Page 27 - TheGoldBug1939-40
P. 27
1940 PAGE Boxers Open At GETTYSBURG-W_ M_ C_ Penn State On Western Maryland Winter is here with a vim, now that Tuesday Night Team F. G 3 3 F 2 1 Pts. 8 7 the January snows have set in. Bas- Bills F. ketball, boxing, tumbling, wrestling, Hcneman, Bricker, F. o o 0 fencing, handball, ping pong, and oth- Basketeers Show are taking er assorted indoor sports Faw, C. o 2 the field away from the pigskin a la Enthusiastic Impecatio, G. C. 5 o 4 14 0 Bowl enthusiasts. Outdoors there is New Strength Stropp, Support Given Biasi, G _ 3 2 8 skiing, sledding, skating, and sliding In Practice (not intentional). Discussing the rel- Boxing By New Totals __15 9 39 ative merits of the last mentioned and The basketball team faces its sixth one might first mentioned, say the Gettysburg there was more adventure in the lat- opponent of the season when the 'I'er- Ringmen G F Pts. ter and more science in the former. rormen travel to Homewood Saturday it is merely a But as for "sheeing", 7 1 15 mild form of insanity downhill. It's night to meet Hopkins' Blue Jays in Opening the 1940 boxing season 3 o 6. still a lot of fun, though. their firllt'league game of the season. next Tuesday, January 16, the \Ves- 1 As for our organized sports teams As nearly everyone knows, there are Intercol- five teams in the Maryland tern Maryland College boxing team 2 -basketball and boxing-they are legiate Basketball League-Hopkins, travels to Penn State College, where 3 o 11 shaping up as well and better than Loyola, Washington College, Mt. St. it will meet a very tough foe on the expected. The basketball team has Mary's, and Western Maryland. The toughest schedule it bas attempted yet to enter league competition, hut in years. The date of the match was Total. ....22 7 51 has faced six of the toughest oppon- first game of the league season took originally planned to be the 27, but Western Md. . 21 18-39 ents on the schedule. The boys should place when Loyola met Hopkins on and the at Baltimore, due to schedule conflicts, the match Gettysburg .19 32-51 get going Saturday night against Tuesday night game will be the second of Terror-Jay had to be moved up on the calendar. Hopkins, and, in our opinion, will the season. A certain well-known The remainder of the schedule re- start the league season right with a mains as formerly published. victory. This is part of the 1316% sports writer, discussing the chances Boxing practice since the return college loyalty which we claimed on COACH FERGUSON of the respective teams in the other from the holidays has been moving Tuesday's broadcast from the Gold evening's paper, classed this year's rather slowly, fundamentals still be- Bug office. The other part goes to the race asa three-way fight with Mt. St. ing stressed a great-deal. Before the by Bill Shockley boxing team, who, facing the toughest Mary's, ,Washington College, and is valiantly Annual Inter-Frat Loyola in the triple duello roles. Thill holidays, most of the efforts were con- schedule in its history, authority gives no thought to the pos- of Tony 01'- Sports Season centrated on teaching preliminaries; Prof. H. B. Speir's annual winter striving to smooth off its bad points and many of the boys who had come sports program starts in full swing under the alert tutelage sibility that the Terrors might step to practice had come solely with the next week. His plan to get every man tenai, The Terror ringmen start when Opens Tomorrow in and upset his well-ordered plans by the intention of learning these funda- enrolled into some form of sports is arduous grind Saturday night crushing one or more of the three fa- mentals. Now, however, most of the really conceivable this year, says Bill they meet Penn State in the Lions' vored teams. There may even be a to win the boys are out for the team; and hard Robinson, his able manager, because own den. Let's hope that the best Gill Gym Scene of chance for the if Terrors favored teams the championship work and training have begun. The of the diversified field. Tournaments happens, but don't expect too much of Contests Between Both kill each other off in their respective new boxing room in the basement of in basketball, wrestling, pool, hand- them in their first match. A and B Frat Teams Norman Ward Hall is well equipped ball, and ping pong, and competition Fireworks Ahead! feuds, and the Terrors spring sur- for_the hard work which the team is in tumbling, wrestling and fencing So it's Saturday and Tuesday by "Robbie" prises on the group by taking two or now undertaking. A permanent ring complete the list. nights for the fireworks, with both TOlllOlTOW afternoon at 4 P. M. in more games out of the contests with has been installed, rowing and weigh- Basketball will be the most widely basketball and boxing teams facing Gill Gym, the annual mter-fratemity the triple favorites on their own nig machines have been purchased, contested sport. Teams are enrolled new perils with undaunted courage. winter sports season will be opened courts. In fact, a team winning five games in the eight-game league ached- and other improvements which should from each class, Ward Hall, Day Stu- Listen in next week for the 423rd epi- with the playing' of four basketball facilitate practice have been made. dents, S. C. A., and the Seminary. sode of "Jungle Jim." games. The Bachelors and Black and ule might cop the championship this year. This is not a mere pipe dream Ringmen Practice Hard From this group the school cham- Items from here and there: Whites will match baskets in the first but hard and fast possibility, so don't With Joe Rouse and Bob Stropp at pions will be selected, and the winner Starting last week, tr-airring for the will play the victor of the inter-frat the heads of the boxing and basket- fray, and the Preachers and Gamma, count the Terrors out yet. The ached- team began in earnest. The boys get league for final honors. ball teams respectively, it looks like a ~~~~\~~!