Page 69 - TheGoldBug1938-39
P. 69
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminater, Md. PAGE THREE Terror Nine Defeats Tennis Team Upsets Dickinson Takes Team Hopkins And Wilson, Carnegie Tech, 5·4 Title In Western Md. Loses To Washington Netmen Lose To Catawba, Hopkins, Invitation Tournament And Colgate; Strauss Takes SOUTHERN HIGH DEFEATS The Western Maryland spring sport season is now in full Interscholastic Event OTIO GREINER CAPTURES BABY TERRORS swing. The varsity athletes are in the midst of their strenuous INDIVIDUAL HONORS schedules, and the intramural sportsters have just completed the Since the last issue of the Gold In the closest ending in the three Paced by Bob Stropp's long first half of their season. Most of the boys on the Hill are en- Bug, the tennis team has been travel- years of the tournament, Dickinson home run, the Terrors trimmed gaged in some form of athletic activity. The golf course and the ing through the toughest part of its Lebanon Vall~y on Hoffa Pield yes- tennis courts are thronged every afternoon by those schedule. Catawba College, of North College took the team cup in the Wes- terday by the score of 11 to 4. The rugged individualists who do not participate in team Carolina, Hopkins, Colgate Universi- tern Maryland Invitation Tourna- team has now won four and lost I games. ty, and Carnegie Tech have been met ment on Saturday, May 6. Finishing the 18 holes in a 324 tie with the Uni- four. Last Saturday the peak of the sports season was in a row, and the scorebook credits versity of Baltimore, the Dickinson reached on Men's Field Day. Every Terror varsity, the Terror net men with three losses In the past two weeks the Terror with the sole exception of the track team, was en- and one upset victory. Coach Hurt team went out in a three-hole playoff and won by a margin of four strokes. part baseball team has shown itself a wor- gaged in competition. The baseball team met Wilson feels, now that the hardest the team of The University of Baltimore was the schedule is over, that thy foe. It has won two games (Johns Teachers in a wild run-scoring game, and emerged will start to chalk up victories con- greatly aided by the extremely fine Hopkins and Wilson) and has lost with a 16to 8 triumph. The golfers were the hosts in sistently. shooting of Otto Greiner, who cap- one (to Washington College). the Western Maryland Invitation Golf Tournament, which was Catawba came north on a tour with tured the individual medal score with The three home games of April 27, ~von by Dickinson College. The Terror linksmen took fourth place only five men, so only seven matches a 70, two strokes above par. Going 28, 29, against Washington College, III the tournament. Coach Hurt's racketers hit the high spot of were played. The Southerners came out in the morning round with a 36, Ithaca, and West Virginia respective- their season by winning a close 5-4 match from Carnegie Tech. out on the long end of a 6-1 score. Griener came in with, 34, even par to ly, were washed off the books by the Ted Bowen, playing in number five capture the medal by a margin of five torrential downpour which ruined the Intramurals position, was the sole Terror [o score strokes. Casmir Kalinowski, Dickin- sporting calendar of .the last week of a win. He defeated Shull 6-3, 6-4. A son's number 1 man, had a 75 to league softball swing. April. bing The intramural honors by winning is also in full losing none, Grab- week of bad weather severely ham- take second place, putting together a the and half three first the Shoremen Swamp W.M.C. Black and Whites became the team to beat. The Preachers, Bach- pored the Green and Gold net attack. 40 on the the first round and coming The following Wednesday Western elors, and Gamma Bets ended up in a three-way tie for second Hopkins Bests Terrors back strong to make a 35 on the sec- Maryland traveled to Chestertown to place. In the playoff, the Preachers took second place, the Gamma Johns Hopkins snowed the Terror ond nine. John Farrell of Loyola meet a strong Washington College Bets third, and the Bachelors last. Incidentally, the Black and netmen under a barrage of strokes was third with a 76. nine. The Shoremen overwhelmed White victory in the first half broke a three year monopoly by the and took an 8-1 decision. Western Greiner Is Low !\Ian the Terrors, 12-0, slashing balls at Preachers. What will happen in the second half 'remains to be the infield and lifting mighty socks seen. ~~a~~~;:k;e~~~e~~;:t~n~~r:::;etd 7:eei~ While the winning team had an av- to the deep outfield. Francis Smith Last Friday, in the opening game of the second half, the doubles .match to Bowen and Belt, arage of 81 per man, Dickinson clear- I! started for the Terrors, but was re- Preachers gained sweet revenge by shellacking the Black and The Blue Jays swept the six singles ly was the strongest, best-balanced lieved by Doug Catington in the fifth. Whites by a 6-1 score. John 'I'omichek, the Preacher pitcher, al- matches, Lambie defeating Ransone, team in the field. The University of' The Shoremen garnered five hits off lowed only one hit, a single by "Shrimp" Elder. Joe Oleair, one Perdew defeating Solomon, Beck win- Baltimore was led into the play-off Smith and four hits off Catington. of the best of the fraternity pitchers, hurled the Gamma Bets to a ning over Wright, Brust los i n g by virtue of Greiner's low score, as Their big inning was the third, when 3-0 win over the Bachelors. The standings are: they jumped on Smith for five runs Won Lost ::Jh;!:~nF~~::; ~~an~~~~m~~~e~~isi~;~:~Si~ee~:bl;vel~~~e:~oU~t::~: bt~ei: and five hits. Selby, Copple, and Preachers . 