Page 58 - TheGoldBug1939-40
P. 58
PAGE SIX The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md., May 2, 1940 Gold Bug Rated Washington College Nine Engages Trackmen, Travel javelin far enough to finish up second of Gettysburg, McLaughlin behind Second Class By Terrors On Hoffa Field Tomorrow To Washington whose heave Gettysburg a distance one- of traveled feet. 147 finished (Continued from page S, column 5) ACP Criticism also managed to add a double and a 5 behind good hurling into an early hi;h jump and pole vault. two-three in both the discus and the (Continued from page 5, column 4) by Catington. tossing Garret shot put, the discus jumped The Terrors events, Manny Kap- In t"" weight single to his record. lead in the first with a tally, and by lan scored the only points for West- 113 feet 5V2 inches, while Bender put the shot a distance of 36 feet, 6 inch- Considered ExcellentIn Captain Bob Stropp helped him the fourth frame enjoyed a 4-0 mar- Maryland when he threw the Greyhounds kept pecking gin. The Balance, Printing.News along by getting on base five times away, however, and in their half of and Bill Phillips and Bob Bricker each the eighth held a 5-4 advantage. The Treatment And Sports collected triples. Green and Gold then waded into the The Towson game found Charlie slants of Tewey and Flynn, pushing COLLARS ... TIES ... HANDKERCHIEFS ... Cole on the mound and resulted in a UNDERWEAR Second Class Honor rating was 10 to 2 win. Dorn, a former Western across a trio of runs. A one-two- awarded the Gold Bug in the annual Marylander, was throwing them for three ninth inning spelled defeat for ARROW SHIRTS criticism of college newspapers con- the Teachers but was batted for three' Loyola and the Terrors initial win of ducted by the Associated Collegiate safe blows by his one-time team- the cur-rent' season. Press. Possible ratings are: All mates. All but one man hit safely BUY YOUR SHIRTS AND American, first class, second class, for the winners and several batting H. E. REESE ACCESSORIES AT third class, and fourth class. averages were fattened. TAILOR Ratings are made on the basis of In the first league game of the sea- CLEANING T. W. MATHER & SONS the number of points compiled by the son, Loyola College was downed 7 to PRESSING newspaper in the consideration of the REPAIRING various departments of journalistic work. The Gold Bug bad a total of 620 points; 650 would have been nec- essary for first class. In the critical review, the Gold Bl~g was rated excellent in balance, treat- ment of news, writing of news, print- ing, and sports; criticism of the Gold Bug's headlines, typography, make- up, departmental features, and special. the t · features showed need for improve- ment in these fields. Ratings fOI" the past four years in- dicate a decline and a rise in the qual- ity of newspaper published. In 1936- .........tJsicS 1937, under the editorship of Ralph qu- Lambert, the Gold Bug received first- class ranking; in 1937-1938, with AI- fred Goldberg in the pcstticn of edi- tor, it was rated third-class. Last year editor Frank Sherrard did not ip t()WN enter the publication for rating. Papers from colleges of this vicin- ity who received first class honor rat- ings are the Johns Hopkins' Neuse- Letter and American University's American Eagle. Second class rat- Smokers are buying 'em ings went to the University of Balti- more's Baloo, Rood College's Blue and "two packs at a time" because Chest. Gray, and Mount St. Mary's Moun- tain Echo. erfields are DEFINITELY MILDER, COOLER. SMOKING and BETTER·TASTING. The Short Of It Chesterfields are made from the world's finest cigarette tobaccos and they're made (Continued from page 4, column 5) in soccer, golf, tennis, and base- right. In size, in shape, in the way they burn ball, in addition to track and bas- ketball, already provided for. , . . everything about Chesterfield is just Through the sustained efforts of a handful of interested underclassmen, right for.your smoking pleasure. definite progress is being made in the Mvelopmen~f a lacrosse ten to rep- I resent Western Maryland in the col-' legiate field. Over the week-end, Jack Doenges announced that the stick- men will engage in a pair of skirmish- es with Prunklin High and West Chester Teachers sometime in the middle of May. With a large number of freshmen and sophomores in the group, the future looks definitely en- couraging. • PBPSODBNT ANTISEPTIC 2-50c bottles SIc • SQUIBB TOOTH PASTE 2·40c tubes 59c • NOXZEMA REMEMBER MOTHER MAY 12 with a box of WHITMAN'S Stop at our Fountain. Shop and enjoy one of our SODAS SUNDAES DRINKS esterlield Your Patronage is Appreciated BONSACK· BROS. "The College Shop" ~8~~
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