Page 63 - TheGoldBug1940-41
P. 63
The Gold Bug, Wemm Marylaad. College, We.tmimter, MeL, March 6, 1941 PAGB nlREB Terror-Sho'men Contest In First Playoff The Short 01 It Irv Biasi Only Terror Chosen By Round Appears Toss-up Rouse Hudson GoldRug ForAll-ConferencePost . . '. ' Bu Bill Robinson - Baker Hopes In Intercollegiate Fmals SPORTS EDITOR With the closing of the Mason-Dixon conference and the open- Reynolds Enters Five Loyola Made Favorite ing of the playoff series in Baltimore tonight, it is fitting that we Scrappers In Bouls note several features of the waning campaign. First of all, and As Series Play Opens most important to local fans, is the fact that the Staged At Syracuse In Baltimore Tonight Terrors produced a winning team, ending their open competition with a record"of eleven victories As a climax to a rather unsuccess- After completing a highly in the nineteen frays played. ful season, Coach Buck Reynolds an- successful basketball season, Finishing in second place in the newlg, nounced early this week that Western Western Maryland's Green 'Ier- face Tom Kibler's will Maryland will be represented by five rors formed loop landed the Green and Gold in the men in the Eastern Intercollegiate Washington College five this first annual playoff series; and a few breaks to- Boxing Tournament being held this Thursday night in the first of a night may pave the way for an upset next Tues- week-end at Syracuse. double header attraction at day when the final round is played at Homewood. Those competing are Rip Hudson in Homewood Gymnasium, the Throughout the season, the dominant feature has the 120 pound class, who won three winner advancing to the finals been the ability of Ferguson's quint to come from and lost three fights for the season; for the play-off of the Mason- behind and snatch victory from almost certain and Captain Joe Rouse, who was a Dixon Conference crown; ROBINSON defeat. In the nineteen contests played, the local finalist in the 120-pound class last Thus far this season, the Ter- cagers found themselves ahead at the half-way year will slug it out in the 127-pound rors have twice proved superior mark on but eight occasions; and, in the last six battles of the sea- division this year. His season re~ord to the Sho'men, beating them on son, led but twice at intermission. is two wins and four defeats. Ed Rbi Hudson their own floor by a 42 to 40 With but four colleges playing in the final playoffs, several Lewis, who will fight in the 145-pound count and duplicating thewin in series all-star teams will probably be chosen; so we will present our class, owns a unique record for the Lock Haven On Top Gill Gymnasium by a three choices based on their performances during the entire campaign. season since he fought only two Last Saturday the Green Terror point margin, 41 to 38. In both Loyola's Greyhounds, led by their three year captain Ed Barczak, fights, losing one and having the oth- mittmen lost to Lock Haven Teachers of these games the Green and dominated the field as they presented one of the outstanding quints er called no contest when he cut his College 4 to 3 on foreign soil. Hud- Gold were six points behind at in the East. Paul Menton, sport editOr of The Evening Sun, opines opponent in the first round. Clarence son won on a technical knockout in the half but kept firing away that the Green and Grey leader could find a place on most any col- Bachman owns a one and four record, the second round for his fir~t victory and won in the final minutes. legiate court squad. With this in mind, we nominate Barczak as with the victory coming via the of this type this season. Captain the captain and guard of our aggregation. knockout route in the Maryland fra- Rouse lost another tough one as he Terrors whlp Sho'men Gym was prob- The game in Gill Biasi, Byham Defensive Stars cas, and will compete in the 155- dropped another disputed decision, ably the most thrilling for the home At the other defensive post, we place Western Maryland's Irv pound class. Harry Baker will throw the second one in as many weeks. crowd during the entire campaign, for Biasi, who has held the local quint together on several occasions, to the leather in the ius-pound division Bakel' won by a decision in a hard at one time the Sho'men had climbed keep the Terrors in the thick of the pennant struggle. The only and has a three and three record for fought battle, and Sig Jensen ended to a ten point lead and seemed to have out-of-state to be named on the first team is Carl Byham, American the campaign. the season with a