Page 67 - TheGoldBug1939-40
P. 67
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md., May 23, 1940 PAGE FIVE Mounts, Navy,And Firemen Chase, Taylor, All-Fraternity SoFtball Team First Team Second Team Last Opponents Of Terrors Lewis Place l\lax Kable, Bachelors (15) Ib John Tomlinson, Preachers (9) Tim Lewis, Bachelors (l3) 2b Joe workman, Preachers (11) . For Terrors Paul Cummins, 3b Frank Day, Gamma Bets (8) Lodge and Cook held the WiI· point. Black & Whites (13) Bill Robinson, Preachers (13) Jim Elliot, son Teachers to two hits yester- The final game of the year finds op- Cindermen Overwhelm Black & whites (11) day to give the Terrors a 7 to 0 position from the Baltimore Firemen Bing Miller, Bachelors (13) sf Don Wildey, Preachers (8) victory in Washington. on Hoffa Field and closes the last American For First Bud Blair, Preachers (l3) If F. Cook, Bachelors (6) Mount St. Mary's, Navy, and the baseball encounter for Doug Cating- Win In Five Years Tom Lavin, Gamma Bets (13) Baltimore Firemen will help Western ton, Carroil Cook, Marbury Linton, Webb Hood, cf Bill Hauff, Bachelors (11) Maryland ring down a highly unsuc- Charlie Cole, and Captain Bob Stropp, Black & Whites (15) ceeeful baseball campaign when the A squeeze play in the tenth inning With Lewis, Chase, and Taylor gar- Lou Elliot., Fletch Ward, Terrors meet the Mounts on Hoffa gave American Unlvereley a 11 to 10 nering a total of eight points for Wcs- Black & Whites (13) Black and Whiws (8) Field tomorrow, Navy at Annapolis win over Western Maryland Satur- tern Maryland in the Mason-Dixon Bill Dumler, Preachers (13) rf Bud Smith, Preachers (6) on Saturday, and close the season day, resulting in the seventh straight Meet Saturday, another track season Roger Saltzgaver, with the "smoke-eaters" from Balti- loss for the visitors and avenging an was brought to a close. Catholic Black & Whites (13) more on the local diamond Tuesday. early season defeat. Although out- University won the meet for the see- Abe Gruel, c Claude Belt, Bachelors (8) The Terrors, listless in their last six hit 12 to 11, the victors capitalized on ond consecutive year with an over- Black & Whites (15) games despite the numerous shake- all breaks, mostly in the form of er- whelming total of seventy-one points. Nemo Robinson, Preachers (15) p Tom Elias, Bachelors (11) ups by Ferguson, Terror mentor, will rora, and helped out by MOl"ris~n's Being defeated for the first time be extremely anxious to bag the game three bingles, overcame an early Ter- this season in the two-mile run, Lind- tomorrow, for it was the Mounts who ror lead. Bob Stropp and Jack Ryan say Chase managed to finish third in upset the pennant hopes just a month divided six hits evenly in a losing the event. Third place also went to ~:~~ew~:e:n 4~~dV~~~~Yint~eea::\~~~ ~:~:;' t~~~~~g~l~i:~i~no;ht~:i~:~!~ame !~k~;~!~ ~~~h8:~is,:~i~ea~~\~:;~~: Preachers Take Softball Lead petition. The visitors will bring to five runs were scored, was enough ~i~~~ar~;:~ le:;~~s~h~o~ac;o::n!~~ One big inning, the second, in which suffered a bad fall and finished out of the Hill several regulars over the .300 As Bachelors Win Track Meet ~a:~in~nmat~: a;~~~:;:~r~um~~~h~:; to ;::~~n f;a:;'l~:~a:a~ri~i:!~r:uto;~: five Terrors SWami) American the money. be visitors, selected will probably counted not satisfied, staff, again oppose the Terror batsmen. more times for good measure in beat- The Green and Gold t r a c. k men Della Pi Alpha Captures Second Round Tille Car.roll Cook may be picked to do the ing the locals, 10-5. Catington started won the first meet in the school's the but Terrors By Deteatinq All Three Other Fraternities hurling for the home team for he was on the mound for the big second in- track history on May 15, by defeating American University 78-30. The Ter- impressive, even in defeat, in limiting could not weather the Mounts to six hits in the game ning attack and gave way to relief rcrs won every track event except the Stretching their winning streak to four straight, the Preachers defeated earlier this season. 