Page 32 - TheGoldBug1940-41
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PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md., November 28, 1940 • LUCIE LEIGH BARNES --- - OUR OPINION - QUOTE BOX------~--~ Campus Collateral The Editor Thinks this is the only spare time they I Laugh at lif. with -------------'--. Out Loud have to catch up on their read- Eleanor Healy ing. • If you liked the play, thought it well cast, give a vote There's never anything to ed- We could "bawl out" the fresh- • SHALL WE WIND UP the football season with a of thanks to Miss Esther Smith who, by her serious and itorialize about. We are at a men for leaving their seats in quotation from Knute Rockne's autobiography? "Foot- artistic approach to play production, inspires her actors loss for a suitable subject. We Alumni Hall before upperclass- ball as the leading- American pastime, provides partici- and actresses to work artistically toward creating the liv- could, of course, admpnlah the men have left the auditorium pants, students, and spectators with the most colorful, the ing characters of the play. but what's the use. We were students (especially the men) to freshmen once ourselves. most skillful, and the most beneficial of all athletic con- • The student body as a whole would have enjoyed gath- turn out the lights before they We could deplore the lack of tests, which is why it stirs the pulse, captures the imagi- ering fodder for the Sadie Hawkins dance. Coming home leave their rooms. We could attendance at soccer games, nation and, at the same time, builds character without with the back of the college pick-up truck piled high with cite figures to show that the col- urging greater school spirit. which, culture is valueless." fodder, there was almost tragedy when Nemo Robinson, lege spends too much unneces- But the soccer season is over. • AND WHILE ON THE SUBJECT of Rockne-tTt6 Pip MacWilliams, and Henry Triesier, who were perched sary money on electricity which We could go on all night. mob at the University 01 North. Caroli1U1. must have been on top, began to slide with the load toward the road. eventually is paid for by the We could ... but we won't. really imprcsscd by the movie· for a.8 Harry Dunkle, a. /irst When the truck was halted, the three had fonned a sort students. But lights would still St?"<1lgman, left the field injured and in pain, the ~owd of human chain, with Triesler hanging out at the end remain on for it's too much • • • pleaded [or the team to make "just 0'11.8 t!JtUhdo"llllt lor while Robinson kept him from faIling on his head by trouble to turn out lights. Dunkle." And to com.pletely lollow the movie ttcript, they holding one of his feet--Robinson in turn being held by We could rant and rave about made one! MacWilliams who had anchored himself by the one reach- the inefficiency of the college Lecturers Talk To • MARRIAGE STATISTICS SEEM to be popular these able hand-hold there was on the truck's side. '" shop, which has stubbornly re- Empty Rooms days. And what's more, they all seem to agree. This fused to put up a bulletin board week the Rattler of St. Mary's of Texas reports that its at Western Mary- Students Thoughts On Bidding in the Gold Bug office and to land are given an unusual op- boys rarely marry their college steadies! even make other minor repairs • Tlu; Gettysburgian DOWNBEAT telltt OF THE THE • It has been Sl.!ggested that when fraternity bids: come though this work was author- portunity to attend lectures by us that "The And1'ews Sisters were signed on the last of out they be registered at the Dean's office where freshmen ized by the administration last outstanding speakers brought to October to make their second picture lor Universal. They We could but we won't spring. will call for them. A freshman would indicate, either by because no one really expects the campus by the various col. are scheduled to report on the lot, December 9 lor imme- submitting a list of the fraternities in order of his prefer- lege organizations. It is too bad diate shooting." ence or by spoken word upon calling for his bid, which the work to be completed until that more men and women do II tlwlld do thG eame to Dm Ameche, then w6'd be luup- next Thanksgiving. fraternity he would like to join. Thus each freshman ways busy .... They're al· not avail themselves of this op- py. • would receive but one bid and that for the club nearest We could condemn the men portunity to hear candid opin- • THE LOYOLA GREYHOUND offers this and we pass his preference. This system has been in use in other col- ions on current problems by it on to you. Baltimoreans, especially, N. B.: leges and universities, it could be adopted here for both for throwing bottles and water- well-known authorities. "It was a dark and starless night. They were some- fraternities and sororities-and what do you think of it? bags in tne halls showing the The review of an address by damage ~nd extra work this Dr. J. F. Thorning of Mount St. where in the vicinity of Loch Raven, but he wasn't sure • We