Page 69 - TheGoldBug1940-41
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Library aryland College 't,1estern Junior cras~ln ter, Md.rJ. Signs Band <'fHe BOB STROPP IS NAMED BASEBALL COACH For Prom PAGE 3 • Z286 Barry M,Kinley To Provide Musk For Vol. 18 No. 18 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE March 20, 1941 .Dano< On April 19 Barry McKinley and his NBC Isaac B. Rehert Is Appointed orchestra has been signed to Spring Vacation To furnish the music for the annual Junior Prom to be held in Gill Start Ma"h 28 Gymnasium from 8 to 11 :30 P. Gold Bug Editor-In-Chief M. on Saturday evening, April Spring vacation will begin on- 28, noon. 19, according to Wilbur Kidd, Friday, March days, at the 12 annual ten Lasting chairman of the orchestra com- mittee. spring recess will end on Monday, Retiring Seniors Choose Alvin H. l.evin-As At the present time, McKin- April 7, at 8 P. M. The absence committee wishes to ley and his orchestra is playing remind all students that attend- at the Westwood Hotel in Richmond, ance is required at the class meet- Managing Editor; Werner Orrison, Business Virginia, where 'he features sophisti- ings on the day the holiday begins Manager~--Advisory Boa'rd Is Instituted ·~;~::!~~:;:t~::! i each capable share of spectively. control of the Gotd Bug for the lected to head the business de- ~~arts~eon~o;~a:~~ n~~~~e~ftl~~~ and on the day it ends, the days being March 28 and April 8, ce- Isaac B. Rehert, '42 assumes A five dollar fine will b eimpcsed partment manager, as business doing his : .!:. of ~~~~;vO~~~Kin_ for infringement of the rule, ac- remainder of the year, having succeeding Edward Weant, who and this year as managing Dean's edi- The adver- tor. cording to the committee. been appointed graduates He is a consistent editor-in-chief this year. I~~ Iley gained the at- by the seniors on the outgoing tising manager the will be Betty Lister, a member of the Argo- r and nauts, and a candidate for grad- Cormany circulation board in special-meet- editorial tention of the ra- dio audience sev- Honor System ing yesterday. managers will be Frank Tar- uation honors in mathematics. eral years ago by Alvin H. Levin, '43 was button and Thornton Wood. Henry Triesler, retiring edi- Members of the staff named the Vote To Be _.'4 .' singing baritone chosen to fill the position of to the chief reportorial positions tor, announced that an advisory managing editor vacated by Mr. Philip Bechtel solos 0 v er were Irvin Katz, Mary Turn- board would supervise the work N.RC. networks. Rehert. As such he heads the ley, Bert Jones, Nelson Wolf- of the new staff until the end of As his popularity grew, he organized Taken Soon editorial department and is in the year, training them for their his present band and continued to direct charge' of the three sheimer, James Snodgrass, and jobs. The board will be com- Harvey page Buck. William Taylor Ruth Triesler, meet radio acclaim. 'Music With Meals' newly-elected Rawlins; e d ito r S:' was made chief proof-reader. posed of Mr. Bill Robinson, Lu- feature, John news, Mansberger, Philip Bechtel, president of the Eleanor Healy; and sports, John Only the major positions were junior class, has already selected the To Start When Robinson. tilled; the new editor will 'select cie Leigh Barnes, and Thelma Bowen. various committees and their ~hair- Records Arrive Assistants to the page editors his other subordinates such as men. Heading the preparations for are Mary Miller, assistant news reporters, copy editors, and The new staff will put out the the dance is Robert Podlich, general Action will be taken on the two editor, and Joseph Workman, proof readers. next issue of the paper, number chairman, who reports that the fol- current projects of the Men's SGA assistant sports editor. Mr. Rebert comes from Balti- 19, after spring vacation on lowing committees are at work: dec- early next week, according to Robert Werner Orrison, '43, was se- more. He has been a member April 17. orations, Paul Myers, chairman, Har- Faw, head