Page 57 - TheGoldBug1939-40
P. 57
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md., May 2, 1940 PAGE FIVE Golfers Visit Powerful Washington Nine LATEST RESULTS ... baseball Dickinson For Faces Terrors Tomorrow Dual Match Sho'men, Defending League Champions, Bring Dickinson College's divot lifters Array Of Talent To Meet Local Tossers Here- will be the fourth opponent of the Copple Or Selby To Pitch For Visitors Terror golfers within the week, when the Red Devils of Carlisle play host to the Green and Gold on Saturday. Washington College, defending champions in the Maryland Collegiate On Tuesday, the Loyola Grey- Baseball League, will pay their respects to a threatening Western Maryland hounds gained revenge for an earlier nine on Hoffa Field tomorrow at 2 :30. The Chestertown boys, picked to cop defeat as they handed the Terrors a 5 the crown again this season, will bring an experienced and well balanced team to 1 setback, in a match that was to face Ferguson's high flying Terrors. closer than the score indicates. Only So far this season, pitching has ,.. _ Stud Thompson was able to score, been the key to "Washington's success Selby, Cardinals Next thereby allowing Western Maryland Whether Lefty Copple, ace of the to avert a shutout. Playing at the hurling staff, or Long John nu'mber three position, he defeated seasoned right handel', will be on the Opponents Of Downey. mound against the Terrors is still a Copple gained prestige re- question. to the prior engagements its In Black And Whites, Bachelors Greyhound tilt, Coach Makosky's boys cently by downing the University of but five Track Team had split even in six matches, gaining Maryland 3 to 1, allowing twelve hits scattered and And Preachers In Triple Tie all three victories on the local links. batsmen. The Sho'men, also high Morris Leads Local fanning The team opened its season by pay- ing a visit to Haverford College, chested over their league debut when Scorers As G-burg they easily defeated Loyola in Balti- Behind the five hit pitching of Ne- where they received a severe trounc- more, 10 to 2, are favored in tomor- mo Robinson, the Preachers, defend- Netmen Trounce ing by the score of 71h to %. row's tilt. Doug Catington, with two Trims Cindermen Black and Whites, 10 to 2, Washington For ing champions, upset the previously Loyola and Mount St. Mary's were well pitched games behind him will unbeaten next on the schedule and the competi- probably get the nod over other pos- I Catholic University, defending Me- thereby creating a three way tie for tion was in the form of a round robin sible Terror flingers for tomorrow's son-Dixon titleholders, will be the softball Initial Win first place in the fraternity affair with each of the three teams encounter. next foe of the Green and Gold track league. The Bachelors, also victor- playing the other two. Here, the Following tomorrow's game the lo- and field squad, when the two teams ious in two of the trio of games, are Coach Hurt's rapidly improving Western Maryland golfers reached cals will depart ror Pennsylvania tangle in Washington, D. C., on Wed- the third club involved and will be in- tennis team scored their first win of their peak form to defeat Loyola, 10 where they will usher in baseball re- nesduy. The Cardinals, who have a cluded in the playoff later in the week the season here Saturday by defeat- to 8 and the Mounts, 12 to 6. Thomp- lations with Lebanon Valley. Then large number of veterans on hand, to determine the first round winner. ing Washington College, 5 to 4. Af- son lead the Green and Gold as he the coming Monday, Western Mary- scored an impressive total of 103 Opening against the Gamma Bets, ter clinching the meet with four wins amassed a total of six points, closely land faces its busiest diamond pro- points in their first encounter of the the Preachers easily scored a victory in the singles and one in the doubles, followed by Neil Eckenrode's five and gram of the year, playing three year as they trounced American Uni- the remaining two doubles matches one-half and John Pirie's four tallies. games on three successive days. On ~ersity and Gallaudet. were forfeited to the visitors. Monday, Hampden-Sidney will be the In a closely contested track meet the At College Park, Old Liners LEAGUE STANDING Ted Bowen earned the first win by proved too much for the Terrors, who g-uest on Hoffa Field and, the next here on April 19, Gettysburg defeated Won Lost easily downing Shockley, 6-1, 6-4, and took a 7 to 2 lacing. Paul Burtis day, Villanova brings their strong western Maryland by a score of 60- Black and Whitc!:!. 