Page 28 - TheGoldBug1939-40
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FOUR The Gold Bug, Western 11, 1940 Outdoor Club THE DOGHOUSE Prof. Spangler' Meeting Tomorrow CALENDAR INTRAMURAL January 11 (Continued from Page 2, Col. 3) (Continued from Page 3) Begins Series At a meeting of the Outdoor Club Art Club, McDaniel Lounge, 6:30 · .. or describe in detail the ex- eX!!~I:n~h~~~~r~:~~ltj!~e~;:I::~vO~;::,~Of Recitals in Room 22, Science Hall, immediate- P. M. , .. perience of riding in the new HoB- ly after lunch tomorrow, plans will January 12 [es Iirnoustne ; nasium offers. Equipment for nearly I -- be made for skating, hiking or sled- Sunday School Party, McDaniel · .. or to print the complete para. :~~i:;~~~ra:P::~di,Ss:hs~~!~n~:S!:~~pr~;.g6~~~::;p:e:~~:ro:f~i::~::~~~l:~ Lounge, 7:30-10 P. 111. ding Saturday afternoon. January 15 dy on a new song which begins; The activity chosen will depend "Ya, ya, ya, said the little pledge; upon a refundable deposit of $1.50, partmcnt, played on Januar~ 10 at French upon the weather. Members of the 6:45 P. M. Club, McDaniel Lounge, Kerm, Kerm, you can't catch me!" have a basket and towel service. Thus Lebanon Valley College, Annville, Pa. Camera Club are also requested to at- January 18 · .. or to publish a sketch of MiRe one may keep athletic clothes in the Other recitals will be given at Grant. tend the meeting which will be un- in his new costume as a choir-boy; ::~n'b~~~~:;,i:n~onet;~~~eSh:swe:e:~ ~~~~e;:~io°r~J:~ua;~e!~~;,t Faculty der the direction of Dean Free. 8:00 P. M. Club, McDaniel Loungc, .. or to write about the people January 19 who raised their hands in class dressed as h1 was upon entering. This 23, and at Harrisburg on January The final concert of the series will be Senior Camera Club Hall,7:30P. Speech Recital, Smith when Professor Earp asked, "How certainly is an improvement over the given in Smith Hall at a date to be many people have found themselves M. annoullced later. where old set-up athletic clothes, Elects Officers January 20 Game, Drexel, Gill further in love since the Christmas equipment, etc., were lost while you ======= vacation" ... or (my own Christmas Basketball Gym, 7;15 P. M. hangover) what the cigarette said played, and you then froze to death PATRONIZE January 23 to the bartender? "Put me out be- running from the gym to the dormi_1 Miss Helen Newman, '40, was elect- fore I make all ash of mysclf!" OUR ed president of the Camera Club at P.M. Music Recital, Smith Hall, 4:15 tory, bathed in perspiration. ADVERTISERS. a recent election. The president- elect states that the organization will January 25 Art Club, McDaniel Lounge, 6:30 again sponsor an exhibit of prize- P. I1f. winning snapshots entered in _na- Fo,mo,epleosureattllemoviulH ANraction feature Paramo~nrs tional competition. THE GREAT VICTOR HERBERT Other officers elected are Eleanor Wheeler, vice-president; Lucy Leigh Barnes. secretary; and Yvonne Earl, Leap Year Party treasurer. Tomorrow Night Leap year wil! be the theme of the FRAT annual Sunday School Party in Me, Daniel Lounge, tomorrow night at (Continued from Page 3) 7030. Hardest hit by graduation were the Miss Elinor Kratz is general chair- Gamma Bets who lost three steady man of the committee which is com- performers in Hi Hooley, Bob Dick- prised of Miss Helen Newman, Harry son and Bill Klare. Also gone from Lowery, Norman Parr, and Paul Cum- last year's five is Paul Burtis, who mins. has moved up to the varsity squad. Two other men, Bill Parks and Neil Eckenrode, saw considerable service THREE CHAIR SERVICE last season and together with Norm No Waiting Foy will form the backbone of the HEAGY BROTHERS' quint. Frank Mather, Gordon Gil- BARBER SHOP bert, and Charlie Horan, "B" leaguers Nut to Post Office last season may move up as regulars. Other tossers on hand are Bill Wiley, Doc Earhart, Ed Weant, and Phil JOHN EVERHART Bechtel. The complete card, "A" and "B" 1HE COLLEGE BARBER Leagues, follows: • ~ND BOBBER January AT THE FORK~ 12 Bachelors Black & White Preachers Gamma Bets 17 Preachers Black & White .~ Bachelors Gamma Bets Have Your Films Developed 23 Bachelors vs, Preachers and Finished at Black & White Mildness vs. Gamma Bets The College Grill 31 Preachers vs. Gamma Bets Bachelors Black & White February: 6 Bachelors Gamma Bets Preachers vs. Black & White and Better Taste 13 Black & White Phone 300 Gamma Bets Bachelors Preachers CARROLLEEN are Chesterfield's Feature Attractions H. E. REESE TAILOR CLEANING Individual Coiffures The Right Combination of PRESSING REPAIRING the world's best cigarette tobaccos in 94 East Main Street Beauty in its Entirety SUITS MADE TO MEASURE Chesterfield gives you two features J. D. KATZ· I you can get in no other cigarette ... QUALITY 66 W. Main St. SHOE REPAIRING Real Mildness and Better Taste. Special Rates to Students WESTMINSTER, MD. Dyeing a Specialty On top 0/ that, Chesterfield gives you a far cooler smoke. You can't buy a better cigarette. Compliments of The. Carroll and State Theatres • "Carroll County's finest movie houses" offer a special attraction to all students-a special book of 10 tick- ets, good at either theatre at any time, for $2.50 cash at either box office. You save 50 cents. CapyriSl1l 1940, I.ICt;ITT '" MYU.S TOBACCO Co.
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