Page 56 - TheGoldBug1939-40
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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. May 2, 1940 Kullmar Gets Lead As "Our Town" Cast Is Announced THE • SHORT Play Is Part Of Jeanne Shank Is New Head Of Visitors' Day .=====OFIT Commencement Women's Student Government Schedule Is By Bill Robinson SPORTS EDITOR Program Announced the changes and revision of his coach- When Charlie announced." Havens Commencement ing staff this spring, there was con- Heading a cast of thirty-six, Mal- Of Seminary High School Seniors siderable speculation as to the out- colm Kullmar- has been selected to come. Even at this early date, the in- play the role of the stage-manager in On May 6 Invited To Attend vestment has begun to produce divi- Thornton Wilder's OUT Town, the an- College On May 11 dends as all nual commencement play. four varsity The fifty-scventh commencement of teams have got- Culminates Career the Westminster Theological Semi- High school seniors will have an op- ten off to im- His appearance in the "Frank Crav- nary will be held in the Immanuel portunity to become acquainted with pressive starts. en role" will culminate Mr. Kullmar's Methodist C h u r c h, Westminster, Western Maryland College at the an- At this writing, thespian career as a member of the Maryland on Monday evening, May 6. nual Visitors' Day on Saturday, May Ferguson's toss- College Players. During the two The graduation activities will begin 11. Graduating students of state- ers have accu- years that he has been a member of Sunday, May 5, at 10:45 A.M., when JEANNE SHANK mulated a three the group, he has played the male Dr. Charles Edward Forlines, presi- ~~i~~:~~~~;h~~:ii::~r~~:~;~(:,e::i~~~~ gam e winning leads in Cradle Song, Post Road, The dent of the seminary and a member (Continued from page 1, column 1) guests of the college for a 'day. s t r e ak; tihe WQme~ Folks, and Spring Dance. of the class of 1896, delivers the bacca- year as soon as the organization is In the morning, while those visi- golfers have Other leading roles for this pro- laureate sermon. The Reverend John completed, which will be in the near tors who are competing for senatorial broken even in duction will be taken by Anna Me- Nicholas Link, S.T.D., will preach the future. scholarships are taking the examina- ROBINSON Luckie as Emily Webb, Arnold Flea- alumni sermon that evening at 8.0Q, Election for the other officers of six dual match- gle as George Gibbs, Veronica Kom- P. M. These activities will culminate the Women's Student Government Competitive examinations for es ; netmen with de- panek and Donald Humphries as Mr. with the commencement exercises at will be held Monday at 5 P.M. in Smith Senatorial scholarships from the only three the days of outaide vdr-ill, Col- Washington feated strong and Mrs. Webb, and Virginia Willing S P. M., May 6. The address to the Hall. At this election an honor clratr- following counties of Maryland lege racquet swingers on Saturday; and Paul Alelyunas as Mr. and Mrs. graduates will be given by Prof. Gil- man and a vice-president from the will be givcn at the college on and the cindermen tallied forty-eight Gibbs. bert T. Rowe, D.D., of the Duke Uni- junior class and a representative from Saturday, May 11, beginning at For the first time in recent years, versity School of Religion. the sophomore and junior classes will lOA. M. points against Gettysburg, which con- Miss Esther Smith, director of the Those who will receive diplomas be chosen. Baltimore City stitutes the highest score ever record- play, has cast students outside the are: Magnus Vernon Gonnsen, Wil- District No.3 1 young man ed by a Tenor track team. dramatic arts department in a Col~ liam Ellwood Lewis, George H. Pigue- District No.6 1 young woman Coach Frank Hurt is doing a lege Players' production. g ron, J'r., David Kenneth Reisinger, Allegany County. 1 young woman fine job of rebuilding the Terror 1 young man Remainder Of Cast Robert Clarence Smoot, Jr., and Or- It Didn't Always Calvert County .. 1 young woman netmen and with a little more ex- County.. perience, the Green and Gold may Garrett The rest of the cast selected is as ville Omar Wilson. Depro, Glenn Leroy Queen Anne's County again reach the heights attained Frank Smith follows: Fickel, Jasper Ezell Garlington, Wil- Rain On May Day 1 young woman in 1938. Joe Crowell Merle Rebert liam Ernest Hall, John Everett Washington County ..1 young mari. From the state championship com- Howie Newsone Lawrence Brown Longsworth, Jesse Pierce McKeithen, bination of two seasons ago, only Hal Rebecca Gibbs.. ..._.Mary Hoffacker and William Junius Neese will re- Since 1924, Western Maryland has tion, guests will be conducted on a Wright is still on hand. Persh Vol- Wally Webb Robert Beglin ceive the degree of bachelor of sacred carried on the tradition of May Day tour of inspection through the build- kart, John Elliott, wort Belt, Alex Professor Willard . James Merritt theology and John Joseph Dawson throughout a dynasty-of May Queens. ings and around the campus. All vis- Ransone, and Harold Solomon have Woman in Balcony Ruth Kimmey