Page 12 - TheGoldBug1940-41
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PAGE TWO Conscription Way Back When At WMC • LUCIE LEIGH BARNES --- How The DraFt Exempts Students Archives Produce Remarkable Campus Collateral Under Many DeFerments T. l Of C II L u: I '67 --------------~---------. Yesterday thousands of college students and, .Q e 0 ege lie n • Last Saturday was enough to write home about. The faculty members throughout the nation regis- Seventy-three years ago Western nia from 1894 to 1921 after which weatherman came through with a smile, the team with a tered under the provisions of the Selective Train- Maryland was beginning its long and there is a gap before the seal of win, and the crowd with some of the peppiest cheering we ing and Service Act of 1940 along with 16,000,- still unfinished evolution. The rae- 1936. have heard. It isn't hard to cheer for a fighting team 000 men in all walks of life between the ages of ulty was composedof a principal, a A new path is worn, a newgoal is and we hope the Terrors will show the same capable drive 21 and 35. preceptress for the ladies' depart- set; and so all things alter. throughout the season. Perhaps by the time the crowd Many of these students are wondering whether ment, a governessand four staff pro- learns the cheers the leaders will have learned the antics, they will be able to continue their education or reesoes. The college advertised The but until then we will work together producing the noise whether they will have to forgo this in order to Peculiar Ad-vantage it offered to ON that the team never hears until it's absent. Don't for- take training at some army camp. families of educating both their male get that. Baugher says the cheering Saturday was According to the Em, any person who, during and female children without exposing THE strictly "beat me daddy!" 1940, entered upon attendance for the academic either to the wiles and wayward evils RECORD • • • • The pajama parade did not exactly materialize but year 1940~1941 at any college or university to re- of children of the opposite sex from what there was of it betrayed the fact that the freshmen ceive instruction in pursuance of a degree in arts other families. The marr-iage of Hazel Gompf '38 still have a lot to learn. Does a member of the class of with the banners '43 know what was wrong or science and who is selected for training under Education liberal and Doc Coleman '38 has finally been "Hail Sophomorasj" this Act prior to the end of the academic year or The course of study was pre- announced. The wedding occurred prior to July 1, 1940, shall, at his request, be de- scribed. Freshmen took English, nat. tWO years ago. Return OF The Native ferred from service. This deferment, however, ural science, mathematics, classics is to last only until the end of the academic year and modern languages. Upperclaes- Virginia Smith, now a telephone • Keynote of the weekend was struck by what seemed to and in no event later than July 1, 1941. men continued in a curriculum offer- operator in Baltimore, and Shirley be generations of Western Marylanders bringing the old ing everything from The E-videnees Feurst, employed on WaH Street in "hello spirit" hack to the campus. We never saw such a glad to see the old familiar faces Made the heart crowd. of Ma- Objectors of ChriJltianity to a Full Course in New York City, were guests MulVE'Y. wandering up from Earl's and in from the golf course. Wax Fruit. materials furnished (fee bel Greenwood and Dorothy Homecoming games always First and Foreign students (aliens) must register but $10). At the end of each school year, Sunday afternoon. Both are ex-mem- crowd, but Homecoming was never like this. bring back a Only hope is only those who have declared their intention to a list of pupils, number of courses bers of the class of '42 and took part that the Homecoming celebration will bring the same and become citizens are eligible for service. Students pursued, and general averages on the in the May Court. more graduates back to their Alma Mater. in theological or divinity schools are exempt from basis of 10.00 was made with ratings • Our crowds always look lost in the Baltimore Stadi- service. Any person who, by reason of religious in the first catalogue from 3.86 to Mary Jane Toomey ex-'41 and Jane um ,so, for the Bucknell and the Maryland game, let's belief is conscientiously opposed to participation 9.34. McKenney ex-'42 are students at have everybody and his brother jammed in the stands in war, is excused from combatant service but There was no yearbook as known Bard-Avon Finishing School in Balti- rooting for the Green and Gold. Why does the soccer team will be subject to non-combatant service or gov- today until, in 1895, a pioneer class, have to be the forgotten men? There was a game yes- ernment work. daring to desert the quill for the The new management house opened terday and there will be more j turn-out should grow with It will be noted that the deferment for stu- printer's type, established the Aloka. Monday, October 14. to be occupied every match. Could the cheer leaders look into uhe mat- dents, according to the present law, will not be in Before that time a class annual was the first six weeks by Frances Dilla- ter? effect later than July 1, 1941, which might seri- written in longhand. The announce- way, Doris Benson, Ellen Logan, ously handicap students next year. There is am- ment of the commencement exercises Jeanne Shank, and Anne Dexter. Miss Note On Singing and in Greek ple indication, however, that a revision in the of 1875 was entirely Literary GazettG Daisy Smit.h will be the Faculty Ad- • We cannot define the spirit that brings Western Latin. Ir-ving The law will continue exemption for college students. visor with them. Marylanders back to their Alma Mater. College ties can The registration card of each student will be appeared after 1868 spasmodically ne'er be broken though, and there is something in every sent to the local draft board at his place of resi- with eight pages of essays, messages Frank W. Mather "40, has been student, past and present, that responds to the senti- dence. He will then be assigned a number and of import from the faculty, and ad- awarded a store-service scholarship ments of the Alma Mater song. That feeling is not one vertisements Blood Syrup. of Indian will be subject to call for classification. Prior to fit the New York University School of sentimentality j it is one of which to be proud and not call, however, opportunity by means-of a person- Gold Bug's Forerunner of Retailing. Mr. Mather was one of self-conscious. At the Freshmen Bonfire there was an al data sheet will be made for students to request Comparable to the Gold Bug, was eighty-five students selected from undercurrent muttering during our Alma Mater; it deferment. If this is done and his attendance in the lVMC Monthly, published first in sever-al hundred applicants for train- should be sung as the warm and silent tribute that it al- ... 