'hurler Cole. 440-yard dash, in which Bill Robin- the Black and Whites by the score of 11 to 5 thereby capturing the second The Green and Gold will journey to In the third league encounter of the sen took second place after winning round softball title. The championship, however, will not be decided until Annapolis on Saturday where a major season on May 15, Western Maryland the 100-yard event a short time be- later in the week when first round three-way tie between the Bachelors, upset is possible though not probable. fell to a slugging Washington College fore. Easily running away with the Black and Whites, and Preachers is played off. The Sailors too have had trouble in nine at Chestertown by the count of one and two mile, Chase became high finding the win column, and if Max 13-4, Lodge, undefeated in collegiate point scorer for the meet, annexing a pr!:ch::r~ef::~ed s~~:n~a~~~ B~~: ----------- Bishop's Middies have another one of ranks up to this time, was batted out total of ten points. Jack Morris took and Cardinals Here while the Bachelors gained a close 8 those hitless off-days the Terrors of the box in the fifth inning and re- first in the 220 and second in the 100- to 6 verdict over the Black should show them. an interesting af- placed by another freshman, Mike yard dash. The 880 run went to Pete Whites. In this contest it was Max ternoon. The Tars, who pounded Phillips. Washington continued the Townsend with Lewis second, to three For Last Home Kable, who set the batting pace for Pittsburg hurling so robustly about a assault while Selby was limiting the round out the track events. the winners, as he garnered week ago may, however, turn the Terrors to four runs on eight scat- In the field, the Terrors showed losers well under control with his de- Tennis Match game into a one-sided slug fest at any tered hits. their best form of the season. The safeties while George Myers kept the livery. high jump was won by Otts Bradley, and Barrick, Walls, and Bohn finished In the second meeting of the teams, one-two-three in the shot put. O'Leary will com- Coach Hurt's raequeteers the Bachelors and Preachers staged piete their home matches for the sea- Frosh Girls..Win Softball--- and Kaplan also grabbed off first and an old fashioned slug-feat, with the second in the javelin, latter emerging the victor by the son over the week-end, meeting the score of 21 to 11. Although out-hit Mount St. Mary's 'sextet tomorrow Edmond Favored In Tennis Chase Leading Scorer 16 to 13, the winners capitalized on a and Catholic University's Cardinals After a bad start in' the early part number- of fielding errors and a strong on Saturday. Action on three fronts; softball, of the season, Dr. Nathan's boys im- outfield wind to gain the decision. In II; previous match at home last tennis, and archery has been keeping gained the verdict 1066 to 869. The' proved rapidly. Their record, in com- Harold Phillips, with three hits in week, the Terrors completely out- the Western Maryland co-eds busy tennis match, however, resulted in a parison with previous teams at West- four trips to the plate, was the lead- classed Blue Ridge College, 8 to 1. this spring. At the present time the 3-2 decision for the home girls as ern Maryland, was very good and er of the Preachers' attack, while After running into a mixture of softball champions have beefl crown- Scotty Prescott and Virginia Wigley everyone should be congratulated, Kable and Tom Elias each garnered strong opponents and tough luck, ed, the tennis tournament is in full were the only Green and Gold winners The most consistent winner, of course, in the singles and both doubles warns a like number of safeties for the Harold Wright broke into the win- swing, and the archery team recently were set back. was Chase, who ran up a total of losers. ner's circle by reversing the procedure downed Notre Dame of Baltimore. forty points. Morris was right be- and swamping Gloski, 6-4, 6-1. He hind with