Page 33 - TheGoldBug1940-41
P. 33
, The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster. Md .. November 28, 1940 PAGE THREE Booters Tie Bucknell And Wheaton To All Fraternity Football Team First Team SecQ1Ul Team Emi Close Campaign As Day Leads Scorers Neil Eckenrode, Gamma Bets (44T Bill Dumler, Preachers (32) Tackle Paul Brooks. Bachelors (44) Bob Moore, Gamma Bets (34) Bison Contest Played At Lewisburg Goes Two Overtime Periods-Terrors Center A. J. Beane, Bachelors (31) Frazier Scott, Preachers (26) Come From Behind In Crusader Tilt To Gain Third Draw 01 Ye.r- . Tackle Lewis, Tomlinson, Day, Elias, Windsor, Robinson Play Last Game Jack Stewart, Preachers (41) Joe Rouse, Black and Whites (22) under the worst End weather conditions, the Terror Soccer- I TERRORS 1··CRUSADERS 1 I together, Playing possible Lee Lodge, Preachers (39) Pete Townsend, Bachelors (24) Last week at Lewisburg, ·the boot- Backs ttes closed the 1940 campaign with a ers engaged the Bucknell Btsona and Don Honeman, Preachers (48) Tom Lavin, Gamma Bets (33) 1 to 1 tie with the Wheaton College ,V;ESTERN MARYLAND WHEATON after the regulation game plus two Hancock Elmer Evans, Bachelors (47) Paul Cummins, Black and Whites (30) For the visitors, who are making an f:':ii~r G. HoIsington extra periods, the score stood at 2 to on Hoffa Tuesday Crusaders Field Jack Ryan, Preachers (44) Nemo Robinson, Preachers (21) kJ ~;~:~: 2. The home club scored twice in the draw that they have played this sea- i~::::::n kl ~gr nets and before the end of the second trip, the fray was the first Eastern first half as Spec Johnson dented the son. They have won four and ~:',,~~Ok ~'.~. ~'vI.:,:,:".d;.~:\ quarter Day's drive eluded the Bison The Short 01 It dropped but two. ~~'~\1in50n t~ c goalie. Against Wheaton, it was Frank ~~~:~?~n. ~ ~ ~=: In the third quarter, the Terrors, Faw, McPike, Cusgesky Picked Day who provided the necessary scor- M3ryl~nd. Day. Wltcnton. Substitution.: Wlteaton. trailing Francis Cook lifted the sphere 2 to 1, were awarded a free Western Scoring' Wan"cc: Western kick. club ing punch to allow Dr. Nathan's Me'\"iIli"ms; 1I1~rylnnd. Dune"n, Hetter. H.milton, Hob\ead. Sealtolm All-Maryland By Gold Bug to come from behind to gain the tie a break when the Terrors were penal- over the heads of the Bucknell de- Crusaders The got off to a flying In the third quarter the visitors got fensemen and Robinson shot into the the tallying first eight start, left side of the goal to deadlock the after minutes when the Terror backfield ized for pushing and Referee Johnny test. By Bill Robinson was pulled out of position and Angus New awarded Wheaton a penalty • Jayvees Show Promise SPORTS EDITOR Wallace drove the ball past goalie shot. Hancock, however, made a re- An encouraging note has been the It is always a difficult task to pick out a group and cast them John Hancock. markable save and only a few min- performance of the Junior Varsity as outstanding at the closing of a disastrous campaign such as the • Terrors Come From Behind utes later the game, shortened to six- who have earned one win and a tie in one just completed by State elevens. Maryland, victor in but two The gume.c well played in spite of ty-six minutes because of the cold, their last two games. The Terrors of her eight games thus far, wears the crown of the rain and sleet which fell during ended. whipped Gettysburg's Bullets 2 to 0, the State champions because of their victory over the contest, developed into a see-saw Starting the battle were six seniors on Monday, outplayed Manchester Western Maryland, who in turn defeated Mount affair with both clubs waiting for a -c-co-capt.ains Tim Lewis and John High School, Carroll County cham- St. Mary's and Washington. The reason for such break. Finally, late in the second Tomlinson, Day, Tom Elias, Duke pions, salvaging a 3 to 3 tie. Bob a mediocre season-a handful of good football period, Day found the range from Windsor, and Bill Robinson-who Hahn accounted for two of the West. players, flanked by an unusually large number of scrimmage and deadlocked the game have ended their collegiate soccer ern Maryland markers while Emory poor performers. , on a shot from the close-up. careers after three years of playing Gross hung up the other. Linemen of ability were particularly scarce, with only centers living up to the standards of the past few years. Outstanding in this depart- ment was Maryland's Bob Smith, who was the Luckless Gridders Bow To Boston U. To End driving force of the Terp's first line of defense, 160 Season With Two Wins, One Tie, Four Losses ROBINSON even in such blitzkriegs as Penn, VMI, and Georgetown. From Chestertown comes pound Al Dudderar, another pivoter worthy of mention who ranks bu.t a fe~v.points higher th~t; tl;-e Western Maryland sophomore, Western Maryland College brought Mike Phillips. George Ekaitis, 111 praise of Dudderar, says Al is down the curtain on their fiftieth an- year is J1lack McPike, Western Mary- Kenny Bills by graduation, the Ter- the finest grtdder he has handled in his ten years of tutoring. --=-_ nual season of football last Saturday, land's chunky backfield star who this rors find a good crop of freshmen Filling the guard slots presented a year, however, must.r vield Ja bit of coming up for varsity competition. more difficult situation, the posts fin- flashes of attaining stardom through- &5 Boston University ran and passed