Page 64 - TheGoldBug1940-41
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PAGE FOUR The Gold 1941 PI.comont Dean Reports Potrade Of OpJnion Asks About Debate Team An Honor System At WMC Job Openings By BERT JONES _J Engages Six Increasing Arnold Fleagle: is one that has the full cooperation of Opponents I am in favor of an honor system the student body, and such an experi- on the Hill because it is a means to a ment should be undertaken only if The Western Maryland College worthy end. I am firmly convinced and when that complete understand- Placement Bureau has more positions that there is an urgent need for a ing and support is gained. While I The college debating team reaches available to students this year than it higher standard of personal integrity believe that the movement toward an the height of its winter activity next six debates on the sched- has bad since 1928, according to Dean on the Hill than now exists. If the honor system is in the right direction, week with Thomas, manager of the Ed ule. Forrest Free, head of the employ- status quo can be made -fo pruvide it should finally come to maturity, I team, stated that in addition to these ment office.' At present: two or three that standard, then I say well and think, by way of student opinion, not requests for students are coming into good. But I am convinced that it by way of impostion. meets, a number of other debates are the office weekly, Dean Free expects cannot and will not. I believe that being arranged for later dates. Th; the rate to' increase considerably as an honor system properly introduced Jim Elliot: team, he said, will make an extensive summer vacation approaches. and managed will produce the desired The honor system, in my opinion, tour of Pennsylvania colleges and will Recently, William Melville, '40, was consciousness as to one's obligations could never function at western also meet other groups from this placed in the statistical training de- to his fellow students and to his in- Maryland College. I believe in order for such a system to really work, it partment of a large insurance firm in structors. It is argued by some that The first opponent of the series will HOI:lOr System Boston. - we as students have no concern in the should be established when the be met Tuesday evening at 7:00 P. The DuPont Chemical Company has conduct of our fellow students as long schools, colleges, 01' universities using IIi. when Western Maryland will en- (Cont. from page I, col. I) been asking for chemistry students, as we uphold our OWl] personal integ- it were established. That is not the tertain the University of Pittsburgh 'licensed cheating' because the preferably seniors, to work either in rity as regards honor. I take excep- case at Western Maryland. Too, I debaters. This will be-one of the out- dent government refused to the main plant at Delaware or in one tion to such a view. I do have an ob- believe that in order for it to function standing debates of the season, ac- anyone from school." as it should it must be backed by the d the several subordinate factor-ies. ligation to that student whose concept cording to Mr. Thomas. Next Thurs- At the meeting Monday evening Another large chemical concern is of honor does not restrain him from unanimous SUppOTt of the student day afternoon at 2:15 P. M. the Ur- there will be no faculty members seeking to place senior men in train- cheating Oil tests, stealing light bulbs body and faculty. I feel certain that sinus College women's team will be present, so that the opinions ing divisions in-physics and chcmis- out of the dormitory halls, and a host can never happen here. Therefore, I met in a debate to be held at Weat- will be those of the students. try, and junior men in Summer posi- of other similar breaches of honor. am opposed to the establishment of an minster High School. Western Mary- future meeting faculty tions in chemistry. Further, he has an obligation to me honor system at Western Maryland land debaters will also be busy the give their views on the Summer resorts, according to Dean and the remainder of the student College. same day on the Eastern Shore, meet- idea. Free, will soon begin to ask fOl' wo- body which I feel that he should be Sidney Mansh: ing the Salisbury State Teacher's men students to fill the position of made aware. It is the solemn obliga- It is indeed unfortunate that the College representatives at two o'clock waitress. tion of our institution to recognize dishonorable conduct on the campus is ill the afternoon, and traveling to SMITH & REIFSNIDER A new field of work has come into this truth. The honor system seems of such degree as to necessitate dis- Chestertown for a debut with Wash- Incorporated being, Dean Free has explained, and to me an excellent solution. cussion of an honor system, but inas- ington College at seven o'clock. LUMBER-COAL will, in all probability, demand many Prof. Edwin K. Schempp: much as the establishment of an hon- The following evening, Friday, the ....wo~ke:s for seasonal employment, I favor the adoption of an honor or system seems to me the only alter- Salisbury representation will be op- WESTMINSTER, MD. 