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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. May 23, 1940 Seminary Given CasIOf"OurTown"RehearsesFor May 31 Lantern Chain THE e $48,000 Grant Program Is On SHORT By Conference Monday,May27 e====== OF IT By Bill Robinson As a gift of the general conference On Monday, May 27, the girls of SPORTS EDITOR of the Methodist Church, $48,000 will the freshman and senior classes will In some quarters the depression be donated within the next four years take part in the traditional lantern seems to be over, but on the local to the Westminster Theological Semi- chain ceremony. The freshman girls, sports front the memory lingers on. nary. car-rying- lighted lanterns, will form a From that memorable day in Septem- The Methodist Church's action, de- procession with their senior partners ber when the Cortland Teachers slap- cided upon at the conference in At- and will escort them to Hoffa Field ped the ga-idders down, the Terror lantic City, was announced recently stadium. As the couples are winding athletes have fared anything but well. by Dr. Charles E. Forlines, president their way to the field the "Alma Ma- Of the nine var- of the Seminary. ter" will be sung. sities in intercol- Dr. Forlines indicated at the same While seated in the stadium, the legiate ci rcl e s, time that only $10,000 more was need- seniors will hear the freshmen sing only three-the lid in order to endow the Elderdice their class song for the first time. s o c c e r ites, the Chair of practical theology, a memor- Peggy Reeves composed the lyric of f'rcsh basketball- ial to the late Dr. H. L. Eldardiee, for- the song, and it has been set to music ers and the golf- mer president and president emeritus by Mary Frances Hawkins. Then, ers-have been of the school. the farewell song, the words of which able to keep their Announcement of the Board of are by James Snodgrass, will be sung heads above wat- was CollegePlayers Will End Season Governors of the Westminster Theo- to the seniors. er long enough to logical Seminary for next year The freshmen will next enter-tain maintain winning made by Dr. Forlines, at the com- the upper-classmen by marching on '",""'"-'''''--'''''''''''records. mencement of the Seminary on Mon- With Production Of "Our Town" Hoffa Field and forming the numer- ROBINSON At the present day, May 6. als "1943." 'The numbers represent- time, the number The Reverend Mr. L. Bee of Clarks- ing the year of graduation of all one headache can be found on the burg, West Vil'ginia; the Reverend Actors Will Use classes will be formed accompanied diamond and Saturday's loss to Mr. R. Y. Nicholson, D.O., of Balti- BUSINESS by singing. American University was just about more, Maryland; and Mr. George K. EDUCATION No Scenery In After this demonstration, the fresh- the last straw for the Green and Mather of Westminster, Maryland, all men will rejoin the seniors and con- Gold. The Eagles, who have absorb- served on the Board of Governors this Presentation duct them to the steps of Blanche ed several shutouts this season, came year, and will continue to do so next Courses in Business Education Ward Hall. Here all classes will from behind in the late stages of the year. will be dropped from the College "In all my days as a theater-goer, unite in singing their class songs and game and polished off Bruce Fer- New members of the Board of Gov- curriculum at the end of the next no play ever moved me so deeply"- their farewell songs to the departing guson's nine in a story book finish. ernors are the Revend Mr. Lester A. school year. thus spoke Alexander Woolcott of the class. With Western Maryland enjoying a Welliver, D.O., of Harrisburg, Penn- Students who have started play, 011,1' Town, which is to be pre- 7-2 lead in the fourth and a 10-6 mar- sylvania; the Reverend Mr. Benjamin work in this department may sented as the annual commencement ch~::e l:;~:;g;h~~ev~:~g::~t:~ ~; gin as late as the eighth, the Ameri- W. Meeks, D.D., of Harrisburg, Penn- continue next year as .the courses play on May 31 in Alumni Hall. Ann Scott. can batters exploded in the ninth to sylvania; the Reverend Thomas S. will be offered in 1940-41. Our T(1))1!, was a great success on tally four times; then went into the Holt, of Federalsburg, Maryland; Mr. the New York stage, and has been tenth and bunted the winning run F. Murray Benson of Baltimore, presented by numerous touring stock across ........ Maryland; Mr. George W. Culbert- companies. The play attempts to give Six Seniors Are Encouragement son, of Pennsylvania; and Mr. William Holloway'S Entertain the audience a cross-section view of Honor Graduates On the credit side of the ledger, we C. Scott, of Baltimore, Maryland. Mr. town life as exemplified in Grover's find "that. the spirit of Nathan has Scott has been a board member in Seniors At Supper Corners, New Hampshire, the com- (Cont -.from page 1, col. 3) done wonders with the track and field previous years, but ill health prevent- munity where the action of the play Mr. Crosswhite hopes to do graduate squad. Starting the season about six ed him from serving as a member this Dr. and Mrs. Holloway will enter- takes place. The audience is carried work at Johns Hopkins University. weeks ago with but three lettermen year. tain all members of the senior class on into the homes of two substantial en hand, the new mentor developed a In past years only Methodist Prot- Friday, May 24, at a buffet supper. families and learns all the heart- Dr. James Bentley of the depart- team that hung up Western Mary- estants compr-ised the Board of