Page 31 - TheGoldBug1939-40
P. 31
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md., January 25, 1940 PAGE THREE Sports Carnival To Feature Basketball, Boxing Teams Faculty-Student Game Battling Stiff Odds LEAGUE STANDINGS Ping-Pong, Pool "AU LEAGUE L Boxing Team To .Terrors To Face Finals To Be I SH2~!py~~FF I Preachers. W Meet Bucknell Mounts In New Played Off There's plenty tosay, but not much Bachelors In Gill Gym Opportunity Black and Whites ... room to say it in. {H. H.) Gamma Bets. The ~nnual winter S?orts carni~al lea~: b~:~~:~al~~~~~r i~:~i~h:~t~~ "B" LEAGUE Having concluded the toughest Western Maryland's surprising bas- is shaping up as a thing of reaht;v I meets Mt. St. Mary's at Emmitsburg. w month of boxing against two of the ketball team faces its second straight now. Plans for the day are pra~b- A win there would raise the Terrors' Preachers. hardest foes on the Western Mary- league opponent tomorrow night when cally complete and the .events promise hopes fOI' the league crown consider- Bachelors. land College boxing schedule, the box- it meets the Mountaineers of Mt, St. to make a day that will be. talked of ably and with the long home stand Black and Whites .. ing team has begun to show definite Mary's up at Emmitsburg. The Green weeks a~ter,:ard. ~h~ thing about directly ahead, it might be a firm step Gamma Bets . 0 signs of improvement and possibili- Terrors are still attempting to cop the the car?lval IS that It IS .a day when toward the diadem. The Terrors figure "A" League Scoring Leaders ties of pulling out of a rut to finish league championship, and it looks as all s~;dles ;na~ be cast aside a~? even to win their league games here in Gill (Compiled by Lew Elliot, official its schedule with better results. Sev- if opportunities number two and three !~~ba~~n:~::~~~Swit~o:ow~~:ivi~::' Gym, and doing so would quite prob- league seorekeeper ) . eral of the fights against Navy were are on the way, as the Terrors meet ably put them on top or at least guar- G FP", close; and the cut over Bud Ricker'S Mt. St. Mary's and Washington Col- antee a tie for that position. Robinson, Preachers .. 12 o 24 eye prevented his boxing, compelling lege away within the next week. The The day will begin with a hike for The boxing boys haven't fared so Eckenrode, Coach Dr-tenai to send in Phil Adams, Mounts have a fine team and are everyone, weather permitting. Game well in their two meets with Penn Gamma Bets. 9 018 who had had little experience at the doing well for themselves so far, rooms will be opened early, and girls State and Navy, but i~rovements Day, Gamma Bets ... 7 216 time. However, Ricker is back on the thanks. The Sho'men have been beat- may enjoy the privilege of playing have and are still being made, and a Bee, Black & whites. .. 216 squad and will fight against Bucknell en by Loyola, but will probably make pool in the boys' game room without greatly improved squad should face Hood, Black & Whites 16 in Gill Gymnasium on February 3. an impressive thrust still for the fearing the student government. Bucknell here on the third of Febru- Elias, Bachelors 13 The constituency of the regular championship. Then, in the afternoon, there will be a ary. Myers, P., Bachelors ... 113 team is becoming more stabilized The Terrors had a nice little win- skating party at now frozen Cascade Second Half Approaches with only the 145 and 155 pound ning streak until Loyola toppled them Lake, the bus being furnished by the In a rough and tumble game, the classes open. Of these positions, Bill on Tuesday night, 50-36. They had college. The Preachers have copped the first Preachers "A" team upset the Bach- Hauff and Bill Vincent are out for the taken over Hopkins, Catholic U., and The first games of the second half half title in the inter-fraternity bas- elor quint to cop the first round bas- 145 pound class, and Ed Lewis and Drexel, the latter by an impressive of the inter-fraternity basketball ketball league, springing a surprise on ketball championship. The Bachelors Carl Van Hook are out for the 155. margin, 50-29, in the basketball in- tournament will be played during the most people, who thought that the placed second, while the Black and Coach Ortenzi is quite satisfied augural of Gill Gym on last Saturday day, as wifl finals in ping pong and Bachelors were still invincible. There Whites gained the third slot. with the prospect for his team. The night. That last game was the one in pool. is still a second half, however, and Starting out in the first round, the squad contains no seniors, only one which Don Honeman gained the plau- much can happen then that would junior, and