Page 59 - TheGoldBug1939-40
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Library Three Men Nominated For rteete rn 1nryland College Westminster, Md. Presidency By League GOt Sketch ••... ROBERT FAW-Majoring in mathematics, varsity football and basket- ball, president-elect of Delta Pi fraternity, member of Argonauts, transfer from Blue Ridge, from Imperial, Pa. JOE ROUSE----lHajoring in economics, manager of football and base- ~~Vti!ta:!:in of boxing team, Delta of Pi Alpha Alpha fraternity, from EDWIN RETER-Majoring in sociology, president of Sunday School, Vol. 17, No. 15 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE May 9,1940 ::::;~ent of Wesleyan Club, transfer from Dickinson, from Balti- Student League as nominees for the office of president of the Men's Visitors Day On Saturday Bob Faw, Joe Rouse, and Ed Reter were chosen by the Men's Student Government in the meeting held for that purpose on Mon- day night. All students desirous of obtaining the position were given an Mr. Faw, Mr. Rouse, Mr. Reter, and Victor Im- ROTCUnitIs opportunity to voice this desire by presenting a platform before Seniors From the students at that time. Constitution Approved peciato volunteered for the position. After the presentation of each platform, High Schools were nom- In Fine Shape questions were put forth by the student body, and a secret vote was taken. After long deliberation and sev- By the results of this balloting, Messrs. Faw, Rouse, and Irnpeeiato eral minor changes by the faculty, inated. Impeciato, however, with- ,----------- the constitution of the Men's Stu- Invited Here drew from the election because, he RegisirationFor Says Doyle dent League was ratified by the stated, "My time next year will be ta- faculty committee and will go into ken by other interests so that I will effect immediately. be unable to conscientiously office." CoursesIs Week Commenting for the faculty, Scholarship Exams perform the duties of that important Compliments Men Dean Free remarked that under Will Be Given To Mr. Reter, with the next highest After Review Of the new constitution the student Visitors At 10:30 number of votes, will replace him as a Of May 8-14 Class And Drill council will have more powers than ever, and that with it, a great candidate. responsibility is being placed on Visitors' Day, when high Although only the names of Faw, school seniors from this vicinity Rouse, and Reter will be on the bel- B. S. Degree Offered "Western Maryland College has the the shoulders of the student presi- are invited to visit Western lot at the election on May 13, any best RO.T.C. unit that I have ever dent. Maryland College, will be held other male student may be voted for To Science Majors inspected", was the comment made by this Saturday, May 11. provided he is eligible and will accept Who Specialize Major John E. Doyle, representing Visitors' Day this year will serve a Major Doyle, in his capacity as ex- Appointments the office. the War Department after the official give the g-radu- purpose-etc inspection last Tuesday, May 7. two-fold members of high schools a ating A statement of the platforms of the Registration for courses for the ecutive officer of the Lancaster Mili- chance to become acquainted with the respective candidates is presented first semester of the 1940-1941 ses- tary Organized Reserve District, is To Faculty Are college and to allow candidates for below. sion began yeaterday, and will end constantly concerned with the obsar- state scholanships to take their exami- which Announced on Tuesday, May 14. vation of young officers in the army nations at the same time. The exams Students register with their advis- will be given at 10:30 A. 1\1. in room Robert Faw ors, who are the heads of their rna- under the Thompson Act, 22, Science Hall. Registration will makes him a competent judge and one Some months ago, during the crisis jor departments, or with the educe- whose criticism is very significant. New Chair Of Library begin at 10 A. M. on Saturday in Me- in the Men's Student Government, I tion department, if they are prepar- The reviewing officer believed the Daniel Lounge. declared myself to be a candidate for ing for high school teaching. entire inspection to be excellent, es- Service Is Created While the examinations are being the presidency. Since that time I Western Maryland College for the pecially commenting upon the bat.tal- For Next Year given, an organized tour of the col- have given the matter considerable first time will offer the degree of ion parade. He was very much im- lege buildings and campus will be held thought, out of which developed my bachelor of science to students major- pressed by the high morale and will- for those guests who are not compet- platform. It is as follows: ing in the fields of chemistry, physics, ingness of the individual participants. President Fred G. Holloway an- ing for a scholarship. Various de- 1. A liberal interpretation of the and biology. He commended the cadet officers of nounces the creation of a new chair, partments will have exhibits and dis- Constitution of the Men's Stu- Basic requirements for the, new de- the unit, contributing a great parf of that of Professor. of Library Service. plays on hand for inspection by the dent Government. gree will be similar to those for the the success of the day's exhibition 'I'his new position will be filled by visiting students. 