of that organization. riet Dygert, William Leatherman, • Vote After Lunch Royce Gibson, Ruth Caltrider: pro- At one of the noon meals students on Committees For May Day Play And Dance gram, Robert Bricker, chairman, Nor- will be presented with ballots man Foy, Dorothy Mulvey: publicity, which they will vote as to whether or Col- Selected By Chairman Betty Brown Edna Bandorf, chairman, Jane Fra- not they are interested in an honor ley, William Vincent: orchestra, Wil- system for Western 'Maryland bur Kidd, chairman, Melbourne lege. Further discussion of the pro- Binns; refreshments, Ruth MacVean, posed system will depend entirely on Lucie Leigh Barnes Jeanne Shank Will chairman, Elaine Barnes; invita- the vote of the student body. If the tions: Don Griffin, chairman, and vote is negative, Mr. Faw has ex- To Direct 'Prince Direct Management Bayne Dudley. . plained, the discussion of the issue Who Was A Piper' Of Semi-Formal will be dropped temporaril~ The SGA is now formulating a plan to re- Lucie Leigh Barnes, under the Yentsch, Jane Mellor. chair- Invitations, Peggy Reeves, Harper LeCompte vise the present system of test-taking. suparvlalon of Miss Esther Smith, man; Pearl Bodmer, Sally Anne Cox, The "music with the meals" project will direct the play which will feature To Address IRC will also go into effect early next the annual spring May Day celebra- Doris Harman, Patricia White, Anna week. tion on the Hill on May 3. The play Robey, Jane Fraley, Ha'rriet Dygert, Harper LeCompte will discuss the • Music To Begin to be presented this year will be "The Clean-up, Margaret Anne Smith, Hoover Plan for sending food to the After spending several weeks shop- Prince Who Was A Piper" by Harold chairman; Mary Lee Hayman, Phoe- Five Small European Democracies at ping for a record player, the student Brighouse. Mary Lou Asbury and be JOhnS01J, Nancy Swecker, Paula the next meeting of the International government finally purchased one Deborah Hewers have the leading Weinberg, Rebecca Wooden, Anita Relations Club next MQnday evening, from a down-town firm. The failure roles in the play. Rue, Dorothy 'I'hrush. March 24. of the fifty selected records to ar-rive Betty Brown, vice-president of the Dance, general chairman, Jeanne Mr. LeCompte will discuss the plan has delayed the initiation. Student Government, chairman of the Shank: programs, Elise wtedersum, in full and then proceed to conduct a Limited funds necessitated the long May Day festivities, has announced chairman, Edna Bandorf, Frances discussion of the question before the and careful selections C?f records by the appointment of the following Dillnway, Muriel Harding, Margaret members of the club. Mr. Oliver Spangler of the music de- committees: Rudisill, Cordelia Price, Julia Rose The plan, in brief, is to arouse pub. partment, Miss Sarah Tweed, dieti- Costumes, Ruth Mncvean, chair- Collinson; decorations, Ruth Caltrtd- lie opinion to persuade Britain to al~ tian, and Mr. Faw. man; Emily Linton, Kathryn Tipton, er chairman, Betty Armstrong, Ei- low ships to carry food through her If the plan is a success, additional Janith Horsey, Alice Rohrer, Eliza- Betty Brown leen Trott, Margaret 'Rudy, Thelma blockade to Belgium, Norway, Den- records will be added to the present beth Gable, Marie Baldwin, and Vir- Food, Alice Vollmer, chairman; Bowen, Betty Ellwein, JeanneKaest- mark, Holland, and Finland. supply. ginia Blair, Elaine Ort, and Ann Cov- Doria Benson, Phoebe Gatchell, Elsa ner, Phyllis Cade ; refreshments, Mary ington. Cross, Isabella Maddox, Eleanor Stevenson, chairman, Annette Hutch- the day, play Programs r------ For Better Or For Worse -----, Ramona Delia, for chairman; and Beatrice Prescott, Anita Twigg, Edith Leidy, ins, Mary Jane Jeffries, and Florence Grace Morris, Grace Kelbaugh, Barker. Janus Sociology Study Reveals Why Burke, June for play, Dorothy Mulvey, Green, Rachael Lippy, Doris Baker, Sara Belle Veale. Property Men, Women Won't Marry Peach Garrison, Virginia Jockel, Jane Home Economics Students McComas, Miriam