1940 is verified by the college, deferment will be 1894 by the societies on the campus. ing as retail store executives. He is ways has been and, to this day, remains. granted until the end of the academic year. Of these societies, originally there for the degree of mas- • We're back to the days of knitting "for the cause." 'reachers and research workers at the college were four: two for men and two for ter of science in retailing. Organized games in Blanche Ward gym and studying in may claim exemption under that section of the women. On Friday afternoon debates the grill have gone by the board; dorms are full of act which excuses men whose employment is were held for inter-SOCiety competi- Western Maryland College will be women armed with needles and dark red wool clicking "found to be necessary to the maintenance of the tion. The debates were numerous represented at the American Dietetic away to benefit the "sweater-less" of other countries. national health, safety, or interest." because, for every victory, a society Assoclatlon Convention by Miss was presented a star; and there are, Daisy Smith, Miss Sarah Tweed, and on the second floor of the library, Miss Anna Baker. This convention, QUOTEBOX:--~---. Stay In School two framed cloth fields literally cov- heJd annually, will meet at the New ered with stars. York World's Fair from October 20- Laugh .t lif~with Persons may avoid being called for the draft Another relic of the bygone era is I by voluntary enlistment but the government is locked away in the registrar's office--- 25. ~---------Eleanor Healy discouraging indiscr-iminate volunteering. Every 'a cane with a gold top and a Greek Food will be the main subject for investi- effort is being made to avoid the attitude that it is inscription meaning, "Be ye faith- discussion by the clinicians, experienced • AT THE WOMAN'S COLLEGE of the University of and gators,educators, more patriotic to volunteer than to be called ful." Around the cane are nineteen executives who will be present at the North Carolina there are two new buildings. As yet they through the Selective Service Act. seals each representing a class insig- meetings. are called "A" and "B" halls; that's all, just "A" and President Roosevelt in a letter to John W. Stu- "B". Some say that WMC is not very original with its two Ward Halls, but this alphabetical system surely noses us out of first place. de~~:r~u~~mh~~~si~~:~ti;~, ,:~~~:!~~~:e~:~!~ ists, and other people with specialized knowledge, CAMPUS LEADER • THOUGHTS ON A RAINY DAY: to plan and to build for national defense, as 'Well There was a yQung flapper named Jane, as for social and economic progress. Young peo- Wlw, while walking was caught in a rain. ple should be advised that it is their patriotic Smilillg across her desk, Miss Es- She ran, almoBt flew, duty to continue the normal course of their edu- ther Smith, with Southern sincerity The swing of walking, the Rhythm HC1' complexion did, too, cation, unless and until they are called, so that of the dance, a flowing line, and a And she reached home exceedingly plain.. they will be well prepared for the greatest useful- and a Georgia accent, said, "My work musical phrase all strike in her an -The Carolinian, Woman's College of is my hobby." ness to their country. They will be promptly no- Although born in Jasper. l,"lorida. the University of North Carolina. tified if they are needed for other patriotic serv- she thinks of herself as a native of • "AIR RAIDS" at Washington College are performed ices." Georgia where in her few moments in a slightly different manner from that so painstakingly Instead of merely remaining followed here on the Hill. Judging from this message of the President of leisure she flies for rest. Started and from the deferments open to students, it is in dramatics at Bard-Avon school in on the ground until the "all clear" signal is given. "rats" apparent that the government considers getting Baltimore and then appfied her learn- at Chestertown must fight a battle with the long-armed an education equally as patriotic as serving in ing in a year of free lance work in beys as bombers, the tall ones as anti-air-craft guns, and balloons. the fat ones as barrage Who says the youth of the armed forces and equally as vital to the na- that city. aile of the most tht-illing- America are unprepared for war? tional defense. and precarious of her experiences. • IT IS SAID Came to wesrem Maryland in ]!J27 U Gertrude Ederle. that Hitler's idea of the Perfect Woman us that reminds The Fordha_m Ram and has found her work here 60 sat- THE GOLD BUG idying that she has never lef't-c-ex- BhG swam the English Channel! capt for 1930, spent in New York • THE CORNERSTONE of the new Gettysburg College OllidB! .tudent Dewspaper of Western Maryland CoUege pnblished st-udying at the American Academy Chapel was shipped over 5,0('0 miles from Solomon's :;~~rype~od"s"~dhT~~r~",.; ;~d"S~~"n,,::iev!~~~i::.cePii,:'t~?!~",,~o~~~':J~~~i~ of Dramatle Art, at Columbia, and quarries in Jerusalem to Gettysburg. In certifying the matter ,.~Westminster Po.~ Ollie•• nnder the Act of Mareh S. 1879 under the private tutelage of Louise genuineness of the stone, the manager of the shipping SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2.00 A YEAR Gifford. firm stated that the red marks on one side of it were Member "A play is e'reueetton of life itself caused by the stonecutters of King Hiram in the days B. c. J:\ssocialed G:>Ue6iatePre" -artistic acting is so closely tied up • APPROXIMATELY 4,000 students are enrolled at the with human behavior that you cannot Di ne, the Heavenly or som_etWll&'. Maybe he's heJp her students the_ aesthetic,type
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