Page 35 - TheGoldBug1939-40
P. 35
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md., February 8, 1940 PAGE THREE Boxers Meet Maryland, Tough Opposition Coming Army In Next Bouts the Up For Terror Cagers basketball is heading into The the homestretch season now, and Green Tenors are now gunning in Ringmen Lose To earnest for the Maryland League Basketeers Face Bucknell, 5%-2% ~~e:~:,io~:~i~rnWi:~!~I!~~ nf:!:h~~: BALTIMORE-'V. M. C. Villanova Next total league opposition here in Gill BALTIMORE G F Pts After losing a hard-fought match LEAGUE STANDINGS G~'m-Loyola, Washington College, Ross, F. . 6 1 0 0 12 2 Gleim, F. University Friday, on to Bucknell 2, a more experienced, more I "A" League Johns Hopkins, and Mt. St. MaTY's, in Schaeffer, C. 4 1 9 The basketball team is now facing February W L that order. At present, the Terrors Oland, G 3 0 the toughest part of its schedule. One courageous, and more dangerous Wes- Bachelors 2 stand even-steven in the league, hav- Pellino, G. ~ 2 2 point in its favor, however, is that tern Maryland boxing team has turn- Gamma Bets _........... 1 ing lost two (Loyola, Washington Procopik, F 1 1 3 the contests are all being staged in ed its head toward hard work and Preachers 1 College), and won two (Johns Hop- Gill Gym. The team faces Villanova conditioning in preparation for its Black & Whites 0 kins, Mt. St. Mary's). However, if -Totals 17 438 Saturday night, in a game which may coming meet with Army and the Uni- the Terrors could win four straight prove to be highly exciting, since the versity of Maryland. "B" League W L on their home court, the title might. WESTERN MD. G 1 F 1 Pts 3 Mainliners have an excellent team, Faw, F.. Hardly rated to even make a show- Bachelors 2 0 well rest here in 'I'errcrtcwn. Outside Honeman, F. 1 and the Terrors will be at their most has in an attempt aggressive to avenge ing against the strong team sent by Preachers 1 of the league, Western Maryland Balti- Suffern, C.. _ 3 an early season defcat 011 Villanova's faced only one opponent-the Bucknell, the team performed admira- Black & White 1 Stropp, G.. 2 0 home court. After that game, the bly when it won two bouts and drew Gamma Bets 0 more Bees in Gill Gym Tuesday night. Biasi, G. 0 schedule piles up fast and furious. one to make a better showing than The highly favored Bees won out in Evans, F. 0 The Terrors face American U. next seen by Western Maryland fans in "A" League Scoring Leaders the end, 38-27, but it was a hard fight, Bills, F. 1 1 3 Tuesday, Catholic U. on Thursday, some time. (Compiled by Lou Elliot, official and much closer than many enthusias- it and Loyola the following Saturday. tic Baltimore supporters thought league scorekeeper). Hudson Trims Bayless G F Pts. would be. So much for the present. Totals 12 3 ~7 Then Washington College invades the The match started with a victory Robinson, Preachers .. 20 1 41 Coming tip in the next two weeks are Baltimore. Maryland . 19 13 19 14 38 local court the next Tuesday, in a game which should be full of action. the on games 27 toughest the home western by Hudson in the 120-lb. class when, Eckenrode, having dropped to one knee in the Gamma Bets 16 32 schedule--Villanova, American U., Terrors Meet Eagles first round he came back with fast, Myers, P., Bachelors .. 12 27 Catholic U., Loyola, and Washington American U. has a good team and close fighting to earn a decision over Elias, Bachelors 7 11 25 ~;~~~g:~/~~::co~~d~oiSr~~ef~~r ~~: Independents To should give the Terrors a stiff battle. Bucknell's Bayless. Day, Gamma Bets 11 24 the Terrors have had Crown Champ ln It is conjectural who will walk off vic- The 127" pound bout between Joe Bee, Black & Whites .. 