ground to Manny Kaplan, 'I'error Bernie Gusgesky, regular end, re- ally going to Bob Morton of Maryland out the season, their way to a 37 to 0 victory over the triple threat sophomore. Among oth- turns along with Fred Bohn, Ed Lew- BoBo er were performers luckless Terrors at Boston. Allan Cohen, Bob is, Mike Phillips, notable and Charlie Westermeyer, Johns Hop- Tackles, consistently strong in the For the visitors it was the close of Knepp, Irv Biasi, and Bob Faw who Sorensen, John Pirie, Jim Thomas, kins' steady performer. As alternates, past decade, also took a turn for the a very disappointing season, one in Bob Heyer, ex-McDonogh star now at worse; and of the crop on hand, two which only two games were salvaged played consistent ball throughout the Kaplan, and Biasi, who all saw a College Park and the Terrors' John upstaters led the way. From Mount campaign. great deal of action this season. With Pirie are nominated, Both men, eapa, St. Mary's, Bill O'Conner, husky two from a schedule that could have pro- As for next year, the outlook should Joe Kittner, Bart Natalizi, and Char- ble of first class football, showed hundred pound junior gets the nod as duced five wins. Material seemed to be brighter. Although losing McPike, ley Tsouprake, mainstays of the fr-esh es- be plentiful and reserve strength bet- Knepp, Faw, Hank Holljes, Vic Im- coming up, the line talent'looks the one who held Bull Draper's line ter than average but after a fast peciato, Bill Sturm, F, X. Smith, and pecially encouraging. Coach Puryer together. As his mate, Bob Faw of start the Terrors were stalled on both attack arid defense and ended the year All-Maryland Has Lettermen Bernie O".gesky E Jim Rogan with two wins, one tie and four losses. Frosh Whip Maryland, Drop Downfall Start • Terrors Of the losses, the Mar-yland game On Rifle Team Bo~tM~~;;,;ary'" RnlphBnr!in the Dickinson skirmish a close second. Grid Test To Massanutten M~.St.""bry'A W"'H.1\lnryland was probabJy the most painful with amo'ceeee- M~ryland Maryland JoltnPiria After pounding Mount St. Mary's for West. Maryland Under the leadership of a new BohSmitlt AJDudderar Po 19 to 0 win and holding a favored Massanutten's mig h t y football Maryland Washington coach, the rifle team has been holding Cit"". Westermeyer O. Bucknell team to a scoreless tie the team humbled the Baby Terrors last Frosh Finale daily workouts for the coming season Bo~FP,.~,ns BOk,!!~r:~d local eleven entered the game as rev- Saturday by the score of 17 to 0 and HnnkHollje. West. Maryland which will get under way after the Jnt'k:Uneliat We"t.Maryland it marked the first time this season Christmas v a cat ion. Succeeding lbrylnnd LntherConnd critos for the first time in many that the freshman club failed to ~lnryland Coach Lavin at the helm of the Joe Muqlh)' Q.B. IrvBis,i years. Maryland, taking advantage score. The Vi I' gin i a II s went into Maryland '\"est.],far)"la"d of a none too spirited Western Mary- marksmen is Sergeant Rufus Puryer. Joe BoyJe Lou Yerkes - land outfit scored early and protected the lead in the first few minutes of \\~uhington "'Ve haven't done a whole lot as MP}!f~~~d~:;t· Le"Knepp ~ the lone six points successfully for play when they gained control of the yet," Puryer said, "and we still have Mack McPike Hal West. Maryland the remainder of the game. ball on a fumble close to Western Berry a large squad on hand. We started W·e"t.l[arylond Marl'land Maryland goal line, and Blasicle heartbreaker Following came this out with 27 and have about 1'7 at Western Maryland, through his de- the loss to Dickinson in the last few kicked a field goal. present. Included in our schedule," fensive work and tackling ability minutes of" play and right here the he continued, "are such teams as lands a first berth. Another Terror season became an almost total fail- • Soldiers Open Up Maryland, Georgetown, Gettysburg, senior, Hank Holljes, and Maryland's The Baby Terrors triumphed over and Hopkins." Washington College, however, was When the second half opened, Mas- the University of Maryland freshman Outstanding candidates are the vet- Ralph Burlin are rated as reserves, beaten in a listless game, 27 to 13, sanutten started a passing attack team two weeks ago by the slim mar- erans Bill Wiley, Ralph Hawkins, Bill with Bob Kirby of Washington and before a mediocre Homecoming crowd that netted them their first touch- gin of 13 to 12. The Terplets forged the Mounts' Joe Donohue given honor- into the lead early in the first period, Leister, Jack Quinn, Tom Lavin, Jack able mention. previous to the 40 to 7 defeat at the down, when Stefnik tossed a twenty- Stone and Ben Cantwell from last Turning to the ends, wher-e a scarci- hands of Lafayette College and the five yard pass to Stone after three scoring on a thirty yard pass but year's team. Also on hand is Michael ty of men with ability dominated the 37 to 0 shellacking by Boston Univer- previous tries had failed. Following missing the extra point. The Green Leister, who performed on the squad sity. a safety, the final tally was mudc team came beek in the next frame to four or five years ago, field, our choice goes to the College Again the outstanding player of the when Stefnik raced seventeen yards tally on a thir-ty-five yard pass from off right tackle. (Cont. on page 4, col. 2) (Cent. on page 4, col. 3) J..ESTER, ':8oBo"IIN£PP-~K
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