Page 26 - TheGoldBug1939-40
P. 26
PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md., January 11, 1940 i.=:::;;;'=;---=T::-:H~E -I I Letter To ThflEditor From the GOt DOG- days, we have decided to do some- HERMITAGE After not having eaten for three By Hank money and HOUSE thing about it. bought We have pooled our some nourishing food at the Grill. There's a lot to be said. Official student newspaper of Western Maryland College, published on Thurs- By Newton Seriously speaking though, we feel Ice, 'Vater, Snow: H.O day, semi-monthly during October, November, February, March, April, May, that something should be done about Slide off roof; and monthly during September, December, and January, by the students of Electric tie and pants pressers, the food in Western Maryland dining Western Maryland College, Westminster, Maryland. Entered as second-class hall. Don't we pay enough money to Sprightly now mist away from tea- matter at the Westminster Post Office, under the Act of March 3, 1879. hand-knitted scarfs and gloves, multi- be fed food we can eat and enjoy to kettle spout. SUBSCRIPTIONPRICE$1.50 A YEAR colored ties and socks, red suspenders Crisp willow stems; and garters are not the only hang- some extent? Thirty three cents a Hushingty lap along shores, .'~R.U"TOO FOR NAT'ONA!. AO,"un.,N,aciafed Colle6iafe Pre» only a curse to its owner and a few to the approximate amount of four Creep across continents; close friends who receive confidential hundred dollars our parents pay for Crystal house windows so children descriptions of its horrors. However, room and bcard ? We think that's may paint. EDITORIAL STAFF there is one holiday hangover, usually enough to provide us with at least Split rocks asunder; Editor-in-GhiBf . VERONICAKOMPANEK,'40 denied its proper recognition, which is passable food. Thunder rouguishly down gorge, Editor [or this isSil.e HENRYTRIESLER,'41 a disaster to the campus at large. The We also object to the amount of At dams hesitate-against power AS80cia.te Editors ..ALVINNEWTON,'40; PAULBURTIS,'40; HENRYHOLLJES,'41 curse thus referred to is the inex- starches we get-white bread, pota, wheels forge. [;:~l~f~~··~~:············~~··j~~~-~__-.~~~~~::·~~~i.·~ul;:~{Al~J~g:~: ::1 toes, beans-all in one awful meal. Blush in the sun; ~:~:ti!::r~~~!~y t~~ cl~::~e~:~e;a~V:i~~ We don't get enough fresh fruits and Linger on petals for posts to see. Assistant. SPlWts Editors RUTH FIELD,'40; WILLIAMRDBINSON,'41 existence on the Hill since the Christ- vegetables to maintain a decent health Drench all Earth; ~~~t!::tCOpii··Editor~··.·.········-.-.~-.-.K·ATii"E·Ri;..EKLIER;'40; KATHER~~:E;~~~,:!~mas vacation. standard. .. Rise over levies with ease; Proof Editor . HELENNEWMAN,'40 P. U. We have kept these objections to Flood valley homes-bring disease. :8sttan~~roaf Editor ------ ;········lLLEN ~rIPLEY, ;40 There have always been those indi- ourselves for three years, hoping that Float in the sky; T~r;::;:..Itm·s.. __._::jA~~I~~A~~~~~~~';~O~IZAI~E%~tEL~~~~~; ,;& viduals (Burtis and Mather far ex- the food would improve in time. We Warm radiators so tenants are gay. PATRICIAWHITE, '42; LAURETTAMCCUSKER,'42 ample) who have pursued gullible wouldn't mind a few bad meals, but Desert deserts. animals, men, trees; Flow through day after day, month in and month BUSINESS STAFF stooges all over the campus to force These are your works----even these. out the path to the grill grows more -H.H. gi~~~t:ti~t;fu%:;ll1:~····.·~·~~::~:~:~iA·R;-LOU·is·E·ASBURY>4·i~D~~~~DV~~~~~::.U I ~~~~1 ::n~i:t~; ~u::~p:v~:~:; ~a: "To the Hermitage: So please, we don't ask for fancy can escape such afftiction, but where food, but we do want some eatable, This is our stand, and we believe it Food---Again ?? quette books at strategic points, can u body turn when his friends, his digestible food for our four hundred will be supported by many other stu- room-mate, his room-mate's girl, the dents on the Hill, who, though per- but with a prayer for tact, this people at his dinner table, the couples dollars. haps not to so great an extent, the "You can please all of the peo- editorial chooses to make known in the reception room, and the lads in E. P. 'wasting' their talents without the ple some of the time; you can an undesirable condition exist- the Grill are all intent on passing on T. B. Hill'sbenefitting- immediately. please some of the people all of ing on this campus which can be the latest joke they have heard? We do not consider extra-curricular the time; but you can't please all remedied only by those individ- The most difficult type of joke to activities as unimportant (witness of the people all of the time." uals concerned. evade is the one which begins with a Switzerland track and debate), but we do hold that With this in mind, considera- Possibly a reprinting of the perfectly harmless question and gives they are less important than scholar- tion is once more given to an an- pages in the Women's Hand- the victim no clue as to what is to fol- b1l JANETMACVEAN ship and even less important than get- nual issue which is as much a book dealing with the uses of low. This type is illustrated by such ting enough recreation (etc!) to bal- part of college tradition as a McDaniel Ha~l Lounge would be as: "Is your face cold?" (It's not so We didn't