Page 64 - TheGoldBug1939-40
P. 64
PAGE lWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland,College, Westminster, Md., May 23, 1940 The Class Of '40 Looks Backward GOLD BUG Senior Class Recalls Four Years CAMPUS ofMemories at Western Maryland COLLATERAL By Henry Hoi/jes Official student newspaper of Western Maryland College, published on Thursday, semi-monthly during October, No- ten dollars to New York and back. • Has Professor Mekosky told you about his colleague, vember, February, March, April, May, and monthly dur- Orientation week. . 1936 ... rain A cup of coffee, one and a half buns, the Raspberry bird? Mr. J:M.D. claims that every spring ing September, December, and January, by the students and freshman faces fell. The frosh a walk around Times Square at 3. A. of Western Maryland College, Westminster, Maryland. saw a campus with no arch, T. K. M., a flat tire in New Jersey, and con- this feathered friend sits in on his lectures; every time a Entered as second-class matter at the Westminster Post Harrison's home where present arch tinual eussin' by Catington saw them particularly important fact has been gravely pointed out Office, under the Act of March 3, 1879. to a class, the bird announces his presence by a devastat- SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $1.50 A YEAR is, and four Newmans. throngh. ing "Ba-a-a". "Maryland's here" rang out for the Chapel chairs went at 25c each to 1939 Member 1940 first time. McKinstry banisters lost Carroll County Centennial visitors. • T'was told to me on the q.t. but- l'1"ocio1ed CoUe6iale PreIS their balusters, U. of M. paint was Sold by Burtis and Clint Walker. McKinstry has a Scout troop. The Eagle Patrol of smeared liberally, and the Terrors Dean Miller ducked water bags and Troop .008 to the minus ten. We understand they have EDITORIAL BOARD won the game 12-0. chased radios; Mrs. Stover went about an aim-to do a bad deed a day. Have you heard a. Those after dark with a flash light. EDITOR· IN-CHIEF .. . Henry C. Triesler, '41 "I'arbaby" Kompanek staged dorm were the days, dear Western Mary- piercing "eeegle" eereecb t That's their trusty call. ASSOCIATE EDITORS .. Henry Holljes, '41 Hallowe'en raid and :McDaniel dar- land. If you want a furnished apartment, with fresh air, Ruth Mansberger, '41 lings returned to molasses-covered atmosphere, and all exposures, the press box is fitted NEWS EDITOR Isaac Rehert, '42 doorknobs and dismantled rooms . out now with everything but Venetian blinds. FEATURE EDITOR. . Lucie Leigh Barnes, '42 Skirts were down to there and ankle SPORTS EDITOR .. .. William Robinson, '41 Speaking of boiling in oil, McDaniel top porch is the socks were taboo; faculty chaperons ON hottest spot north of Albuquerque. All the ladies are were at bridge in the Lounge every ~K~"'U"T'O ~o~ NAT,aNAL ADVIRT,.,,.O oy THE trying to catch up with the brown powder they bought National Advertising Service, Inc. night it was open. "The Preachers too soon. Col/ell_ Publubers R_pTes,.,.J"';~. christened Patty Payne "Precious" "Where's the shower?" the McKinstryite asked. 420 M""'SON AVE. while Phil Lanasa and Bob Sherman RECORD 0- 0 0 "You're standing in it," answered a fellow. C.'OfQ. LO..... ,L .. • ....... ,,""O sold books to Ellen Shipley with nice "Oh, I thought that was a leaky pipe." profit. The Phi Alpha Mu house-party is BUSINESS STAFF planned for the second week in June It's a good thing Carroll Cook didn't wear a Western BUSINESS I\IANAGER........ . Edward Weant, '41 Regina Fitzgerald gave up tobacco when the sorority will take a cottage Maryland shirt to the county field meet because the sun chewing as a bad experience after burned neat seams and even reproduced the tag in the ~PR~tR!f~~~~~i1~1g~:s·.·.·."."\v·iiii~~eVi~~e~£~i,~~n, '43 jawing some Sir Walter Raleigh in at Ocean City, Maryland, The fifteen back of the one he did wear. Mary Louise Asbury, '41 speech class. Forney Young tore off girls going will be chaperoned by Mrs. • We would like to have a spy with the senior military his shirt up to the collar to write Ferdinand Forthman. men on the "tactical tour" of the Gettysburg battlefield on notes while in Pol. Sci. Sigma Sigma Tau will hold its an- the 29th. By the time they have advanced and retreated Dance Week-Ends Mr. de Long was the "new Prof." nual Senior Farewell Banquet at their way over the battlefield, I imagine there will be The dietitian always dressed for din- Windsor Inn, Thursday, May 23. muttered echoes of General Sherman's three-word com- nero Don Humphries went to girls' Tge~e~~~~:s Pt~:~~N;\~~;a~\~:c~~sn b:!