seven sophomores. As the dits of the crowd with his nine field make the Preachers wish they were Bachelors defeated the Black and coach said, "We cannot hope to per- goals. Possibly the most sensational act of back in the first balf. Whites 30-13 in a well-played contest. form miracles on the team. Nothing Terrors Start Home Stand the mid-winter sports performance The winter sports carnival is the There was no individual scoring can take the place of ring experience." will occur in Gill Gymnasium some- chief feature,in the mid-year holiday Jeader, with Elias and Myers hitting Considering the fact that most of the Also in the next two weeks, the Ter- time in the afternoon when Dean next Wednesday, what ...vitb skating the cords for seven points apiece, boys had never worn boxing gloves rors return home for a nine-game Free will bring his "Faculty Cagers" parties, skiing, the faculty-a t u den t while Lewis and MacFarlane were before this year, the team has not home stand in Gill Gymnasium. The against a group of the men students. basketball game, the ping-pong and right behind with six markers. On done so badly. The boys are all first invader will be the powerful Bal- His team will not be a weak one, pool championships, and other out- the same day the Preachers tripped wei-king- very hard and conditioning timore U. team, which took the Ter- either. It sports such names as Bruce standing events. the Gamma Bets, 40-13, after launch- themselves as much as possible. By rors over the hurdles earlier in the Ferguson, Jack Lytton, Prof. Makos- , Sure disappointments for 1940: ing a strong first half attack, led by February 3, the date of the match season in a pre-Christmas game. ky, Tony Ortenai, Charlie Havens, War Admiral. Will Prentiss, Don Wildey, Jim Thom- with Bucknell, the team should be Meanwhile the frosh basketballers and Prof. Hurt, to say nothing of a The Red Sox. l as, and Bill Robinson. For the losers much better rounded off and should have a well-deserved rest until Feb- long list of eligibles. Pitt. Frank Day hung up six points to lead put up a much better showing then. ruary 6, when they play the Patterson A win for the students will not be his teammates. Boys Club of Baltimore here as a pre- an easy matter, however, because the Billy Conn. Frosh Box Plebes Page Three-Galley TWO lude to the varsity game with Balti- faculty will bring their own rules mo~:e"S~:~p!~sa~t!~:~,~ are several In ~;:a::C::d Ts:~~e:'i~~~ ~:!~e two The match with Bucknell will be a more. with them. That is, the student team clubs were victorious, the Bachelors home fight, the first to be held in Gill The box score of the Loyola game will be handicapped and the said winning from the Gamma Bets ina Gymnasium. It will also be the first follows: the date of the contest; so. it may be a Court Schedule hard-fought game, 20-16. MacFar- home fight since 1938, and a renewed LOYOLA G F Pts. handicap until will not be revealed interest in boxing is expected here. lane and Paul Myers again led the of- The freshman fensi case of I. Q. over brawn. A nnounce d lu;n::eea:~y AJ h G T II d Annapolis Saturday boxing team goes to F. Bock, F. . 3 3 1 0 7 6 le:d~ In ~~~ml:St~~wr~i~_ to fight at the Thobe, F. -- utes, Neil Eckenrode and Hank Holl- Naval Academy. The n-osh have a Cummings, F _.._ 3 7 January 31 was the day that "Jum- Girls' basketbal~ practice ~rmi- jes began to score, and at the closing good squad, and should show Navy a V. Bock, C 7 16 bo Jim" Elliot planned to be "pool nates next week with the selection of whistle, the Bachelors had a sfim good fight. Many Freshmen turned Barczak, G _ 2 1 5 champeen' of Western Maryland Col- teams in the various classes. An in- four-point lead. Delta Pi Alpha out after Coach Or tenet's request for McDonough, G 3 1 7 lege, but alas, his withdrawal from tra-mural tournament will then decide scored its second win as Captain freshmen boxers; and, although the Clancy, F 1 0 2 the tournament is now very probable. the women's basketball championship. Charlie Cole led his boys to a 17-12 boys have no exper-ience, they work And so it remains to Lou Elliot to The tentative schedule follows: victory. out conscientiously and are ambitious Totals ...... 22 6 50 uphold the pool supremacy of the El- Feb. 1 Sr. A vs. ~ Fr. A On Tuesday, in the climax game of to make good. liot family. 