Page 53 - TheGoldBug1939-40
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* SEVENTEENTH ANNUAL MAY DA Y CELEBRATION ISSUE * L1br~ry ·l'1estern Maryland College . d. INVITE YOUR FRIENDS GOt ATTEND SYMPHONY TO MAY DAY CONCERT TONIGHT Z286 Upper row (left to right)-May Day play plactice, May Court; lower row (left to right) -Cast of May Day Play, Committee in charge of May Day; center-Grace Brannock Smith, May Queen; (upper right)-Catherine Barker, Chairman Women's SGA Sponsors Annual May Day Jeanne Shank MEN TO MEET Orchestra Will Grace Brannock Smith To Elected Head Of FOR NOMINf\TlONS Play Schumann Be Crowned Queen At League will Men's Student Women's SGA meet Monday, May 6, at 16 P. M. Piano Concerto Saturday's Festivities in Smith Hall to nominate candi- dates for next year's president. President Elect Will Prospective candidates may make Bopst To Be Featured Pomp and pageantry will mark the annual celebration of May speeches at this time. Assume New Duties Elections will take place on In Annual Concert Day, which is to be climaxed by the crowning of the May Queen, Grace Brannock Smith, of Cambridge, Maryland, in the amphi- At Next Session l\Ionday, May 13 in regular as- With the playing of the first move- theater on Saturday, May 4, at 3 P. M. sembly. Miss Smith, who has served on the May court all four years Jeanne Shank, by a good majority, ment of Robert Schumann's Concer-to she has been in college, will be crowned by Dr. Holloway, or in his was elected president of the Women's in A minor for piano and orchestra by absence, by Dean Schofield. She will be attended by a court of Student Government Association for Newspaper Staffs James Bopst, of Washington, D. C., twelve escorts: Letitia Bogan, senior duchess, Jean Cairnes and next year. Miss Shank with 107 the ninth annual spring concert of the Catherine Jockel, senior attendants; Kathleen Coe, junior duchess, votes, took the majority from Betty To Convene Here College Symphony Orchestra will be Anne Dexter and Jeanette Wigley, junior attendants; Jean Stover, Brown, who had 47 votes, and Alice brought to a dramatic climax tonight sophomore duchess, Jean Lamoreau and Shirley Reese, sophomore Vollmer, who had 82 votes. Western Maryland College will be at 8 P. M. in Alumni Hall. ________ _:._, attendants; and Peggy Wilson, fresh- Miss Shank has been prominent in host to the second annual conference Mr. Bopst, a former student of Miss man duchess, Mary Frances Hawkins, school activities ever since her en- of college newspapers, it was decided Gesner at western Maryland, has the and Virginia Bell, freshman attend- trance in Western Maryland. She at the first conference held at Wash- distinction of being the first pianist to IN THIS ISSUE ... ants. has been active in nearly all of the ington College on April 19, 20, and 21- present a concerto for piano and or- "The Apple of Contentment", a athletics offered to women on the Members of the conference, organ- chestra on this campus. This con- campus, having played hockey, bas- ized "for the betterment of the small certo, the only one that Schumann Gold Bug ACP Rating... . 6 play by Mary Thurman Pyle, will ketball, tennis, softball, volleyball, college newspaper", will include rep- wrote for piano, is noted for its dif- The Short Of It.... . __.._.4 ~/::~~~~df!: ~!r~~fe~fa:~~:~ ~; and ping-pong. resentatives from weekly and hi-week- ficulty of performance and its beau- Sports . .. _ 5 the queen and her court. Participat- In the past, Mlsa Shank has proved ly newspapers in Maryland and near- herself capable of the new responsi- by states. ty. "Our Town" Cast. .. .4 ing in this play, directed by Veronica a cast Kornpanek, is of nineteen: bility now placed on her shoulders, The Gold 8110 editor, in collabora- The orchestra, directed by Mr. Visitors Day. . 4 Katherine Klier, Ethel Barnes, vtc- when she represented the junior class tion with the editors of papers from Philip S. Royer, will also present two Editorials . . 2 toria Hurley, Edna Triesler, Anna in the Student Government. Mount St. Marls College, Washing- major works of Ludwig van Beetho- She has recently been elected ton College, Gettysburg College, and ven: The EgmO'1l.t Overture; and the Commencement Speaker .4 ~~~Ck~~rn~!~gi~~~:il~~~: ~~~: president of Phi Alpha Mu sorority. West Chester State Teachers College, Eighth Symphony, in F Major. Thom- Galbreath Is Campus Leader ... 2 Davenport, Doris Hess, Beulah Griffin, Miss Shank, who is in charge of members of the first conference, Will as Arne's composition ror. stringed or- Military Inspection. ...3 Marie Crawford, Elise Weidersum, costumes fpr the May Day play, has be in charge of the entire program. chestra, Water Parted Fr01)l. the Sea, Jane Gilchrist, Lois Guba, Dorothy not considered ven thoroughly her The program of the conference in- and a Fugue in E minor by Johann Pan-Hellenic 3 Attix, Eloise Wright, Betty Neidert, plans for next year but she has a gen- cluded a series of forums on feature Sebastian Bach will conclude the pro- The Doghouse.. _ 2 and Bette Crawford. eral idea of next year's duties. editing, sports writing, composition gram. Quote Box 2 At five o'clock a picnic supper will As yet, there is, of course, nothing and make-up, editorial writing, gener- The College Symphony Orchestra, very definite, but the activities of al problems of a small college news- composed of students and members of Mason-Dixon Conference 5 ~:ns~:vt~:i~ ;;~:~~~~~ ;~:n~::f~n: freshman week will be one of the paper, and news writing. Ben Mill- the faculty, will be augmented for the On the Record.. . 2 the lawn adjoining the summer house. greatest responsibilities. Miss Shank er, Baltimore Evening Sun writer, occasion by amateur musicians from Summer School 3 Parents and friends of Western says that she will make plans for flext was the guest speaker at a banquet Carroll county and members- of the (Continued on page 8, column 1) (Continued on page 4, column 8) given for the delegates. Baltimore Symphony Orehestra.
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