Page 65 - TheGoldBug1939-40
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The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster.,;,.,;;M;;d;,.,:;M,;;a:;,Y,;;2,;;3.":1:;,94::;O;.,.",===========,;P;,;A;;;G,;;E,,,TH;;,;;R,;;E;;;,E Co. "C" Takes Church Conferences To Convene Expenditure Of Juniors Will Honors At On Campus During Summer Activities Fee Given Bid Farewell Holloway, President upon request Maryla~d Western Fl ·eld Day host to several religious College will be 14 and 15. of the editor of the Gold Bug, issued To Seniors conferences A schedule of the conferences is as the notice concerning the following held under the auspices of the Balti- follows: more Conference of the new United June 5-10 Baltimore conference expenditure of the Student Activities Methodist Church during the summer 14 Carroll County Youth Con- fee: "The Student Activities Fee at Shipley Wins Saber months. This program of summer ferenc~ the College is used to subsidize Annual Cup Ceremony As Outstanding conferences is under the direction of 21-23' Y. P. Conference programs not included in the tui- Will Be Conducted of Balti- C. MiJlian John Reverend 28-30 Young Adult Assembly Cadet Officer more who is the Director of Religious 3I-July 7 Summer School Chris- tion fee. It includes the athletic In Robinson Garden Education for the Baltimore Confer- tian Education fee, library fee, health fee, Col- Lieut.-Col. Frank M. Shipley, de- ence. July 5- 7 Elementary Leaders As- lege Year Book, Gold Bug, con- Members of the junior class will bid clared the outstanding senior mili- Bishop Hughes will open the first of sernbly certs and lectures, musical activi- farewell to the seniors with the tradi- tary student, was awarded a saber at the series, the Maryland Annual Con- 8-14 Jr. High School Camp ties, debating activities, and other tional Cup Ceremony Saturday after- the annual Field Day activities, con- ference of Ministers and Delegates on 15-21 Sr. High School Summer minor items which are charge- noon at 2 :30 in Robinson Garden. ducted by the military department on June 5 and it will continue until June Conference able to this fund. The activities will open with the May 16. 9. The highlight of this conference 22-28 Y.P. Summer Conference It should be clearly understood play "Peg Van WinJ{le Sleeps for Company "C", captained by Jack will be a farewell banquet on Thurs- 29-Aug, 3 District School that the receipts from activities Seventy Years" or "My, How We Lytton, carried off top honors in al- day, June 6, in honor of Bishop (Alexandria, Va.) fees in no sense meet the actual Have Changed," written by a commit- most all events. Dr. Holloway pre- Hughes who is retiring this summer, Aug.26-30 Ministers Conference expenditures in these items. As tee of junior girls headed by Julia sented the company with streamers This will be followed on June 21 by 31-Sept. 2 Organized Bible in the case of total college ex- for its guidon and Capt. Lytton with a two-dey conference of inter-denomi- 'Class Assoc. penses, the cost of operation ex- Rose Collinson. The cast will be en- Those the President's Cup, given under the national young people from Washing- Sept. 14-15 Church School Supts. ceeds the income from student tirely from the junior Mary class. Houston taking are part auspices of the Carroll County Chap- ton, D. C. charges." Wright, Elinore Jameson, Ruth Har- ter of the Reserve Officers Associa- Another inter-denominational con- tion. Lieut. Malcolm Kullmar and ference for young people between the cum, Anne Dexter, Jeannette Wigley, Sgt. Henry Triesler, also of Co. "C", ages of 18 and 23 will follow later, Cold Water Is Graduating Class Elinor Culligan, Ellene Edmonds, were commended for commanding the July 22 through 28. Prominent relig- Kathleen Ooe, Julia Shepherd, Ellen best platoon and squad, respectively. oua educators of the Middle Atlantic Calamity In To Be Installed Logan, Mary Alice Klein. Phyllis Lieut. Kullmar was presented with a states will conduct several courses in Dietsch, Betty Brown, Madeleine saber by the Officer's Club for being leadership training at this conference. Ward Hall As Alumni Schultheis, Ruth Reese, Doris Hess, the outstanding platoon leader and Climaxing the summer conferences Mary Louise Asbury, Hazel Beard, Sgt. Triesler received a gold medal will be a retrat for general and di- (Cont. from page 1, col. 5) Addie Williams, Mary Hastings, for being the outstanding member of visional superintendents on September Some time ago there was much con- Edith Armstrong, Eileen Trott, and the first year advanced course. In cern about the fate of the residents of Trustees will hold its annual meet- Betty "vroome. addition, both officers received shirt Ward Hall. The situation was this- ing. The afternoon will be devoted to This will be followed by an imita- a bronze Distribution Of insignias, and every member of the a baseball game between the varsity tion of each senior girl by an under- winning company received there was no hot water, or to put it and the alumni, a tennis tournament, classman who has attempted to as- there was no hot water. While the im- pin. Other winners were Harry W. Bak- Alohas Will Be bluntly, group was going to organize A and a golf tournament, open house sume her mannerisms. a poem will be certain itation held by the clubs, and a tour of in- is proceeding Bohn, On May 27 er, silver medal, outatanding sopho- the Polar Bear's Club of Ward Hall, spection of the buildings. read about the girl, after which the more student; Frederick H. Limited. Others, because there was At 2:30 P. M. the annual garden seniors will guess which classmate Jr.. outstanding freshman student; Monday, May 27, has been set as no hot water with which to shave, party, given