understand Neil Eckenrode sustained injuries in causes-the cost of which goes Mary's before the International where. Utterly confused, he stopped the car. last Friday's touch football game, Gamma Bets vs. Black into the general breakage de- Relations Club was covered in 'What's the matter now?' she asked. and Whites. Would this be a good time to give publicity duction. We could appeal to the Washington and Baltimore 'I think I've lost my bearings.' to the movement toward interfraternity boxing matches? their sense of cleanliness but papers and appeared in the New 'Hmm. Most guys just run out of gas.''' bottles would still be broken. York Times, yet only a handful • NEARLY EVERY COLLEGE PAPER that we saw • Then there was the inebriated gentleman that went up Boys will be boys. filled its whole sports page with articles rationalizing and to the patrol box, put in a penny, took out his .watch, and, We could write a strong edi- of students attended. Dr. Thea. bemoaning their football defeats. The Uriiversf ty of glancing at it, cried- torial on mid-semester grades dore Maynard's Dante lectures North Carolina, however, was a welcome exception to "Great guns, I've lost fifteen pounds I" -and entitle it, "The Day of were crowded at first but lately this, for it had beaten Duke and was plenty happy. So Re- the audience has dwindled. Reckoning is at Hand." We cent speakers have included Dr. happy, in fact, that their sports page contained a picture Band Wagon Bye-Byes could show that a majority of Gairdner Moment of Goucher, of every important player, and their front page sported students r e c e i ve d deficient Prof. Francis Mason of Gettys- headlines 6 inches high stating "HapPy Days are Here • Oh, what a draft! )t swept our band downtown to grades and we could recommend burg, Prof. Arlan. Coolidge of Agctin." stir the souls of the self-effacing conscripts and wake the less night life and more study. Brown, Dr. Owen Lattimore of • NOW THAT IT'S COLD, here's a thought lor the town in general ... at the unearthly hour Wednesday We could even go into the pur- Hopkins. Our own Dr. Walter winter. morning of 7;45. The depot seethed with humantty . pose of a liberal arts college and Nathan talks on contemporary Nov. 20; Snowed todcty; couldn't go hunting. well, relatively. The color guard was inspired by the pa- show that a more serious atti- art every Monday evening. N()1). 21: Still snowing; couldn't go hunting. triotic citizen sweeping off a sidewalk who abandoned his tude is needed by students if Since everyone of these lee. N(1). 22: Still snowing; shot grand:nu!.. broom to salute the passing flags. The draftees were they are to face the problems of turee has been on Monday night W 6 hope n& resident on the Hill will take similar action three and practically unnoticed. It is rumored that they the world upon graduation. But with numerous conflicts, per- wit'" the 8ubstitutiQn 01 "roomie." never did see the band, and it is a sure thing that most it is so lonely in the library. haps a partial solution to the • LET THIS BE A WARNING during this time of of the band never saw them. Military music reached new We could advocate opening pro b I em of non-attendance mid-semestertests.~ heights, and Sousa turned over in his grave when the the library on Sunday for study would be to work out a schedule "He was kicked out of school for cheating." band gave forth Ok Johnny. The heralded train was and general reading. We could so that no two speakers would "How come?" heard approaching, the band braced itself for God Bless prove that for many students talk on the same evening. "He was caught counting his ribs in a physiology America, Impeciato whipped out his sabre, and the crowd exam." The Goucher Weekly. got out its hanky ... the train came around the bend · .. a. Ireight! In the confusion, the heroes were mis- Boston Massacre And After placed-as is so often the case at send-offs-c-and the band modulated into The Star Sangted Banner to keep the Brave Defeats Close Schedule CAMPUS LEADER crowd in the mood. Bon voyage. , Of Two Fighting Terror Teams Eventful day in Baltimore, Maryland-October 18, 1919 lit's A Girl -the birth of Elizabeth Amelia Brown ... Reared in For- . Recognized as a leader- even in elementary est Park. Cheers from the crowd and crashes Though tough luck and injuries to of drums resounded through two our star players set the team back- school when she became a member of the Leaders' Club It's not particularly unusual for a boy to be happy be- grandstands as Western Maryland good games were played on each oc- · .. "about the only duties being to direct traffic in the cause of a girl. But it was at the University of North College wound up its freshman and easton. The Bucknell game was a halls." Carolina one day recently. varsity football season on Saturday, thriller for ....both the spectator and Attended Fo r est Walking into class several minutes late with a smile on November 23. This past season has the player; a 0-0 score is hard to Park High School, his face and a cigar in his hand, one of Dr. E. E. Eric. been packed with thrills and excite- hold, particularly to a strong team where she was very son's students: startled the professor into stopping his lec- ment for both teams. Upon being in- such as Bucknell's. active in school ture. "HAVE A CIGAR," he said. ~:~~:::d, ~~s,Ki~~:;te~~~!