Page 51 - TheGoldBug1939-40
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The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md., April 11, 1940 PAGE THREE THE • Western State Penn State Lions Tame Terrors Trackmen Host SHORT Here Saturday In Loosely-Played Ball Game To Washington • OF IT' For Opener Tomorrow By Bill Robinson Wesleyan University Pepn 8t~te AB R H 0 If 4:: Hands Green And Gold Gate .. Men,ie,3b SPORTS EDITOR Initial Defeat, 3-2 Sherwin, rf 4 S S 1 1 1 Three Veterans In Debler, d 4 401 1 1 Hoffa Field Scene Sapp,2b "With the wind and the rain in Terror Line-up For Penn State's Nittany L ion s Valerie, c '" '" 0 0 0 0 Of Opening Meet Trl1hn,ss your hair" could easily be the theme Tennis Fray trounced the Western Maryland Seible,lb 321 For Terror Team '" :Medlar,p of Western Maryland's spring ath- baseball team by the count of 10 1 1 letes, who, for the past three weeks Coach Frank Hurt's racqueteera to 2 yesterday at State College, With a new coach, new uniforms, have been unsuccessful in their at- will open a well-balanced eighteen Pennsylvania. Each team garn- and a large amount of new talent, the tempts to get into playing shape on game schedule Saturday by playing ered six hits, but errors by the Green and Gold track and field squad the diamond, cinder paths, fairways, host to a strong Western State Col- Terror infield allowed the Lions will engage in its first meet- of the and tennis courts. Unfavorable lege team from Kalamazoo, Michigan. to tally in four different innings, season tomorrow afternoon with weather, in addition to spring foot- Western Maryland's squad, led by while the losers scored only in the Washington College. ball, has put a crimp into Charlie Captain Will Prentiss, has been prac- first and sixth, Through rigid training and timely Havens' staff, whose schedules will ticing daily for several weeks in Gill A costly error in the final inning pointers, Dr. Nathan, who has become be humming in the next week or two. Gymnasium due to inclement weather spoiled Western Maryland's opening the track coach under the new pro- conditions. Although the outlook for baseball performance, the Terrors gram of spring sports, has moulded a Baseball the coming season is only fair, the bowing before an evenly matched potential track team. Time trials, Although the Terror nine drop- boys are eager to learn the finer Wesleyan nine, 3-2. to determine who will participate Despite the loss, the team showed ped its season opener to the wes- points of the game and a fine spirit promise and on the whole, Bruce Fer- est hit of the day. Western Mary- in the meet were held this afternoon. land tied it up in their half when leyan University tossers, their prevails. Among the opponents listed Smith walked, went to second on a The meet will be individualistic in the performance was far from dis- in a very tough schedule are New guson, new varsity mentor, seemed fact that both hurdle and relay couraging, York University, one of the stronger pleased with the initial game on Hoffa passed ball, and scored on the Con- events will be omitted. Dashes, dis- team's necticut Ferguson's Field. of Elmer choice only miscue of the In defeat, four men-three veter- teams in the country, University of Evans at third base, Francis Smith in game. tance runs, and weight events make ans and a newcomer-stood out. First Delaware, Catholic University, and Honeman's free pass to first, quick- up the card for the day. At present, of all, there was Doug Catington, who the Elkridge Country Club. the left field, and Ed Elder in the ly followed by Bills' double in the ance of sprinters there is an overabund- right field were the only changes from trying for positions; allowed only five safeties but was the Due to the loss of two of last year's last year's line-up. Marbury Linton third, put the Green and Gold ahead but with proper training, there is unfortunate victim of two misplays. and Doug Catington formed the bat- until the seventh when Wesleyan Then there was Marbury Linton, tery; Captain Bob Stropp, Kenny again tallied, krlotting the game at small doubt but that some of these whose two bingles were above batting Bills and Jack Ryan rounded out the 2-2. Their tally in the ninth on costly may be transformed into the weaker par for both aggregations, distance field. Led by Bill Robinson infield; and Don Honeman played the errors proved the margin of victory, and Jack Morris, both with fine rec- On the defensive side of the ledger, all-important center field post. although the losers did manage to fill ords in former meets, the sprinters Elmer Evans at third base, who was The visitors opened the scoring in the bases in the home half of the final include Bob Sorenson, a former Me- starting his second varsity contest, the second when Aaronson walked, frame. A quick double play, pitcher Donough flash, Teddy Jester, Frank showed up unusually fine as he then rode home on Jackson's triple to to home to first ended the rally and Mather, and Lou Williams, a return- handled six chances like a seasoned deep left field, the hardest and long- the ball game. ing veteran. performer. In the outer pastures, lit- The longer distance group are tle Don Honeman, whose steady play- Lindsay Chase, one of the best two ing has become an accepted fact, Interfraternity Softball milers in the state, Munroe 'I'own- flawlessly gathered in three difficult send and Bill Taylor, who are both fly balls and was on base three times "Sho'men", and used to running long for the Green and Gold. To Open Spring Sports distances on flat ground. Bert Jones, It was evident from the start Glenn Martin, and Tom O'Leary com- that the Terrors' chief fault was bine to finish out the distance roster, a deficiency of batting strength, Delta Pi Alpha, Defending Champions, Otts Bradley, a high jumper with a due mainly to a lack of practice. previous record of 5' 10" to his credit, The locals left nine men stranded Hardest Hit By Graduation; Black And can be counted on for points on Fri- on the base