Page 54 - TheGoldBug1939-40
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PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md., May 2, 1940 The Registration Time Is Here GOLD BUG Men Spend Night In Dean's Office The To Sign Up For Choice Rooms DOGHOUSE Official student newspaper of Western Maryland College, Behold the outer office of the Dean the unclaimed junior and sophomore published on Thursday, semi-monthly during October, No- vember, February, March, April, May, and monthly dur- of Men ... 6:30 A. M., Friday, rooms are fading in the distance, the By Newlon ing September, December, and January, by the students April 25. The atmosphere is silent .. freshman rooms are reserved, and the of Western Maryland College, Westminster, Maryland. stagnant. The room oddly resembles race is on. • There must be something intrinsically fasci- Entered as second-class matter at the Westminster Post the morgue. Perhaps there was a Office, under the Act of March 3, 1879. rat-invasion, or a roof leak, but the nating about the name Strongheart, to give it the SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $1.50 A YEAR lasting qualities that it has enjoyed on this camp- Dean's office has transient visitors. us. Unless we are misinformed it was first ap- ag- ON 'I'ourslts, perhaps? Bob Gelder 1939 Member 1940 gressively spread over an entire plied to that vehicle by the admirers of Mr. I'l"ociated CoUe6iate Pre" couch ... the . length of BQb Moore THE Mather's (Frank W., Jr.) automobile. Since the initiation of the name it has undergone a transi- stretched within limits on a bare mat- RECORD • tion, if not in meaning, at least in interpretation. EDITORIAL BOARD tress from Gelder's room. Both are EDITOR-IN-CHIEF ._........... ..Henry C. 'I'r-iealer-, '41 muttering in their sleep "Rooms. Delta Sigma Kappa, Phi Alpha Mu, Upon hearing someone say recently, "Get up on around in my lap, Strongheartl" we turned ASSOCIATE EDITORS... Henry Holljes, '41 selecting rooms free choice . Ruth Mansburger, '41 and Sigma Sigma Tau entertained the amazement to see the accomplishment of the im- NEWS EDITOR _ .. Isaac Reher-t, '42 maybe Carpe Diem " Bunce and faculty in McDaniel Lounge on Wed- possible, and were confronted by a puny, puny FEATURE EDITOR .. Lucie Leigh Barnes, '42 Evans, in respective corners, snore nesday, April 24, at the annual In- pup of indescribable appearance. (There are some who SPORTS EDITOR .. ..William Robinson, '41 punctuation. ter-sorority. Tea. say that this is a direct slap at the Mather motorcar, oth- The door slowly creaks open to ad- Letitia Bogan was awarded a Ilr.ize n~"'''NT.~ ~QRNATIONALA~VUT'.'NG .V ers insist that it is the dog who is done wrong by.) Con- National Advertising Service, Inc. mit a begrizzled, sleep-laden intruder. as the outstanding Sigma of the se- sequently, last week, by apparently unanimous proclama- into the cozy atmosphere He strolls Col/esePubli,hers Ref>o"esenllll;ve nior class at the banquet given by the tion, was BE-KIND-TO-STRONGHEART_WEEK. The with the self-assurance of a Pekinese alumnae for the active members of dog was a smart critter and took advantage of the ocea. in Central Park. Eyes glare defen- Sigma Sigma Tau on April 27. eton. He could look just as hungry in front of McDaniel sively at him from Bunce, Evans, Gel- The week of April 15 brought with as he had looked ten minutes earlier before being fed in BUSINESS STAFF der, and Moore. All edge into strate- it two more appendicitis cuses-c-Mar- BUSINESS MANAGER...... . Edward Weant, '41 gic positions for any sudden advance garet Quarles and Lee Kindley. Both McKinatry. Then there was certainly something subtle in ADVERTISING MANAGER _._._ Werner Orrison, '43 the \vay he would sleep long hours during the night in one CIRCULATION MANAGERS ....William Vincent, '42 to the inner door of the Dean's office are nearing recovery. This brings the of the men's dormitor-ies, and then go over to McDaniel Mary Louise Asbury, '41 which might be necessary. An eerie number of appendectomies up to near- and yawn suggestively for the advantage of the sympa- light from a window falls on the be- ly a score for this year. thetic maidens. His efforts, we are told, were not in vain. grizzled face of Ward Hall's Bob Judy Collinson and !\fary Lou As- Could it be that there is anything in this yawning stuff?? Spring Sorensen. Speaking t h r 0 ugh the bury were ardent rooters at the Navy- More Dog Food Is In The Air whiskers he announces to the gather- Columbia Crew Races in Annapolis on April 27. ing that he has arrived to sign-up for rooms for Messrs. (in aphabetical or- The engagement of Mary Cross- • The mere mention of a dog, however, in the past few Mi~v~r~~ei~t t~:sc~:~rC; ;~:r 'io0~:~~~~t;U~bTI: der) McWilliams, O'Leary, Pretty- white of the sophomore class to Owen weeks, has been the cause of a sour taste in the mouths of For the past weeks some of the readers of the Sun papers. ity in lines' other than policing. man, Raw lin s, Robinson, Sorensen Ringwald has been announced by her some accursed beast by the ridiculously unfunny name of The dance being