Page 67 - TheGoldBug1940-41
P. 67
The Gold Bug, Watern College, Wacminater, M~ March 13, 1941 PAGB THREE Green Terrors Take Mason-Dixon Crown THE • Outscore Greyhounds In Final SHORT Charlie Havens R•• I.ct.d Presid.nt Of Playoff Game By Scant Margin East.rn 'nt.rcoll.giat. Boxing Association .=====OFIT At the annual meeting of L•• Lodg. And Irv Biasi Lat. Attack By Bill Robinson the Eastern Intercollegiate In S.cond Half Rally With Fift•• n Points Boxing Association held last SPORTS EDITOR weekend in Syracuse, Charles Coming from behind as they have on so many occasions, a Last Saturday night in Syracuse, W. Havens, director of Ath- fighting, aggressive Green Terror quint outscored and outplayed Rip Hudson stood on the brink of letics and Terror football the taller Loyola Greyhounds in the most thrilling game of a high- . 2~::;;~fE~~l;lfl~i~iii.:]i~:~~!; game played at Homewood on Tuesday night. winning the Eastern Intercollegiate :~~t~~ t~:sor~~~i~!~~n~re;;~ ly successful cage season to annex the 1941 Mason-Dixon Confer- ence title. The score of the final playoff test was 39 to 38 in the • Tribute To Coach Ferguson The test proved to be a real tribute to Bruce Ferguson, who really stepped out of the local setup in a blaze of glory. For Don test that night, president and secretary-trees- Honeman it was the game of a life- ,..- _ down looked he in his own corner surer. announced at the time; and although he was held with- Loyola high scorer failed to connect Also • J :n:~he~er~ i:t ~: ment to be held at Charlottes- out a field goal, the little fellow made ceeded to hold the other In the second with a single basket. up for this lack of scoring by playing ~~~tin~h;:;i;~:h1~te~00Jr~~= off and Biasi pro- changed session one of his best floor games in addi- Greyhound fighter with a big tion to his fine leadership. forward, heart. It was Vic - ville on March 6 and 7. The It is impossible to single out any . Fiore, who had association also voted to elim- individual star, but we can mention a tally . Barney Goldberg, without a Robinson ~~~eS~deb ~n t~: inate third place bouts next few conclusions drawn following the • Lodge Scores In 'Last 4 Minutes who Lee Lodge, was there Then semi-finals, as Rip wen from him year. test. To IrY Biasi went the job of twice connected for two pointers in guarding the Greyhounds' Bernie on a TKO. '-;;;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;::::;::; Thobe and dur-ing- the first half, the the last foul' minutes of the fray to Following the scrap between Rip ~ provide the final margin of victory. and Fiore, a Penn State junior, the Rasslin' Playing the games of their careers, two struck up quite a friendship. Let Frank Suffern and Royce Gibson Rip tell the story: "In my fight with Among Th. Gr •• ks handled rebounds in such a manner Fiore, I was pretty Our firnt round Grapplers Take 16-13 Victory that it was almost impossible for the lucky to be de- clared the winner. Evergreen quint to gain control of As the third ses- From Hopkins As Cohen Stars was even; but in the second round, he Delta Pi Alpha their own missed shots. When Ter- knocked me down. ror baskets were scarce in the" first sion started he had a lead of three or squad came from behind to Assumes Lead stanza, it was Bob Faw's three suc- foul' points-and then we butted After a slow start, the Green Terror wrestling cessful foul shots that helped to keep heads while boxing in a neutral cor- defeat the Johns Hopkins matmen on Friday in Gill Gym for their first vic- the Green and Gold in the game. Al Cohen, giant football star, proved to be the deciding factor as he gained In Volleyball ner; and he developed a cut over his tory of the season. The score was IS to 13. At the outset of the contest, the cye; the 'ref' stopped the bout, de- Loyola crew stepped out to an early 6 claring me the winner. . the nod over Hopkins' heavyweight, twice pinning the visitors shoulders to the to 1 lead and later gained a 9 to 6 "He sure is a good little fighter, so mat. Before this bout, the score ,-- _ As the last repercussions of _a wargin. Before long, G i b son and I asked him to sit in my corner for stood at 13 to 11, in favor of the Jays t.ime draw in the 155 pound division. "bang up" basketball season die away Suffern hit the loop and the game was the finals. It was tough for him to and Cohen's victory was decisive. Bob Sorensen, however, came back in the distance, a new sport comes tied at l3-all after twelve minutes. lose like that; but had he been called The Johnnies started off fast as strong to put the Terrors back in the into favor with the fraternity ath- For the first time in the game the the winner, his cut would have pre- they gained two decisions in the running, winning the verdict over the lets-volleyball. Green Terrors assumed the lead as vented him from boxing in the finals. lighter weights. Bert Jones and Bud Jay grappler. The Interfraternity Volleyball Lea- the result of a foul