2 Sr. B Fr. B the season, the Preachers eked out a Surveying the prospects for the-Iu- WESTERN MARYLAND G 3 F 0 Pts. 6 Faw, F. Surprises of the tournaments so far 5 Jr. B Soph, B one-point victory over the Alpha ture, Coach Ortenat remarked that he Honeman, F 4 ·0 8 are the elimination of Willard Ever- Jr. A Soph. A Gamma Tau five. The winners start- has no fears and is confident that in Suffern, C. 3 4 10 ett by Frank Tarbutton, and the way Jr. C Fr. E ed out strong and ran up thirteen the near futUre the Western Mary- Biasi, G 3 6 "Bobo" Knepp gave way to Lou El- Sr. A Soph. A points in the first half, while the land boxing team will surprise the Stropp, G. . _ 3 6 liot. It does 'look like the champion- 9 Jr. B Fr. B Bachelors were held to one goal and Eastern intercollegiate boxing world ship match will be played by Lou " 12 Fr. C Fr. D two foul shots. It was a different with a rebirth of boxing ability and Totals 16 4 36 Elliot and Mike Petrucci, although 13 Jr. A Fr. A story during the remainder of the interest. Half-time score: Loyola 26, Wes- Frank Tarbutton and Ken Douglass " 14 Sr. B Soph. B fray, as the Bachelors stopped their The tentative line-ups for the Buck- tern Maryland 17. cannot be completely overlooked. Com- " Hi Fr. A Soph. A opponents co~d and came to within one nell match on Fcbruary 3 are: petition on the right side of the tour- " 16 Sr. A Jr. A point of tying the score. However, Joe Rouse 1201bs. nament would have been tougher had " 19 Sr. B Soph. B the Preachers were able to walk off Rip Hudson 1271bs. 1351bs. .F. X. Smith decided to get into " 20 Jr. C Fr. D with a 13-12 verdict. The defensive Bud Ricker ~:: ~~:: SPECIALS shape; however, he forfeited to "Jap" " 21 Jones, and Mike says he can beat " 22 ~:~. B ;::: ~ ~;~i~o~no:e:V~~~:~d:;~h~~:::ina~~ . ~~;l ~~~e~o~~!!l~~~:i~":' Jones left-handed. So it seems that " 23 Sr. B Jr. B victory. I Harry Baker 1651bs. • Jones' possibilities are already pre- " 26 Jr. C Fr. C In the final' game for the "B" John Pirie 1751bs. cludedl " 27 Fr. D Fr. E league title the Bachelors again miss-I Mike Petrucci Unlimited 1 Tube Colgates Shaving ed by one point, this time 11-10. Bill Cream 25c In either Gill or Blanche Ward College Girls Dumler with three goals and one foul PATRONIZE Gymnasium the finalists of the annual led the Delta Pi Alpha attack while OUR Second Tube for lc ping-pong tournament will meet to To Officiate Windsor with four points was high ADVERTISERS. Both for 26c man for the losers. decide the winners of the singles, doubles and mixed doubles groups. The Women's Physical Education THREE CHAIR SERVICE The singles tournament was diyided Department is sending physical edu- into two groups, the finalist of each cation students to officiate at the in- No Waiting Sqwbbs Dental Cream 40c group to play fOI' the championship. door athletic carnival to be held in HEAGY BROTHERS' The It seems that Carlton Radcliffe Van the Fifth Rcgiment Armory in Bal- BARBER SHOP Two Tubes for 59c Hook, Jr. will emcrge as a finalist on timore on Saturday, January 27. Next to Post Office one side and "Bo" Baugher on the The carnival is conducted for the Coffman -Fisher other. Van Hook has beaten Joe Baltimore City public schools in par- 75c NOXZEMA for 49c Rouse, Don Humphries, and Manny ticular, but schools from surrounding Kaplan, while Baugher has beaten counties are invited to participate. Smith & Reifsnider Company Vern Wiesand, Bill Dennis, and Ben There are about six ,thousand girls Griffith. Van Hook seems to be a sure partiCipating in the various games, Incorporated TEK TOOTH BRUSHES bet to end at least finalist, as the relays, and individual sports, with as DEPARTMENT ARE NOW 23c tougher competition has been swept many as ten to twenty events going LUMBER ._ COAL STORE aside on his side of the fence; yet c.n -at the same time. The meet runs Baugher has to eliminate Brady from 9:30 A. M. to 10:30 P, M. This Bounds before finals are a certainty necessitates calling on student offi- SASH, DOORS, BLINDS LARGE DESK BLOTTERS for him. cials from University of Maryland, GENERAL MILL WORK • FREE FOR THE ASKING Those left in the aoubles tourna- Towson, Frostburg, and Salisbury ment are Tomlinson and Bowen,·Brad- State Teachers Colleges, besides Wes- SLATE, CEMENT • ley and Shuck, Bounds and Van Hook, tern Maryland students. Baltimore & PLASTER Baugher and Blair, and Everett and City physical education teachers su- CI18se. Prediction of a winner pervise the student officials from the C. & P. Long Distance Phone 11 EAST MAIN ST. Bonsack Bros. would be a hard task as the only old different colleges. The training that 227 teams are Tomlinson-B 0 wen, and Western Maryland physical education ~ Phone 102 Chase-Everett, the other pairings be- students get counts toward practice WESTMINSTER, MD. WESTMINSTER, MD. ing newIYl.plade-.. teaching- credits in this field. "')
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