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L1br~ry Western Maryland College Viestminster, Md. E DITORIALS: COL F EATURES • Whose Fault? • Quote Box Commendation • • W.M.C.'/JA.B.C.'B • TIw H6'1'mitage Z286 Vol. 17, No.9 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. February 8, 1940 Debaters Open Open Letter To The.Men Female Superiority Shown Season With And Other Male Students By Dean's List Statistics Jersey Trip Much criticism is being directed at the administration of the men's student government-and rightfully so! Yet most of this Women's Ratio Over Twenty-five criticism is in the form of idle scoffing. The scoffers merely scoff Freshman Class and make no constructive attempts to improve the situation. I This Debates Complete type of criticism, needless to say, effects nothing. "- To Organize Consistently Student government is, and has to be, more than a one-man, 1940 Schedule or two-man, or three-man program. For it to be effective, the In-, terested support of a majority of the men is indispensable. At the All members of the freshman, Above Men's With a trip through New Jersey Jast announced meeting of the Men's Student League, only ten class are to meet in Smith Hall on this week, during which debates were men were present, including but three council members. So far Friday, February 9th, immediately held with Rutgers University, Upsala this year, the men as a whole have not exhibited enough cooperative after lunch, for the purpose of or- Statistics concerning the numbers College, and St. Peter's College, West- fair play to make possible a decent program. ganizing their class. Chief item of of men and women who have ranked ern Maryland varsity debaters have Most of the members on the council have not lived up to their business wilJ be the nomination of on the dean's list during the past five opened their 1940 season for which obligations. The few council members who have taken their duties candidates for the offices of presi- semesters indicate either that the in- more than twenty-five debates have seriously have been subjected to unmerciful' ridicule, no little por- dent, vice-president, secretary, and telligence of"" women at Western been scheduled. tion of it coming from some of their fellow council members. treasurer. Nominations will be by Maryland College is far above that of Alvin Newton and Edward Thomas Meanwhile, life on the campus is made miserable by such secret ballot. The three persons men or that the women do more will return tomorrow from the New groups as the midnight roisterers, the dining hall hogs, the over- receiving the greatest numbers of studying than the men. Jersey trip on which they debated coat thieves, the canned beer marksmen in the new dormitory, who nominations for each office will be· Although more seniors made the beth sides of the two questions being litter the lawn with their empty projectiles, and the McKinstry come the candidates. Elections dean's list this semester than last, the used this year, namely: Resolved, that Hall band of drunken rowdies, who dismantle the washrooms, will be held by secret ballot during number of men making the list de- the United States should adopt a pol- vomit in the halls, and make bonfires in the wash basins. the assembly period on Thursday, creased by fifty per cent-. Exactly icy of complete military and economic There are at least twenty men on this campus who are nothing February 15th. Mr. Edward Me- the same number of persons are on isolation toward all nations involved but a detriment to the college. Western Maryland would benefit by Laughlin, as President of the Men's the junior list as were last semester. in international or civil conflict out- a tremendous purge of this element-if its finances would permit. Student Government, will act as The ratio of men making the list side the Western Hemisphere; and Since they don't permit, it is imperative that we have a strong stu- chairman of the meeting. !\fiss was only nine pel' cent of the total Resolved, that the basic blame for the dent government to make life bearable for the decent people on Fllanehe Scott, as President of the number in the class. About twenty- present European war rests upon the this campus. For this men are needed-at least one-hundred-fifty Women's Student Government, will eight per cent of the women were allied powers. decent, aggressive MEN who wish to see life on the campus rise serve as secretary. represented on the list. In the junior Two Extended Tours Planned above the high school level and who are willing to do their part to class the percentage of men making Besides this week's trip, the season vitalize the men's