~h s~~: stag party on first floor McDaniel Delta Pi Alpha held its annual ban- mentary on war. When they sit down to the final big gested. In the future have three big week-ends through a rear window and walked quet on May 17 at Clear Ridge Lnn. feed, I wonder which will seem the bigger-their stomachs beginning with a name-band dance on Friday cut after ten through the front door. Mary Anna Brown entertained Le, or their feet? night from 9 to 1 :30. Classes would be suspended Elinor Kratz loyally sat on the titia Bogan, Ruth Dygert., and Jeanne • A serious note: We always thought it couldn't happen on Saturday and in the afternoon an entertaining electric percolator while the room was to us but now, with the papers quoting odds on how long event, athletic 01" otherwise, would take place. being searched for the coffee being Lou Cairnes at her home in Annapolis before we will be in the war, and with rumors of sending Saturday night a smaller band would play for the brewed. during the week-end of May 11. Mary advanced military students immediately to camp in case second dance in the week-end, This plan seems Dr. Whitfield's dog met, in Cating- Anna will be married July 20, 1940. of crisis, time seems vital and everything we do seems im- to have much in its favor. ton's room, a cat dropped over the The engagement of Grace Gillner portant, doesn't it? While on the subject, we suggest that the pro- transom. Instigators Horan and to Edward McLaughlin has been an- posal to secure name-bands by adding to the ac- Shipley were never again bothered by nounced. • HALLS OF HIGHER LEARNING may offer un- tivities fee is unfair to those students who don't their feather-throwing enemies. Bob The marriage of Lilyan Bennett to charted avenues of experience, but a student should re- care to attend the dances. Stropp never got enough to eat but Dr. Jay Traxler took place Wednes- member that they are based on well-searched truths. Pres- Edgar Rinebeimer weighed 245. Dur- day, lIIay 15, 1940, in Le-esburg, Vir- ident Frank P. Graham of the University of North Caro- ing his whisker-sporting period (due ginia. The newlyweds expect to live lina, has expressed a thought that should echo around in to fraternity request) Bob Walters these days when so much emphasis is placed on the young- Miss Lease Retires was dubbed "Werewolfe" by Jack in Gr-eenwich, Connecticut. er generation, its special problems and potentialities. A ~t \~~~~t~~~no:\~:a~:i!~~~~~%~eSr~r:~~ w~:~ Warfare between the first and sec- ma Kappa was held Saturday, May deuelopment. more purpoee an imp080d deuelopmeni ; . is 8elf- of a college education He says, "The Lytton. The spring rush party of Delta Sig- than was termi- ond floors of McKinstry ern Maryland has never lost a more faithful friend nated by Mr. Raver's "big stick" 18, and featured swimming at Frock's However, youthful misconception of the -neur f-reedom: ere In liberating ?WTV01I.8 SY8tems. many strong undermining and faculty member than she loses when Miss (with a nail in it) intervention. The Pool in Westminster. the body from mam.y ha-rmful conventicn8, the new free- Nannie Lease retires. There have been few men professor sat up all night reading Dr. and Mrs. Holloway entertained dom. has not liberated the body from the timeLe8s sou- or women who have given as much of their time Gone With The Wind, the board the entire faculty at a dinner party ereignty of the moral law, which the freed01n of a uni.. and effort to our college as she has during her across his knees. Wednesday, lIIay 15. ' versity cannot suspend." ACP years on the Hill. She has seen Western Mary- There weren't any open dances, but Harry Lowery, Max Kable, and land slowly evolve into the college it is today and Doc Kohler and a student parade! Sam Galbreath have passed the Army she has contributed much to its development. We brought Johnny Hamp's Jazz to the Air Corps examination. hope that in the next years she 'will not withhold old place for 400 smackers. her loyal spirit although she cannot give us her Bill Beatty uttered a vehement Peach Garrison is' recuperating actual service. LLB :~:.m;f:e:u"t~!:e;;!n~~~p:~d ~:~:~ ~::;.an appendectomy performed last mer's bed through Beatty's ceiling. Miss Esther Smith received a se- • THE CAROLIN1AN tells this story of a telephone Mase Soneg, Lou Hill, Doug Cat- PARADE OF OPINION ington and Frank Shipley accompan- vere cut on her face as the result of call: a fall from Alumni Hall stage during ied Pennington, his Chevie, and their Our Town practice on Monday. "Got a date Saturday night, hon?" "No," she answered expectantly. Shall The United States Enter "well, may I borrow your soap?" a notice The High Hat of William and Mary published The Present War? CAMPUS LEADERS stating that a hurricane was heading toward the college. it was a joke to frighten The next issue explained house-party-goer's, but the that local meteorologist almost IIlr. Hurt: I don"t think America can at present be termed brewed up a storm contending that newspaper articles a "neutral" but rather a "non-belligerent." The time is "Pass in review!" And Lieutenant- concerning weather conditions must. emanate from official not far distant when we will be actual participants. We Colonel Frank Shipley closes four years' of military study with the ob- bureaus. we guess the editor will think twice "weather" ;;;eS:I:~i~;o a:a:;.~;t:~%~:,t~a~oa;,~ ~:;7;'~~h:~il:%'1 ~: servation, "If in the future the officers he'll publish such an article again. very soon. carryon as well as Lytton has this • CAMPUS POLLS c011ducted this week as an aftermath year as chaplain, our unit will be Mr. Willen: We should not send our boys across under any tops!" to the nat1
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