~~~~1:~~ ~?~,;et:::~sc~~t~~t; 1 ~l:n~:!.l~:::i::eP~~:~ i;I:;v:;al~l~ t:l~ up at 6:15 three times a week to do Strongest contender in the inter- season for AU-American captains .. five miles of roaawork in the morn- school league wiil be the Seminary. Percent of flops on skis: 9.4% . four clubs will see action. I of their games away at first, and then In the "At> league, it will be the ings. In the afternoon, the boys hit The "Siminites" were school champs Emulating the Doghouse- "Gallop" Ba~helor.s who will attempt to defe~d return for a long home stand. An- other point in their favor is the neat- the heavy punching bags and do last year and offer a well-balanced Poll of a few weeks ago, we made a their twice won crown, and they W1U ness of their home court now and the spat-r-ing. ;,~:,~g~nal~~~: Y,:S:d take the court as pre-season favorites. superior experience that they have on The greatest handicap under which ~~~"Da;;:~:~ su~~eyH:~t~: ,;~~e~k:V~~~rSi:::;:~ Coach Ortenzi is working is the inex- promise to do most of the scoring and I sports? Standing up, 93.6%; sitting The Preachers "B" team again looks their opponents while playing on it. perience of the men and the lack of will be ably assisted by "Hal" Wright, down, 1.1%; don't care, 5.3%. like the team to beat, but a close race The new basketball court in Gill Gym fighters in the heavy weight class. Of Bill Irving and Bill Erwin. 2. Do you prefer ping pong to table is anticipated. far surpasses the former facilities in the eight men who have tried out for tennis? Ping pong, 50%; table ten- Alpha Gamma Tau, with four vet- Westminster Armory, where players the varsity team, seven are sopho- Although W. M. C. does not offer a nis, 49.99%; don't care, .01%. erans returning, is expected to put a were handicapped by playing on a mores and only one-J oe Rouse, cap- varsity wrestling squad, they might 3. Would you rather sleep, eat or quint on the COUlt worthy of the title much smaller court than the new one. champions." "defending Tom Elias, tain of the team, is a junior. Of well do so. They could offer Petruc- play tennis in this weather? Sleep, Tim Lewis, Don Humphries and Bill Terrors Ready For Jays these, only three, Rouse, Ricker, and ci, Sorensen, inter-scholastic wrest- 59%; eat, 33%; play tennis, 8%. Hauff all performed creditably last At present, the team is practicing Petrucci have had previous ring ex- ling champion from lIIcDonogh), Guy 4. Whom do you like for sports' season, the first two having been for Saturday night's game with Hop- perience. Windsor, Bill Anthony and C. A. editor of the Gold Bugl Stumpy placed as alternates on the Gold BlIg'8 kins. Coach Ferguson is experiment- The spirit and enthusiasm for box- Thomas for a nucleus of any winning Gooden, .000,!c; Sadie Hawkins, 91%; ing shown by the students has im- team. The only noted wrestler lost Pinnochio, 3'#; Grantland Rice, 6%; all-star team. Paul Myers is being ing with zone defense" in contrast to used in man-eo-mall type proved greatly over recent years. from the ranks of last year's group Bill Robinson, .000%. counted on to fill the shoes of Jack the usual games. At any rate, the previous per- year's last all-around Lytton, The freshmen, more than any other was Bill Gleming, who seemed able to Sure things for 1940: former who has been graduated. Oth- game is expected to be wide open and class have shown great interest, sev- pin any man in the school! The Yankees. ers on the squad who will probably be enteen freshmen having answered 01'- Bimelech. assigned to second team berths are exciting, since the Jays and the Ter- tenet's call. The fact that there wiII This year's fencing squad will be Man O'War. Guy Windsor, Otts Bradley, George ro,'s are rather evenly matched. Prac- be two home fights this year will no coached by Tom O'Leary. Main con- Bitsy Grant. tice has been largely on working out doubt increase the spirit among the tenders for the team will be Emil Dominic DiMaggio. Myers, John MacFarlane, Julian Hill, scoring combinations and the general Frank The Tarbutton defense and offense formations. and J oe Elliot. student body. Grenda, Earl Darsch, Bob Hahn and Bob Stropp. team has a little more height than Coach Ortenzi has formulated a Nelson Eichenrode. Bill Klare, last The last of "Stumpy's Stuff". IIAA Threatens Champs tentative line-up for next Tuesday's year's most consistent scorer, was lost Last year's co-holders of scco;d previously which will be indeed a