Gov- The dinner is to be served by under- breaks and happiness which occur in ment of American University ad- land's first track victory in the five ernors. On the 1940-1941 board, classmen. After the supper the en- the simple events of human life. Fan- dressed the largest crowd ever to at- years that track has been a varsity however, there will be several men tire group will join in singing songs. tasy, reality, pathos, and humor are tend an Argonauts banquet. sport on the Hill. who belonged to the fonner Metho- On Wednesday, May 22, the SCA blended, making a whole which can be The speaker, introduced by Dr. Handicapped by a lack of material dist Episcopal Church. A meeting held a party in the Blanche Ward enjoyed by both serious and fiighty Holloway spoke on the "Place of Tal- in the field events, the team suffered will be held during the summer to Gym, in honor of the senior class. The individuals. ented Students in the World Today." four straight dual meet defeats until ' reorganize the board and to hold highlight of the evening was a mock Unusual is the word which can be He challenged the honor students they finally handed the Eagles of elections. wedding performed by "Reverend" used to describe this play in which ab- present to strive constantly to better American University a severe 78-30 Harper Le Compte. The bride and solutely no scenery is used. The actors life through the medium of leadership trouncing. groom were Helen Newman and Bob in the right direction. J. D. KATZ Moore respectively. The evening was rely on pantomime to convey to the This banquet is held annually by Sportsmanship are given out to in- audience what scenery should be pres- When plaudits QUALITY spent in playing games and folk danc- ent. This absence of scenery makes the Argonauts for the new fellows, dividual performers, the names of SHOE REPAIRING ing. the play fascinating to watch beeause those members elected by the society Bill Taylor and Ed Lewis should head Special Rates to Students of its originality and simplicity. The from the students graduating with the list. The former, during the reg- honors. Dyeing to. Specialty PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS imagination is stimulated by a play Besides the fellows and associate ular campaign, ran second upon eight which is stripped of all decorative occasions, finishing in the runner-up properties. Never before have the col- members of the Argonauts there were position several times when the odds lege players attempted a production present about thirty faculty and staff were definitely against him. As for COLLARS ... TIES ... H~NDKERCHIEFS of this type. members and several sophomores. The Lewis, the sportsmanship he showed following re- who have sophomores The casualty UNDERWEAR curred first rehearsal Miss Esther oc- ceived a B average in three semester's in allowing a teammate, who needed points fOJ: a letter, to finish ahead of when Monday ARROW SHIRTS Smith cut and bruised herself by a work received invitations: Paul Ale- (Cont. on page 6, col. 5) fall from Alumni Hall stage. The Iyunas, Lucie Leigh Barnes, Philip members of the cast are carrying on Bechtel, Miriam Bond, Ruth Caltrider, BUY YOUR SHIRTS AND the rehearsals in Miss Smith's ab- Mary Crosswhite, Lee Kindley, Wj]- Phone 304 ACCESSORIES AT sence. liam Leatherman, Grover Newson, Gloria Beauty Parlor T. W. MATHER & SONS getable play, and a lasting memorial Isaac Rehert, Virginia Sweeney, Eliz- We specialize in~ promises to be an unfor- OU?' Town abeth Yentsch, Tyson, Janus and to the senior class. Louise Young. • PERMANENT WAVING Phone Hours H. E. REESE • FINGER WAVING • MARCELLING 190 9 to 7:30 P: M. TAILOR Hair Bobbing CARROLL STATE Lucilla I Your Hair Dresser CLEANING PRESSING REPAIRING Facials 82 W. Main Manicuring Street Permanents Individual MADE TO MEASURE Lightner, Manager WEDNESDAY to FRIDAY, WEDNESDAY to FRIDAY 91 W. Main Street SUITS 94 East Main Street WESTMINSTER, MD. May 22nd to 24th May 22, 23, and 24 Medeleine Carroll, Brian Tyrone Power, Dorothy Aherne, ~:::~ Hayward Lamour STRAYER -in- Howard Spring's The "My Son, My Son" "Johnny Apollo" SATURDAY, MONDAY, SATURDAY, May 25th Coffman-Fisher 8 Week Course and TUESDAY IN SHORTHAND & TYPEWRITING May 25, 27, and 28 Russell Hayden, Victor Jory Co. -in- AN ideal vacation course, recommended especially 'for college Bing Crosby, Gloria Jean students, and high schoo graduates planning to enter college. Charles Winninger Zane Grey's LEARN to take notes on lectures and to typewrite assignments. "IfIHadMyWay" "Knights of the Range" e Earn credits more easily and make higher marks. Save time and prepare for earlier employment. Coming Soon BEGIN JUNE 24 OR JULY 8 REBECCA with Laurence Olivier, Joan Fontaine. DEPARTMENT STORE ALSO complete courses leading to Secretarial Diplomas. Re- BUCK BENNY RIDES AGAIN with Jack Benny, Ellen Drew, Ro- view and speed building classes for commercial graduates. Train- chester. ing for employment in business and government. SLIGHTLY HONORABLE with Pat O'Brien, Edward Arnold. e· IRENE with Anna Neagle, Ray Milland, Roland Young. STRAYER Employment Service secures positions for graduates. 'TIL WE MEET AGAIN with Merle Oberon, George Brent, Pat Over 1500 employment calls annually. O'Brien. Ask for Catalog and Rates ~~~~~crtr::r~2~t~vi~~a~ivi~~eL~'g~~~06::r~~Ylor. 11 E. Main St. Phone 102 STRAYER COLLEGE ~;:,;';~;,:,:g~C;~ LILLIAN RUSSELL with Alice Faye, Dan Ameche, Henry Fonda. WESTMINSTER EDISON THE MAN with Spencer Tracy. E. S. DONOHO,President E. G. PURVIS,Vice President
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