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M'll'yland College SEVENTIETH SEVENTIETH COMMENCEMENT COl COMMENCEMENT ISSUE ISSUE Z286 Vol. 17, No. 16 !WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. May 23, 1940 Seventieth Annual Commencement On Monday, June 3 Pan-Hel Dance I ALEX BARTHA I Six Seniors To I BISHOP HUGHES I Bishop Hughes Will Be Held Be Graduated .'--------' Will Deliver On Saturday With Honors Address Alex Bartha's Steel their Six honor's examination and were Program Will Open successfully seniors passed Pier Orchestra To initiated as fellows in the Argonauts With "Our Town" On Furnish Music Society at the annual banquet at the Friday, May 31 Charles Carroll Hotel on Monday, May 20. Approximately one hundred Soft lights, sweetened swing thirty graduates of Western are Ruth Field, The honor students music, beautiful girls, handsome Veronica Kompanek, Marianna Long" Maryland College will receive men, a smooth floor-and it all Carolyn Smith, Milton Crosswhite, degrees at the Seventieth An- adds up to the social climax of and Edward McLaughlin. nual Commencement in Alumni the year, the annual Pan-Hellen- Hall, Monday, June 3, at 10 A. Those students who have received ic dance. The dance this year grade "A" in forty per cent of the se- M. Bishop Edwin Holt Hughes will be held on Saturday, May mester hours completed for gradua- of Washington, D. C., will de- 25, with Alex Bartha bringing tion, grade "B" in forty per cent, and liver the address. his boys down from New Jersey, who passed with distinction both the Bishop Hughes is a well-known and the decoration committee three hour oral and written ccmpre- minister, author, educator and lec- working night and day. (Sorry, heneive examinations will be gradu- turer and has acted as a member of the decorations are a secret, but ated Svovmc: Cum Laude. The others the Indiana State Board of Educa- here's a tip! Gill Gym will be who have received grade "A" in twenty tion, president of Boston University, all in white for the occasion.) per cent of the number of hours C01I).- and Chancellor of American Univer- Tickets for the dance are now Student Council j.leted for graduation, grade "B" in sity. on sale at $2.50 per couple. sixty per cent, and who passed with Holloway Will In addition to the one hundred Mrs. Holloway, Dean and ..Mrs. Scho- Representatives credit the comprehensive Cum Laude. Deliver Annual twenty-eight seniors invested in April In the receiving line will be Dr. and examina- tions will be graduated will be some additional exten- there field, Dean and Mrs. Free, Professor Seminar work was taken without sion students to be graduated. Two Adkins Hurt and guest, Dean Bertha Humphries Are Elected honor students have received semester Baccalaureate - graduate students, Janet MacVean, credit in the junior year but this year and escort, Mr. Donald '36, of Chestertown, Maryland, Curvin and Miss Dorothy Attix, and Miss hours and points toward graduation Seitz, of Westminster, and Alverta Audrey'Coffren and escort. Representatives to the Men's Stu- for this extra work. President Holloway will deliver the Ford of Cumberland, will receive the Donald Humphries, president of the dent Council for next year were elect- The subject departments repre- annual baccalaureate sermon dedi- degree of Master of Arts. Inter-fl'aternity Council, is general ed by the Me.n'~Student League in the sented hy these honor students are cated to the members of the J940. Commencement week-end activities chairman of the dance which as usual assembly on May 20. English, Miss Field, Miss Smith, and graduating class in Alumni Hall on willhe .opened on"F"ntlay, lI-Iiy 31, is to be semi-formal. Kermit Beyard Withi twenty-one members of the Mr. Mcf.aughlin ; Latin, Miss Kompa- Sunday, June 2, at 10:30 A. M. The when the College Players present and Bob Faw are in charge of the junior class voting Neil Eckenrode nek; home economics, Miss Long; seevice, a campus tradition for many Thornton Wilder's Our Town in AI~ tickets. Charles Cole, Jeanne Shank, and Tim Lewis were elected; Grover physics, Mr. Crosswhite. years, is open to all members oi the umni Hall at 8 P. M. and Malcolm Kullmar head the decor- Newson, Ed Thomas, and Frank Tar- All the women honor graduates are college and the general public. Activities on Saturday, Alumni (Cont. on page 6, col. 2) button were given positions by the education students. Mr. McLaughlin Churches in "westminster will be Day, will be opened by registration of sophomore class; and Tom O'Leary, is preparing for the ministry while closed for the day since virtually ev- Alumni in McDaniel Lounge at 9:30 Joe ,\r orkman, and Lee Lodge were (Cont. on page 4, col. 4) ery church congregation in town A. M. At 10 A. M. the Board of elected by the freshman class. takes part in the service. (Cont. on page 3, col. 4) representative from the The third IN THIS ISSUE ... junior class will be chosen in a spe- set ritual, will observe traditions of The program, although it follows no cial election because of a tie vote be- College Players Present .. tween Willard Everett and Tom Elias. Four Seniors the Protestant church services. It PROGRAM ... "Our Town" as their last pro- Installation of Bob Faw, president- will consist of the invocation, hymn, duction of the season on May elect, and the members of the council, Apply For singing, and scripture reading as well Friday, May 31 31 in Alumni Hall. See Page 4. will be held on Monday evening, May as the baccalaureate sermon. 