thirty-seven. Other high Brooks Stops Gamma Bets The girls' intramural softball scorers were Robinson, Sorensen, which league, attracted year this Getting back in the win column, the also teamed up with Prentiss to cop about fifty girls, has just drawn to a George Washington, Taylor, Bradley, and Lewis, The ef- Black and Whites pounded out an 11 the doubles match from Gannon and forts of Glenn Martin, Frank Mather, close and the freshmen have been de- to 7 victory over the Gamma Bets. Fielding, 2-6, 7-5, 6-1. Ted Bowen clared the winners after three victor- Mount St. Mary's Each team managed to gather thir- took another one, winning from Field- and Pete Townsend should not be In their ies over" their opponents. teen hits, but Scott Brooks, on the ing 6-2, 6-2. Continuing his winning march to the title they defeated the Bow To Linksmen overlooked when credit is given out. mound for the winners, kept his op- streak, Bo Baugher's next victim was Everyone, except Mather, who is ponents' singles well scattered. The Gannon, who was defeated 6-4, 6-1. sophomores 21 to 7, the juniors 12 to graduating and Morris, will be avail- winning hurler, together with Jim The other winning pair, Baylies and 7, and the seniors in the climax con- Playing two team matches and two able next year, thus giving Dr. Na- a than reason to look forward to Elliot and Abe Gruel, set the batting Belt, disposed of their opponents in test 13 to 12. tournaments, the golfers wound up strong aggregation in 1941. pace as they collected seven hits be- quick time; the former downing Sea- Lead by Mary Louise Sehrt, the their schedule with a record of eight tween them. For the losers Norm man, 6-1, 6-0, and the latter defeating winning combination was composed of wins, six losses and one tie. This Foy, Neil Eckenrode, Bill Parks, and Freman, 6-2, 6-2. Captain Prentiss Marie Steele, Phil' Cade, Ann Scott, year proved to be the first one that Bill Prettyman gained two hits apiece lost the only match of the day to Ruth Whitmore, Muriel Harding, a golf team has had a winning season Soccerites Begin Annual to lead the Gamma Bets' offensive. Crawford, 6-4, 6-3. Dorothy Sowter, Virginia Crusius, on the Hill. Only twenty-eight Black and White Taking into consideration that the and Jean Bentler. In the Western Maryland Annual Spring Practice Sessions batters faced Nemo Robinson, who let tennis mentor had a very green squad Tennis Tournament Near End Invitation Tournament, the hosts found them down with four hits, as the to work with, the performance put on Also near conclusion is the annual themselves fourth behind the Univer- Yesterday afternoon, the soccer Preachers took the deciding contest of by this year's team was on a whole, a tennis tournameut, which is. played sity of Baltimore, Maryland, and squad held its first spring practice the second round and gained an undis- pleasing one. individually until a class winner is Loyola. The Bees easily defeated the with several veterans reporting for puted lead. On the mound for the chosen, at which time these winners field to become team champion. For the first of a ten-day drill. The boot- losers was Fletch Ward, who was meet for the school title. The defend- the individual trophy, given to the ers will open with Penn State, na- making his debut as a hurler, and un- ing champion and present junior golfer with the lowest score at the tional champions, the first week in rather Cole Hurls Green til the fifth inning he fared Icader is Ellene Edmond, who is again end of 27 holes, Otto Greiner from the October. first on an error And Gold To Win well. John 'Tomlinson opened this favored to reach the finals. Virginia University of Baltimore and Tommy frame by reaching Wigley, who was her class title holder Grodavent of Mount St. Mary's Col- and advanced on Joe workman's as a freshman, Thelma Bowen, and lege tied. In the ensuing five hole Baiting Average, single. Bill Robinson then singled. Behind the four hit pitching- of Scotty Prescott are others who have play-off, Grodavent