2 1 Bo Baugher came from behind to de- scored a two and one triumph and nine to the Hill. The third game finds 4S. The margin of victory was scored Bachelors 2 feat Johnson in a hotly contested combined with Mike Petrucci to cap- George Washington entertaining the in the field events where Dr. Nathan's Preachers match, 2-6, 6-1, 6-2. Captain Will ture best ball, one up. Green and Gold on Wednesday; they boys were clea-rly outclassed. In the Gamma Bets Prentiss gained his first triumph of West Chester provided Western will repay the visit on May 11. running events, however, the Terrors the season by defeating Smith in Excellent pitching by Lee Lodge, showed their superiority by taking straight sets by the tune of 6-4, 6-2. Maryland its first shut-out as Cap- freshman right handel', enabled the three first places, and a second place in a one-sided contest. Nemo Robin- Bill Baylies won the other singles tain Burtis, Thompson, Eckenrode, Western Maryland tossers to stretch in every event. son, in his debut, scattered five safe- match by outclassing Eliason of the and Mike Phillips all turned in vic- their winning- streak to three games 'l'he meet opened with the 100-yard ties, while his team-mates rapped out Sho'men, 6-2, 6-4. Belt was defeated tories. The latter's triumph was The team gathered twelve hits from dash in which Jack Morris finished a sweetened by the fact that it was won 23 bingles to accumulate a large mar- by Davis, Washington ace, 6-0, 6-0, the American University pitchers to close second to Bill Everhart, the Get- gin. On the same day, Scott Brooks and Wright was also beaten by Nag- from his brother. trounce the Eagles, 1° to O. tysburg ace. The same pair finished set the Bachelors down with but nine ler,6-3,6-3. On Saturday, the Catholic Univer- Lodge, playing in his first inter one-two in the 220-yard dash. The hits, as Paul Cummins and Lou El- With the Terrors leading 4-2, Bay- sity golfers visited the campus and re- collegiate game, was master of the time for the two events being 9.9 and liot led the Black and Whites to an 8 lies and Belt clinched the meet with a turned to Washington with a. 5% to situation from the start, allowing but 22.5 seconds, respectively. Bob So- to 4 tr-iumph. hard-fought doubles win over Smith % victory. Western Maryland's only one safe blow and whiffing eleven op- rensen put the Green and Gold into With one victory already tucked and Eliason, 6-3, 2-6, 6-2. The count counter was made by Pirie who posing hitters. His control was bril- the win column when he led the field away, Pi Alpha Alpha scored its sec- was all even in the other doubles halved his match. liant, for he walked but one batsman; in the 440-yard dash, closely pursued ond straight as they hit safely four- matches with one set each, but shad- and under-hand delivery, after get- by Bill Robinson, who made a brill- teen times and hung up a 16 to 10 ows were fast falling over the court ting ahead of the hitters, kept the iant finish to I!0se out Roby of the vis- success against the Gamma Bets. and play was hampered to the extent spectators talking. The bqy, who itors. Brooks again held the losers to nine that the matches were forfeited to the Betty Brown Made barely missed a no-hit-no-run game After finishing third in the one hits and it was Webb Hood who set Sho'men. (Continued on page 6, column 2) mile event, Lindsay Chase easily the pace on the offensive as he col- The team's showing against Wash- WAA President showed his heels to the pack in the lected four safe' blows in as many ington College was a f!J.r cry from the two-mile, the time, 10:55.5. In the trips to the plate. Cummins, Saltz- one put on in the opening match Betty Brown was elected president Terror Frosh Tie same event, Bill Taylor ran a well- gaver, Ward, and Lou Elliot also against Western State. The fact is, timed race and finished second, twen- this Loyola High As banged out two' hits apiece while that this year's squad as a whole is an of-the their Women's Athletic Association ty-five yal'Qs ahead of his nearest at spring meeting held Bechtel and Friedel were the stand- inexperienced one, and full credit week. Other officers chosen were El- rival. The Terrors also finished outs for the losers. should go to Coach Hurt and everyone lene Edmond, vice-president; Alice Season Begins one-two in the SSO-yard event, won by After absorbing a defeat from the concerned for the vast improvement Vollmer, secretary; and Muriel Hard- Frank Mather with Ed Lewis close Black and Whites, the Bachelors came shown. Ted Bowen and Bo Baugher, It took Len Kelly, a lean lanky behind. Mather was clocked at 2:20. back strong to hand the defending especially, have been consistent win- ing, treasurer. right handel', to stem a belated rally At this point the home rooters had champions a 12 to 9 setback in extra ners. Baugher's smashing drives and The association chose managers for by the Baby Terrors in their opening high hopes of witnessing the first innings. Both teams started out fast Bowen's steadiness make them a the various sports as follows: Ruth game on Hoffa Field, as Loyola High Western Maryland track victory in and at the end of the sixth, the score splendid doubles combination which is MaeVean, hiking; Jeannette Wigley, and the Western Maryland fresh bat- the school's history, the score stand- Louise Sehrt, was tied at eight up. Bing Miller getting harder to beat with each hockey; Mary Linton, volleyball; basket- tled to a 2-2 tie. ing 34-20 in favor of the Terrors. June ball;'Emily opened the Bachelor seventh with a match. The freshmen, under the guidance But in the field, especially in the