'I'here will be an- 2. Rigid enforcement of that inter- bachelor of arts degree except that to them. The War Department rep- Edwin C. Mu-ise who, for the past other tour at 11:30 for those who, be- pretation. , the social studies requirement will be resentative refused to comment as nine years, has been a member of the cause they came late or were taking sem- from fifteen to twelve 3. The fulfillment of the wishes of reduced hours, and the major require. to the definite rating of the unit, but library staff of the College of the the examination, did not have a ester City of New York. the men, as they signify their in- ments have been changed so as to did state that it measured up to the Mr. Mirise holds a bachelor's de- chanc~ to participate in the first In- tentions by referendum, by petl- government regulations and he felt gree from Denison University, a spection of Western Maryland. tion, by appealing to their coun- give the. students a more specialized that Western Maryland would main- master's degree from Ohio State Uni- The visitors will be entertained at cil representatives, or by other training in their respective scientific tain the excellent status which it l1RS lunch at the regular lunch period, at fields. possessed in the past. versity, and a bachelor's degree in 11:50. A second lunch will be served Major requirements for both the Besides the inspection of drill, Ma- library service from Columbia Uni- ROBERT DECKER FAW. at 1 P. M. for those guests who, for bachelor of arts and bachelor of jor Doyle also attended classes on versity. various reasons, did not eat at the Prcfes- The position of Assistant compll- and Joe Rouse science degrees have been changed to Monday and Tuesday, on their attitude sol' of Modern Languages, made va- first lunch period. in the more freedom mented the students give students The purpose of this article is to selection of courses. Major require- and response to the theoretical class- cant by the resignation of Dr. Mar- Further entertainment will be fur- state my views and principles about ments for the bachelor of arts degree work. garet Herring, will be filled by Dr. nished by a movie depicting life at Western Maryland. The pictures will student government at Western are simply eighteen or more eemea- Major Doyle was entertained by Kathryn Hildebran. run continuously from 12:20 to 1:30 Maryland College. I believe that there te hours beyond the introduetory (Continued on page 4, column 1) Miss Hildebran received her bach- These scenes of the college have been is real need for a go-between between courses in the major department. lor's degree from Oberlin College, her students and administration. There Heretofore, the majority of the major master's degree nnd her doctor's de· gathered during the past half-dozen is a great deal of misunderstanding courses were prescribed by the de· gree from the University of Chicago. years and will give the visitors an in- timate glimpse into life. on the Hill. which could be easily remedied with partment. Women's SGA She has taught at Stephens College, At 1:30 in the afternoon, a general some earnest effort. Issues such as For the bachelor of science degree, the University of Chicago, nnd Sweet assembly of all guests will be held in introduetory Elects Lower an honor system, stealing in the dor- twenty-eight. or more semester hours Briar College. !'