sponsored by the Women's (of course), and Wrightson, and what parents. Mr. Ringwald is a senior at Knee-Hi has been appointed to the position of instructor Student Government Saturday night in honor of no they think of that! the University of Maryland. The in the Baltimore Public Schools. Daily the papers have the May Court is the first it has ever sponsored, "Oh~no you don't!" wedding will take place in the early displayed intimate photographs of the dog as he "lead fall. and it indicates the increasing wish on its part to Just now the primeval instinct to safety discussions" among Baltimore school children, as Queen, May Former contribute to the fullness of student life. More. struggle for one's existence (in this Wigley, '37, was married Mary Alice he helped a big policeman across the street, as he woke up on April 6 and more the student government has tried to case, a decent, low-priced room) is too to Abraham GoUwalis in Annapolis. in the morning, as he brushed his teeth (subtle health in- show that it should be an agent of service and not great to allow "thy neighbor" to beat Both Mr. and Mrs. Gottwalls are struction), and nearly everything else a dog does during of restriction. All that is needed to continue the thee to yon Dean's office. Registration teaching in Millersville, Maryland. the course of the day, within limitations, of course. improvements that it has attempted is for the for rooms for next year has developed and are living at the bride's home. • Some people with normally mild dispositions have de- students to indicate that they expect and appre- complications; rooms are going fast Ruth Ora Caltrider was awarded clared that it would be a course of inestimable pleasure to ciate the value received. LLB ... like hot cakes. a bronze medallion and an official dip- them for this very clever animal to be run over by an The Dean has a new system-s-a loma for her individual performance auto. A less vengeful outlet for the emotion would be, "block system". Rooms in each price in the French Department play, "Lea perhaps, to have the Mayor, the city council, and all Sun- range will be reserved in each dorm Romanesques" (The Romancers), paper photographers and reporters, dragged forcefully Under No Censor for each class. In this way high presented at Hood College, Monday from their offices and lined up on a curbstone while little priced rooms will not be forced upon evening, April 22. Knee-Hi did his tricks. One must remember the old ad- W~v:~~ll:;::~i:;~e:~n~~~r~t t~h! !~i~er'~fc~~: the under-classmen. F res h man Professor Frank B. Hurt was unan- age, however, "A little dog shall lead them" (Mussolini, 1936). ference we recently attended had to submit to wealth, sophomore wisdom, junior in- imously elected president of the Pee- will be some sort of faculty or administration censorship. dustry, and senior experience unit of ulty Club at its last meeting. He will Any Casualties? equally in every distributed An incident at a neighboring university in the be aided by an executive committee • Frequenters of the place tell us that if you ever have state brought the situation more clearly to mind. the dormitories for men. So far, ail composed of Dean S. B. Sehofield. Dr. the occasion to go sailing at the U. S. Naval Academy, All but one or two E. L. Mudge, Miss Manahan, and Dr. is working fine. The editor-in-chief of the weekly publication at of the senior rooms are spoken for, W. R. Ridington. when your trip is over and you are tying your vessel to this institution was threatened with expulsion if the sea wall, you will be approached by a midshipman with he displayed prominently in his paper the speech pencil and notebook firmly gripped in hand, who, without of a Communist leader who spoke at the univer- raising his eyes from his paper snaps out the words, "Any sity. Agitation, bad feeling, argumentation, res- casualities?" Unaffected by the strong import of his ignation of the editor was the result. question, he jots down the answer without the slightest In regard to this situation, we can only say that expression of pleasure at the success of the voyage. Per- we believe that the editor and the board of control Samuel Cairnes Galbreath will re- haps some day someone wiiI yield to the strong impulse to which operated the paper after his resignation port to Randolph Field, Texas, on shout, "Yes, four drowned!! I", to which information the were entirely right. June 29, 1940, to take off on a career gentleman would at least respond by dropping his pen- But the point we wish to make is this-no such in Uncle Sam's Army Air Corps. For cil maybe. censorship restricts the Gold Bug in its reporting Sam this makes everything "hunky- of the news or in its fundamental right to criti- dory". Born on September ~0,,1917, cize the actions of any person or group on this into a military atmosphere that he campus. No faculty advisor or member of the has never gotten entirely out of his administration reviews om' copy or tells us that blood. Has several friends in the air we cannot print a fact or comment. Freedom of service and seems eager to join them