will get his master of sacred theology. Virginia Duley, in 1924, reigned over all departed, but newcomers have ar- Woman in Auditorium a May Day consisting of a May pole itors will be entertained young at lunch. and In rived to fill their shoes. At present, men the afternoon the Marguerite Kuhns dance between the Seminary and Mc- women will take part in a round table there are on the squad two freshmen, Lady in Box Ethel Barnes Kinstry Hall. The names of the discussion wherein questions concern- Baugher and Baylies; one sophomore, Simon Stimson ...Alvin Newton Driveway Will Be Cut queens for 1925 and 1926 are not re- ing Western Maryland will be an- Belt; one junior, Bowen; with only Mrs. Soames Dorothy Brown Through Owings Site corded but in 1927, Velma Richmond; swered. The visitors will be given an Wright and Prentiss playing their Constable Warren Henry Holljes in 1929, Mary Ruth Holt of Balti- cpportunity at this time to meet last collegiate matches. If two re- Si Crowell Merle Rebert "In all probability, a dr-iveway from more, Maryland: and in 1930, Eleanor members of the faculty and the ad- placements can be found next year Baseball Players Charles Hull the McKinstry Hall parking lot to Gunby of Marion, Maryland, were ministration and to ask them ques- James Merritt the military department building will crowned on Hoffa Field. Dorothy tions personally. for the last mentioned, there should James C. Elliot be cut through the spot where Owings Todd was crowned as Lady of the be no stopping the Terrors for sever- Sam Craig Merle Rebert Manor in a Plantation May Day al seasons. Joe Stoddard John Douty Hall once stood", said Dean Free theme in 1931.~ In 1932, Mary Mc- Rapid strides are being made in an Assistant stage managers when asked what would become of the Comas ascended to the throne over a Bishop Hughes effort to form a permanent collegiate wing demolished now almost of the Charles Hull main building. With the razing of Mother Goose kingdom, and in 1933, athletic organization within the Mary- James C. Elliot Mary Ellen Senat was chosen to pre- Will Speak At land-District of Columbia area and a this section of the edifice tl1e or-ig-inal possible solution may be the newly The townspeople will be chosen la- lines of the main building will be re- side over a triumph of spring over created Mason-Dixon Collegiate Con- ter from the student body at large. stored. The ground will be leveled, winter. Commencement ference. Rehearsals for the play, which will filled, and landscaped with grass and English !\fay Day be given May 21 in Alumni Hall, were shrubbery. Edwin Holt Hughes, minister, au- All of the colleges represented begun last week. Estelle Williams was crowned by thor, educator, and lecturer will de- are of a more or less equal eali- President Ward as Queen for the liver the annual commencement ad- ber and this should result in more were in the form of the traditional we r e THREE CHAIR SERVICE SENIORS--- year of 1934 when the festivities English dress to the graduates on Commence- keen competition than when com- weak paratively teams ment Day, Monday, June 3. No Waiting May Day. Mary Waters Lewis, the He is a native of West Virginia and matched with the larger, more HEAGY BROTHERS' SUBSCRIBE TO THE next year was chosen "fairest", and attended the University of West Vir- powerful institutions. Wit h i n BARBER SHOP GOLD BUG for the first time Western Maryland the next two years, it is hoped Morgantown. Next to Post Office $2.00 BY MAIL sponsored a Play Day and May Day ginia at a minister of the He was or- that league teams will compete dained Methodist combined. The new amphitheatre be- (Continued on page 6, column 1) came the site of the May Day gather- Episcopal Church, and became a ing in the honor of Rosalie Gilbert senior bishop of that organization in and her court in 1936. On May 8, 1932. FOR SALE- 1937, Mary Alice Wigley descended An ex-member of the Indiana State ALOHA PICTURES the Hill onto Hoffa Field at the head Board of Education, he at one time floral coronets in Alumni ~h~'~A~m;"~'ic~.n:;un;;V~'~'.'~;t:Y:;n~';93~3:.::~::::::~ii~if;:1 • CLASS GROUPS of her attendants. In 1938 Doris Phil- re- verai ty. He was acting chancellor of was acting president of Boston Uni- lips, and in 1939 Louise Jameson, III CLUB GROUPS GROUPS Hall, due ATHLETIC ceived their to rainy weather. 8 x 10 INCH PRINTS 60c Men Presented Burlesque EDGAR RINEHIMER On several occeslons the men stu- Business Manager dents have presented a burlesque May at- Day. In 1931, "Reds" Wentlandt, tired in blue voile, one black stock- ing and one white stocking, and wear- ing smoked glasses regally took his seat on the throne to watch sixteen (draped 7\[ame Cards May pole dancers manner) and in sheets INTRODUCT~ \'~~() in the Grecian a two and forty pound Cupid in the hundred person of J DC Timmons, gridiron vet- eran, present the usual May pole PERSONAL ~A""O'''''"'''''h.wm",hy ..,oo;m'''.. dance. At this time, records have it, your beauty and your ,harm-with thi. BUSINESS George Ekaitis, then Western Mary- Cora Nome Beauty Kit. nere',
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