double and tallied when F. Cook was On Saturday the sextet takes to tM Lippy, softball; Phyllis Cade, badmin- of Jack Lytton, performed pleasingly weight events, the Bullets proved su- safe on a Preacher error, to put his road and pays a visit to Lebanon ton; Mildred Harding, archery; Ad- against last year's Maryland scholas perior over the locals. team in the lead. Delta Pi Alpha Valley College, where the boys hope to die Ruth Williams, golf; and Marie tic champions. The starting combina- Day starred for the visitors when again put the game in a knot when make it two in a row. The next home Steele, tennis. It is the duty of each tion found Jim Roby on the intial he took first place by a wide margin they scored on a squeeze play in their match is with Johns Hopkins Univer- of these managers to supervise activ- sack, Dutch Schubert at second, Man- in the pole vault, and second places in half. In the eighth, Bob Hahn drove sity on Monday afternoon. ity in her own group. ny Kaplan on third, and Frank Suff- the discus and shot put. Otts Bradley a double to right field, Bill Hauff was ern at shortstop to back up Randy was the outstanding Terror in the safe on an error, and a walk for Duke Scholl on the mound. Bill Walls was field events with eseeond places in the Windsor loaded the bases. Miller and Western Maryland Among Nine the receiver, and Bernie Gusgesky, (Continued on page 6, column 4) Cook then drove in three runs to put Hoot Gibson, and George Barrick reached base in their half, but could Colleges In New Conference rounded out the outfield. Mike Phil- on game the Preachers Two ice. not cross the counting corner. lips replaced Scholl on the hill in the fourth and Ted Zito took over at short On Monday, the Bachelors took Nine of the smaller colleges and possibilities of admitting new schools stop in the same stanza. Fred Bohn, Batting Averages their second straight as they defeated universities of the Maryland area, in- into its group. Adam Sly, and Jack Mathewson also the Gamma Bets in a free hitting cluding Western Maryland, have The result was the consolidation of saw action in the tilt, shortened to Plllyer Ab R H Tb W SbRbi Per f'ray, 14 to 8 as George Myers and banded together and formed the Ma- the Mason-Dixon Track Conference allow the varsity to take the field for Lodge 23001500 Tom Elias alternated on the mound. son-Dixon Collegiate Conference to and the Maryland Collegiate Basket- their afternoon game. The winners >vere lead at bat by Tim replace the Maryland Collegiate ball League. Present plans include Behind 2 to 0, the freshmen turned Lewis, Claude Belt, and Windsor League and the Mason-Dixon Confer- the creation of a basketball league the tide in the home half of the fifth, 81ro1'1' while Slim Parks, Neil Eckenrode, ence. and the continuation of the track con- and the worried Loyola strategy and Bill Banks were the bright lights The other schools included are ference. Should there be sufficient in- board immediately pressed their of the losers attack. American University, Catholic Uni- terest among the member colleges, hurling ace into action. Kaplan Phj]]jps Undefeated, the Black and Whites versity, University of Delaware, leagues will be formed in baseball, started the inning by drawing a base Catington met the Preachers on Tuesday and af- Johns Hopkins University, Loyola tennis, and soccer. on balls, and found himself on second ter the smoke had cleared away. the College, Mount St. Mary's College, At the first meeting, which was following Zito's clean single. An er- defending champions had captured Towson State Teachers College, and held in the Emerson Hotel in Balti- ror by Nugent, the visiting third sack- the game by an eight. run margin. The Washington College. more, Tom Kibler of Washington Col- er, filled the bases, but Phillips raised winners found Brooks for two safeties With the withdrawal of St. John's lege, was elected president; Charlie a fly to the infield for the first out. 181"'- as they tallied twice in the second and College from intercollegiate athletics, Havens, vice-president: and Fred Nowak's infield hit scored Kaplan, going into their half of the fifth, the competition in the Maryland. Colleg- Dumschott, also of Washington Col- who beat the throw to the plate, and Preachers held a slim two run ad- iate League was reduced to five mem- lege, was selected) as secretary-treas- when Kane hit Sly with a pitched ball, vantage. Then in rapid succession, bers. These remaining institutions urer. The executive committee is to Kelly was motioned into the game. He '" 0 0 0 2 0 0 six batters reached .first base, five of realized that the league was too small be composed of the athletic directors fanned Roby and Gusgesky to end the 00000 whom scored to give Delta Pi Alpha a to continue as an effective' organiza- of the colleges represented in the con- rally and then retired' six straight Fitzger8ld 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 comfortable lead and the game. tion so it took 'into conalderatlon the ferenee. frosh batmen in the last two frames.
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