shot, but at the l\Iaybe he will go places in the nation- Schillers, in the 121 and 128 pound gue was officially opened on last Fri- intermission point, the Greyhounds als to be held at Penn State later this classes dropped decisions to their At this point the score stood at 13 day afternoon i.n Gill Gym; and accord- held a 20 to 16 margin. Loyola's month." more experienced rivals, while Archie to 8, with the 175 pound bout com- ing to the ruling, two victories ant of scoring was done by Goldberg, who Rip's triumph over Fiore placed Thomas was pinned in the final four ing up. It pitted Charlie Del\Ianns three games played must be regis- hit the cords for ten points, while and the him in the finals against Syracuse's seconds of his 136 pound joust. These against the Jays' Rosenthal gained the tered in order to claim an advantage. Franny Bock had racked up four Green and Gold grappler Roland, resulting in a similar heart- three triumphs gave the Hopkins Iads referee's decision by completely out- In accordance with this rule, Delta goals and a foul marker. breaker for the Western Maryland an eleven point lead, while the Green classing his foe. The climax came- Pi Alpha and Alpha Gamma Tau were After the rest period, the action lad. Roland had taken the first two had failed to tally. forced to go the three game limit be- really started as Gibson and Biasi rounds by close margins, and only Came the deluge. Guy Reeser mak- and with it Cohen needing two points fore the former posted a match vic- tallied to tie the battle at 22 all; but twenty-five seconds had elapsed when for a tie and three for a victory. AI tory, 15 to 5, 14 to IS, and 16 to 14. Bock and Jim Nouss again put the Hudson opened a cut over the eye of ing his debut, gained a decision over took no chances as he threw his taller In the other "A" league contest, the Greyhounds in the lead. Biasi's third the Syracuse boxer. The referee Eisner, the Hopkins 145 pounder in a rival twice in the short space of thir- Black and Whites trounced an under- field goal of the half and Suffern's stopped the fight at once, and Roland close match, after which Bill Penning- ty-two seconds to allow the locals to manned Gamma Bet outfit by consec- successful foul attempt closed the ton and Eisner battled to an over- raise their season record to .500. was declared victor on points after a utive 15 to 6 and 15 to 4 victories. gap, again deadlocking the test at 25 split decision. The junior circuit produced only apiece. I The title was the first of five won one contest when the Gamma Bets Here the Loyola quint made a real by the Syracuse squad, who easily failed to produce enough men and ror- bid which threw a scare into the took the tourney with 28 points, fol- Hudson Only Green And Gold ieited to the Black and Whites. The Green and Gold, as Thobe and Nousa lowed by Army and Cornell, who were Preacher junior team completed the hit the basket for eight points and tied for second. To the winners who Boxer To Score In Tourney day's matches with consecutive, 21 to captain Ed Barczak tallied 011 a spec- were undefeated in eight dual meets 9 and 15 to 9 victories over the Bach- tacular play to give them a ten-point goes the Edward J. Neil trophy, elors. margin, with less than nine minutes which supplants the cup formerly Western Maryland ended a POOl' mark of Cornell was unable to com- This Tuesday's matches produced a remaining. presented by the Baltimore Sun. last in the team competition at the pete. definite leader in the guise of Delta Then Suffern broke the streak with Since the founding of the 'associa- Eastern Intercollegiate Boxing Tour- Harry Baker was knocked out by Pi Alpha when they downed the Black a goal; and Honeman dropped two tion inl 1921, the title has been in nament at Syracuse last week-end Captain Fenton Somerville of Vir- and Whites, 15 to 3 and 15 to 11 in a foul shots to draw up to 35 to 29, af- possession of four schools, namely, when Van Hudson was the only final- ginia in the first round of their bout, senior loop contest. The Bachelor ter which Biasi and Gibson sunk fouls; Penn State, seven times; Syracuse, ist. Hudson battled it out with John when Somerville connected with a sextet smashed through to 15 to 6 and Lodge tallied the first of his big five times; Navy, no longer a competi- Roland of Syracuse, before bowing hard blow on the side of Baker's head. end 15 to 9 victories over the Gamma three from near mid-court. Barczak's tor, four times; and Army twice. cut of the picture in the 120 pound When Baker fell he hit his head on Bets. foul was nullified by Biasi's long shot western Maryland has never won the division. the floor and it was several minutes Again, the junior circuit games and the Greyhounds led by 36 to 35 team title but knocked hard at the The fight was stopped in the third before he was .revived. were marred by the shortage of play- with but foul' minutes left in the con- door in 1934, when Andy