Page 30 - TheGoldBug1939-40
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PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md., January 25, 1940 Home Economics The Editor From the Students Hear HERMITAGE The following is not intended to be By Hank Vocational Talks a mar-tyr-like plea for courtesy. In- stead, it is intended to be a mere statement of fact concerning the bar- Mrs. Mildred Drury and Miss Cath- gain sale rush which the average Let's look at man for a moment, arine Leamy, of the Maryland State Western Maryland student and fac- Official student newspaper of Western Maryland College, published on Thurs- the he of the human race. We rest Department of Public Health, lec- day, semi-monthly during October, November, February, March, April, May, tured yesterday evening and this ulty member encounters quite fre- and monthly during September, December, and January, by the students of with a word from Mrs. Allonby of quently after dinner at the door of Western Maryland College, Westminster, Maryland. Entered as second-class Oscar Widle's creation: morning before the home economics the post-office. Some of the members matter at the Westminster Post Office, under the Act of March 3, 1879. "Man, poor, awkward, reliable, nec- students. Their lectures were the of the student body may regard this SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $1.50 A YEAR essary man belongs to a sex that has first in a series to he given on vcca- bit of "after dinner exercise" as a been rational for millions and millions ,tional opportunities in the field of "~PUSUNTBO .OR NAT'ON...L ...OVUT'g' .... GT pre-requisite for a long, hard evening NationalAdvertisingService,Inc. 1939 Member 1940 of years. He can't help himself. It home economics. and Miss Leamy re- of study. Others seem to take a vi- Mrs. Drury The History of Woman Col/ege Publish"" Rep~e,e"I"';ve ~h,ocialed CoUe!liale Pre» is his race. different. We have always viewed the numerous positions avail- cious sort of pleasure in despoiling is very been picturesque protests against the able in Public Health work and stated white saddle shoes, placing their el- mere existence of common sense. We the requirements that must be met bows in their neighbor's eye, or EDITORIAL STAFF saw its dangers from the first."-and by each person in order to enter this Editor-in-Chinf .__ ._._.._.._VERONICAKOMPANEK,'40 a little later on, service. trampling, with a sort of maniacal Associa.te EditO'T"s..ALVINNEWTON,'40; PAULBURTIS,'40; HENRYHOLLJES,'41 The next lecture in this series will glee, on the heels of the person in lIfanagirfg EditO'T" HENRYTRIESLER,'41 "The Ideal Man 1 Oh, the Ideal front of them. News EditO'T"s.... . ISAACREHERT,'42; RUTH MANSBERCER,'41 Man should talk to us as if we were deal with home demonstration work Sports EditO'T" . L. CARLE:r'ONGOODEN,'40 goddesses, and treat us as if we were as a vocation. Western Marylanders are not a col- Assistant SPO'T"ts Editors ._ RUTH FIELD,'40; WILLIAMROBINSON,'41 children. He should refuse all of our =======,;",== ony of midgets. As a result, those Copy Ed-itO'T" SUE PmCE, '40 AS8istant Copy Editors. KATHERINEKLIER,'40; .KATHERINEBERRY,'40 serious requests, and gratify every Your Ears and Mine unlucky persons who are below aver- Pl·vof EditO-I" . . HELEN NEWMAN,'40 -: z: s~~je~~e~~f:~ age size and weight go in or out of As8istant Proof Editors. :.... THELMABOWEN,'41; ELLEN SHIPLEY,'40 z;: O:s0: ~:~~~~ap~::~O~~dd e~~;~~d st~:n~a~~:d the post-office as the crowd wishes. Feature Edito'J"s . EDITII RITCHIE,'40; SIDNEYMANSCll, '41 ue to have missions. He should ai-I seems to be ever near us yet never Typists .. . JANE FRALEY,'42; ELIZABETHELLWEIN,'42 If you would ask them, they will tell PATRICIAWHITE, '42 ways say much more than he means, with us; that is the text delivered at and ~!ways mean '!luch more then he each Sunday Chapel service. In the you that no letter is worth the phy- sical torture they endure. Seriously, Buzines8 lIlanager ._~~.