA in Gone from last year's squad are As regards the future, several and Whites. The contest that was campaign, Nathan said: "Following a dual meet. The hosts annually Paul Burtis, Bill Shockley, Mike Pe- changes will be made in the basket- played saw the Preachers defeat the spring vacation, the squad will be engage the strongest clubs and col- tr-ucci, and Stud Thompson; and their places will be filled by new-comers. ball end of the league; and next year's Bachelors by consecutive 15 to 1 and pr-essed for time; and with the first leges in the East and promise to Still on hand, in addition to Ecken- tournament may l)roVe an even larg- 15 to 3 scores. Bob Siemon was out- dual meet less than the ten days fol- offer a high caliber of competition rode, are Mike Phillips, and John er success than the one just conclud- standing at the net for the winners, lowing the return to school, the boys for the local team composed of Pirie; while Dick Hausler, Woody ed. The conference game deadline while Elmer Evans kept the Bache- will be under pressure in rounding Emil Grenda, Earl Darsh, John date will be February 28, with an lors in the game from time to time. into shape. However, nothing much Hancock and Tom O'Leary. Preston, aud Fred Holloway are ca- eight-game minimum, the playoffs to pable freshman. is rather optimistic Coach Makosky be held the following week, A note concerning the coming season. "There of considerable importance to will be Bowen, Baugher, Belt, Baylies Among Veterans isn't much glory in playing the Uni- local fans is that special tickets of versity of Baltimore," stated the div- sold at reduced rates for students dent of the loop, also announced the To Answer Hurt's Call For Tennis Candidates ot lifter's mentor, "They are as good member colleges. Tom Kibler, presi- in golf as they are at basketball- bascball campaign will be conducted and that means pretty much. We are going to strive to uphold the record under conference jurisdiction. Eighteen Matches To Two Singles Berths compiled last year, and if our fresh- Spring Football-Soccer May Go To Freshmen men come through, this is very prob- With a few breaks by the weather Be Played; Beginning able." man, spring squads in six sports will With Manhattan~ Jensen and Yingling The schedule follows: be able to get under way in earnest April: before the impending ten day vaca- Getting the jump on Old Man been playing we should have a suc- 11, Mount. St. Mary's (home) tion. Informal discussions have been Weather, Coach Frank Hurt and his cessful season." 17, Franklin & Marshall (away) held during the week, and the sched- racquet swingers have been working By new talent Hurt means Sig Jen- 19, Gettysburg (home) ules appear elsewhere on this page; out for the past week in Gill Gym. sen, who played number one position 22, Catholic U. (home) tentative now it is the belated winter blasts The Terror mentor has one eye cast in high school, and Harry Yingling; 23, Univ. of Maryland (away) that are holding up the proceedings. on the large schedule as he carefully and both have a good ehance according 25, Baltimore U, (away) Two of those referred to above will looks over the candidates for the to the coach to make the starting 30, Dickinson (away) be in the nature of tune-ups for fall squad. line-up. Jaek Quynn, Jaek Warner, May: campaigns, still six months away. $ Ted Bowen Captain Fred Kullmar, Roger Saltagaver, and 1, Haverford (home) These are the spring sessions that Captain Ted Bowen leads the re- Reece Seott are also trying out for 2, West Chester (home) are being conducted in footbalJ and turning lettermen of the Terror net varsity berths. 3, Gettysburg (away) soceer. In addition to the regular team, while Bo Baugher, who holds • Manhattan College First 7, Loyola and routine, scrimmages with nearby the Maryland singles title, wiJl be Indoor work is scheduled for the Mount St. Mary's (home) schools and clubs may be conducted. back for another season on the "court. squad until after the spr-ing vacation; 10, WMC Invitation Tournament Back into basketball, this time in Gene Belt and Bill Baylies again will then the net men will work outside in (home) the national perspective, we see that see action this season. Frank Hurt order to get the feel of the clay courts 13, Baltimore U. (home) the much-publicized North Carolina Coach Hurt commented, "We have in preparation for the first match of 16, Md. Intercollegiate (away) scoring ace, George GJamack, has been a bigger and better schedule this tion over last year, wnen we finished the season, whieh is to be pJayed here 17, Md. Intercollegiate (away) named All_American for the second year, since we have 19 matches card- in second place. With the men re- with Manhattan College of New York 21, Loyola (away) (home) 24, Univ. of Maryland (Cont. on page 4, col. 4) ed; and we should improve our posi- turning and the new talent that has on April 17.
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