10 23 ~ng:til~~;~i~~~ I tor. The Catholic U. game may be a Rouse, W. M. captain, and Kiercc of Hood, Black & Whites 10 1 21 Basketball Soon closer battle than many overconfident Bucknell, was a fast fight, both oppo- Thomas, Preacher's 9 1 19 Boxers See Trouble Ahead fans seem to think. However, pros- nents having the advantage at many The boxing team, after dropping an pects point to a Terror victory in this times, but neither being able to de- Gaining revenge for an early season exciting match to Bucknell, has by Bill Shockley case. The first home game against a feat the other, the fight was a draw. defeat at the hands of the Preachers, heavy work ahead with Army and Winter intra-mural competition is league opponent comes up when Loy- In the 135-pound class, Ricker, vet- the Bachelor "A" five took thcir sec- Maryland coming up, both of the practically a thing of the past, as ola plays the Terrors here in Gill eran of last year's western Maryland ond straight game and went into un- matches being away from home. It's of now. Championships have been Gym, in a game which may well de- learn, easily defeated Allison of Buck- disputed possession of first place in hard to say just what will happen up decided in pool, ping-pong, and the cide the Mar-yland league champion- nell. Using his left jab to best advan- the second round fraternity basketball at West Point or down at College inter-class basketball league,' and if ship. After that comes the Sho' men tage, Ricker overcame his opponent's race. In the first contest the Alpha Park, but it's a sure bet that, with the day students beat the Junior in league home game number two. Al- defense, and in one minute and fifteen Gamma Tau quint won a 33-10 fray more experience now, Tony Ortenzi's class team next Thursday at 4:00, the though Washington trimmed the Ter- seconds of the second round, the ref- from the Black and Whites and on men will put up a good battle in each winner of the Independent league will rors down at Chestertown the past eree awarded Ricker a technical Tuesday defeated the Preacher five contest. have been decided, with only games week-end, indications point to an en- knockout. 21-15. We Think to decide the school champs remaining tirely different story being enacted Against the Black and Whites, the in the offing. up here. Flaugh T.K.O.'s Vincent Bachelors piled up an early lead and Items from here and there-- The team has won one and lost two coasted to an easy victory. Tom Elias The 1940 football captain has not Bill Hauff, winner via' the forfeit In the 145-1b. bout, Vincent, al- and Paul Myers led the scoring for been named yet, but unconfirmed re- route over "Mike" Petrucci, met Lou in the last two weeks-the victory be- though he had very little experience the winners with eleven and eight ports are that election of one may be Elliott in the finals of the pool tour- ing over Mt. St. Mary's at Emmits- in the ring, put up a good battle coming up soon... Terror rooters seem nament. The match was played on burg, and the defeats at the hands of against Flaugh, but was no match for points, respectively. Don Griffin was to appreciate Bob Faw's loud "Hey!" a 100-point basis. Hauff closely con- Washington College and Baltimore. the Bucknellian, who won a technical high man for the Pi Alpha Alpha boys in his largely successful attempts to tested Elliott for the first 50 points; knockout in the third round. with six points, more than half of his keep the Baltimore boys away from the however, Elliott spurted in the last W. l'I1. C. Nips Mounts Ed. Lewis, fighting in the 155- ~~~~'~!~~!~co~~e ;::e::h:;~t:~~o f;o': basket Tuesday night .. The frosh half of the contest, and scored 50 The game at Emmitsburg was well- basketballers have now won their points to Hauff's 14, to close the played and interesting up to the last i~:nc~~~~s~f f~~::\:a;~: a!~:~ ~~~u:.the Gamma Bets by a 25-15 score. second straIght victory, with that ov- match (100-64) as the winner and new minute. A nip-and-tuck battle all the erwhelming ~:ioc:~e :::~~r~i:~ever, to lose a de- !::d~~~ ~~~ w~~~:'::Sw~~hB~! ~~~!