8 P. M. "Our Town" by the College the Fifth Year Terror Track Team . . .. 27, at 10 o'clock in Smith Hall. Pres- Players June 1 Saturday, win first meet in history of Col- ident McLaughlin will conduct lege from American University. ceremony. College Choir Returns 9:30 A. M. Registration of Alumni See Page 5. The newly-elected council will meet Applications To Be 10 A. M. Board of Trustees Meet- before school closes to organize for From World's Fair ing Members of Class of '40.. the coming year. At this organization, Reviewed By Fifth 12 noon. Class reunions recall fond memories of past officers of the council will be elected. Year Committee The College Choir returned Tues- 1 P. M. Athletic Tournaments four years as they prepare for The voting was as follows: day evening from its trip to Newark, Fraternities hold "Open House" graduation. See Page 2. Junior Clas8 FOUl" seniors, Kermit Bayard, 'Vil- New Jersey, and the New York Tour of buildings Company C Takes Honors Tim Lewis . IS liam Beatty, John Carnochan, and world's Fair where concerts were 2:30 P. M. Garden Party 6:30 P. M. Alumni banquet given. as ROTC battalion holds annual Neil Eckenrode .....•...••.•...•••..••.••..•••• 14 Carolyn Smith, have applied to re- The forty members of the choir who 9 P. M. June Ball competition drill. See page 3. Willard Everett. 9 turn to do graduate work ill educa- made the trip were accompanied by Sunday, June 2 (Cont. on page 3, col. 2) tion under the fifth year plan, Dean Isanogle announced. The application Mr. and Mrs. de Long, Mr. Spangler, 10:30 A. M. Baccalaureate Service of these students must be passed by a and Miss Adkins. 7:30 P. M. Choir Concert Miss Lease And Dr. Gilbert faculty committee and approved by gram that it will give here at the col- 10 A. M. Commencement Monday, June 3 presented the same pro- The choir Dr. Holloway. Under fifth plan, Leave Faculty Next Year standing the education year students out- lege on Sunday, June 2 at 7:30 P. M. Conferring of degrees in the summer house. who possess the qualifications for being good teachers may return to the col- expenses Alumni Day Activities Will Be The resignation of Miss Nannie Miss Nannie Leese lege after graduation to work in the Camille Lease, Professor of Speech, educational field with all Emeritus, and assistant librarian has paid. work consists Climaxed By Garden Party been announced by the Administra- The first semester's tion. of observation and practice teaching Miss Lease leaves after thirty-five at the Wes1minster High School; the at night by a banquet in the dining Many memories will be reawakened years of service on the faculty of the second semester, the student does ad- and old escapades retold when some Hall. About 400 reservations, in- college, coming here in 1904 as a vanced work in his major field. of the alumni of Western Maryland cluding those for the present seniors, teacher of elocution. In 1926 she was Fifth year students have the oppor- return to the Hill on Saturday, June have been made for the dinner. Two appointed professor of speech and in tunity of earning the degree of Mas- 1, for their annual Alumni day. Mem- members of the Class of '87, which so recent years has been assisting in the ter of Education by returning to sum- bers of many differ-ent classes are ex- far, is the oldest to be represented, library. mer school for two semesters immedi- pected to attend the activities which are expected to attend the banquet, Receiving her bachelor's degree ately following their regular session's will take place in the afternoon and as well as one member of the Class from Western Maryland in 1895, Miss work, and the preparation of a thesis evening. of '90. Lease returned two years later to her or special project in the educational The culminating event of Alumni Alma Mater to get her master's de- field. Perhaps the most colorful feature Day will be the June Ball in Gill Gym- gree. The fifth year plan was initiated of the day will be the Garden Party natium. This marks the Alumni As- As has been previously announced, lust year when five graduate students to be held at 2:30 P. M. in Robinson sociation's initial effort to hold a Edwin C. Mirise has been added to returned to work under the new plan. Garden. This will affoid the alumni dance. it will be open to the faculty, an opportunity to renew old friend- the staff of the Western Maryland The education department believes and also to the students who are still College library. that by means of such a plan, better ships and to recall their own days on on the Hill. The proceeds of the June Dr. Jackson P. Sickels has been ep- . who retires this year after equipped teachers will be produced to the Hill. Ball will be added to the Student (Cont. on page 6, col. 8) thirty-five years of service, lead in the education field. The Garden Party will be followed Loan Fund of the College.
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