.IcDf!.niel Lounge. Greetings to the mitories, how the activities fee is ex- in addition to the Dr. Herring will be married in June visitors will be extended by members pended, proper upkeep of the dormi-- courses in the department are re- to James Gamble of Washington. of the administration. Representatives tories, late dance hours, could prob- quired. Supporting courses in the Officers These two appointments to the from the men's and women's student ably not be entirely settled, but a bet- departments are also required. teaching staff will be effective Sep- ter understanding, to say the least, Several new courses of study have tember, 1940. (Continued on page 4, column 3) could be brought about by student been added to those being taught this Betty Brown was elected over Alice government. year. Five courses have been added Vollmer by a vote of 45 to 17 to serve Responsibility brings about interest in the art department, one in the as vice-president of the Women's Placement Bureau Is Help Student and cooperation. Seemingly then, the ('.hemistry department., and two in the school year Government for the coming at the meeting held on student government could work with home economics department; and an In Search For Employment other departments now in existence entire new department of library May 6. and create or improve some helpful science will he introduced for the first Miss Brown, who has never before (Continued on page 4, column 2) time next year. served on the student government, is a membel' of the Home Economics Jobs! Jobs!! - and the Western lege. On the twenty· third of April, Club and of Sigma Sigma Tau. As Maryland College Placement Bureau for example J. C. Altrock, represen- of the Stanley tative Home Products has quite a job on its hands satisfy~ govern- Tennis Tournament Is Feature "ice-president of the student of next ing the demands of students for em· Company, an industrial concern from ment, she will be in charge Mary- :Massachusetts, visited Westenl Of Men's Sports Day, May 18 year's May Day celebration. as honor ployment. The placement service has land looking for employees. Emerg~ a two-fold pUl'pose---to locate tempor- Alice Vollmer was chosen to suc- of sixteen stu· the group jng from who for those students ary positions Quarles Margaret ceed chairman by polling 42 of the 67 votes wish to see what makes the economic dents who mobbed him, Mr. Altrock Western Maryland's annual Inter· pate in the tournament. Represen- cast. Betty Vroome and Frances Dil- world go 'round during the summer, announced that he had hired ten men scholastic Tennis Tournament will be tatives from the following Maryland laway were the defeated candidates. and to place those seniors who, not -two seniors for permanent pOsitions the feature of Men's Sports Day, high schools will be represented in the Miss Vollmer served on the board her being under the Education Depart. upon graduation and eight under· which will be held on Saturday, May tournament: Fort Hill High, Cumber· freshman and sophomore years. ment, must strike. out for themselves c1assmen to work through the sum- 18. Four high schools of Baltimore land; Catonsville High; Patterson Dorothy Mulvey of the present aiter graduation. At present various positions are will compete this year in the tourna- Park High, Baltimore; Bel Air High; sophomore class, defeated Patricia Not only has the employment ser- open, according to Dean Free, head ment. Hagerstown High; and Alleghany White by a vote of 14 to 4 for the po- vice been of value to many men who of the placement service. Jobs as These schools, each sending a team High, Cumberland. sition of treasurer of the organiza- do not fear the sting of the task· of four men, are Baltimore City Col- In the afternoon, the freshman tion. master's whip, but women, too, have water front directors, camp counsel- lege, Baltimore Polytechnic Institute, baseball team will play Devitt Prep Two ballots were necessary to elect found a means to an end-the end lors, and home p~oducts and insur· Forest Park High, and Southern on Hoffa Feld. Peggy Reeves of the freshman class being that new fall hat----through this ance salesmen, are all open to the men High. Last year, City College, coach~ to serve as secretary to the board. agency. Within the past month, of Western Maryland for the sum· Students to invite their are urged ed by its principal, Dr. Philip H. Ed- friends who, for some reason, can~ She defeated her nearest opponent, eight of the fairer sex of the college mer or as permanent positions. The E.Z~On Sign Company, for instance, wards, won the tournament. Mary Jackson, by a vote of 10 to 7 on have been placed in various positions Rtates that enterprising young men Besides the teams sent from Balti- not attend Visitor's Day, to attend the second ballot. in Sherwood Forest, a resort hotel, more, individual players from various Sports Day, at which time they will As was announced earlier, Jeanne for the duration of thc summer. and women may earn as much as ten high schools from the counties of be escorted around the campus and Shank will act as president of the If the college doesn't go to the em- to fifty dollars per day selling their Maryland will be present to partici- ·treated as guests of the college. SGA having been elected on April 30. ployer .. the employer comes to the col- line of products.
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