Page 61 - TheGoldBug1939-40
P. 61
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md., May 9, 1940 PAGE THREE THE • Invitation Golf · . , track George Washington Tossers SHORT Tournament dr.?r.~dN:~h8~'Sto in 1l3a7ckde:i~ronfit~\h:q~ta~ Ter· Meet Green And Gold On .on·Di:Ion OMholic !itleholders, Univer· Waahington. )·esterday The sity first .=====OFIT Here Saturday rors garnered but Bob the three Sorensen. places Bill low u and ObM". Lindsay Robinson captured t.wo '"ile. the hurdleaandtheZeOJuddasb,respec!ive· By Bill Robinson · .. baseball Hoffa field Saturday " SPORTS EDITOR Eight Schools To Vie George Washington Uni,·erSity collected nine off the Comes the first of May and the an- In Wide Open Affair- b"t C<>ok. but luts capit~li~ed on deli,·ery of Oarroll to An inconsistent western Maryland baseball nine, bouncing back and forth ele"en errors nual slump of the Green Terror dia- Baltimore Favored ~e~d!/~~~~'~~j':,;t}n~ tOT~et~in';;~~',,:~er~ on the .SOO mark for wins and losses all season, will entertain George Wash- mond machine. This season, after ~~~~."t:~;{~SSf~un:ilc~~""le"r~rt:n~nn;;'tm l\"~~~ ington University, Saturday on Hoffa Field. The Green and Gold will be stretching their winning streak to point were ne"<"or headed. Marbun Lin· entering into their eleventh game of the season and still have yet to run a three games, the tossers nre unable Western Maryland is looking for- ~lj~\Fh,.:~\f~r.;~~~5ihi~~i::~ieiJ;!::~~ This game, however, could easily winning streak of more than three games. to emerge from a rut and have fin- ward with pride to its annual invita- ished second best in three of their tion golf tournament which will be · .• tennis be the factor in a long winning splurge for the Terrors, as the Washingtonians difficulty in consistency have been having also. leading Last Monday, after last four engagements. held this Saturday, May 11. When (he!JGor~~~n~~1rGeOI~t~~~~~e~~~~;e:o~:~~~hl~~ Maryland for five innings, the Colonels fell apart, and the Terps walked off one considers the number of compet- On the whole, the pitching has Gettysburg Bullets ye"lerdu)·, 6·3. The with a 9·3 victory. The licking was the fourth of the season for George been something to write home about ing schools and the calibre of the ~~l~~e~nd\·B:,,;~:;I~a p~~~:dedt h.~~ ::t~~~~' against five victories. Saturday's game will probably find Frank Washington, and in the quartet of tests annexed players, the pride is readily justified. McGinnis, a lanky 6 foot 3 inch pitcher, on the mound against the Terror by the Terrors, hurling has been a Catholic University, George Wash- · .. goll . batsmen. Lee Lodge, undefeated in ,011 t~nl\l ,I~fenl"d ""'IHn deciding factor. ington University, Loyola College, Gett)·"burg )!nryland·s )·ogtordny. 1·::. Paul two starts this season, may get the heTo Col- Doug Catington Baltimore University, Haverford Mount ~\~[~j~fLt"e~:~1::,~~,:~;~r:~~r~.~~~~J Terror Netmen starting assignment for the home and Lee Lodge lege, University of Maryland, team. have been the St. Mary's College, and Western Hopping off to a five run lead in the bright lights in Maryland College compose the entry Upset Hopkins first inning, Villanova kept intact turning back list. Dickinson College, last year's Preachers Defeat their winning ways, downing \Vestern Loyola, Ameri- "Champion, could not accept the invi- can University, tation to play due to a mix-up of Gamma Bets In In Close Test Maryland on Hoffa Field 8 to 2. The . and Lebanon Val- schedule dates. . Wildcats, beaten only by Fordham ley. Even in de- The fight for the individual medal, Softball Tilt Western Maryland's tennis team this season, took their eighth win of the season on solid blows throughout feat, Carro II given to the golfer having the lowest Lambasting two opposing pitchers will take to the road this week-end, the first few innings, then coasted in Cook and Mike score, promises to be a wide open af- visiting the University of Delaware behind the effective flinging of Bill Phillips have fair. With such an ar-ray of golfers fOJ" a total of fourteen hits, the on Friday and Washington College on ROBINSON shown up unusu- as Far-rell and Rice of Loyola; Dow- Preachers defeated the Gamma Bets Hawlett, winning hurler. ally well and ling, Greiner, and Johnson of Balti- by the one-sided score of 18 to 2 on Saturday. With two wins in the last Failure to hit in the pinches and with a couple more breaks could have more University; Gross of Haver- Tuesday in the first contest of the three starts, the Terrors are hopeful sloppy fielding spoiled a well pitched easily hung up triumphs. ford; Rea and Dewitt of Maryland; second round of the fraternity soft- of returning with two more victories. game by Mike Phillips, as Hampden- Coach Ferguson's main problem has Grodavent of Mount St. Mary's; and ball league. Baugher Take Fifth Sidney, capitalizing on breaks, eked been his ailing and unsteady infield. Burtis of