student government-program. the list was approximately the same includes two other extended tours. There will be a meeting in Smith Hall on Monday evening, as that of the senior class. Approxi- Next week a team will be sent February 12th, at 10 P. M., sharp. All MEN come out! Let's have Professor Closes mately seventeen per cent of the through central and eastern Pennsyl- junior women are on the list. vania to debate Albright College, a showdown.! (signed) Concert Series Comparative Statistics Muhlenberg- College, Ursinus College, S. MCLAUGHLIN, President, Comparing the number of people EDWARD and Dickinson College, concluding the Men's Student Council. Tomorrow Night who made the list with the number trip with participation in the Ship- who made it in previous years we pensburg Tournament on February Smith Hall Scene Of find: During the first semester of 17. A second trip through Pennsyl- Piano Recital By 1937_1938, 8 senior and junior men vania will be made in March. Cadet Officers Ballet Authority Mr. Spangler plus 12 senior and 10 junior women; On February 15, a debate will be second semester, 12 women in each held here at Westminster with the Give Banquet To Present Dance western Maryland music lovers class, and 11 senior and 8 junior men. Ursinus College women's team. On will again hear Professor Oliver For the first semester of 1938-39 the seventeenth a dual debate will For Shepherd Techniques Spangler in a concert of piano sonat- there were 10 senior and 6 junior take place with Mount Saint Mary's as, preludes, and rhapsodies when he women, 8 senior and 5 junior men; in which Western Maryland will sup- Military Professor, Who Educational Values Of gives his annual concert tomorrow second semester there were 18 senior port the affirmative here at West- Leaves February 15, Is , "The Dance Emphasized evening at eight o'clock in Smith and 16 junior women, 11 senior and minster and the negative in a radio By Martha Hip Hall. 10 junior men. During the past se- debate over Station WJEJ in Hag- Given Farewell Mr. Spangler's program will con- mester, 14 senior and 13 junior wom- nrstown at 7.30 P. M. clude the series of recitals which he en, 10 senior and 7 junior men were Nine Men On Varsity Team Major Tryon M. Shepherd was Techniques of the dance will be has been giving in different cities dur- on the list. For the corning semester Besides Mr. Newton and Mr. guest of honor at a farewell ban- presented by Miss Martha Hill, one ing the past month. His sertes in- 20 senior and 14 junior women will be Thomas, the varsity teams are com- quet given by the Officers Club last of the country's leading authorities cluded recitals in Harrisburg, Penn- represented. There will be 5 senior posed of Raymond Myers, Paul Al- night at the City Restaurant. Fifty on ballet, when with her accompanist, sylvania and at the Peabody Conser- and 6 junior men. elyunas, Andrew Bohle, Paul Cum- junior and senior R. O. T. C. officers Norman Lloyd, a composer, she comes vatory in Baltimore. In this last con- Throughout the years there nave mins, Willard Everett, Richard Ba- attended the affair to bid a final fare- to the campus Wednesday, February cert he will repeat the selections been less men represented on the list kel', and Alfred Diener. well to Major Shepherd, who leaves 14, for a two-and-a-half days' visit. which he played on the earlier pro- than there have been women. One The teams are coached by Profess- the college on February 15 to take up Director Of Dance School '-.. grams. contributing factor is that there are or John D. Makosky and are managed his duties as post quartermaster at Program Listed less men in the student body than by Veronica Kompanek. Madison Barracks, New York. As director of the Bennington The program is as follows: women. Debates scheduled thus far are as Major Percy L. Sadler, P. M. S. School of the Dance and as an ad- Two Sonatas- Scarlatti-Tausig Another point that the survey em- follows: and T., presented to the officers the viset- to dance majors in the New G Minor phasized was, the consistency between I:;ebruary: new assistant professor who is taking York University School of Education, F Minor the number of juniors on the list with 13 Albright College Away Major Shepherd's place, Major Ed- Miss Hill emphasizes the fact that the is Three three-part Inventions Bach the number of seniors. dance to education of the value 14 Muhlenberg College Away ward H. Connor, Infantry. C Minor Dean's List (Continued on Page 4, Column 1) Sergeant Lavin acted as toastmas- measured by the extent to which the E Flat Major The lists are as follows: to incorporate are prepared ter for the dinner