climb an Alp, we didn't ance our heavy schedules. We don't chapel service. apropos. ThiS would, however, : hot either!) or "Does your face drift about Lake Geneva, we couldn't admit that we are unduly neglecting With the paraphrased quota- take up t~o much space. Your I hurt?" (It's killing me) or that old possibly see everything we wanted to extra-curricular activities, but, as- tion given above, the Gold Bug atte~tlOn IS .can~?, neverthele~s, favorite, "Do you know how to make see; but Geneva will remain to many suming that we were, we would pose takes its stand in the food gripe to Its avallablht~ for social a Venetian blind?" (answer supplied Of. the group w~ich I travel~d this queation-c-vwhat chance have we session-a stand in defense of even~s, club meetings, facu~ty upon request). This has been one of 'this summer a high pomt of the trlp. had to get into them?" 'Ve are now the dieticians, budgeters, cooks, meetings, debates, entertain- the most dominant types of the post-I A strange feeling of exultation ~eized enjoying our third year on the Hill, or any other body against whom ment of parents, etc. holiday season and promises to lead the whole group, weary from thirteen and, except for those activities in current criticism is being, in The tendency on the campus to some form of physical combat if it hours on the train and a ten-day con- which we have participated, we've many cases, unfairly directed. at present on the part of a num- is not suppressed in the near future. ference, and made us catch our breath found the following conditions to hold In the first place, it is to be bel' of students seems to be to- as we approached the dusk-veiled true. In each organization one small pointed out that as compared ward a lack of consideration for Quipsters mountains which gird Switzerland. group holds sway. That group has all with other colleges, Western tl:I~se other uses. This is at- The second type to be nominated - Our two and a half days were ta- authority; runs the show; has been Maryland has very reasonable tributed, moreover, to both men for permanent extermination is that ken up with visiting international elected in many cases through club board rates. Using $375.00 as and women. type in which ordinarily sensible re- headquarters of all sorts of organize- politics; and is so firmly entrenched the average cost for board for Too often have members of marks are! transformed into senseless tiona. We first visited the League of as to be practically irremovable. It each student, we might allow organizations and other individ- and inane nuisances by the rising in- Nations buildings-the Peace Palace claims, of course, that it comprises all half fOI' food and half for room. uals entered the lounge to be flection of the last word of the phrase. and the International Labor Organi- those who are willing to work. Most Counting seven months as the greeted by scornful glances. This type is not new. It began last aation building. We visited the head- times that is not the whole truth. length of the school year, we They wondered if they were not year with such questions as: "What quarters of the World's Y. M. C. A. Shall we who are not of the "inner have approximately 210 days. "rash intruders." From ap- do you do with a stiff, neck?" or and of the World's Y. W. C. A.-both circle" beg those who are to let us By a simple arithmetic process pearances one would think the "What are you going to do with the located in the building which was the play with your toys? What honor we find that about ninety cents room was for dates-c-and dates sugar, bowl?" This was bad enough, first headquarters of the League of lies in that?" is the amount on which each stu- alone. but now the trend has reached mo- Nations. One short hour for shop- (signed) dent is to be fed per day-ninety This editorial wishes only to i-onic extremes with persons (led by ping and off again to a school for stu- WILLARD F. EVERETT cents for three meals. These remind students of their own such as Anthony and Banks) who dents of foreign policy and economics LINDSAY CHASE statistics, although only approx- pride and self-respect, their re- whip out such annoying, absolutely from all over the world. This was a The major-ity does not make right imated, are a fail' indication of spect for the comfort of others, meaningless phr-ases as: "Have a po- special occasion and we were made nor wrong, the majority only rules. good management since it would their respect for the moral tate chip?" or "Please pass me a tea part of the party and were introduced be difficult to find at any other standards of the college, and bag!" or "Will you have some cream, to Sir Norman Angell, 1st, one of the Answers from the Muse institutions meals as good as the last, but not least, their respect cheese?" etc., etc. sponsors of the school. ones we are served at such a for common courtesy. It may be only the ugly disposition For you who would have your fling: cheap rate. If any member of The old flashlight era has of the writer, but we do wish the end Next day, despite the rain, we set "Oh, 'tis jesting, dancing, drinking the gripe association thinks that gone-but discretion is always were somewhere in sight. Otherwise ;~~:~~ t~e~~:r:~~: ~h::ee ~!