perfect record-c. the situation well in hand. However, University's 6 foot 3 inch center, who played havoc with the Green fighting three bouts and winning all the sudden Terror rally proved too and Gold when the Eagles stopped the local five last week in Gill Hudson Gets Bye of them by knockouts. Ed Lewis' much for the visitors, and Western Gym. In the two games played between the two institutions, By- "We got only fair luck in the fight was called since his man suf- Maryland took their second game ham accounted for a total of twenty-six markers. Defensively, too, draw," stated Reynolds, "since Rip fered a cut in the first round. The from the Chestertown outfit. the Eagle pivotman stood out and because of his superior rebound Hudson was the only man to receive a intercollegiate ruling is no contest in Although beaten, the visitors positions, r;==========; play he receives the nod over Frank Suffern. bye in the flrat round." Reynolds has case of a cut in the first round, Lewis showed definite signs of a fine team. Shifting to the forward fair hopes for the tournament, and had his man onf.he canvas twice, and They mixed speed with accurate we found the competition much admits that he is at a slight disad- the referee was counting the man out shooting, and only in the last half when he noticed the cut on the Lock because he was not able to vantage stronger for the twin attack slots. Con~erence All-Stars see all of the opponents in action at Haven man's neck. Bill 'Valls was when the pressure was on, did they Our final choices go to two men of falter when loose ball handling and different playing abilities - one a First Team least one time this season. stricken sick on the bus and was un- nervousness aided the Terrors. the able to fight, thereby forfeiting high scorer in most of his team's Forward The "Intercollegdates" is the only heavyweight bout. games and the other a fast breaking Goldberg Loyola thing tthat. has been in the minds of McNiff Strategy Man performer whose shooting average Forwal'd the boxing team as they put on the Washington will bring into the this season has been remarkable. The Harkins Mount St. Mary's final touches this week in preparation Complete Draw play-off a' well balanced team, five pair are Bill Harkins of Mount St. Center for the tournament which will start players being especially noticeable on Mary's and Barney Goldberg of the ny"-a~ American U. tomorrow and end the following 120-POUND CLASS--.John noland, $)' the Red and Black. Captain Charlie Harry Greyhounds, who shaded the field that Gu{wd night. 'I'here-ere only three rounds in racuse ,-a_ La'Hcnce Guard [,,,hm, and Army; Hudoon. Van Cnn,t l,"wrence. included such high scorers as Loyo- Barczak Loyola the tournament, and a'bye, in the first ~'e"~~el'~tnt~~_i.lj~~Phb)3I~;Ck,Vt~~o;;ni;.iOr" Tonight's game at Homewood Ie's Bernie Thobe; Bud Tannenbaum, G=,.,z round immediately places the man in will start at 7P. M. without whom Hopkins wouldn't have Biasi Western Md. the semi-finals. won a game; the Shc'men'a Jim Stev- Syracuse Favorites McNiff is a fine floorman, handles the ens; and- Hugo Schulze, American Captain-Barczak Syracuse will be the team to beat, ball well, and steadies the team; while University's captain. Best Bet-Biasi as it gained five byes in the draw, but Shorty Samele is the leading scorer, McNiff, Grodevent Good Guards Seoond Team probably will not need the draw to and along with Jim Stevens carries Pivotmen of ability were scarce, Thobe, LoynlB win the tourney since they have three the brunt of the attack. Lou Yerkes and only Vic Bock deserves mention T&nnenbanm, Hpks. defending champs and one former and big Charlie Fetter are fine on the Suffern, W. Md. ill the same class as Byham and Suf- MeNi!!. Wash. titlist. The defenders are Milford boards, and with this line-up the Ter- fern; while outstanding guards in- Grode-'ent, M.S.M. Fahey, who won last year at 120 155-POUND CLASS-Mark McGarity, rors will be given a real test, cluded Charlie McNiff of the Sho'- pounds and will compete this year at Coast. Guard. bye; John Carruth, Virginia Locals Win 'I'en, Lose Four 127; Americo Woyciesjes, 175-pound- men, Tommy Grodevent from the ~~~~t:.:[)~:M~~~:~~S:' AJ~I!~~n~i~:,~;~h:e:n~ Bruce Ferguson will lead his squad Mount, Gene Daly of Catholic Uni- er, who beat John Pirie al!d won the Stnte va. John Clark. Cornell into the play-offs with the best rec- versity, and Towson's Bob Cox, all Chase And Taylor To championship last year; and Leron IG5·POU:'
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