Page 32 - TheGoldBug1939-40
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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western: Maryland College, We.stmirutet', Md., January 2.5, 1940 Briefs Elections College Church (Cont. from page 1, col. 1) Mar~:o:t~:~~page 1, "L 0) / ~~~d,~I:'and W," ~ll be the Ip:~:~::Vi'ginia Perry, Assistant Out of the $431 needed, $190 has made sergeant-at-arms, a newly ere- an art which many consider a neces- topic of a round table discussion led I Registrar, has returned to the campus been raised in the ~College Church atedoffice. sary part of a well-rounded education. by Dr. Nathan, at the Art Club meet- I after undergoing an appendectomy at Campaign which closes this month. Jean Cairnes took over the duties Students from Wilson College, in ing tonight in McDaniel Lounge at I the Maryland General Hospital in A meeting of the College Church of president of Sigma Sigma Tau, Chambersburg, Pa., will come down 6:45. Whether or not we should ec- I Baltimore. Council met Tuesday afternoon, Janu- succeeding Letitia Bogan. Other of- to Western Maryland to attend the t f th d f f rt I ;~~~~~~~~~~ ary 23, to discuss the campaign and ficers were: Carolyn Smith, vice- classes. :81 :::i:e:sse~. m;h:~u~::s b~d; i~ religious matters on the Hill. prgsident ; Betty Vroome, secretary; During her stay here Miss Hill Will invited to attend. Dr. Holloway is one of the three Ruth Dygert, treasurer; Ellen Logan, work with several classes, teaching fF========"'9 She may I College presidents aSked to attend an alumni secretary; Lilyan Bennett, expression of the dance. JOHN EVERHART SPECIAL 30 DAYS all-Methodist Convention in Chicago, and sunshine messenger; Kathleen Coe hold a student recital before she THE COLl:.EGE BARBER February 3-4. These three men to- and Ellene Edmond, inter-sorority. leaves to show what has been accom- For Students only gether with college student repre- Virginia Wooden was chosen presi- plished by two days' study. A~~~O:g:S LADIES' HALF SOLES ... 70 sentatives, will discuss religious prob- dent of Phi Alpha Mu sorority. Olive LADIES' TOP LIFTS .. 20 lems in the light of present day needs. Roder is the past president. The re- H. E. REESE I.R. C. maining officers are as follows: Jean CLEANING TAILOR ...................• 85 Elaine Barnes, Shank, vice-president; Mr. S. Hausman of Westminster secretary; Mary Louise Asbury, PRESSING .35 showed colored pictures and spoke on treasurer; Jean Lamoreau, alumni REPAIRING his recent trip to the tropics at the secretary; Gloria Salerno, sunshine 94 East Main Street regular meeting of the International messenger; Elise Wiedersum, ser- SUITS MADE TO MEASURE Relations Club Monday, January 22, geant-at-anus; and Ann Dexter, in- in McDaniel Hall Lounge. ter-sorority. The following officers were elected for the coming semester: president, Margaret Packwood: vice president, Pearl Bobbitt; and secretary-treasur- Phone 300 er, Clyde Baden. At the next meeting of the club and for making the CARROLLEEN plans will be discussed for increasing the membership club's work a more integral part of the enjoyment of each member. Individual Coiffures Education Department Mr. R. F. Cromwell of the State De- Beauty in its Entirety senior education students at Monday classes on the general subject. of guidance. I 66 W. Main St. WESTMINSTER, MD. CORSAGES For The Dances And All Occasion. C:A MOI"l SAND (1I0<;01IoTIi ~!':ty~r;~l~oC~!I --+-- of these delicious candies. She'll Special Orders Filled love them - and she'll love- the thought behind the gift. let Reasonable Prices Johnston seeek for youl Choose from our wide selection, or phone Guaranteed Prompt Delivery in your order and we'll de§o:er. GRIFFIN'S GOODIE SHOP See.. STROPP Soda - Candy > Lunch 89 McKinstry or Opposite State Theatre lmpeetetc, 125 Ward BEAUTIFUL VALENTINES ... For Everyone You Leve Cbesterfield G·. THE TIME-NOW AND 'TILL FEBRUARY 14 THE PLACE-COFFMAN'S STATIONERY STORE B . Ives¥ou GIVE HER A "HEART BOX" OF VIRGINIA DARE CANDY 0' COLLEGE JEWELRY -SPECIALLY PRICED FOR VALENTINE A!!~~~s P. G. COFFMAN ,CO. TIMES BUILDING Opp. Bus Terminal Compliments of The Carroll and want and look for in a cigarette, are These t~o qualities, that you yours only in Chesterfield's right State Theatres tobaccos that money can buy. combination of the best cigarette And thatI, not all ..• Chesterfieldgives • you a FAR COOLER smoke. No wonder new Chesterfield smokers, and those who have enjoyed them for years, pass the word along "Carroll County's finest movie houses" '...they really Satisfy. Chesterfleld offer a special attraction to all students~a' special book of 10 tick- ets, good at either theatre at any time, for $2.50 cash at either box office. You save 50 cents. The Cooler, Better-Tasting, DEFINITELY MILDER Cigarene Q,pyrigfu 1940, LiGGETT&: Mvns TOIIA.CttIco.
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