defeated Greiner the two across and scored on Bill Charlie Cole, Western Maryland won their matches. Among the sen- by one stroke and thereby became the AB R H BE RbI Pct Dumler's safety. Two more counters snapped a seemingly unending losing iors, Patty Payne and Julia Berwager medalist. were registered before the side was streak of seven games by pounding a ~ In the Maryland Intercollegiate Lodge 25 7 10 1 .400' retired to put the game on ice. pair of Loyola hurlers for nineteen have easily outclassed their oppc- Tournament, the divot-lifters from Stropp 611723 .377 nents. hits and an 11 to 4 victory in Balti- There is quite a bit of talent in the Westminster finished in fifth place. Cook 10 2 3 0 .300 Track Meet To Bachelors more on Tuesday. The game, inter- Again the University of Baltimore Smith 55 816 5 3.291 Gaining seven first places in the two lower classes and it is very prob- proved their supremacy over other eleven track and field events, the esting until the Terror eighth, when able that opposition here may be Maryland colleges on the links by Bricker 57 11 16 1 3 .281 Bachelors captured the seventh an- the visiting team tallied seven times, stronger than expected. Harriet Dy- easily outclassing the field to cop the Catington 11 1 3 1 1.273 nutl infra-fraternity meet with a total marked the end of the home season gert, last year's freshman winner is team title. Captain Paul Burtis led Sturm 48 5 13 2 .271 cf 68 points, Last year's winners, the for Loyola and gave Western Mar-y, undefeated this spring and needs only the golfers from Western Maryland Linton 45 2 13 11 .265 Preachers were in second position land a clean sweep of the two game to defeat Ruth MacVean and June by virtue of his 167 for the 36 holes Bills 47 9 :I,l 10 10 .235 with 40 points while the Black and series. Lippy to again win in her division. of play. Whites totaled 13. Bob Stropp and Kenny Bills, with Guba, Sehrt Freshman Threats The local golfers were successful in Honeman 65181511 2.231 Starting in the short dashes, where four hits apiece, paced the Terror Among the freshmen; Lois Guba their last two team matches, as they Ryan 37 2 8 3 .216 they annexed eight of the twelve plac- batsmen, while Lee Lodge and Francis seems to be the favorite to capture turned in victories over Mount St. W. Phillips 29 6 5 5 .193 es, the winners took a commanding Smith divided stx safeties equally. the championship, while Mary Louise Mary's and George Washington Uni- M. Phillips 7 1 1 0 0 .143 lead as Bob Bricker, Bing Miller, During this time Cole was showing Sehrt, Virginia Crusius, Muriel Hard- versity. Against the Mounts, the Cole 14 1 2 o 0 .143 Elias, and Kable hit the tape in the 50, his superiority on the mound by ing, and Ridgely Pollitt have not as Nassau system of scoring was used. 60, 80, and 100 yard events. TOe holding the Greyhounds hitless from yet been defeated in tournament play. with the team from Emmitsburg find- Evans 12 0 1 2 0.083 Preachers broke into the scoring as the third inning until the ninth, when Tn their two sport competition with ing themselves on the short end of a John Hancock finished strong to take with two down, Poggi etched his sec- Notre Dame in Baltimore the Wes- 9"lh-81h count. Western Maryland George Washington University was the half mile with Paul Myers and ond hit into the scorebook. He died tern Marylanders received an even was led by Elder and Eckenrode, who downed 5-4 in the season's final. Vic- Tom Arther in the two-three posi- on the basepaths, however, when Cole break. Julia Berwager, Peg Jeffer- each scored 3 points; Kaplan, play- tories by Petrucci, Burtis, Elder, and tions. In winning the two quarter forced B. Ryan to pop up to end the son, Hazel Beard, and Mildred Hard- ing his first match, won 2 points; and Shockley enabled the locals to climax (Cont. on page 6, col. 1) game. ing composed the archery team which Petrucci captured I1h points. a highly successful season with a win.
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