Page 34 - TheGoldBug1939-40
P. 34
PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md., February 8, 1940 Reporter Reviews II QUOTE BOX From the GOt I Enthusiasts ~--------------' HERMITAGE Feminine Sports Berry by "Kitty" By Hank do You sho' funnny some see Feb. Westminster, 6._Here Western Maryland the winter sports at things in the papers coming from oth- There's a lot to be said. season is in full swing, with many of er colleges. For example the Daily The prerequisites for Hell are being Official student newspaper of Western Maryland College, published on Thurs- Tar Heel from the University of raised-now we have Russia and Ger- day, semi-monthly during October, November, February, March, April, May, the elite of the campus turning out North Carolina has an article that be- many for leaders in the field. and monthly during September, December, and January, by the students of for the events. Free basketball gins like this: "The theme of the an- Mayor Laguardia struck a hard Western Maryland College, Westminster, Maryland. Entered as second-class games have encouraged among the matter at the Westminster Post Office, under the Act of March 3, 1879. coeds an unprecedented passion for nual Student-Faculty dress ball to be blow to the dairy industry when he SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $1.50 A YEAR basketball. What with the steam held next Tuesday night at 10:30 wiII stated the grade "B" milk was every heated gymnasium and the greater feature costumes representing song bit as good as grade "A". Perhaps if 1939 Mem\?:e' 1940 human interest of the game, basket- titles." So far so good, you say, but he'll extend his judgment in a like manner to grades "C" and "D" he'll we ask you to think of the difficulty l=1"ociated eolle6iate Press ball is beginning to exceed footbali in everyone will have trying to represent get an offer from W. M. C. students popularity with the ladies of the cam- pus. Cheer Teams "The Little Man Who Wasn't There." for dean. century-does or doesn't Are you living in the nineteenth or The only logical explanation we can EDITORIAL STAFF Ir~·~;0~~~~i~tlf~0.1.~~~~ your roomie dress in the closet? think of is just not to attend. twentieth Well, now that we are all marked students The Cat That Walked (bad pun meaning students ;~::,:t~:O~i~~:'+!~:~::~:~::;:'~::Th:::'~n;;e~,Y:n~~~',~\~"t"n ELLENSHIPLEY,'40 here have the quaint custom of adopt- !'~~s n;~J;:;~bl!~t ~fo:'~U~red~~:U~~ ~~:~i.lan'~eC~~~~~itiSth~tuf~~~otwf:;e~:: agcd. miliar nursery rhyme, as a. symbolic Like their modern descendants, stu- theme: ~;~t;:;:_Editm·s ::::::::::::::::jA~~I;~A~~~~~!~';'~~IZ~~Er:~Y ~l~~~~::!~~na~d:~;;~i!~t:n~w;I:;e;~/:~'!:~"fO: dents didn't pass in the Biblic~1 days, I Ptt8Sy cat, pussy cat, where !wlve And if you don't believe i~,I BUSINESS STAFF PATRICIA WHITE, '42 throughout the game. In the first either! yuu beenF giv~ a once-over to the followin~ quo- "I've been to London to uieit: the Businese Manager E W '41 game here e Drexel substitute wear- C1rculatlm~ Ma!nage1s . ··iiiARY·Louliii-AsBuRv:··;4·i;D~~DVIN~~:~:'42 I ing a chic, little short sleeved under- ta~iOns gathered for you by an indus- queen." tr~ous reporter on the staff of the Pussey cat, pus8ey cat, what did Raoorters Contributing to thUi Issuc Jeannette Brannock, '41; Lucie shi~t under .h~s jersey aroused quite Pioneer, student newspaper at whit- yuu tI\ere? Leigh Barnes, '42; Jane Fraley, '42; Betty Handy, '{;' ~o~::e~\~:~~n~:~/!.~~~~;~·gi~~e::i~: man College: "I frightent;d a little mouse under her away the dull moments by giving each "Tl10 u ::;.alt not pass". - Numbers chair." 2 O W.M.C.'sA.B.C.'s dents to enter W. M. C.; that of the visiting players appropriate "Suffer not a man to pass."-Judges Explanation - (we find that these will octracize "low and no point- names, so that they need not refer to 3:28. Since Monday (when marks makers" instead of, as is now them by number. Such names as "The Wicked shall no more pass."- are required for the readers of thi.!! column-sorry be elearer.) we can't were given out), students have very often the case, making "Ginsburg",we are told, are common- London is comparable to western had an abundance of converea- them campus jokes. ly used for those short ones with Nahum 1:15. Maryland because people in England tional material. Surprise, disap- No, it is not the responsibility black curly hair and prominent noses. "None shall pass."-Isaiah 34:10. think London is sumpin', just as "This generation shall not pass."- pointment, rage (in a few in- of the faculty or the administra- t New Fads Mark 13:30. people who come here think W. 1If. C. stances), delight, or, perhaps a tion. The situation as it now Judging from this evening's game, "There shall no strangers pass."- is sumpin'. The queen symbolizes ne quid nillLis attitude-if the stands will find no improvement referees with plenty of grandstand Amos 3:17. learning; the little mouse student recipient gets what he makes until there is some student in- appeal are goingto be in demand. We "Beware that thou pass not."