~~.~.~.~~ ~.:AFF.. EDWARDWEANT, '41 says. 'Campus He' 6ri.n~:Il;~a~eiS ~:i~~tae;~r::hi:e;~~ though, it is definitely up to the stu- Ci?·culation Ma1!(lge)·s . _ MARYLomSE ASBURY,'41; BILL VINCENT,'42! Students don't take enough inter- his power to bring his evening mea- dent to see the need for the expendi- RcpOrt6rs Cont?-ibuting to this 188«.0 .Jeennette Brannock, '41; Mary est in polities today-don't they? Is sage to an interested audience by ture of more 'brain power (Yes, cour- Ann Hassenplug, '43; Betty Handy, '41; Jane Gilchrist, '40 this said meaning all students, or making his words so truthful that no docs it mean those who are of voting ear can turn away. Conscience, tesy to you) and less physical energy age 1 And by politics do you mean morals, God--discussed, not preached when entering or leaving any building Liberal Culture Valete that conflict between the national -poignant forces of every man- on the campus. for the power of holding all parties these words are not being wasted on the offices in the government? Do our ears-let UB hope. "Liberal culture education To a man whose cordial you mean affairs of the people-r-ef- knows no east or west, or north friendliness, cooperative spirit, fairs of the government ? Does a stu- On Dining Alumni Banquet' or south, and embraces all faiths and military dignity have won' dent have any time for any of these Miss Tweed, newly installed dieti- and all creeds, and seeks but one him the admiration of the Hill- things 1 Remember that a student cian, promises better meals-and end-s-the giving of equal oppm·- To a man whose character, of any college is a member of the col- they seem so. In one item, however, On Friday night, February 16, the tunities in cultural education to attitudes, and ideals hace been lege community. Are not many of she is mistaken we believe. Replying annual Western Maryland College all children of the 1·emtbHc who worthy of the praise they re- the factors which make up politics to Mr. Burtis's request that wine be Alumni Banquet will be held in the come within its reach and are ceive- present, in miniature, on every cam- served in the dining hall with meals, Rainbow Grill of the Rockefeller able to take 'what it offers." To a man whose departure pus of the country 1 A college usual- she stated custom hereabouts she forbade Center Building in New York City. such a practice. ain't Maybe -President Albert Norman from the Hill leaves a place ly provides enough work and enough heard about the whinin' that goes on Tickets for the occasion may be Ward. that will be difficult to fill- pclrticaliact.ivi ty for our students. If up here all the time--and if she purchased from Col. T. K. Harrison, To a man whose acquaintance These are the words of a man is something to be sought, whose a student is to do all of his work suc- hasn't we think she's lucky. secretary of the Alumni Association. cf vision and a man of action, interest is to be appreciated, and cessfully, how is he to take more in- and the words of a president of whose friendship is to be val- terest in state and national affairs 1 Western Maryland College who Also how can he take the proper in- will not be forgotten as long as ued- To Major Tryon M. Shepherd terest in the affairs of his campus? THE DOGHOUSE What time does a college student the college shall stand. Men of we say "Au Revoir" with best have for 'politics, except those of his vision believe as Dr. Ward be- wishes for success and happi- campus 1 Big games on Saturday; a By ALVIN NEWTON lieved. If President Ward could ness for himself and his family. blonde beside him in Economics class According to the score, Western Maryland lost a boxing match with Na'vy know that the college was true on last Saturday night. This occasion was the first time that we have had to his statement-was an expo- with skirts too short abrupts his at- the opportunity to observe a boxing match, and we were particularly im- nent of liberal culture as he tention in the' lesson; Adam Swing pressed with two things: 1) the amount of sportsmanship shown by the thought of it-his peace would QUOTE BOX and his famous trumpeteers invade members of the team who really did their best, but lost the decision (notably be even greater than it is. learning's domicile each week-end; Harry Baker and Mike Petrucci) and, 2) the appreciation that is deserved by That end has not been achiev- Engineering students are famous ~:~e~:itiak~re:~;e: !