~:n, b:~~ • Pertinent Comment I . Just fnvoi-ite football your ask Dr. Ericson and the class raised eyebrows and stared. vowed that the Maryland Frosh game\. hero about the recent trip to Boston best game of the season. was their "I'VE JUST BECOME THE FATHER OF A BABY GIRL, 7 POUNDS, -2 OUNCES," the late-comer explain. WMC's team was definitely the un- when, although they put up a hard and a fight was fought derdog fight, the boys were overwhelmed by for ed. "YOU'RE NOT GOING TO GIVE A QUIZ, ARE on that field that a mere _YOU?" supre~acy could probably never ap- the Boston U players. The fellows spectator aren't long, ones to be downhearted And he took his seat. preciate. Although there was some however, so that night. they escorted After the class recovered its poise, the professor contin- question about one of Maryland's some of the Boston cutws to a dance. ued with Chaucer. The student.. was Roy Gibson, 19-year- touchdowns, the boys just called it It seems that football playe~s aren't old sophomore. After class, Dr. Ericson offered proper part of the game. The game, as a the only ones who have appetites, and congratulations. whole, was composed of a group of you can be sure more than one pock- all around fellows and the spirit of (Cont. on pa~e 4, col. 5) cooperation and love of sport ran THE GOLD BUG high. Even when badly hurt, a num- cal education. a campus Always ber of the players hated to leave the O.m~jBj dudent n~w"paper of mst.rn Maryland Oollege. published fray. In the opinion of many, the Student Swingsters leader and friend to d~~~;fo~~·;d'dhr~:t'".:,~~~~d,,£~~e~i"v~~:~io~.cep~~nt~r!~"B~ol~~:i;1,,~~~i~ freshman class could not have been Betty Brown everyone.. pledged mattsr at Westminster Poot Office. under the Act <>f March a, 1879. Thought String Artists SigIqa Sigma Tau SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2.00 A YEAR better represented. The freshman I By Curtis Group ,sorority of which she is now the president. .. leader in team has showed and one can honest- ---_ --__ the 'Vomen's Athletic Association and vice.president of good promise of EDITORIAL BOARD varsity material the 'Vomen's Student Government add to Betty's many EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Henry C. Triesler, '41 ly say, each game they have played Several weeks ago when the Curtis offices... may her worries be ended May Day after the ASSOCIATE EDITOR Ruth Mansberger, '41 has been a well fought one. They String Quartette was here for its program of which she is chairman. MANAGING EDITOR .Isaac Rehert, '42 finished their season with a 3 defeat, concert, the first row of seats in AI· NEWS EDITOR Thelma Bowen, '41 3 win score. umni Hall was noticeably graced by Punny, but indeed no punishment for anyone, especially FEATURE EDITOR Lucie Leigh Barnes, '42 the male species, because she likes flirting ... has no par- SPORTS EDITOR William Robinson, '41 Messrs. Harold Phillips, Vernon Wie· ticular hobby... loves all sports and has been a counsel- • Yankee HOfpibitity sand, Jim Elliott, and Johnny WiI· lor at the Fresh Air Farm .. Member A comment was heard at last Sat- Iiams. The four enjoyed the concert, Would like to be a detective ... Her greatest desire is J:\ssociafed CDUeeicrle Press urday's game to the effect that, ac. especially the of movement Savitt which had ~[)travel, "to go places and see things," especially Cuba .. , cording to John Douty, the opponent suggestions Jan off-beat turned out to be more than a mass-a- rhythm. Jim Elliott, after the en· Has ambitions to teach physical education in a Baltimore high school.. , COlle5iale Dioolt nutten! core, for reasons known only to hiro- Betty's ideal day would be spent dancing, swimming As for the Green Terror team- self, went up to talk to the violist. and listening to good music (Glenn Miller) ... When the Maryland game was again the, "Ah, spoke the violist, "I no- asked whether she is fond of WMC, Betty responded with BUSINESS STAFF best game-as told to us by Bernie ticed you four boys-the interest you BUf./NESS·MANAGER .. . Edward Weant, '41 Gusgesky and Mike Phillips. The took in our playing, Are you a string a positive "Oh, definitely." . \Vestern Mary- Has been selected as one to represent ADVERTISING MANAGERS '- Werner Orrison, '43 spirit of rivalry has always been quartette?" , I Betty Cormany, '42 land College in "Who's Who Among Students in Ameri- CIRCULATION MANAGERS ..William Vmcent, '42 high to add a great deal to the atmos- Some novelty for this foursom~ can Colleges and Universities" ... to Betty Brown-good Mary LQuise Asbury, '41 phere "Of this particular grid battle. swingsters all. luck, happiness, and success.
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