Page 68 - TheGoldBug1939-40
P. 68
PAGE SIX The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md., May 23, 1940 Clubs Elect Alex Bartha To Play For Pan-Rei Student Memorial The Short Of It Officers For Loan Fund him in the last dual meet, was, to this (Cont. from page 4, col. 5) in charge of the Col. Harrison, Next Year nounces Memorial wan of the re- think it is Grantland Rice who has a I corner, a high light of the season. Student Fund, an- the standings spective classes in the drive for verse for it: Election of officers for next year contributions to the fund. "For when the one great scorer were held by many clubs on the Hill Class of '40 ... $.44 this week. Results of the elections Class of '41 .. .72 To score against your name, -are as follows: Class of '42. .18 He writes not if you won or lost But how you played the game." Alpha Gamma Tau Class of '43 ... 3.26 Thomas Lewis, Alpha; Thomas Elias, Vice-Delta; Henry 'I'riesler, PATRONIZE QUR ADVERTISERS Gamma; Bill Hauff, Tau; Ed Thomas, Chaplain; Elmer Evans, Sergeant-at- SENIORS •.• arms; Guy Windsor and Frank Tar- SUBSCRIBE TO button, Inter-fraternity Council; and (Cont. from page 1, col. 1) ing musicians, with an eye out for THE GOLD BUG George Myers, outstanding member. ations, refreshments, and program those who had ether talents besides FOR NEXT YEAR Graduation .. Pi Alpha Alpha committees, respectively. their instrument. He was very fortu- $2.00 BY MAIL Lou Elliot, Alpha; Bill Vincent, Alex Bartha's Steel Pier orchestra nate in getting for his first steady en- CARDS AND GIFTS Vice-Alpha; Don Griffin, Beta; Lee is the second largest band that has gagement the Steel Pier at Atlantic Kindley, Vice-Beta; David Brengle, ever played for a Pun-Hel dance at City. That was in 1934, and since Gamma; Joe Rouse, Delta; and Paul then his fame and his ability have SPECIAL SALE Cummins, Master of Ceremonies. Western Maryland College, Bartha risen. He has played in some of the THE of Gamma Beta Chi himself is an interesting man, who greatest ballrooms in America includ- Columbia Jewelry CO. Bill Wiley, Chi; Ed Weant, Vice- knows what his public wants and ing those in the Hotel Ambassador, COLLEGE JEWELRY Chi; Frank Day, Gamma; Bill Den- gives it to them. He started life in Hotel Traymore, the Normandy, and CARRIES A FULL nis, Vice-Gamma; Bill Banks, Beta; Cleveland and then went to Philadel- others. He has played at all of the SELECTION OF EmU Grenda, Vice-Beta; Phil Adams, phia where he attended West Phila- important Eastern college dances, in- III WMC JEWELRY P. G. Coffman CO. Chaplain; Bill Parks, Sergeant-at- delphia High School and Temple Uni- cluding the famous Ivy BalL TIMES BLDG. arms; Bob Podlich, Beta Pi. versity. It was while he was at Tem- Malcolm Kullmar Delta Pi Alpha ple that he organized his first orches- Opposite Bus Terminal Bob Faw, Delta; Jack Ryan, Vice- tra, to get the money he needed to Representative WESTMINSTER, MD. Delta; Bill Robinson, Alpha; Leigh continue his education. After he Dr. Gilbert And Venzke, Beta; Harper LeCompte, graduated from Temple he had every Miss Lease Resign Gamma; Bud Smith, Epsilon; Bill intention of being a successful banker, Robinson and Jack Doenges, Inter- and he was-for five years. fraternity Council. After five years he began collect- pointed instructor in chemistry be- Graduation Gifts ginning September, 1940, to fill the position made vacant by the resigna- A beautiful selection of Elgin, Hamilton, and Swiss Watches. Interfraternity the Black and Whites nosed out Fred tion of Dr. William Gilbert. bachelor of Everything from clever little trinkets to precious gems. Also Dr. a holds Sickels Track And Softball Bohn, the Bachelor entr-y, for the shot science degree from the University of Shick and other Electric Shavers. put crown. success- Bill Anthony, fully defended his high jump title, and, Oklahoma and a doctor of philosophy CASSELL'S JEWELERS (Cont. from page 5, col. 1) Don Honeman produced the outstand- degree from Yale. mile relay events, the Bachelors used ing leap to win the broad jump. In Dr. Gilbert has resigned to accept a "The Store of new fashion Jewelty and old fashioned honesty" their dash men to advantage. the last event, Preacher Marvin Evans position with the Gulf Research De- J. WM. HULL, Owner There was a differ~nt story ~n the hurled the discus far enough to de- velopment Company in Pittsburgh, 51 E. Main Street WESTMINSTER, MD. field, however, as George Barrick of feat Kable and Bob Faw. Pennsylvania. DO YOU SMOKE THE CIGAR'ETTE~!.,THAT"SATISFIES i . CHESTERFIELD DEFINITELY MILDER SMOKE The one aim of Chesterfield is to give you more smoking pleasure. And no cigarette gives smokers such complete smoking enjoyment as you get from Chest- erfield, with its Definitely Milder, Cooler, Better Taste. The best cigarette tobaccos that grow in Tobacco/and, U.S.A. and in far-away Turkey and Greece are com- bined right in Chesterfield to give smokers everything they could ask for. I! you want real smoking satisfaction •.. make your next pack Chesterfield. Cheste AMERICA'S BUSIEST CIGARETTE Cop"";P' 1940.LI..,.n& lh ... Toucco Co.
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