Gorski, Ber- round when Hudson opened a cut over Clarence Bachman lost a decision ers. The Bachelor-Gamma Bet game test. nie Kaplan, and Tommy Ponteearvo Roland's eye. The ruling in inter- to Orlando Palipoli of Syracuse, who was postponed due to lack of men on Lodge then tallied on a long shot to won individuals crowns. Other Green collegiate boxing is that the man who was chalking up his first, victory in both teams. In the other contest, the put the Terrors in front again, but and Gold titleholders include Crosby has the most points at that time, is three years of intercollegiate compe- Preachers defeated the Black and Goldberg and Ed Pazourek sunk two and Klepee in 19Z9 and 1930; Brubak- declared the winner. The voting of tition and went on to the finals be- Whites by 15 to 2 and 15 to 9 de- fouls; and the Greyhounds were on top er and Ekaites in 1931; &aplan in one judge neutralized the other, and fore he lost. Bob Baird of Penn cisions. 38 to 37. With thirty seconds re- 1933; Pontecervo in 1935 j and Orten- the final decision was up to thc ref- State decisloned Ed Lewis in a close On Thursday, March 6, the Semi- maining, Lodge tossed up the payoff zi in 1938. eree who voted for Roland by the fight in the first round of the tourna- nary, representing the Intramural shot; and it connected for number Tuesday night, Bruce Ferguson scant margin of one point. ment, but lost to Joe Schoff of Syra- champions of Western Maryland Col- thit-ty-nine-c-and the game, title and came back to take the coaching reins Hudson drew a bye in the first cuse for the title. lege faced the Intramural champions' trophy. for the last time for quite a while and round and scored a technical knock- "Hudson lost by only one point in of the University of Maryland in a The memory of such a victory will his position will be one that will have out over Vie Fiore of Penn State af- his title bout, and Ed Lewis' fight was post season basketball game in Gill long be remembered when great to be filled in the near future. By ter one minute and ten seconds in the also a close one. The boys were filled Gym. The contest was turned into a Western Maryland teams are talked June, Bob Stropp and Bob Walters third round of their semi-final fight. with spirit and gave all that they rout early in the first half and the about. This game, similar in many will look to army duty, and this will Captain Joe Rouse lost out in the had," was all that Coach Lawrence Seminary, led by their stalwarts, respects to the one point victory over mean an almost complete revision of semi-finals in the 127 pound class Reynolds had to say about the tour- Charlie Wallace, John Dawson, and Washington's Sho'men last week, the coaching staff. In addition to when he dropped a decision to Milford nament. Hal Wright, coasted to an easy 40 to proved without a doubt that "a team these three vacancies, a new soccer 12 victory. that won't be beat, can't be beat." and track mentor will be appointed to Fasey of Syracuse, who went on to Syracuse won the team laurel, win- In the first round of fill the shoes of Dr. Walter L. Na- cop the crown. Rouse was awarded a ning five championships out of a pos- the tournament sible eight, and lost two fights in the than, who is transferring to Boston forfeit bout when Marvin Mittle- finals. Four Veterans Return As Tennis Team University. T,he next ten days wili just about Holds Indoor Workouts In Gill Gym end the college basketball season, which is dwindling down to sectional A call was issued for tennis candi- biggest t-ask. The pair were value- layoffs and region tournaments. Track And Fi.ld . . . dates on Tuesday as Coach Frank bla in singles and formed the first our of the largest tourneys will be Hurt began to line up his racquet doubles combination. Wright was last played at New York ; Madison, Wis- With the first dual track meet with Washington on College only squad for the coming season. Among year's number one man and perhaps consin; Pullman, Washington; and five weeks away, Dr. Nathan has called a meeting of all track lettel'- the large group to turn out were foul' Baugher will move up to fill his va- Kansas City getting under way in men and any newcomers tomorrow after lunch in Room 'E, Lewis Hall. lettermen, Captain Ted Bowen, Gene the next week or so. It is the one at Belt, Bo Baugher, and Bill Baylies, cated post. Kansas City that interests local fans, The squad is fairly well set as far as middle and long distance men and several freshmen. Other singles posts may go to Jack due to the presence of the University are concerned, but lack sprinters. Also needed are several field men for Finding replacements for graduat. Quynn, Rogel' Saltzgaver, Sig Jensen, of Baltimore Bees, who matched bas- the jumps and weight events. ed veterans, Will Prentiss and Harold Jack Warner, Fred Kullmar, or Harry (Cont. on page 4, col. 3) Wright will be the Terror mentor's Yingling.
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