match; it is as follows: by graduation, so it will be up to place, the Black and wjntes, are also great help in a game where giants are becoming the rule rather than the 120 lbs. J. Rouse Grenda to hold down the number one Rifle Team Has promising to give a good account of exception. The varsity will be some- 127 Ibs. .Rip Hudson position. Fencing was new to west- themselves. From last year's squad what of a shining light in its own 135 lbs. . Harry Ricker ern Maryland. last year, yet in a Bright Prospects I only Phil Lanasa was lost by gradua- field this year. 145 Ibs. Wm. Vincent match with Maryland U., their intra- tion, and Lou Elliot, last year's all- Besides the Johns Hopkins game 1551bs ..... C. VanHook or Wm. Hauff mural team was .forced to extend it- For Good Season star forward, is "hers de combat", 1651bs. Baker self in order to eke out a victory. due to an injury. However, Lenney Saturday night, the basketeers will 1751bs. Pirie Bee, another all-star selection, Webb have a fairly busy two weeks ahead. Unlimited 111.Petrucci The rifle team after a late season Hood, and Ed Elder form a nucleus On next Wednesday, they will meet a Petrucci has just had a tooth ex- Harold Solomon was the best ping start (due to new range construction) which can be built around. Two strong Catholic U. aggregation at traccd and may be unable to box Tues- pong player in the school last year, is now working with a lot of pep, and freshmen, Jim Roby and George Bar- -Washington, D. C. Returning home, day. Since there is no one to re- but he hadn't met "Bo" Baugher or pl'ospects are bright for a fair team. rich, at present on the frosh squad, the Terrors christen the Gill Gym place him, there will be no heavy- Carlton Radcliffe VanHook, Jr. Then The varisty members are Cating- may join the fraternity qUillt in time basketball season when they meet weight if Petrucci does not appear. too, Chase and Everett have other ton, captafn; Fitzgerald, manager; to play in their initial contest. Other Drexel College, of Philadelphia, on plans for VanHook and Baugher, and Wiley, Hawkins and Leister. There Pi Alpha boys available are Jim El- the home floor J.anuat'y 20th. The Tomlinson and Bowen know they are are fifteen new men; in this group are liot, John Carnochan, Scott Brooks, the best doubles players in the school, one senior, Myers, G. A.; two juniors, Paul Cummins, and Don Griffin; these next Tuesday, January 23rd, they re- so the ping pong tourney will prob- Bob Hahn and Max Kable. The rest will lead the "B" team in league play. turn to league competition, playing ably be a series of backhand smashes of the team is composed of sopho- The other club which shared the Loyola at Baltimore. During this and hairpullings! mores and freshmen. Those showing runner-up's position last year was the time, the frosh team will also have promise of developing into good shots Preachers, and with three regulars had its day, meeting Gettysburg this season are: Jack Quynn, Rich back, are again expected to threaten The new gym sports two handball Friedel, Stone and Lavin. Nearly aU Frosh, Hopkins J. V., and the West- courts, and it will be on these coud.s the men show promise of developing the leaders. Will Prentiss, Charlie minster Theological Seminary in the that "Mike" Petrucci will attempt to into good shots eventually. Cole, and Bill Robinson are holdovers order named. uphold his title. "Mike" and Joe The first match is with Georgetown front last year, while Jim Thomas is Fagan were the best handballers the U., of Washington, D. C., at George- being groomed to fin in for graduated The team has been meeting rather school offered last year and since Joe town, January 20. John Barkdoll. The attack this year stiff opposition, and the scores of past has gone, it will be up to Chase, Ever- The complete membership of the is much stronger with the addition of games do not indicate how tough a ett, Stokes and Beck, among others, to team follows: Catington, Fitzgerald, Jack Doenges and Don Wildey from fight they have made in these early wrest the crown from "Mike". Wiley, Hawkins, Leister" Kable, last year's freshman five. In the "B" season skirmishes. The new handball courts are quite Hahn, Quynn, Merchant, Martin, Or- league, Delta Pi Alpha is looking to an improvement over last year's. The rison, Wentz, Stone, Fowble, G. A. Ted Bowen, John Tomlinson, and The varsity squad is composed of old ones were too small and too many Myers, R. Myers, Jones, Cantwell, Marbury Linton, regulars last year, Stropp (team captain). guard; Biasi, obstructions were at hand to allow a Nace, and Friedel. Sergeant Lavin to lead in the defense of the title won Bricker, Lewis, and Burtis, guards; satisfactory match. Handball should is devoting most of his time to the last year. Newcomers include Jack Evans, Honeman, Bills, and Suffern, prove to be one of the more popular range and is available for teaching Stewart, Bill Dumler, Bud Blair, forwards; Impeciato and Faw, cent- indoor sports this winter. proper positions and trigger squeez- Jack Rawlins and Fl'azier Scott. COACH ORTENZl (See Intramural, Page 4) ing every day except Saturday. (See Frat, Page 4)
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