Page 55 - TheGoldBug1939-40
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The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Wes~inster, Md. May 2,1940 PAGE THREE Conservatory ARMY AIR CORPS Bopst, Tonight's Concert Soloist, Major Doyle To Occupied On EXAMINA lIONS--- Tells Of Student Days Here Inspect Local Students May 2 And 3 United will States desiring to _enr-oll in the to By Jane Fraley ROTC Unit flying Army cadet The stage in deserted Alumni Hall course have the opportunity an open sifting through take the physical examination at the ... window sunlight .. a slight, efficient-looking Will View Two Hour Drill Fifth Regiment Armory in Baltimore man seated at the open grand Gesner And Royer Will from May 5 to 18. Formerly the elos- piano. . . a staff reporter bent over Period On Hoffa Field Give First Recital est examination place was at Bolling a notebook ... James Bopst, a camp- Monday And Tuesday Field in Anacostia, D. C. There On May 7 Candidates accepted and enrolled in us guest for the past ten days, was Major John E. Doyle, head of the being subjected to a mild inquisition. the course receive $75.00 per month Mr. Bopst, piano soloist with the Third Corps Area fOl" Baltimore, will Levine Hall, scene of rebuilding ac- and allowance for clothing, food, and college symphony orchestra, told, in a be present to officially inspect the tivities for the past few months, will lodging. Upon successful completion quiet, controlled voice, of his -..~ell- Western Maryland College R. O. T. C. be ready for occupancy by the music cf the nine months' course, the cadet ordered life in Washington, D. C., Unit on Monday and Tuesday, May 6 department before May Day. On May is commissioned a second lieutenant where he does secretarial work by day and 7. 2 and 3 the entire department will in the Air Corps Reserve, receiving and indulges in music by night. Prec- The excellent rating that the school move into the newly-remodeled build- his wings and the rating of a pilot. ticing is a pleasure for this talented now possesses, and which it is trying ing. He may be called to active duty which young musician and he tr-ies to spend to maintain will be based on both First use of the building will be may extend from one to seven 'years. from two to three hours daily in hard theoretical and practical achievement. made on Tuesday, May 7, when Phil- work at the piano. Personal appearance, courtesy, atti- ip Royer and Miss Maude Gesner will The former student of Miss Gesner tude, promptness, and general mili- present a recital of three sonatas for here at Western Maryland recalled tary tone will be significant in the piano and violin. Alex Bartha with pleasure the days in the not-too- ditorium was peaceful as the voice of evaluation of the school. The inspect- The entire building, inside, as well distant past when he studied with her, the man at the piano became silent .. ing officer will comment upon the modeled to serve as a music conserva- Chosen For and of the hours spent in study with Almost to the keys and the the figure method and efficiency of the unit in imperceptably re- has been thoroughly as outside, lovely turned to the standards relation set up by tory. The first floor is devoted to a Harold Bauer, the foremost American haunting harmonies of Clail' de Lune the War Department. The class dis- His serene eyes lighted with pianist. large recital hall, and a studio for Pan-Hel floated through the window to the cussions may at any time be inter- Miss Gesner. pleasure as he voiced his hope of outside world ... The other figure rupted by Major Doyle for question- The floor is made of a resilient ma- studying with the great artist again on the stage listened speechless to the ing on any phase of military educa- terial with backing to absorb echo. Alex Bartha with his Steel Pier or- next season. exquisite sound flowing from his mag- tion that the particular class is re- The mahogany-paneled walls and per- chestra has been chosen by the com- Mr. Bopst, who spent this winter in ic finger tips. sponsible for, thus placing the obli- forated slag ceiling will also serve as mittee in charge to furnish the music Florida, remembered and vividly de- gation for the success of the inspec- echo absorbers. for the Pan-Hellenic dance on May scribed the coolness experienced dur- tion on the effort of every individual was Summer School The upper floors are to be devoted 25. Bartha has one of the best-known ing winter weather in an area not R. O. T. C. student. to practice rooms and studios for Mr. bands in the country, featuring both equipped for snow and ice. A drlpo- An extended drill period, lasting Royer and Mr. Spangler. Later, swing and sweet music. later filled with boiling water from 12:40 to 2.30 P. M., is scheduled in the land of sunshine Opens June 19 they too will have special eccoustrc Rudy Vallee once said to him, dropped in his lap, and consequently for Tuesday afternoon. The events floors and ceilings, but, at present, "Alex, this crowd will listen to my his sojourn will occur as follows: formation of these are not completed. band, but when it comes to dancing, was marked by five weeks spent in battalion, 12:40 to 12:45; battalion in- In all probability, the conservatory I'm afraid you've got what they bed recuperating from that unfortu- Western Maryland College Summer spection, 12:45 to 1:15; physical drill, will be the scene of the Tuesday af- want", and reports from the Eastern nate occurrence. To judge from the Session will open June 19 with an In- 1:15 to 1:30; squad and platoon drill, ternoon broadcasts, Miss Gesner said. colleges for which he has played indi- warmth in the voice of the pianist, crease in the usual number of courses 1:30 to 1:40; company drill 1:40 to Miriam Brickett, a resident of cate that Alex does have what they however, one would judge the high- and members of the faculty. 