Page 36 - TheGoldBug1939-40
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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md., February 8, 1940 Phi Alph Sisters Alumni News Dedicate Plaque DJ-. Harry G. Watson, '89, will be the honor guest at the New York AI· In memory of Katherine cteeet, who umni Dinner to be held February 16 was a 'member of the class of '39 and in the Rainbow Grill of Radio City, who would have been president of Phi New York. Dinner wiII follow the re- Alpha Mu if it had not been for her ception at seven o'clock. untimely death, the sorority dedicated Charles T. Holt is the vice-presi- a plaque on January 29th. dent of the New York Alumni dis- Monday, February Bth," formal trict. service was held for acceptance of Edna Bendorf, Helen Carr and Betty On Saturday, March 2, the Phila- Poore as members in honor of whom a delphia Alumni Dinner will be held in dinner will be given on February the Penn Athletic Club at seven 13th. o'clock. On Friday, February 9th, Phi Al- Mrs. Margaret Gardner Herne is pha Mu will hold its freshman tea. the vice-president of the Philadelphia Invitations have been sent to: Ridgley district. Pollitt, Lois Guba, Virginia Bell, The Washington Alumni banquet Mary Miller, Deborah Bowers, Betty will be held sometime in March. Al- Milby, Bertha Belt, Doris Jones, Doris umni from Baltimore and Hagers- Lane, Betty Crawford, Mary Louise town have not arranged the dates for Sehrt, Carol Stoffregen, Phyllis Oede, the banquets in their respective dis- Peggy Wilson, Jean Pollard, Lorna McCracken, ;Jean Mooney, Sarabelle tricts. Veale, Virginia McCullough, Beatrice Calls have been coming into the of- You can look the v;,hole world over and you won't Burk, Virginia Phillips, Elinor Healy, fice of the Executive Secretary (Col. Mary Ann Hassenplug, Joan West, T. K. Harrison) for copies of the his- find another cigarette with Chesterfield's RIGHT COMBI- Lynn Lincoln, Elizabeth Thorne, Jean tory of Western Maryktnd Cf)llege in Bentley, Audrey Routson, Mary Fran- the Nineteonth. C6ntu1"'/I, by Professor NATION of the best American and Turkish tobaccos. cis Hawkins, Virginia Elzey, Elaine John D. Makosky. In Chesterfield you find just what every smoker Meade, Virginia Cruslus, Mary Jack- beTph~:c~::;:Yi!;u~f~a~:n~:Oklet may I son, Elizabeth Neidert, Shirley Brad- looks for ... COOL SMOKING, definite MILDNESS, and the ley, Frances Ogden, and Martha Lee Sunday School Elects Robinette. -_-- one thing that really satisfies ..l.downright GOOD TASTE. Sunday School officers for the sec- Bachelors Hold New ond semester, elected at a meeting Term Election last Monday evening, are as follows: Margaret Quarles, preaident : Elinor Alpha Gamma Tau reelected its in- Kratz and Edward Reter, vice-presi- cumbent officers at the last club dents; Margaret Reeves, Willard Ev- meeting. Those who will continue to erett, and Don Griffin, council mem- hold office are as follows: Kermit bers. Beyard, Alpha; George Myers, vice- Alpha; Harry Lowery, Gamma; Don- The Hermitage ald Humphries, Tau; Henry Triesler, And my tiny spine is wrought with Chaplain; Guy Windsor, sergeant-at- shivers. arms. Alpha Beyard made the fol- I'm a. mouse for true, and I must lowing appointments; Humphries and confess Triesler, Inter-fraternity Council; From the threat of these I've no Lowery, Robert Hahn, Munroe Town- recess-· send, Julian Hill, house committee; Wh~ fall you soldiet- before I'm said ?" Tom Elias, Tim Lewis, Joynes Beane, social committee; Bill Anthony and (No mouse can hear a man who's Beane, club publication. dead.) Debates Lil' Sister Says 15 Urstnus College Away 15 Urstnua College Home "Why don't food problem dwell- 16 Dickinson College Away ers on the Hill organize themselves 17 Shippensburg Tournament into two political parties and give 17 Mt. St. Mary's AwayandHome two-bit dinners, of course issuing 21 St. Peter's College Home invitations to the rival group each ;3 Ursinus College (Men) Home ,i time. If they don't, I'm going to 26 Shippensburg College Home'l organize the home economics stu- March: ' dents and hold a bake sale every 5 University of Maryland Away i Friday at 6:30 in McDaniel Hall room." recreation :! ~~~~~:7t~:iv~;sii~;rsity 1::~'---=======---' 5 Susquehanna University Home! 14 Washington College Home Frat Sports 15 Juniata College Away the dope and tripped the Delta Pi Al- April: pha quint by a one-point margin, 3 Cornell College Home 15-14 and went into first place. For- 4 Muhlenberg College Home ward Guy Windsor was the high gun in the winners' attack, as he tallied Dean's List two field goals and a like number Junior Women: Hazel Beard, Jean- from the free throw line, while Morris ette Brannock, Ramona Delia, Phylfis sank two goals from the floor. For Dietsch, Madalyn Flickinger, Mary the Preachers, Jack Stewart tallied Kathryn Hudson, Mary Alice Klein, five points and Dumler two goals. Edith Leidy, Ellen Logan, Isabel The Black and White club gained a Maddox, Ruth l\fansberger, Ina second place tie as a result of the in- Rakes, Ethel Rae Richards, Helen ability of the Gamma Bets to place a I Willard. team on the floor. Compliments of esterfield The Carroll and "f~:::o'to'.~tlte cw!er, belter-tasting. DEFINITELY MILDER' cigarene Co~yd,h' 1940. THREE CHAIR SERVICE H. E. REESE PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS State Theatres HEAGY BROTHERS' CLEANING 94 East Main Street Smith & Reifsnider TAILOR No Waiting PRESSING BARBER SHOP REPAIRING Next to Post Office SUITS MADE TO MEASURE Incorporated • LUMBER ._ COAL SPECIAL 30 DAYS SASH, DOORS, BLINDS "Carroil County's finest movie houses" For Students only GENERAL MILL WORK LADIES' HALF SOLES .. 70 SLATE, CEMENT offer a special attraction to all students-a special hook of 10 tick- LADIES' TOP LIFTS ........ 20 & PLASTER ets, good at either 'theatre at any time, for $2.50 cash at either Have Your Films Developed MEN'S SOLES . . .85 C. & P. Long Distance Phone ... and Finished at MEN'S HEELS 35 227 box ofnte. You save 50 cents. The College Grill J. D. KATZ, Prop. WESTMINSTER, MD.
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