Page 62 - TheGoldBug1939-40
P. 62
PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md., May 9, 1940 Sunday School Candidates Present Platforms Art Exhibit Will Aloha Deadline Elects Reter Be Held May 16 Is May 15 President organizations such as an effective will the solution of the problems illustration which is under the tutel- manager of the ALOHA, wishes to Featuring the work of the class in business Rineheirner, Edgar (Continued from page 1) effect and the moral physical managerial system, a men's varsity welfare of our college?" age of Miss Louise Shipley, the an" announce that al Aloha fees are nual art will be held in the exhibit Edwin Reter was elected president club, a student coaching organization Officers can only accomplish what due before May 15. The staff re- of the Sunday School in its annual (for students behind in their work), the assistance of the student body art studio on May 16 from 8 P. I'tl. to serves the right to raise the price This is the first year that 10 P. M. election of officers on Monday night, or a men's singing organization. The makes possible. Regardless of whG is the illustration course has been offer- . of the book to those who have not May 6. Mr. Reter is also president possibilities along these lines are un- elected, let us resolve to dispense with ed here at Western Maryland Col- oaid by then. (If the Wesleyan Club-a club of min- limited. They would also compensate individual and group differences, as- lege. isterial students on the campus. for some of the cooperation so neces- sume our responsibilities as student The vice-presidents chosen are sary amongst the students to further followers as well as leaders, and con- The work of approximately one nil paintings, in addition to the illus- Jeanette Brannock and Paul Cum- tribute to a more effective student hundred students: will be shown, in- trations. The oils represent the work mins. To promote closer cooperation student government. As to the exist- governing organization, managed by cluding crafts, designs, pastels, and of the advanced students. between the church organizations, ing constitution, it theoretically could the students for the students of West- in the way that would be interpreted Edward Thomas, treasurer of the seem most fair in the individual case. ern Maryland College. SCA, was also elected secretary- I believe that student government has EDWIN RIi_TER. treasurer of the Sunday School. Helen REMEMBER, MOTHER Willard, Margaret Reeves, and Philip a meaning here if that meaning is put Adams will form the student council. into it. JOE ROUSE. Visitors Day Installation will take place next Sun- Edwin Reter Mother's Day, May 12 day. (Continued from page 1, col. 5) As candidate for election and if bodies will outline college activities. • BOXES OF CANDY ATTRACTIVELY WRAPPED elected, I shall with the cooperation of Following the assembly, there will be Track Team fellow council members and student an open period for questions that any FOR MOTHER'S DAY Enters Meet body attempt the following: of the visiting students may want to • PRICED FROM 39c TO ~5.00 1. Continue seating arrangement ask. Provision will be made for indi- (Continued from page 3, col. 3) scheme. vidual conferences of the guests with two mile events while Morris took the 2. Undertake, with council's sugges- members from the various depart- PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW broad jump, accounting for the only tion and approval, any reasonable ments of the school. three winners. Taylor ran second to changes felt necessary on the The visitors will bc invited at 2:30 Griffin's Goodie Shop Chase in the distances, and Robinson hill. to view either the baseball game with grabbed two second places in the 3. Interpret constitution with as- George Washington University on Opposite State Theatre 51 W. Main Street dashes. The only Terror to come close sistance of council members hav- Hoffa Field, or the inter-collegiate in the weight events was Kaplan, ing in mind the question, "How golf tournament. finishing second to Millen of Blue Ridge in the javelin. ROTC Inspection (Continued from page 1, col. 3) both Major Sadler and Major O'Con- nor during his two-day stay at West- minster. It is an interesting coinci- dence that Major Doyle served to- gether with Major Connor in Pana- ma eighteen years ago, and the in- spection renewed the long friendship of the two men. The Military Department "Field Day" program, at which time company competition will be held, will take place on May 16 at 12:40 P. 1\1. on Hoffa Field, it was announced by the department. The competitive events, which will be judged by Second Lieuts. John L. Reifsnider, Francis K. Mathias, and Atlee W. Wampler, Organized Re- serve Corps, Westminster, Maryland, will begin with the presentation Of sponsors. The commander of each company, of the band, and of the bat- lalion will be accompanied by an es- cort. Lt.-Col. Frank M. Shipley, Com- manding R. O. T. C. battalion, will es- cort Miss Pauline Nitzel. Other members taking part will be Capt. Lenney Bee, commanding the band, with Miss Judy Grow; Capt. Douglas Catington, commanding CO. "A", with Miss Winifred Coberly; Capt. George Myers, commanding Co. "B", with Miss Annette Miller; Capt. Jack Lytton, commanding Co. "C", with Miss Jean Cox; and Capt. Paul Bur- tis commanding Co. "D", with Miss Madlyn Cline. The entire program will include for- mation of the battalion on Hoffa Field, presentation of sponsors, squad competition, p I a too n competition, company competition, shoe race, pre- sentation of awards, and final parade. THREE CHAIR SERVICE No Waiting HEAGY BROTHERS' BARBER SHOP Next to Post Office JOHN EVERHART THE COLLEGE BARBER AND BOBBER .'~; AT THE FORKS • •• ceo ea;y . Phone 300 Just make rour next pack Chesterfields, that's all, and as quick as you can light up, you'll learn the meaning of real CARROLLEEN mildness •.. and you will learn this too, Chesterfields are cooler and definitely better-tasting. You get all of the right answers to your smoking pleasure with Chesterfields••• the Individual Coiffures busiest cigarette in America. Beauty in its Entirety ~ff~y 66 W. Main St. WESTMINSTER, MD,
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