'I'his Industry, frozen foods, IS ex- system at Western Maryland College native possible to overcome the condi- posed in a return meet at the Man-- pected to expand greatly because of if a majority of our students vote for tions, I heartily endorse it. However, chester Reformed Church, Manches- the war in Europe. In addition to the such a system must be desired by a ter, Maryland. This debate is sched- Times Printing Company frozen foods industry, aU- depart- it, with an understanding the system great majority of the students and of uled for 1:30 P. M. Saturdayafter- ments of every food concern are ex- be discontinued should the students the faculty, and above all must be noon, Western Maryland will enter- fail their trust. pected to blossom out this year, in- conceived and established by demo- tain Rutgers University at 1:30 to Western MarYland} creasing the demand for college stu- Miss Addie Belle Robh: cratic means. It 'must also be a sys- conclude the week's activity. All home { PRINTERS dents. Since the development of self-disci- tem that is peculiar-ly fitted to the debates will be held in McDaniel Dean Free has application blanks pline is the ultimate goal of any needs of our campus. Lounge. Wcstminster, Md. available to all those on the Hill who worthwhile program of discipline, it desire either temporary or perma- follows, I think, that a working honor nent positions. These blanks must be system is evidence of the achieve- filled out before any individual can ment of that goal, and so I should like be placed. Alumni are also invited to to see such an honor system on this apply for the jobs which are availa- campus. But a working honor system ble. Readers of the Gold Bug who have jobs open or might know of any H. E. REESE are asked to report them to the dean. TAILOR Cleaning Music With Meals Pressing Repairing BILLS-Representative To Be Renewed KENNY 94 East Main Street Money has been given to the Men's Student Government by the adminis- tration for the purchade of a record THE player and records so that dinner mu- sic may be a reality at Western Mary- land College, according to Bob Faw. COFFMAN- Classical, semi-classical, and sweet swing music will be played during all FISHER dinners so that those with different musical appetites will be satisfied. In adopting this plan for dinner CO. music, Western Maryland students are afforded the same pleasure as those of Army, Navy, and other large DEPARTlIlENT STORE schools. 11 East Main Sf. JOHN EVERHART mE COI"LEGE BARBER Phone 102 AND BOBBER AT mE FORKS CARROLL THEATRE The Endicott Johnson Co. Today, Friday, Saturday, lI1arch6,7,8 "Better shoes for less money" Cary Grant Katharine Hepburn James Stewart 'THE PHILADELPHIA STORY" Ladies' and Men's SPORT AND DRESS SHOES Monday, T~ednesdar, March 10, 11, 12 Walter Wanger's Tennis shoes-a specialty "THE LONG VOYAGE HOME" with 11 W. Main St. Thomas Mitchell John Wayne Ian Hunter Do you smoke Starts Thursday. March 13 "BLONnIE PLAYS CUPID" the cigarette that SATISFIES CREMER'S Newest Bumstead Bombshell of Laughs "CORSAGES" STATE THEATRE ofFredWori~g'$"Pleo,ure TIme" ••• and light it. You·II like the COOL Take out a Chesterfield C"esterfieltl'sown PATSY GARRETT Today, March 6 "CHEROKEE STRIP" wit" PATO'BRIEK way Chesterfields smoke •.• you'll like with Richard Dix Americo"POPlllo, screen ,10;' their BETIER TASTE ••• you'Il find them "QUALITY and Tomorrow, March 7 ARRANGEMENT" "THE PHANTOl\1 SUBMARINE" For the Saturday, lUarch 8 Mack Brown in BIG DANCES Johnny AND ORDER" Ch~~~ill~fd "LAW ----+- Monday and Tuesday, March 10, 11 College Representatives "TALL DARK AND HANDSOME" John Chades Wednesday and Thursday You cl'm't buy a beHer cigareHe 7ker~a«ih Cernoehan Earl "DR. KILDARE'S CRISIS" ... L~;:::!~~!~~ Tou.ccoCn.
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