~~ defeat of the Patterson champion. way, it developed into a victory for between them, while Hank Holljes Park Boys' Club in the Tuesday night the Green and Gold only at the very Th~ o~e and only Harry Baker, kept the losers in the game with three preliminary. . U it isn't looking Finalists (as we predicted) in the last. Stropp and Faw led the scoring fightmg III the 165-pound class fought field goals and a free shot. too far ahead, the Terrors ehould ping-pong tournament, were Carlton with four field goals each. Stropp and Bo Baugher. R. Van Hook, Jr. entire fight for the three a tough but lost a close decision to I AGT Takes Over Preachers have a pretty good baseball team this The play-off was to be the best four also had two successful foul throws. rounds, With the two clubs tied for first spring ... The Bachelors have knot- of seven 21-point games. Baugher re- Washington College took the Ter- Hemming. place the Bachelors and Preachers ted up affairs in the frat league by rors over the hurdles in last Satur- taking over the Preachers-It looks as turned the victor in 4 straight games. day night's game, 50-39. At the half, Funair Is Victor ~:~~~;d \::I~~t6 00; !~~Sd=y s~:-~o~~~ if the second half may wind up with In one game, Van Hook closely vied Washington led, 27-20, but steadily John Pirie in the 175-pound class, victory. In handing the Preachers AGT on top ... The amateur sports- with Baugher; however, Baugher won pulled further and further ahead. was no match for the powerful Fu- their first defeat of the season, the casters were very good Tuesday. As this and the final three with a com- Suffern ~nd Biasi g~rnered five field nair who finally succeeded in earning Alpha Gamma Tau five showed a finer for our opinion, it would be hard to fortable margin to spare. goals apiece for Western Maryland, Baugh- In the doubles tournament, a T.K.O. in the third round. floor game and better outside shoot- pick the best out of the .three. er and Bud Blair were victorious over while Schuerholtz and Neubert tossed On February 10 the boxing team ing', especially in the first half, when Will They? Van Hook and Brady Bounds. six and seven field goals respectively, travels to West Point where they they ran up a 13-3 lead. The second for the opposition. challenge the Eastern Intercollegiate half was much closer, with the losers Just a note in passing- Will the Fresh Have Winning Streak champions. The cadets have a strong cutscoring their rivals by four points. Terrors win out? Listen in two weeks Intramural manager Bill Robinson team and the Tenors will have a Paul Myers with three goals, led the hence for episode 424 of "Jungle runs two leagues this winter in bas- The strong Baltimore team was ketball. Onc league he calls the "Inde- tough fight on their hands. winners at the basket, with Tim Lew- Jim." pendents". Teams in the league given a run for its money Tuesday On February 17, the team goes to is, Bill Hauff, and John MacFarlane were: the Seminary (top favorites), night when an aroused Terror team the University of Maryland where it right behind with four points each. the Day Students, Freshman "A" hampered the the visitors' every move, held and high-scoring usually will take part in the university's all- For the loser, Will Prentiss connect- Rifle Team Wins I team, and the strong Junior class Univeraitv night. The U. of M. will ed twice from the tl.oor and sank a I team. The Freshman team beat the Fees to 19 points at the half to W. M. meet Catholic University in basket- like number of free throws, while First Match And Junior crew 20-14, and the Day Stu- C.'s 13. However Baltimore's offense ball and the boxing match will com- Charlie Cole and Don Wildey were dents turned the tables on the highly started to click in the second half and plete the evening. strong on the defense, Looks Ahead touted Seminites 29:13 in the first they wound up on top, 38-27. The Gamma Bets broke into the win gmnes. Then the Juniors forfeited to The freshmen trimmed the Patter- Coach Is Optimistic column at the expense of the Black The rifle team started off their sea- the Seminary, and the Frosh forfeited son Park Boys' Club in the prelimin- and Whites, coming from