Page 50 - TheGoldBug1939-40
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PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md., April 11, 1940 The GOLD BUG Veronica Olga joined the Kompanek The family 1, 1918, way on December down in Hopewell, Virginia. She is DOGHOUSE the fourth of nine Kompaneks who Official student newspaper of Western Maryland College, have been living in Cumberland, published on Thursday, semi-monthly during October, No- Maryland for the past sixteen years. vember, February, March, April, May, and monthly dur- 'By Newton ing September, December, and January, by the students Attended Allegany High School in of Western Maryland College, Westminster, Maryland. Cumberland and participated in The arrival of a new regime in the Gold Bug Entered as second-class matter at the Westminster Post everything from the Women's Choral office should doubtlessly be the occasion for some Office, under the Act of March 3, 1879. group to the Alpha Delta Kappa, comment in this column. It is hard to treat the SUBSCRIPTION PRICK $1.50 A YEAR school dramatic society. Won a medal subject adequately but it is our desire to congrat- for excellence in debating. Was grad- ulate the new editor on his election and extend to 1939 Member 1940 uated with honors and presented with him wishes for success in his newly assumed du- (:I"ociated CoUeeiale Pre" the Alumnae Award for ranking first ties. in her class for four years. Recog- EDITORIAL BOARD nized as the "best all around school Jumpin' Jive EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Henry C. Triesler, '41 citizen" with the Welcome Home • Glenn Miller was in Baltimore on Monday night last. ASSOCIATE EDITORS Henry Holljes, '41 award. Got her start in journalism Meanwhile, the Junior Prom committee announces that Ruth Mansburger, '41 NEWS EDITOR __ __ __ Isaac Reher-t, '42 with work, on the school paper and due to an unforeseen circumstance they have been unable FEATURE EDITOR Lueie Leigh Barnes, '42 the year book. to secure Miller for the Prom. It seems that the orches- SPORTS EI)ITOR Willian) Robinson, '41 Devoted first year at Western tra has another engagement for this date, and further- Maryland to "orientation"; to getting VERONICA KOMPANEK more the committee reports some financial problem. 'We UPUUNn~ ~o.. NATIONA"A~V.~yl." ....... a start on the Gold Bltg. As a sopho- ecutive Committee of Tau Kappa have not been able to invcstigate this last angle but a NationalAdvertisingService,Inc. more served as Feature Editor, sang in Alpha for the local district. Had a good guess would be in order. Colles. Publishers R.fn"e ..... ,"'i<·~ the Women's Glee Club, and was invit- About that dance in Baltimore-c-the hall was packed and 42.0 "'Ae'90N AVE. NI
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