Shroyer. Reception, Mildred Melvin, chair- Why won't your one-and-only important criticism o'f the gentle man; Jean Pollard, Caroline RudisiIl, Leave Management House marry you? Have you taken sex and the seventh most import- Cora Dunn, Ellen Walker, Margaret toothpaste, mouthwash, and Life- ant fault of the men. Frowsie Sal- Reynolds, Ellen Logan. buoy "ads" to heart? If you have ly and Sloppy Joe just don't have The Home Management House to their needs, according to Miss and your beloved still spurns your a chance. Since the women are closed 011 Thursday, March 13, after Daisy Smith, in charge of the house. advances, learn the reasons why constantly under the eagle eyes of having accommodated three groups of The entire set-up of the house is by reading this report of class in the b'hoys lined up outside of the Debate Team Meets senior Home Economics students for now in the process of being changed. sociology. dining hall, they have to ,put up a periods of six weeks each. All of the first floor furniture is be- Dr. James Earp of the sociology good appearance. G-Burgln Assembly The five girls who made up the first ing stored on the upper floors. The department has recently conducted But a babe may look like Hedy group were Anne Dexter, Frances reason fo,' this early spring house- an experiment to determine why Lamarr and still not get her man A debate between Western Mary- Dillaway, Jeanne Shank, Ellen Logan, cleaning is to make room for minia- _ women won't marry men and why lind here are the reasons: land College and Gettysburg Coilege and Doris Benson. The s:econd group ture toy furniture to be used for the men won't marry women. Each '(1) Conceitedness, will be the feature of next Monday of girls was composed of Alice VoIl- children who will attend the Nursery member of the classes studying (2) Slovenliness, morning assembly period, March 24, mer, Edith Leidy, Phoebe Gatchell, School. marriage and the family has for- (3) POOl'personality, in Alumni Hall. Betty Poore, and Eleanor Prescott. The change of the Home Manage- mulated, after considering ten dif~ (4) Fickleness, Richard Baker and Andrew Bohle The four members of the last group ment House into the Nursery School ferent members of the opposite (5) Talk too much-'nuff said, will represent the negative side of the to run the house, Jeannette Wigley, will be completed One week after sex, several reasons why she (6) Outside interests, question, Resolved, That the nations Gebhardt, Ethel Rae Rich- spring vacatioll, when Miss Gray will wouldn't darn his socks or he (7) Immaturity, of the Western Hemisphere Should ards, and Anita Twigg, heaved sighs begin conducting a course in child de- wouldn't carry her over his thresh- (8) Smoking, Form a Permanent Union. of relief that their days of ploughing yclopment for fourteen girls. A old. Some of the results are sur- (9) Insincerity, The Oregon style of debate will be through deep snow, without the group, often children, ranging in age prising. (10) Inferiority complex. used; constructive argument for slightest semblance of a path, was from two to four, and made up most- Conceitedness leads the indict· There you are ladies-the truth. eight minutes, cross-examination for over. This was thei!' only regret, ly of the children of faculty members, ment against both the males and Now let's see what the women eight minutes, and rebuttal for four however, as the girls really enjoyed will attend the Nursery School from the females. think of the men when they really minutes. their six weeks as responsible house- dne to twelve A. M. every week day. Also high up in the list is sloven- think of them. Their main detrac_ There will be no further debates keepers. The new Home Manage- liness. It was the second most (Cont. on page 4, col. 2) until after spring vacation, according ment House, formerly Professor Mc- Their progress will be guided and to Manager Edward Thomas. Daniel's residence, W(l.S ideally suited watched by the Home Ec'ers.
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