Page 68 - TheGoldBug1940-41
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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md., March 13, 1941 Organizations Women's Glee Club ty of Chicago ecnttnues usually to get in the Bookstore - its name into print--but SCA Conducts Investiture Is I Sings In Assembly Glee negative sense. A few years back, 'used as a temporary home for them. (Cont. from page 1, col. 2) they decided to drop football, and now Maryland Western College's head at Lent Service OnApril~ voices, will present its annual assem- Wendell S. Wilson, athletic is asking store is a center of social activity-- As in the case of the grill, the book- Club, made up of thirty-five female of lllinois the University Investiture of 123 senior students bly program on Monday, March 17. that the Maroon withd;aw from the especially around mail-time. After After not having met for the entire The selections which will be sung are Big Te·n. supper at the ;'ail is where and when month of February in order to re- with academic cap and gown will as follows: . Wilson charged Dr. Robert M. Hud- everybody sees ,everybody else. Mr. linquish the time for the meeting of take place at a special assembly on vere Languores Nostr6s son, president of the Chicago insti- Harrison is upset that so many of the the study groups, the SCA will re- Wednesday, April 9, at 8:30 A. M. Haste Thee, Nymph tution with being "an enemy of inter- students carelessly or purposely leave sume its meetings on March 19 when ~~~~Yb!O:v:~:d,a:11~~?h;:~v~~~~~ collegiate sports programs", and it their boxes open. Students pay a fee Elves of the Forest :it will hold a special worship program bachelor -of arts costume. Tiritomba was stated that the scheduling of to have a private box-and then they for Lent. Mary Frances Hawkins Silent String Chicago meant actually chalking up open them to the general public. If and Charles Irwin will provide the en- Highlight of the investiture service The Arkansas Traveler victories before the games were they don't get mail-or if they find tertainment for the meeting which will be the address of a member of Le Changement played. any has been made away with, they will begin at 6:45 P. M. in Baker the faculty. The speaker will not be Choral Fantasy on Nursery A more friendly note was struck at mustn't blame Uncle Sam! It's Chapel. _ announced until he is introduced from Rhymes. against his regulations to have those Plans for future events include the the stage of Alumni Hall Raleigh, North Carolina, a couple of boxes open! election of officers for next year on The program for the service will _ weeks ago, as fate brought the rep- resentative teams of Virginia Military March 26; a visit to the campus by consist of a processional of faculty Short Of It _ Institute and Washington and Lee to- Eunice King of the Student Volun- members and senior students while (Cont. from page 3, col. 1) gether for the first formal varsity ing, and such a rivalry had grown up teer Movement on April 9; a visit by the entire student body stands. Fol- kets with the Terrors in January. game in thirty-five years. The cam- that contests could not be played Sherwood Eddy, world famous lectur- lowing the processional, the Lord's without a riot or general disorder re- er and traveler on April 16; and in- Prayer will be recited, followed by a Out in the Mid-West, the Llniver-si- puses of the two schools are adjoin- sulting. hymn and a reading from the Scrip- stallation of the new officers on May 7. tures. At this point the speaker, in- In reviewing the events sponsored troduced by Dr. Holloway, will make Gold Bug Open Forum by the SCA this year, Harper Le- his address. Immediately after the Compte, president of the organization, address, the seniors and faculty mem- (Cont. from page 2, col. 4) premature estimates of a student's ability, stated that he was well pleased with bers will file out as the school stands dividual and creative thought by saying, in- differences of opinion, or personal bias of any the progress made by the group. and sings a recessional. fer-r-ing, or acting as if a student's opinion is nature whatsoever to influence his marking. Among the things accomplished this "100 per cent bunk", or by insisting that his Marks are utterly worthless unless they are rear are revision of the old constitu- own opinion on non-factual questions is the actually a fair estimate of a student's merit of stu- Debate Team Meets tion, presentation of several outstand- only correct one; in the course concerned. ing speakers, and sponsorship (4) It is dishonorablejor a professor to overbur- I submit these observations with the hope that, the year included a stag dance, a Hal- Eight Opponents den students with required work without due unlike the fate of previous criticisms, they will at dent study groups. Social events of lowe'en party, and numerous week- Debate activity will continue