1:50; extended order drill, 1:50 to Westminster, and a student of Miss want. light of the winter to have been his In the education division, Wilbur 2:00; college parade, 2:00 to 2:15; bat- Maude Gesner, will be featured in a Two of the specialty men in the or- meeting with the charming Madame Devilbiss, principal of Frederick High talion review, 2:15 to 2:30. piano recital on Wednesday, May 8, M_ana-Zucca, the emirjent American School, will teach two courses, meth- at8 P. M. chestra are Carl White, the vocalist, composer. ods in guidance and the home-room. and Dick Whetstone, the drummer, With the same calm, collected man- Scott, vice-principal of Forest both well-known throughout the musi- ner, Mr. Bopst entered the ever-pres- Alfred High School, will com:luct a MOTHERS DAY Park Argonauts Hold Annual cal world. of the tickets for the ent controversy over swing by ap- class in extra-curricular activities of In charge Election Of Officers Pan-Hal are Kermit Beyard and Bob proving of certain forms of that the high school. • CARDS • idiom; namely, the ones suited to sane more . Library science will receive Faw. The orchestra committee con- dancing and those which might in attention than before. New instruc- • CANDY • Election of officers of the Argo- sists of Samuel Galbreath, Charlie time become folk music. At the same tors will be Miss Dorothy Annable of nauts for the coming year was held at Horan, and Ellene Edmond. The oth- time, he voiced the opinion that much Chevy Chase, Maryland; and Miss • the regular meeting on April 18. er committees are: of its appeal is directed to a "weakly Beatrice Tarr of McDonogh School. GREETING CARDS Those elected were president, Willard Advertising and Invitations-W. sentimental or hysterical response." The regular instructors are Miss Everett; vice-president, Ruth Mans- Hood, H. Triesler, J. Cairnes, V. With a wry smile he voiced the ob- Pratt and Miss Billingslea. FOR berger; secretary, Jeanette Brannock; Wooden, V. Kompanek, and M. Mel- servation that swing "continues to In addition to the personnel of the ALL OCCASIONS and treasurer, Benjamin Allnutt. vln. grow like Spanish moss-it lives while music department will be Philip Roy- .. On Thursday, May 7, the Argo- Decorations-C. Cole, A. Coffren, the tree dies." er, who will instruct classes in direct- nauts travel to Baltimore where they L. Bee, P. Cummins, and T. Lewis. Mr. Bopst went on to express the ing and public school musio. will hear Dr. Norris Fishbein deliver Refreshments-J. Shank, B. Wiley, opinion that "college life is a shel- Summer school's first session will P. G.COFFMAN CO. a lecture on socialized medicine. The and A. Dexter. tered existence compared to life on the close July 24 and the second session lecture is sponsored by Johns Hopkins Programs-M. Kullmar, K. Coe, D. outside"; but he hastened to add that will begin July 25 and last until Au- TIMES BUILDING University. Humphries, and B. Scott. there was nothing at ali discouraging guest 28. in the present outlook, and that ap- May Queen Coronation portunity was waiting for those pre- FILMS Methodist Conference pared to grasp and take advantage of it. (Continued from page 1, column 5) _2'he quiet of the almost empty au- DEVELOPED AND PRINTED Cloyd L. Bennighof Professor was Mar-yland College students have been elected chairman of the Biology ANY SIX OR EIGHT EXPOSURE ROLL invited to be present at the supper Bennighof Elected 35 CENTS EARL DARSCH this year. This is a novel undertak- Teachers Convention for the coming 72 HOUR SERVICE THORNTON WOOD ing, for in previous years, only the year at the seventh annual convention President Holloway and Bishop student body and faculty were invit- held in Annapolis on April 27. Straughn, John Baker, and the Rev- The Western ed. Maryland representation from Dr. Berth- erend H. B. Smith, members of the Board of Trustees, were four of the College included Zel Smith will furnish the music for a semi-formal leap year dance to olf, Professor Bennighof, Laura Bree- twelve delegates appointed by the Bal- Westminster' 5 be held from 8 P. M. until 11 :45 den, Eleanor Wheeler, Lawrence timore Conference to attend the con- 1'. M. in Gill Gymnasium. This will Strow, Jean .Lynne Scott, and Mary ference of the United Methodist conclude the activities of the day. Tho Alice Kline. Church at Atlantic City. queen and her court will be in the Outstanding Place To Eat receiving line, as will members of the faculty. CARROLL STATE Catherine Barker, who is in charge .==~============ of all plans for May Day, has an- nounced that there will be a registra- tion of parents and friends in Mc- Thursday, Friday, Saturday Wednesday, Thursday, Friday BUSINESS LUNCHES Daniel lounge from 10 A. M. until MAY 2, 3, 4 MAY 1,2,3 2:30 P. M. Errol Flynn, Humphrey Bogart, Martha Rare, ~harlie Ruggles As has been the custom in past Randolph Scott, Miriam Hopkins REGULAR DINNERS years, Alumni Hall will be the scene -in- "The Farmer's Daughter" of the activities should the weather prohibit their being held out of doors. "Virginia City" SANDWICHES Saturday, May 4 SODAS Willia:n Boyd Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Smith & Reifsnider Raymond Massey "The Showdown" MAY 6, 7, 8 Incorporated -in- Tuesday, Wednesday LUMBER --- COAL "Abe Lincoln in Illinois" Monday, MAY 6, 7, 8 -with- Bing Crosby, Dorothy Lamour SASH, DOORS, BLINDS Gene Lockhart Bob Hope "The Road to Singapore" GENERAL MILL WORK SLATE, CEMENT Thursday and Friday • MAY 9,10 & PLASTER Thursday and Friday "Dr. Cyclops" MAY 9,10 C. & P. Long Distance Phone "Star Dust" CITY RESTAURANT 227 In T echnicclor -with- Linda Darnell, John Payne, 12 W. MAIN STREET WESTMINSTER, MD. Albert Dekker, Janice Logan Roland Young
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