and introduced Ma- students in their everyday lives. In E Major Senior Men: Clarence Beard, Ho- the art Science Students jor Shepherd, who spoke briefly. Walters, her lectures she strives to show the Sonata in C Preludes Mozart mer Elseroad, Malcolm Kullmar, Ed- Chopin Twenty-four Robert Cadet Captain ward McLaughlin, George Myers. Organize Frat president of the Officers Club, pre- importance of this medium of expres- Prelude in C Prokofieff . Senior 'Women: Helen Armacost, sion as a legitimate factor in a liberal Rhapsody in F Sharp Major sented to Major Shepherd a fitted arts education. Dohnanyi Catherine Barker, Ethel' Barnes, Chemists And Physicists traveling kit as a gift of appreciation Mr. Lloyd was a member of the 01'- Although Mr. Spangler has a full Katherine Berry, Jean Cairnes, Kath- Merge Interests In from the cadet officers. iginal faculty of ~ennington School- teaching schedule, he has appeared ryn Cochrane, Ruth Field, Regina Guests at the affair included Major Mabel Fowler, Beulah Alpha Delta Lambda T. M. Shepherd, Major P. L. Sadler, of the Dance. He IS now on the fac- • frequently on Smith Hall stage as Fitzgerald, Catherine J ockel, Katherine Griffin, piano soloist and as accompanist Interest in extra-curricular scien- Major E. H. Connor, Sergeant T. J. ulties of Sarah ~awr~nce College and voice and violin soloists. for Klier, Veronica Kompanek, Marianna Mr. New Untverstty. York Lloyd tific work has brought about the or-- Lavin, Sergeant G. J. Junior, and presents his music not merely as a Lee Long, Margaret Quarles, Edith ganization of a new scientific frater- Lieut. Anthony Ortenzi. means of self-expression but as a Ritchie, Jean Lynn Scott, Carolyn nity, Alpha Delta Lambda. mode of communication. Max von Schlegel! Smith, Eleanor Wheeler, Virginia Lee The source of this organization is Willing. what was formerly the Chemists' Dean Appoints To Talk At Thursday Assembly To Address I. R. C. Junior Men: Benjamin Allnutt, Club. The Monday morning assembly Theodore Bowen, Willard Everett, Under the new constitution any O'Leary to Men's period of this week will be postponed Max von Schlegell of Baltimore, a Arnold Fleagle, Sidney Mansh, Ed- or physics may become Student Council student on the Hill who is interested until Thursday, the fifteenth, so that representative of the Foreign Policy win Reter, in chemistry Miss Hill can address the group. It Association, will speak at the regular (Continued on Page 4, Column 1) an active member of the fraternity. is expected that she will explain the meeting of the International Relations The new constitution was formally Dean L. Forrest Free, acting in ac- program for the balance of the week. Club in McDaniel Hall Lounge at adopted at a meet~ng Tuesday, Feb- ccrdance with the provision of the Dean Schofield has announced that 6.45 P. M., Monday, February 12. Mr. Assembly Speaker be on ruary 6, when elections also were held men's student government eonstitu- Miss Hill's and Mr. Lloyd's classes von SchJegell's address will European College President for the second semester. rlon now in operation, appointed Mr. will be based upon these general top- some phase of the present Willard Everett was elected presi- Thomas O'Leary to serve as the Ics which may be adapted to suit 10- situation. The club invites the fac- dent; Catherine Barker, vice - presi- freshman representative on the Stu- cal needs: techniques of dance move- ulty and student body to attend the Dr. Gilbert W. Mead, president of dent and treasurer; and Eleanor dent Council until the current term of ment, dance composition, movement meeting. Washington College in Chestertown, Wheeler, secretary. the representatives expires next May. for the actor and dramatic director, A short business meeting will pre- will be the guest speaker in the as- At this meeting the retiring presi- Mr. O'Leary was on the Student music for the dance, keyboard im- cede the speech. At this time plans sembly Monday, February 19. dent, Kermit Beyard, reviewed some Advisory Council and president of his provisatton, and composition. will be discussed for increasing the Dr. Mead, who has taught in many of the recent advances in science, es- home class room at City College, Bal- Conferences with the faculty and membership and for making the club's schools, including Columbia Univer- pecially as they apply to everyday timore. He is a member of Delta Pi with students have been suggested by work a more integral part of the en- sity, assumed the presidency of Wash- life. Alpba fraternity. ! Miss Hill and Mr. Lloyd. joyment of each member. ington College in 1933.
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