this consideration of the five or six other courses In least be thought about. They do not arise from mere If obviously is (which demanding a student's impossible. nothingness time and attention. end dances with recorded music. week with one five day trip and three a college, some initiative in allocating time they had no" basis they would never have been made. The SCA sponsored a radio pro- home debates scheduled. Richard Ba- and in exerting effort should be left to the It is only a suggestion, but perhaps an oath compar- gram and a drive to raise money for ker and Andrew Bohle will represent student. Paternalism is inconsistent with in- able to that which all physicians are required to take foreign students. Members of the or- the college at Dickinson College, tellectual maturation; would be of some value in the teacher's profession. ganization also attended various con- Bucknell University, Lock Haven (5) It is dishonorable for a professor to reduce a I close with all apologies to those faculty members rerences on subjects related to its State Teachers College, State Col- student's mark because a student has taken to whom this letter does not apply, thanking you all work. lege, and Shippensburg State Teach- the privileges which are granted to him by for having considered it. ers College. They will leave on March the Dean's list. The Dean's list is a farce so PAUL CUMMINS. Argonauls ... 18 and will debate Dickinson that long as this practice, also paternalistic, is P.S.-It seems significant that, invariably, those The Argonauts, the college honor evening. Each of the other colleges continued; who have so far read this Jetter have warned society, will travel to Baltimore next will be met on succeeding days. (6) It is dishonorable for a professor to aHow me to send it anonymously. Tuesday evening, March 18th, to at- William Hausler and Willard Ever- tend the Johns Hopkins University ett will engage Brothers College of Supper Club. which is go- Drew University in McDaniel Hall ing, composed. of about fourteen ju- Lounge on March 17. The student nior and senior honor students, will body is cordially invited to attend. /I/I~~ ... leave at 4:45 P. AI:. from McDaniel On March 18, a radio debate will be Hall. Dinner is scheduled for 6 presented over Station WFMD be- o'clock. The speaker for the even- tween Western Maryland College and ing will be an FBI investigator, who Dickinson College. Paul Alelyunas will explain the functions of the bu- and Willard Everett will represent the college. Chesterfield The Rotary Club ·of Westminster Faculty,Club •.. will be hosts to the debating team on March 19 when Paul Ale1yunas Dr. Elmer Louis Kayser of George and Ed Thomas will debate with Washington University, Washington, Washington College. . ti;lJh~~to/~ D. C., will speak at the meeting of The topic for all the debates is the the Faculty Club on Thursday, March same: Resolved, That The Nations of 20, in McDaniel Hall Lounge at 8 P. the Western Hemisphere Should MILDER, BETTER-TASTING M. The subject of his talk will be Form a Permanent Unio";.. some phase of the present European war. Dr. Kayser is professor of mod- Those cJean white Chesterfield packages ern European history and Dean of SMITH & REIFSNIDER Students at George Washington Uni- Incorporated have everything a smoker likes and wants. vereity. Pull the red tab - take out a Chesterfield ---_ LU.l\tlBER-COAL WESTMINSTER, MD. ••. and light it. You'll like the COOL way ROTC Inspection Chesterfields smoke ••• you'll like their (Cont. from page 1, col. 3) THREE CffAIR SERVICE BEnERTASTE.•• and you'll find them DEFI- leader in the second year advanced No WaiUng NITELYMILDER-notstrong, not Bat. course. To the captain of the best HEAGY BROTHERS' drilled company 011 the field will go BARBER SHOP That's why Chesterfield is the President's Cup and a set of in- Next W Pos~ Office signia for coat, shirt, and cap. called the smoker's cigarette- the cigarette that SATISFIES. I GARROLL THEATRE JOHN EVERHART Today and Tomorrow, March 13, 14 THE COLLEGE BARBER "BLONDIE PLAYS CUPID" AND BOBBER • AT THE FORKS Saturday, March 15 Joe E. Brown in "SO YOU WON'T TALK" lUonday, Tuesday Wednesday, -The Endicott Johnson Co. Carole Lombard and March 17, 18,19 Robert Montgomery in "Better shoes for less money" "MR. AND MRS. SMITH" With Gene Raymond Ladles' and Mcn's STATE THEATRE SPORT AND DRESS SHOES Tennis shoes-a specialty Last time, today, March 13 "DR. KILDARE'S CRISIS" 11 W. Main SI. with Lew Barrymore Robert Ayres Lionel Y.oung Friday, March 14 "MURDER OVER NEW YORK" with Phone 300 Sidney Toler as "Charlie Chan" CARROLLEEN Saturday, March 15 Charles Starrett in Individual Coiffures "THE STRANGER FROM Beauty in its Entirety TEXAS" Monday, TucsdaY,.l'lfllrch 17, 18 66 W. Main St. Alexander Korda presents- WESTMINSTER, MD. "THE THIEF OF BAGDAD" in magic technicolor
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