for the seniors and alum- was imitated. Alice Vollmer and Mar- one quart of ice cream was won by the tentative date for the distribution were going to turn Ward Hell-e-our ni, will be held in Robinson Garden. jorie DeFord are chairmen of imita- Frank A. Tarbutton in the shoe race. own Ward Hall-into a House of The annual business meeting of the tions committee in each dormitory Members of the R. O. T, C. band of the 1940 Aloha, it was announced David. Alumni Association, of which Lyman while Ellene Edmond and Mary Alice receiving awards we~'e Lenney : E. today by Kermit Q. Bayard, editor. At night. just before supper, when L. Long, '34, is president, will be held Klein head the poem committees. Bee, and Frank M. Sones, Jr.; each The books will probably be distributed the shower room should have been in at 4:20 P. M. in the S.C.A. room in The Cup Ceremony is the last af- from the Gold B~tg office on presenta- received college letters for being the a state of confusion; when there McDaniel Hall. fair of the activities. The senior outstanding seniors. A gold medal tion of the student's receipts. Com- should have been cursing in the show- Induction of the Class of 1940 into girls dressed in white and standing in went to William M. Banks of the plete details will be posted on the bul- ers; when the boys at the bowls should the Alumni Association will take place a circle in alphabetical order receive junior military class; William G. Vin- letin boards. have been chastising the entire plumb. at the Alumni banquet to be held in the cup of friendship and farewell cent, as best band member of the This year's Aloha. offers many new ing system-there was nothing. There the college dining room at 6:30 p, M. from Alice Vollmer and a red rose sophomore class. was awarded a sil- and distinctive features. In addition was only a moody oppressive silence; After the banquet the June Ball, from Ruth Mansberger. As each ver medal; a bronze medal was to an increase in page size from the showers were deserted. One chem- sponsored by the Alumni, will be held senior sips from the cup the junior 7*"xlO" to 9"x12", the book will istry student who had acquired (in in Gill Gymnasium at 9 P. M. There girls sing the traditional "Here's to I~::~~~~int; f=~~~:n i~', contain a group of six etchings by the usual way) a 200 ec. flask from will be also a "Parlor Night" in Mc- You". Members of the R. O. T. C. Riffe Don Swann, noted etcher from Balti- the laboratory was-found heating wa- Daniel Lounge for those not inter- Miss Vollmer and Miss Mensberger, team receiving college letters and more. The etchings include the Ad- ter over a small wax candle. When ested in dancing. officers of the class are in complete ';T" shirts were James D. Catington, ministration Building, Baker Chapel, approached by the group, he just President Holloway will preach the charge of the program and appointed John C. Fitzgerald, Ralph G. Hawk- McDaniel Hall, Science Hall, Albert smiled wanly. "Spilled ink on my sermon at the Baccalaureate Service all the committees. ins, :Max S. Kable, William R. Wiley, Norman Ward Hall, and Gill Gymna- hands," he explained simply. "I had at 10:30 A. M. on Sunday in Alumni William M. Leister, Robert R. Stone, sium and will be used as page divid- to take the stain off somehow." Hall. The College Choir will present and John T. Quynn. ers. The tension increased until-one the Annual Spring Concert at 7:30 P. that the Choir gave at Newark and Major Sadler congratulated the en- Students are reminded to pay their night a fellow was seen going toward M. in the summer house. The pro-- the World's Fair. Mary Frances tire battalion on its excellent per- Aloha fee immediately as the demand the shower room. Boys peeped through gram presented will be the same one Hawkins and John Carnochan will be formance in the military inspection is expected to exceed the supply. cracks in half-closed doors to watch the soloists. on May 6 and 7. The rating of "ex- him. Was this Spartan, this Stoic, cellent" was awarded the battalion going to take a cold shower? Or could again by the war department and the Student Government it be that he did not know? He walked Have Your Films Developed I THREE CHAIR SERVICE men of the unit will be permitted to confidently through the door into the and Finished at No Waiting continue wearing the blue star on the Elections shower room. The sound of running The College Grill HEAGY BROTHERS' right sleeve of the uniform. (Cont. from page 1, col. 2) water was heard-then a yell. It was BARBER' SHOP Tom Elias. 9 a yell that could be heard all over the Next to Post Office Ken Bills .. 7 building-"Hey, quit fooling with the Sophomore ClM8 water up there on second floor. Do Smith & Reifsnider Frank Tarbutton .. 20 you want to scald me!" The men of Grover Newson. 19 The tension snapped. Incorporated Ed Thomas. 19 Ward Hall would not be forced to go W estminsterl 5 Dick Baker. 14 longer as "the great unwashed." LUMBER ._ COAL Pete Townsend. 14 Frc8hma.n Clas8 Outstanding Place To Eat Tom O'Leary.. . . 34 JOHN EVERHART SASH, DOORS, BLINDS Lee Lodge. 2' GENERAL MILL WORK Joe Workman.. . . 27 THE COLLEGE BARBER .==~=========== AND BOBBER Jack Robinson . 26 AT THE FORKS SLATE, CEMENT Jim Wrightson . 26 & PLASTER BUSINESS LUNCHES C. & P. Long Distance Phone 227 REGULAR DINNERS WESTMINSTER, MD, Name Cards ............ SANDWICHES , PERSONAL BUSINESS SODAS Phone 300 PROFESSIONAL CARROLLEEN SELECT FROM SEVERAL TYPE STYLES Printed or Raised Letter Individual CoHJures Beauty in its Entirety • The Times Printing Co. 66 W. Main St. Western Maryland Printers CITY RESTAURANT WESTMINSTER. MD. Times Building at 63 East Main Street 12 W. MAIN STREET
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