- 2nd government, ideals, respect for others and knows why-follow such a trospection, some extension and predict that black and white striped Kings 6:9. and their rights, and cooperative Monday. development of appreciation for shirt waists will enjoy some vogue in "Neither any son of man pass."- spirit-its no little mouse either. The So much for individual rec- superior scholastic ability, some the near future. Jeremiah 51:43. way the thing really happened-al- ords so far as individuals are self-discipline, and greater pro- It's smart here to: "No man may pass through because though the cat (you guess that one) Arrive late when with a gentleman concerned. But the individual gress toward an intellectual at- escort. of the beasts."-EzeyiaI14:15. tells it as descr-ibed above-was that records in the light of the num- titude toward intelligence. Pile down in groups of ten after "Though they roar, yet they cannot there was a fire under the quean's ber of "B averages" or above is chair to keep her warm-the light of nil ad:rnimri. The statistics in Commendation Cal~d~g~n~~~~:~~:la:bout score and W~~I:·::;-:::e:~:c::::·pasSing we progress. Pussy couldn't compre- the article in column five, page Most of the students on the hend how such a tiny flame kept such one, point out one of the great- rules when with a male escort. quote this from The Washington Elm, n great queen warm. Pussy will est problems facing colleges all hill have noticed a decided im- Arrive wearing the "school uni- "His best friends wouldn't tell him never- find out either. over the country,-and at pres- provement in the quality of food form." so he flunked the exam." That's aor-ta 'Vhy not condense the eternal ever- that has been served in the col- ent, especially Western Mary- lege dining hall during the past Since the evening was damp, Tues- funny on first thought, but on second lasting wisdom of the ages into boul- land College-the problem of two weeks. day night, we noticed a number of thought it's serious and it's the text lion cubes. In that form three di- girls wearing for today's sermon. It implies a whole college the traditional raising scholastic standards to a A word of commendation mensions could be dissolved and thin- height both worthwhile and the three groups that brought to fishing togs: reversible coat, scarf or set of ethical principles, and it brings ned out for most of us to sip. achievable. about this gratifying change is pork-pie hat, saddle shoes, ankle to mind the known "cribbing" which In consideration of this prob- in order. First to be commended socks, sweater and skirt. If the pres- is done on the Hill. To be sure it is A Life lem, a primary issue is whether is the committee of students ent mild weather does not continue, probably done in other' places. A Patches on a quilt, scraps- the difficulty or the cause should which made its objections we predict that it will become smart common excuse is "everyone else does Some of good material-some well be attributed to the student body known to the administration in to wrap in blankets for the trip to it". Sure bllt that does not make it woven, others not. or the faculty. an orderly, sensible, and fair Gill Gym. right. To cheat, to give information, Being added to ceaselessly, until For a number of reasons the to brag about it afterwards is one of Long enough to shroud the possessor; faculty might be liberated of the manner. It is to their credit the week in order to take action the lowest things to which a student Most of the time ragged around the entire blame. The majority of that mediation was used rather on the suggestions made in the cp~:fi;ai~'~mSpu~::rngthdeo;~U~~~!r~aa~~oo: edges. the professors make clear upon than a student petition which is, league meeting. Crusade!:" what bases their grades are at best, cowardly and unfair. The first league meeting this ~~ff~:~C:o;;:~t~l:~~ ;:ht~tenpl;!:;!~~ Dust in a rug. given, thereby making it pos- Second, commendation is due year was successful, not over- The rug is beaten and collects more sible for the students to judge the administration for listenrug whelmingly but something was or? Is the difference in a mark dust as soon as it the quality of their work for tq the objections and then inves- accomplished, and it proved that worth the degrading of character? Is placed under foot again. themselves. Since they proved tigating the situation. the men students were not in- !i~~r:~n 1~:~~Sa~v~t~vet~~sdl~~t~edi~;~:; Why beat a rug? to be of comparatively little val- Third, the dietitian and her different to campus problems. Let it wear out. ue, comprehensive examinations staff deserve commendation for But- the next two meetings printed in the Furdham Ram)- were abolished. To avoid ext~n- the promptness with which the found only a handful of men at- The four of them were sitting in Urban Nature Lover sive and intensive cramming at s~udent-sugges~ed recommenda- tending. As -a consequence, Tht:~r~:f~ne sighed, AluTm clocks are ever to be wound if a semester's end, to prevent the they are to continue