behind to ary to the Bees-Terrors game, 40ยท16. Coach Ortenzi is optimistic in his gain a 28-26 verdict and a tie for sec- son against Georgetown with a win. to the Day Students and Seminary. The Baby Terrors coming opponents outlook for the fight. Although ond place. In leading his team to vic- The match was fired at Georgetown, Thus if the Day Students are victor- are the Westminster H. S., Balto. Y. Mar-yland is very strong in the lighter tory, Neil Eckenrode sank seven field and the score was 1330 for W. M. C. ious over the Juniors next week, they M. C. A., Pals Club, Waynesboro weights, Western Maryland should be goals to establish a season's record to 1318 for Georgetown. Saturday, will meet the Sophomores (winners of Alumni, Littlestown A. C., and Fred- favored in the heavier weights; and for one game, while Frank Mather February 10, the team travels to Col- the "Interclass" League, 3 straight erick DeMolay. All of these games with a break in 145 and 155 pound with four goals and FTank Day with lege Park for its joust with U. of games) for intramural honors. The are preliminaries to the main features classes, the team should return home three were also outstanding on the Md. varsity. winner of this match in turn will aiready mentioned. with the first victory in some time. winner's attack. Bee and Griffin kept The remainder of the schedule fol- meet the champs of the Inter-Frat The box score of the Washington- Paints the losers in the game with a total of Jows: league for the school championship. Western Maryland game follows: Class Fighter Score W.M. Bknl seven goals and three free throws, Feb. 17-Gettysburg (away) Worthy of mention here is the Day members, Jack 120 Hudson 30 1 but their last minute rally fell short. Feb. 24-Ft. Meade (away) Student team. Junior Its Beane, "Chubby" WASHINGTON COLL. G F Pts. (away) Hopkins Mar. Thompson, 2-Johns Bayless 21 After capturing the first round title, Mar. 9-Hopkins (home) Langdon, "Sol" Saitsgaver and Jaek Kardash, F. 0 2 127 Rouse 26 % 1h the Preacher "B" team fell at the The team going to Maryland will be Lambert turned out to be the strong- Collins, F. F. 12 12 hands of Alpha Gamma Tau in a close Schuerholtz, Kierce 26 i game. The winners had previously selected on their scores this week. est in the Independent League and Fetter, C. 0 1 135 Ricker T.K.O. 1 defeated the Black and Whites by a The team as a whole has shown decid- will be "the team to beat" when the is McNiff, G. . _ 4 8 in basketball school championship Allison 29-11 margin, with Otts Bradley ed improvement. Neubert, G. 7 15 145 Vincent hanging up ten points and Jack Mor- Team Has,Good Material decided. Individual Scoring Leaders Totals 23 4 50 Flaugh T.R.O. ris six. For the losers John Carno- Kable, Lavin, Stone, Cantwell and Player FG F FT Pts chan was high with four goals from 155 Lewis 22 the floor. Also victoTious in their first Quynn are decidedly good material, Biasi 44 17 32 105 WESTERN MD. G F Pts. Trecartin 30 start was Delta Pi Alpha with a 24-10 and Sergeant Lavin is highly-pleased Stropp 40 14 35 94 Faw, F. 1 165 Baker 26 win over the Gamma Bets. In this with their progress. are still on Honeman 36 27 9 6 21 12 81 60 Evans, F. . ...... 0 2 The original regulars Honeman, F. Suffern Hemming 30 game Bill Dumler, Marbury Linton, Faw 20 21 49 Bills, F. . 1 2 175 Pirie and Frazier Scott led the Preachers Bill the first team, and they are: Cating- Bills 12 13 29 Suffern, C 5 11 Fitzgerald and ton, Wiley, Hawkins, offense with six points apiece. Funair T.K.O. Prettyman, in his first game, and Phil Leister. However, l:iy the end of the Evans 1 1 2 Biasi, G. 5 13 Un_Hmited-Forfeit 1 I Bechtel were high men for the losers. season the competition will be close, as Bricker 1 Stropp, G 3 1 7 On Tuesday, the Bachelors upset the' new men this se,ason are working Impeciato j 2 1 ", 6% (Cont. on page 4, col. 2) hard for a pJace on the first team. Burtis Totals 17 5 39
   30   31   32   33   34   35   36   37   38   39   40