~rn:~~ ~:~nO~~~eh::~~:,:e:~~::~~nc~~ver, he has a bettel' plan for ninety timely, . we may be forced to assume an air of Luther preached, at the original In- Oh they would be young forever: cents a day, let him submit superior indifference (like Holljes) ternational House (in our honor, the Think no more: 'tis only thinking it. Undoubtedly, the dieticians and then nobody would ever bother to cook had made her first doughnuts) ; Lays lads underground." would appreciate the informa- repeat a joke to ane, would he? and at the old city hall where the -from "XLIX" of A. E. Hous- tion. The Collegiate Review I Ah Childhood! Alabama case was settled. This first man's A Shropshire Lad. In the second place, no genius Forever one of the most unpleasant could possibly plan menus suited I By Associated Collegiate Press experiences of life (especially around council for international by arbitration I The European \Vars: hand called was an. oddly- "Amidst thy bowel' the tyrant's together to the tastes of about five hun-' dred or more individuals. It is Gallaudet College (Washington, D. !~~lU~~~is:i~l::rt:~~d;~~ti;:!1 w~eo~~~I :~~~::. bell cast, of all places, In Bal- An!S s;:;~lation saddens all thy possible, however, for some of C.) is the only college fOl"the deaf in those individuals to adjust their I the world. ~~~~ i~ae:Je~t:~ni:t~e~:e ,~~~~~~~:!~~I tiO~:lt~~d ~;~:s b;~I:~o~n~hi~sI;!;r~:~ Pri~~::n~d lords may flourish, or ~as~e~; ~fod rgan[ "of ~hem aI~ Almost totally blind since the age ing) with tales of the cute things one opposite of the Swiss white cross on a may fade; used to do and say .before one had de- red field. Some of us went to th!'!ex- A breath can make them, as a breath ~~:n t~~~l;p th~ir sdeli:a~e ~~~~s ~~ri;t~na aK:~~\~ ~:~~~~~o;~Ud~:!kh~~ veloped the mental acumen to behave hibition of paintings from the Pra- has made: t~ei;~~~s~:~es~ood served III Braille. in an acceptable manner, or else keep vado museum in Spain, sent to Ge- But a bold peasantry, their country's In the third place, granting Lafay~tte C.ollege is thc depasitory the family from finding out about it. neva far safety during the civil war, pride, that at times preparation of the of what IS believed to be the best pos- One of the gayest of these anecdotes and all of us felt the irony /of the When once destroyed, can never be food is not as choice as it might sible working collections of lnaterials was told in the -Weidersum household news that the sunken gardens were supplied." be, it still holds true that frank for the study of General Lafayette. when a member of the family discov- beings transformed to air-raid shel- -from Oliver Goldsmith's cred that a youth named Ridgely teJ"s. "Deserted Village" suggestion to those in charge or Miami University tests have proven investigation as to possible im- that men have more rhythm than wo- Fdedel had registered at W. M. C. as We saw Geneva throug]l a haze of Gusher provement takes precedence in a _.Freshman. Quote: "And just weariness, and Geneva was lovely in think, he used to push Elise around in our eyes. May she remain untouched Quite by accident F. M. Stone re- value of results achieved and at- Tpe average attendance at a col- her baby carriage." by present crisis, a stable center in ceived an offer from a driller down in titudes fostered over loud, de- Jege football game this year was O'" 1 the whirling desolation which has Texas to invest in some virgin oil land monstrative complaint. 22,133. S o II any Thlllgs . . . I overtaken much that we felt beauti- at two dollars pel' acre. Since that ... need to be written about, but ful. time P. Bechtel has been aoing his mi~~~~: a~rs~d~~rt~~ ~o~~ ~~: On the UniverSity of California's level best to buy a square foot of the tient, does not, in this case, ne- new geological clock, one second rep- indeed the space and courage is lack- ~~~:t:'), {~~'hO~:th~~ d~i~~~~~O:;:~i cessitate being a martyr. It resents the passage af 50,000 years. ~~~n;;I:ow:07v~S~f\:;e;:rt~!C~im:~:' .- " -. does necessitate, however, a lit- The University of North Dakota mention: that you could have two or three wells tIe less griping and a little more has 33 nationalities represented in its . ways and means of getting llllliti1 §l1mpati1Y upon one square foot, (unquote) . reflective thinking. student body. votes in Western Maryland dec- brain has been discovered by Cornell I tians, concluding with some advice Western Maryland College, the LiI' Sister says On behalf of the students of A direct connection between intel- as to how the ballot box may be ligence and electrical conditions in the women are Some people say that Lights Out??? stuffed without notice; Gold Bug extends sympathy to like street cars, that they'll be anothel' University scientists. . . or tell how Dudley (football II one along in ten minutes. If this is We could request a return en- The University of Michigan has one '39) played the role of Santa Claus Col. T. K. Harrison upon the re- sa, it seems to me that you should gagement for Mrs. Grace Sloan of the two largest specimens in the in the annual Sunday School party; cent death of his wife. wait for them as you do for street Overton, or we could place eti- world of pallasite meteoritc. (Continued on Page 4, Col. 3) i L. _; ---l cars-in the safety zone.
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