running, use of a final exam as the sole r~o:s;;~i~itutgl~~t e~~~t~,W~~~;I ~~~~:::~li~~e:.nyI~ea:sv~~uteili~~ The second one sighed, Otherwise they stop. criterion for a grade, and to T.weed has done a marvelous I there are no more situations on The third one groaned, You only get out of them what you put into them- give students every opportunity pIece of work. the campus which need improve- The fourth one said, "Let's cut out for improvement during the If only other campus prob- ment. Problems fairly cry for talking about marks." If you buy a cheap one it's liable to term, final examinations have lems could be taken care of in solution. Change of subject: Here's some- stop altogether, been eliminated. such a sane and unobjectionable Cheating is prevelant both in thing the men in Norman Ward Dor- Or else the mainspring will snap. From this it would seem that And who wants a rooster? the blame rests upon the stu- manner.___ ;~~tf~~s~Jo~~sid~d pi~p!~:. p;;C~ :~!~r~o:~~:c:~~ ~:v:~:r~helt~~: Ambition Some people like to ski. dents (11?) themselves. Do Whose Fault? ili~n~~~~~: \~~no:;!y ~fr~c~~J~ ~~u:~~~u~~;~~~: !~:~ they realize that they are pay- ~:~:ero~:~ Others like to ·dance. ing for something out of which Every year we hear criticism Money (and-in some cases, large houses," 'Says the Daily Tar Heel, You can't ski unless there's snow. they get only what they put in 1 of the conduct of student gov- amounts) has been stolen from "will feature a contest between dorms And you can always sit and listen to (And that doesn't mean finan- ernment affairs on the campus. dormitory rooms. College prop- for 'the dream man's' dorm room to the music. cially.) Do they believe that Members of the student body ac- erty, which we all pay for in the be judged by five coeds." These five wholesale cribbing is a means of cuse the men's Council of inac- end, is destroyed daily without girls, were "to decide which of the The Quick And The Dead deriving any ultimate worth- tivity. Council members accuse punishment. Broken glass and dOI'ms has come nearest to creating A soldier in a trench did spy while benefits 1 Are they so the league president of laxity, trash around the new dormitory the room that their 'dream man' A tl'emoring mousie running by, prejudiced that being on the the president accuses the stu- is evidence of the slovenly habits would live in". Just think of the ex- The soldier Jo the mouse did say, honor list means to them noth- dent body of indifference, etc. of some of the residents. citment and competition that could Be brave, walk firmly, little gray. ing more than having the poten- Everyone thinks he has a solu- We feel that the present stu- be stirred up in McKinstry, Hering, Patter not fearfully 'bout the floor tialities of a bookworm or else tion to this problem or that dent government president is and Ward Hall competing with Nor- Fire thy eye and fear no more." the pleasure of an unlimited f~~~13~bwEhvee~~~~r~~l:hinhi: ~"Captajn," squeaked the mouse so number of cuts 1 Why should :~~~:~tl~f a~~ess~n~:r~?~eb:lie~~~ man Ward dormTh;o:~hingt(Jl!. Elm. small, the honor society be an object of if he was in charge. This use- that something ought to be done Tip for Dr. Earp's family course: "You are so mighty strong and tall, ridicule for even twenty-five per less ranting and raving gets us to solve them. He, however, is "The Associated Collegiate Press reo Of cat and owl you have no dread- cent of the students 1 Why no place. helpless against the aphathy of Ilorts that a University of Chicago But you wear a helmet on your should we even have that twen- Last year, in order to remedy the majority of the men stu- scientist has invented a matrimony head. ty-five per cent1 this .situation, a provision was dents. The success of student meter to measure the probability of a Sometimes you come to underground It is evident that a change is made in the new student gov- government on the hill in the happy marriage for any couple" Wearing queer masks and rubber necessary-not a change in the ernment constitution for a future is dependent upon the Thought on the above related sub' gowned- systems of grading and testing monthly meeting of the men's outcome of the men's meeting on jed; "and then there was the ne- Eh? Soldier, what is that chatter I ~but rather a change in the at- league (which includes every at I Monday. gro woman who named her children hear? titudes of the students. This male boarding student) Will the students be able to Eenie, i\leenie, Minie, and Egar be- What is that roar that sounds so change ought to amount to a which time these solutions to solve their own problems or will cause she didn't want no Mo." near? revolution. A student attitude 0, soldier, the earth now trembles should be fostered that will af- ~~~u~~oTom~~~a,~:~:, ;~:pat:i:~1r~:!o1~h~~ ~o~~~: ~ 1 "These c&~:: =;:~!n:~~ d~l;rint and quivers fect even the selection of' stu- The council was to meet within taken? some queer stories. (Continued on Page 4, Column 2)
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