the press is a vital and .living thing on this camp- and tackle the tough climbing offered us. in the corps. • WITH EVERYBODY TALKING about the war, and For this broadminded attitude on the part of Born in Jarrettsville and claimed all the news being about the war, it is only natural that the administration, we are grateful. We realize at present by Rocks, Maryland, Sam American college students would have sentiments on the the trust which is reposed in us in the publishing l.cs been reared in rural glory. High matter. Mount St. Mary's at Emmitsburg has taken it of one thousand copies of a paper which is dis- school at Jarrettsville and a year at honorably, and the students there have voted for "ice- tributed to all parts of the United States and sev- Devitt Prep went by in a flash and cream-less Sundays." With but one dissenting vote, they eral foreign counties. We shall continue to up- left him, among other things, athletic voted to give up ice cream dessert each Sunday until the hold this trust. experience in three years of soccer, end of school, the money saved to be given to the unfor- nnd executive exper-ience of two years tunate students in Europe. We think that these- students ail class "Prexy". who have voted to give up their dessert for such a worthy Matriculated at western Maryland cause deserve praise and commendation. Save The Dishes in the fall of '36. Headed immediate- • "OF ALL SAD WORDS ... " ly for soccer tryouts, and has played Spring is here, the winter past, four years on th.e varsity squad. Leasee jlourisJh on the b01/gh-; I~~~:i~~;~~~~~t o~ftteea~?!dc~ftctft:eoa;~ti~~ Eoxerl" during freshman year. Step- From evcry throat there comee the cry_ and silverware from the men's dormitories. ped again into his executive shoes as SAM GALBREATH "If I'd saved my cuts 'ta nO'W!" But this is not so amusing when considered in president of his sophomore class ~"Willie" Shakespeare. light of the following facts. The replacement and Seems alwpvs to hold his own and was elected club president in Febru- • AT A UNIVERSITY OF OREGON dance admission Scholastically, he qualifies for ary. breakage fee for the dining hall amounts to well keep his head above water in the col- graduation with majors in mathemat- charges were based on color of the girl's hair---red-heads, over a thousand dollars annually. This is in ex- lege whirl. ics and economies. 790; blcmdes, 89c; and brunettes, 98c. cess of normal breakage mainly because students Elected president of the class again Recreationally, Sam thinks in terms -ACP confiscate dishes and eating utensils for use in as a senior; resumed his career as an • DR. ALBERT E. BLUMBERT, ex-Hopkins professor their rooms. organizer. Gravitates to dance com- of dances, friends, boats, horses, and and secretary of the Maryland branch of the Communist dogs. mittees and has been on nearly, if not, party, was invited by an assembly commission at Hopkins We are not going ·to try to convince the student Vocationally, Sam always comes body that articles should not be removed from everyone of them for tltree years. hack to the military. Custodian of or- to speak before the students. Here's what occurred: the the dining hall although to refrain would be the Signing orchestras getting to be a ders for the day as adjutant of this doors of Latrobe Hall were l~ked on orders of the Dean; ideal situation. Instead our plea is this-when habit. Con!i_iders toughest job of or- year's R. O. T. C. Battalion. Member Dr. Blumbert made a speech in Wyman Park, the editor finished with the chinaware, don't toss it out the ganizing was that of this year's Mil· of the Officers' Club. Says, "I want of the Hopkins News-Letter resigned his position because itary Ball. "We didn't know how any- window, in the waste containers, 01' in the hall. thing would turn out. The gym was a job that'll keep me awake. Fresh the Dean gave orders for him not to display prominently Place it in a convenient place where the janitors air. Something that will never be the events of the day. (See editorial in column 1). of the dormitories may pick it up or, better still, new and like an infinity to decorate. dull, to say the least. With remuner- • LIGHT SUBJECT a higher priced or- We were trying return it to the dining hall yourself. chestra. We had lots of help but no ~tion. I chose the army because I A college 'm,an is like a kerosene .lamp---not 'Very bright, The result will be a cleaner campus and a small- one to answer the questions." Social- wanted the air corps. I like the air smokes, is usually lit up at nlght, and is often turned er breakage fee in the dining hall. Since the din- ly, Sam is one of the Preaehers of corps. I like the air corps because down. -Diamwndback. ing hall operates on a fixed budget, a saving in Delta Pi Alpha. Served his club as I've wanted to fly since I was a little • CONFUCIUS SAY: Man's education extend from day nursery money spent for replacements means better food. treasurer first semester this year; kid-and that seems a long time ago." from cradle to crib. to college or
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