paths, while the New Whites Are Leading Contenders day, as can Ben Griffith who will be Englanders, who had won three COACH HAUSEHOLDER the Terrors' lone entry in the pole of their four games on this Weste-rnSuu;e College vault. Manny Kaplan, Frazier Scott, southern trip, were more success- The fraternities on the Hill, upon Stokes, Vincent, Hood, Bee, Beck, J. and Francis Cook are fighting it out ful in crossing the counting cor- stars, Harold Solomon and Alex Ran- returning from spring vacation, have C. Elliot, and Carnochan are all estab- for the javelin position. John Pirie, sone, there has been an open scramble focused their attentions on the cur- lished players and will be on hand to putting the shot and Cam Orlceke, among the candidates for five of the rent softball season which opens next cause plenty of trouble for the oppo- twirling the discus, will carry West- Track six places on the team, Captain Pren- Tuesday. Pre-season dope seems to sition. Several players of first string ern Maryland's hopes in the weight calibre and many there will be a repeti- indicate that reserves excellent tiss alone being a sure-fire starter: events. Tomorrow afternoon on Hoffa Five of the starters for the opening tion of last year's close race, which are to be found in the freshman ma- Field, Dr. Nathan wifl guide his match will be Harold Wright, Ted the Preachers copped by virtue of teriaJ on hand. thinly clads against the "Sho'men" Bowen, Gene Belt, Bo Baugher, and their defeat of the Black and Whites Similar to the situation of the from Washington College, who have Prentiss. The sixth starter will be se- in a play-off series. Preachers is that of the Bachelors. Have Your Films Developed been a power in Eastern track circles lected from the remaining candidates, New Faces In Preacher Line-up The latter club will present a lineup and Finished at for a number of years. Not too much Harold Phillips, Bill Baylies, Lenny A prospectus of the rosters of the of many new faces. At present, it The College Grill can be expected from the Terrors Bee, and Bill Anthony. The numbers pennant contenders shows that the looks as though the team will be built newly assembled squad, which in all of the men and the doubles partners around Windsor, Humphries, and hardest by probability will contain but two let- have not yet been announced. Preachers were The the defending hit cham- (Cont. on page 4, col. 2) graduation. termen, Coach Hurt made the statement pions have as a nucleus for the team H. E. REESE Things will be more or less bal- that the inability of Chuck Baker to but three returning veterans, Sam JOHN EVERHART TAILOR anced, however, because ex-Terror play has been felt considerably from Galbreath, John Tomlinson, and Bill CLEANING star Georgie Ekaitis is faced with a the coach down through the squad. He Robinson. Capable replacements, how- THE COLLEGE BARBER PRESSING similar situation. With only four was a bright prospect and his loss ever, will be found in a crew of fresh- AND BOBBER REPAIRING holdovers from last years' squad, the will hurt not a little. men led by Dumler, J. Robinson, AT THE FORKS 9( East Main Street problem of rebuilding has hit the Though little is known of the visit- Phillips, Smith, Baugher, -Blair, Scott, SUITS MADE TO MEASURE Chestertown c a ill pus also. Both ors' caliber of play, Coach Hause- Stewart, Workman, and Rawlins. squads will be saturated with fresh- holder has a reputation of producing Placing a veteran-studded team on men who will be making their inter- intercollegiate championship teams the field, the Black and Whites are collegiate debuts. and the Michigan sextet should be in confident of bettering their last year's Shop ... Comes spring and the perennial top shape as a result of a prolonged position of runner-up in the league. question "Will Western Mary- southern trip. Cummins, Kindley, Brooks, L. Elliot, land ever have a lacrosse team?" The fact of the matter is that ROSENSTOCK'S LADIES' SHOP Western Maryland at one time did have a team-and not a bad one at that. In a small college which numbers approximately two-hun- CarrollTheatre State Theatre For The Newest Things In dred and fifty men, it is difficult to find participants for a fifth in- Sportswear such as: tercollegiate spring sport. Thur. to Sat.; April 11th to 13th Thur. & Fri.; AprillJ and 12th But where there's a will there's a way. A group of about fifteen, all of Spencer Tracy, Walter Brennan, THE BLUEBIRD in Smart Spring Skirts that will go with whom have had various amounts of Robert Young, Nat Pendleton. TECHNICOLOR. Shirley Tem- high school experience are holding in- ple, Sybil Jason. your jackets $1.98 up formal practice sessions and under NORTHWEST PASSAGE, the leadership of Jack Doenges, hope Sat.; April 13th. to be able to meet some of the smaller Sweaters, Blouses. Sport Shirts colleges and clubs in this locality. DOUBLE FEATURE! in all the new colors More men are needed, so any of you Mon. & Tues.; April 15th and 16th Lulubelle & Scotty, The Kidood- $1.00 up who would like to try your hand at lera, Don Wilson, Texas Wander- the old Indian game, join in some af- S. S. VAN DINE'S ers. VILLAGE BARN DANCE. Make Rosenstock's Ladies' Shop ternoon. CALLING PHILO VANCE with and Bruce Cabot Your Headquarters {or SPORT OXFORDS MY SON IS GUILTY, James Stephenson, J. D. KATZ Margaret Stevenson There are brown & white, rubber sole oxfords in all widths QUALITY Mon. to Wed.; April 15 to 17th. $1.98 up SHOE REPAIRING Clark Gable, Joan Crawford Black & white, all white, and all styles Special Rates to Students Wed. to Sat.; April 17th to 20th STRANGE CARGO Dyeing a Specialty we will be selling at Mickey Rooney, Fay Bainter, Thurs. & Fri.;oAprilI8 and 19th Virginia Weidler, George Ban- THREE CHAIR SERVICE croft. George Raft, Jane Bryan, Hum- Rosenstock's Ladies' Shop No Waiting phrey Bogart. HEAGY BROTHERS' YOUNG TOM EDISON INVISIBLE STRIPES. 67 E, Main St. Westminster, Md. BARBER SHOP Next to Post Office
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