Page 52 - TheGoldBug1939-40
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'AGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md., April 11, 1940 ,Tri-Beta Annual Ed ((Red"McCarthy Brings Band Library Has Grown C. Douglas. Gone With the Wind, has recently Convention Held With College long in tatters, dusting_, had to _ have a regular Last Friday To Gill Gymnasium For Dance (Cont. from page 1. col. 4) sive; and these three departments re- Representatives From French Play To quire the greatest service from the li- Phone 300 Western' Maryland brary. In the past two years a so- ciology and an art section have been Give Speeches Enter Contest built up practically from the ground floor. are the docu- CARROLLEEN Fourteen 'I'rl-Beta members went to "Les Romanesques" (The Roman- Recent improvements Drew University, Madison, New Jer- cers), by Edmond Rostand, will be ment room, the reference room of un- sey, last Friday, to attend the Tri- presented by the French Department bound periodicals, the book elevator, Individual Coiffures Beta Convention of the Northeastern of Western Maryland College on MOll- the buzzer system, and the methods Division. Three schools represented day, April 22 at Hood College in com- room of text books donated by pub- Beauty in its Entirety were: GettYsburg College, Drew Uni- petition with several other colleges lishers. The three librarians and versity, and Western Maryland Col- in the state. their- seven student assistants are lege. The cast consists of Ruth Caltrider, scouring the building for any unused The convention formally opened at David Osborn, and Emil Grenda, of space-s-even enough for a much need- ten o'clock Saturday morning at the sophomore class, and James Snod- ed drinking fountain. Next year, the 66 W. Main St. which time reports on projects were grass and Irvin Katz of the freshman librarians plan to use the same book- given. Several of the representatives class. Miss Margaret Snader of the recording system as is used in many WESTMIN$TER, MD. .of Western Maryland gave talks at French department is directing the public libraries. This will mean a this meeting. Dr. Bertholf spoke on play. card for every book and 'a permanent "Feeding and Poisoning of the Honey card for every student. Bee"; Eleanor Wheeler on "Keeping The library would like to exhibit Records for a Biological Survey"; Interfraternity the many valuable volumes that have Professor Bennighof, on "State Biol- been given to it. From Dr. Ward's ogy Teacher's Organization"; and Softball Starts ED "RED" MCCARTHY Margaret Quarles, on "Experimenting library there is an old Bible in Latin, and Culture Methods of Hydra". (Cont. from page 3, col. 4) (Cont, :!'rom page 1, col. 5) dated 1602, and other editions in Eng- Dr. Green, head of the Biology De- Lewis in the infield; Hauff in the out- tha Adkins, D)'. and Mrs. Nathan, Dr. lish and foreign languages. There is 1636, dated partment of Brothers College, spoke field; Elias on the mound; and G. and Mrs. Spicer, Professor Frank a philosophical volume, last page sup- which has the missing at the afternoon session. An infor- Myers, who will handle Elias' slants. Hurt, Miss Margaret Snader, Dr. Ed- mal discussion of the problems and Kable rounds out a well-balanced in. win K. Schempp, Dean and Mrs. Sam- plied in fine hand printing. There programs of the various chapters also field, while Thomas, Douglass, and F. uel B. Schofield, Dr. and Mrs. Lloyd are several old bound editions of the was held at this meeting. A tour of Cook complete the garden quartet. r.r. Bertholf, Professor and Mrs. AI. eighteenth century "Spectator" pa- the Drew campus followed. Rivaling the Black and Whites in fred de Long, and Professor and Mrs. pers. the number of veterans present, will Car-Ies Crawford. During the past few months, Ad- Admission for the dance, which will be the aggregation playing for the consist of twelve sets, will be by in- olph Hitler's lI1e1.n Kam,pf has beeu in has been a re- great demand; there Leap Year Dance Gamma Bets. Vacancies will be well vitation only. JUniOl'S who have paid newed interest in Nortinoest Passage; and Parks, Foy, Mather, filled by Prettyman. Assisting these players their class dues and seniors who paid and Grape8 of Wrath has been out (Cont. from page 1, col. 5) will be a formidable array of veter- them last year do not have to pay the constantly. Always popular and ever students at the regular admission ans, headed by Burtis, Banks, Day, subscription price of $2.50 per couple. in circulation are the uovels of Lloyd price. Horan, Bechtel, and Eckenrode. Besides Mr. Mansh, the committee • Don't for a single moment Blanche Ward Gymnasium will be members are Timothy Lewis, Arnold be led astray by the fragile decorated for the dance in keeping Fleagle, Alice Vollmer, Betty Brown, Smith & Reifsnider loveliness of our Mojud crepe with the May Day spirit. This, with Eleanor Jameson, Doris Lubking, silk stockings! They have a the presence of the Queen and her Japanese Library Thomas Arthur, Ruth Beard, William Incorporated Spartan will to "teke it" when court in frilly court costume and the Visits Here Robinson, Benjamin Allnutt, and El- it comes to wear! The secret added loveliness of the other ladies' ise Wiedersum. LUMBER ._ COAL ties in a special twist to the dresses, will complete the spring at- (Cont. n-om page 1, col. 2) thread which gives them sheer mosphere. the book collection of the travelling S. C. A. Election :'~i~t;'":~;I~;~t~' power to beauty, amazing Blanche. Scott, Catherine Jockel, library are works of reference, dic- SASH, DOORS, BLINDS and Catherine Barker, the committee tionaries, bibliographies, and period- GENERAL MILL WORK in charge, engaged Zel Smith's ten- icals pertaining to Japanese civiliza- Officers for the coming year were I piece orchestll;. three members of tion. The collection of lantern slides elected at the meeting of thc stu- SLATE, CEMENT that belies their .. _' ...._ which are vocalists. The committee consists of more than 600 slides on dent Cln-istian Association last & PLASTER delicate: looks. WQ':~'~:"'G_ for decorations and programs is also architecture, painting, the industrial night. Results follow: I "$1.00- headed by Miss Scott and the other arts, sculpture, and gardens. President Harper La Compte members are; Catherine Jockel, The c~l1ection will be in charge of a Vice President Tane Takahashi C. & P. Long Distance Phone Others 79c to $1.15 Ridgely Pollitt, Caroline Rudisill, special field representative who will Secretary .... Mary Houston White 227 Mary Louise Asbury, Audrey Coffren, display the exhibits and answer ques- Treasurer.... ..Edward Thomas WESTMINSTER, MD. I The Coffman-Fisher Co. and Dorothy Mulvey. tions. Westminster, Md. I- &slid(fg-dffllc IN tieCuoUy thdts OestefoU Going "two packs at a time" because Chesterfield is today's definitely milder, cooler-smoking, better-tasting cigarette These three qualides-MILDNESS, COOLNESS,TASTE... are the sum and substance of real smoking pleasure. You enjoy all three in Chester- fie·ld's right combination of the world's best cigarette tobaccos. At over a million places where cigarettes are sold you can see these clean white Chest- •.. the smiling hostess erfield packages going into more who welcomes guests at one of New York's pockets and more handbags most famous hotels. every day. All over the country She will tell you Chest- erfield is the husiest smokers are finding out you can't rfleld cigarette in the place. buy a better cigarette. Copyrightl~O. Today's DEFINITELY MILDER, Cooler-Snwking, Better- Tasting Cigarette I.JocaTl' & MYI!KS TO~AeCO Co.
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