Western Maryland, the par Leading the winners' attack were On Monday, Coach Hurt's boys out a 3-1 victory over Western Mary- Starting the season were ·Bob Stropp of 68 will probably be mistreated. Don Wildey, Harold Phillips, and Bill scored a sensational upset by defeat- land. Francis Smith's home run in while Nemo al- the fourth inning was the only earned Robinson, Robinson on first, Kenny Bills on second, Elmer Western Maryland would like noth- ing the highly rated Johns Hopkins run of the ball game, all- the winners' Evans at the hot corner, and Jack Ry- ing better than to play the imperfect lowed the losers but six safeties as he. sextet with comparative ease, S-4. It an at shortstop, but this combination host by coming out in front in the fanned seven of the Gamma Bet hit- was by far the team's best showing of tallies coming in on infield bobbles. was unable to present an able defense. team play. The home team will be ters. The Preachers tallie~ three runs the year, and marks continued im- Journeying out of state to Penn- Only Stropp has played first class represented by Captain Paul Burtis, in the first inning and then continued provement. Bo Baugher won the first sylvania, the Terrors pounded out a ball, and on Tuesday he combined Mike Petrucci, Stud Thompson, and their onslaught fof the first five match for the Green and Gold with lS-2 decision over Lebanon Valley with Evans, Bill Phillips, and Bill Neil Eckenrode. frames for their total of eighteen. his fifth consecutive triumph, down- Saturday behind the four hit pitching Sturm to form the inner works. In its last three matches Western At the present there are no results ing Mickey Par-dew of the visitors, of Lodge. All but one man hit safely Bob Bricker has been doing a fine Maryland has broken even, winning at hand in the golf and tennis compe- 6-0, 7-5. Captain Will Prentiss fol- for the Green and Gold in their job behind the plate, while F. X. and losing one, and halving the third. tition. The first round will continue lowed it up by easily conquering fourth win of the season. Smith, Don Honeman, and Marbury Victories by Burtis and Elder enabled thru the first of next week at which Needle, 6-1, 6-3; and Bill Ba ylies won Probable line-ups for Saturday's Linton have made secure their assign- the locals to gain a 3-3 tie with the time the second round will begin. again in a well-played match over game: ments by steady patroling of the out- University of Maryland. On Tuesday of next week the Winslow, 6-2, 7-S. Wright slowed up George western er garden. annual intramural track and field Washington Maryland Last Saturday, the Terrors traveled in the second set and was beaten by Preparations are being made by to Carlisle, Pa., to meet Dickinson meet will be held on Hoffa Field. Any Beck, 9_7, 6-0. Belt fought against Vertel, ci Honeman, cf the golf powers that be to make College. Although the Terrors for- man not a candidate for the varsity is overwhelming odds, losing to Hobbs, Garber,3b Evans,2b this year's Invitation Tournament feited one match, they managed to eke eligible and may participate in one Maryland State Junior champion, 6-0, Lusby,2b Stropp,lb ment on Saturday the most suc- out a 5-4 victory as Burtis, Petrucci, track, one field, and one relay event. 6-0; while Ted Bowen lost to Thaler, Taylor, c Linton,rf cessful in its short history. Al- and Eckenrode- led the cause by down- 6-4, 7-S. At the conclusion of the Zelaska, rf Smith, If ready eight eolleg iate institutions ing their respective opponents. Mason-Dixon Meet singles matches, the score was dead- McNeil,lb Ryany as have accepted bids to participate Tuesday the University of Balti- locked at three all, but in the doubles, Gilham, ss Phillips,3b and a new champion is sure to more linksmen arrived at Western Finale In Track . the TerrOI'S proved superior. Gray, If Bricker, c emerge, inasnljch as last year's Maryland with a powerhouse aggre- McGinnis, p Lodge, p titleholder, Diekinson Col lege, gation headed by Otto Greiner, Ed The fourth annual Mason-Dixon Doubles Decides !\latch was forced to decline its opportu- Johnson, and Jesse Dowling. The lo- Track Meet will be held on May 18 at The Bowen-Baugher combination nity to defend the title. With cals provided some tense moments for Homewood in Baltimore, with Catho- won again, defeating Thaler and Par- Smith & Reifsnider Burtis, Petrucci, and Eckenrode the Bees and, although all of the lic University being the defending dew, 6-3, 7-5. Belt and Baylies turned playing any kind of golf, the champions. Western Maryland will be on the pressure and downed Needle Incorporated Green and Gold squad figures to matches were close, the Terrors were ably represented along with Hbpkins, and Winslow in quick time, 6-3, 6-0, downed 8-1. Eckenrode won Western finish well among the leaders. Maryland's lone point by defeating Washington College, Delaware, Tow- but Hopkins' two aces, Beck and LUMBER ._ COAL As a pre-tournament feature, Andy his opponent 3-1. son, and Loyola. Hobbs, defeated Prentiss and Wright Gibson, Bonnie View (Baltimore) pro The Green and Gold's chief threat in the feature match, 6-3, 6-4. SASH, DOORS, BLINDS and at one time Maryland Open is Lindsay Chase, who is undefeated The Hopkins match was a pleasing Champion, gave a lecture and exhiei- Western Maryland Co-eds in the two mile. Among others he will one and was a deserved triumph for GENERAL MILL WORK tion Monday on the local links. The be opposed by Corbett of Catholic Coach Hurt who has been working instruction was well received and To Meet Notre Dame University who won the event last hard with an inexperienced team. The SLATE, CEMENT Gibson commanded a large gallery team showed up well in defeating & PLASTER for the greater part of the afternoon, Notre Dame College will play Host year. Driscoll, representing Johns Washington College last week, and Hopkins, is another defending cham- as he showed the local divot-lifters to the Western Maryland women's pion and will compete with Lewis and lost a tough one to Gettysburg. The C. & P. Long Distance Phone the finer points of the old Scotch pas- tennis and archery squads tomorrow Townsend of the Terrors in the 880· triumph over Hopkins, however, was 227 time. afternoon in Baltimore as the two yard dash. Western Maryland, how- an unexpected but welcome one, and Another experiment in the local schools par-ticipate in' these two the tennis mentor is completely satis- WESTMINSTER, MD. track set-up will be undertaken on sports. ever, is weak in the weight events fied with the team's progress. Friday night at Waynesboro, Penn- Here on the Hill, the annual tennis which naturally hampers its chances sylvania, where a tour-man mile re- tournament is being conducted now of taking the title. lay team will represent Western and on May 18, when. the second round On May 1, Blue Ridge College Maryland as a special feature of the of play will be completed, the class downed the Terror trackmen, 63% to CARROLL STATE first outdoor meet ever held at night champions wiII be crowned. Imme- 44% on Hoffa Field. The home team places and eight first in the Cumberland Valley. diately following this play, the class copped three Chase won the one and runner-ups. winners will oppose each other to de- A note on intramurals: On termine the college titleholder. MONDAY and TUESDAY MONDAY and TUESDAY, Tuesday the annual interfraterni- (Continued on page 4, column 1) MAY 20 and 21 May 20 and 21 ty track and field meet will be Ann Sheridan, Humphrey Bogart Cesar Romero, Jean Rcgees held with competition in five Jeffrey Lynn, ZaSu Pitts "Viva Ciso Kid" track, four field, and two relay events. Those of us who were' STRAYER "ItAllCameTrue" WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, present last year remember the WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, and FRIDAY result when several competitors and FRIDAY May 22, 23, and 24 who were not in proper physical Tyrone Power, Dorothy Lamour, condition became too engrossed 8 Week Course May 22, 23, and 24 Edward Arnold, Lloyd Nolan, in their aetivity. May we sug- Madeleine Carroll Charles Grapewin, Lionel Atwil1 gest a little training in prepara- IN SHORTHAND & TYPEWRITING Brian Aherne "Johnny Apollo" tion for this affair, in an effort "My Son, My Son" to reduce the casualties to a min- AN ideal vac.ation course, recommended especially for college SATURDAY, MAY 25 students, and high school graduates planning to enter college. SATURDAY, MONDAY, Russell Hayden, Victor Jory, Britt Wood, Parker, LEARN to take notes on lectures and to typewrite assignments. and TUESDAY Jean J. Farrell MacDonald May 25, 27, and H. E. REESE Earn credits more easily and make higher . marks. Save time and Bing Crosby, Gloria 28 Jean "Knights of the Range" prepare employment. for earlier TAILOR CLEANING BEGIN JUNE 24 OR JULY 8 Charles Winninger MONDAY and TUESDAY, PRESSING "If IHad MyWay" May 27 and 28 REPAIRING ALSO complete. c~urses leading to Secretarial Diplomas. Re· DOUBLE FEATURE I 94 East Main Street view and speed building classes for commercial graduates. Train- WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, George O'Brien, Virginia Vale SUITS MADE TO MEASURE ing for employment in business and government. , FRIDAY and SATURDAY "Bullet Code" STRAYER Employment Service secures positions for graduates. May 29 to 31, and June 1 =d calls annually. J. D. KATZ Over 1500 employment /01' Catalog and Rates Laurence Olivier, Joan Fontaine, Lynn Bari, Katherine Aldridge, Ask QUALITY Nigel Bruce, Reginald Denny, Joan Davis, Alan Baxter, Henry SHOE REPAIRING ST RAY ERe 0 L LEG E ~~~h~~:t!n,S~~~~ C. Aubrey Smith Wilcoxon, Chick Chandler Special Rates to Students E. S. DONOHO, PTB8ident E. G. PURVIS,Vice President "Rebecca" "Free, Blonde end Twenty-one" Dyeing a Specialty
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