~~::~:;rtr;an:~ these fellows who serve their school, frequently unpraiaed, with so loyal a ed. As far as the faculty and for their mathematical approach to all until "next week"--or the roommate's spirit. curricula end Of the college is ~~~:::o;:f i~~:e~~~:iV:~Si:~ce;~ . o. a. o. has the roommate on the ropes If you are picking yourH:!~~:;:rly over the ice between Science concerned, progress is being made; but as far as the student tion. They've started a move to pub- ::~~r:~ ,:us!::a~oa!~~t ~t~dT:u~~e~~7~ and Lewis Halls some morning, and suddenly look up to be startled by body part of the college is con- ::l~~fe~~~::,o! ~!~tjO~~:tu~~~lb!ta!~i~; member of the body politique, his :'r~::!s~o;~:;;S~o!tio~ :~:~~ d:;ps:~~r o~';:~ ·e~::~s ~:~e:,ev~~;!: cerned, the liberal culture is be- ing misinterpreted. A college and number all wise-cracks and fa- ~e:wS:r:pe~s:e~ls,~,i:~:~t ~~~~~gm~;~ leads one to conclude tlJat !\fr. Darwin could not have been too far wrong can offer all sorts of courses, its ~~t;~~ere~:~~esforOfth:h;rofe:~a~:gt~e:~ league, and what's happening to Lil' in certain of his conclusio~ ~;~;::~a;i!!:: origin of the species. catalogue may describe its beau- tiful location and facilities; and it will be a time-saver for all con- ~o~:::n~n i~t:I~:;i~n st;~i:icsH~:a:h: We predict that if. the difficulty of taking the 1"011in Chapel continues to its faculty may be of a distin- ~;i;~:~~l"~~~~~v:h:h:u::~ebe~r~~e~~:~; campus. He's more interested in de- ~:~~~eset:\::; ;:~a!ne~~en~:~~:r:::e~~~:~t~~d~~nt7t apnr~s!~:~~sa;~!a~: guished rank. The giving of equal opportunities in cultural jokes when they feel the moment has ~~~~!~i~~ !~~~~~,se,~~:h~ ~:~i::;~: that one-third of the stUdents are in the balcony-with friends, another third education still rests with the arrived to spice their lectures with a is home or at the Naval Acsdemy for the week-end, and the final third has students. touch of levity. ~~d:;~:~~:ei~:e;:~~~~:~J :::~~ been unable to find its proper seats due to the absence of the first two-thirds. -Associate College Press. In the future it might be well to seat the regular students in the balcony, and A disorganized student body: started this mess of a system any- invite the faculty and visitors to occupy the seats on the first floor. one in which cheating is ram- Among the latest improvements to way1"; not until he feels the need for Famine Ended! pant, where the rights of the in- be found in the new dining hall at the hoeing his own row will he be com- A fur· lined laurel wreath is hereby awarded to those pioneering stu- dividual are above the good of University of Not·th Carolina is the pletely in a position to find real in- dents who took action on the dining hall problem, and have had their the society, where the minimum accoustical treatment of the building. terest in politics. efforts rewarded by noticeable improvement in the menu. Several times essentials are the goal of too The ceilings are all of acoustic-cela- I this week we can honestly say that we have enjoyed a meal in the Dining many, where whispering cam- tex, a perforated fiber material with The Euro:a~~:a~:POINT Hall, and, please, dear powers tlJat be, may the sun continue to shine on paigns and "back to back" con- a soft base that is supposed to sbsorb, thy humb·le subjects. Thanks to the committee for the quiet. unobjection- versations are prevalent, where reduce, and soften all noise. Other .sa~~~::aon! t;:a~ig~et~Ui~: o~~:r~~~~ j able, sensible way in which they handled the affair, and to the administra- a "let George do it" attitUde C::d~~ reigns, and where race and ~~~t~::~ \::~h~~~ ;~~':f:a~~~tedi~:~~ them to be granted, but for the peace !:;e m~m~;s p:!:~s:efne;:.:~~n~::~allI~:u~;I~b~e:s::~:i;::, creed as well as "kind of cloth on ly to a refrigerated garbage room of the world they must be considered seriously the problem of table manners. the back" are evidence for dis- crimination-(too often thecas- ~~;::~~il~d~::~~s~;~i,s an~o:~ot~:~ :it:i~~~lt~:o::c::~o~~:e~~n~~~ioi~ Messrs. Eberoad, Hump~n"e:r~::or:~o~o. met with disaster on the es against our school's liberal- room for sterilizing the cans. ~~~lth:ovoen~:~:c;~::rs:t~~:c~~nj~em journey to Reisterstown last week, and there are many of us who too have ism on the part of its students) -abates liberalism. But to be Rememberin-;::: f~:::r ~::h:~~i_ -Archibald Cary Coolidge. ~:;,:~:~~~:~~:r~~;:l ~os;:~:no:~~~e~~:' fl;: s~~:~~~;:!c;~S~~~gRSO~;:::~~; organized the students must vals, we note with sympathy this com- S~?~~:hn;:~~rican society consists evangelism in the cause of establishing a college "Ski Patrol" is in any way first be reconciled with learning, :~~t:;.~m'The Juniatian of Hunting- simply of all the good women and ~~e::~~:~:rh:: ::::i~~t::bi~; :~:e :;a;:e o:a~~~~:~::t~~~ns~~~a!~c:t~~: that is, in the case before us, es- ~;:::0;:;::~!;:1~:,t~;~:£:t:~:~;~::::::':::::~' i~~:~~U~ir;; :~\~:':~e::~~;:::::'ingfi"t,w~~::t;::~UCh""u,"g,m,,'toadvo~", sentially a cooperative move- ment on the part of all the stu- dents with the faculty. Inner warrant good ice skating. What hap- th~~~:c:~;p:~rt:; i!~%Oo:: ~~t!::B~~ ! Confucianism invades the campus! Its disciples are now propogating harmony will only come after !~; the demons of mistrust, slander, i~:~e: !~ :~~::~:~sa~a~ ~:::g~~mUe; ing than it really was." .c~u.~~ ~:e :.e:s~erO~t ::m:;;:~p~:~:!~;~ha~e~;n~:!~~~::n::e::~ and ignorance (in this case the oh, so many years ago 1 -Theodore Dreiser. I without succumbing to the local dementia. acceptance of gossip without From The Carolinian comes this, The Day of Recko"ning substantial proof) have been "Floral arrangements in tune with the Lit' Sister Says This particular season of the year, with the end of the semester rapidly dispelled and eradicated forever season are becoming a tradition at approaching, is the occasion for the rejuvenation of all the stock expressions from the green and gold terrac- the Women's College library. Did "It Beems SO?ne fellowB aron't C07!.- which are used to deride the methods employed by those who hand out the es. "Nobody has a right nowa- you notice the clever Thanksgiving tent with, ha.-ving tkcir girl friend grades. Some faculty members come right out and say they wish they didn't small pumpkin with the days to retire to the ivory tower. design-the red berries peeping out of it !wld thct"r kand--some of tkem have to give any marks (we do too, I guess), others admit the use of some such their glovea w tossing procedure, while others leave us entirely in the oven give the girl bright device as the transom We must all be world conscious, on the front desk 1" I keep warm for them O'Vernight. 1 dark as to how it is done. We sometimes wonder what we would .do if we had socially minded, actively aware We wonder what appropriate flow- those bOYB aro just too wild I to evaluate the work of a number of persons, with whom we were only super- of what is going on and trying ers they are using now, and we sug-I gUOS8 th61lre just ficially acquainted, and whose real worth may be anything but what we think and wooley-----Qr maybe to do something about it." gest either snowballs or refrigerator not kanulsfYtM." it is. At best it would be a trying situation, and we sympathise with the un- (N. Y. Times of Feb. 28, 1939) flowers. '- , I fortunate victims of the system, on both the giving and the receiving end.
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