1 o three sets. score. In the third place was the stevens led the attack with two hits Gamma Bets _ . 1 o A powerful Colgate varsity net out- University of Maryland with a total each. Western Maryland's three sin- Black and Whites. o 1 fit came out of the North and van- of 334, followed by Western Mary- gles came from the bats of Honeman, Bachelors o 1 quiehed the Terror racketeers, 9-0. lan~ 3~6, George Was~ington Drugash, and Bricker; all were off The Northerners swept every match University With 337, Loyola With 339 the delivery of Selby, although he was Baseball Statistics I except one in straight sets. The and Catholic University with 3~6. relieved by A. Smith in the eighth. Wright-Solomon doubles combination The results of this tournament may Western Maryland's severe case of Everyone knows that the baseball team has participated in lost a 7-5, 2-6, 9-7 contest to Schmidt be taken as a pretty good indication erroritis again assisted an alert oppo- seven games and has won three and lost four, but how many know and Reid of the Red Raiders. of the. outcome of the Maryland Inter- nent. However, the slashing defeat just how the individual players stand as to batting averages, runs Netmen Upset Carnegie I eol!eglate Championships to be held was the product of many uncontrolla- batted in, etc.? Statistician Bill East, the scorekeeper extraordi- The Terror netmen hit their sea- -Friday and Saturday, May 12 and 13, ble factors, which rabid dissecters of nary, dove into the mass of figures and has finally come up with ~~~'SaP;~4k~;:!t S~~;~~.~ o~:rs~~a:\:~ ~~I~do~~~'S ;~:f:rnC~~;~~a:d,~b e~~ the Terror team have not taken into the results, and here they are: account. , G. A.B.' H. R. R.B.I. Percentage vading Carnegie Tech outfit. Cap- h·,les. III the tournament Will be Joe Terrors Trim Jays Drugash 7 29 1'0 5 2 .344 tain Ransone and Harold Bell Wright OJealr,. Paul Burtis, Neil Eckenro~e, 13 Bricker On Friday, the Terrors visited Evans..... 5 56221.333 5 6 3 .384 I ~osstd~~ei~~~~:C;i;een~~~~I~:tm~t:;:I~ ~:: ~~~'e~h~:~~e t~:!u:~~~h::l~~ I' Homewood for a game the with Johns Tarbutton 3 8 3 1 1 .375 Solomon, Gus Brust, and Ted Bowen far this year. Hopkins. spirit old Showing again, the Terrors bunched their hits Cook........... 311 29 10 323.273 .344 came through to register wins and Haverford Is Victor 7 5 tv scote a pretty 6-1 victory. Charley Barkdoll 2 4 1 0 9 0 .250 give theTerrors an even break in the On Saturday, April 29, Haverford Oale Cole hurled for W.M.C., and allowed Honemann 7 20 5 4 1 .250 singles. The Ransone-Prentiss and College defeated Western Maryland the Jays only 5 hits, while the Ter- Linton 5 10 2 1 1 .200 Bowen-Belt doubles combinations won in a return match on the college rors were pounding Miller, Hopkins Ryan 7 20 4 4 3 .200 and lost respectively to tie up the course. Joe Oleetr, Bill Thomas and pitcher, for 9 hits. Buck Barkdoll, 7 17 7 7 4 .412 match at four all. Solomon and Bob Walters won their individual with a beautiful homer and two sin- Bills .... 7 29 7 7 3 .242 Wright won out over their Tech oppo- matches and a tie was gained in one gles, and Bob Stropp, with a double Stropp 4 6 0 0 0 .000 nents in the final doubles match of of the best ball matches to make the Catington and two singles, led the batting pa- Edmond 5 15 3 3 0 .200 the day to give the Terrors their mar- score 5% to 3% with Haverford in rade. The Terrors got all their runs Petrucci 3 2 0 0 0 .000 gin of victory. front. end most of their hits in three in- Smith 4 3 0 0 1 .000 Last Saturday morning the Wes- Catholic University, a team which nings-the first, fifth and seventh. Sturm 2 6 0 0 0 .000 tern Maryland Invitation Interschol- the Terrors had figured to win over, Bateman and Schwarzman cornered 3 3 0 0 0 .000 astic Ten~is Championship was held upset them at Indian Springs Coun- the Jay's hit market with two each. Sumner on the school courts, and Leon try Club in Washington last 'I'ues- Only one error was charged against For the uninitiated, G stands for games, AB for times at bat, Strauss, of Baltimore City College, day by a 4-2 margin. Mike Pe- the Terrors, and all in ail, they won H for hits, R for runs, and R.B.!. for runs batted in. emerged the victor. The tea m trued, playing number 2, won his a splendid victory at bat and afield. championship was taken by City with first intercollegiate match by defeat- Prevues 40 points, Forest Park took second ing Regan 2 and 1. Paul Burtis, Frosh Lose, Varsity Win with 30 points, Southern third with 5, playing Jack Miller, the former junior Park High team, in theI Saturday, May 6, was Men's Visit- Coach Ferguson's track team appears to be headed for plenty and Poly last with no points. Strauss champion of Iowa, was beaten 3 and ing Day, and two baseball g-ames of trouble when they tangle with Hopkins at Homewood Saturday. defeated .Katzenberg, of the second- 2, when Miller had a 76 to Burtis's 79. were played on Hoffa Field that day. The Bluejays defeated Washington College, recent victors over the place Forest At 10:00 A. M., the Terror fr-esh Terrors, by a 72-54 count. Hopkins has a well-rounded team fea- finals. Terrors Lose, 4-2 faced Baltimore's Southern High turing both fine track and field aggregations. Glazer in the dash- On Friday the Terrors also lost a team. The Baby Terrors lost the es, Driscoll in the distances, and Rosenthal in the weights are- the Girls To Participate!:gl!~!~~~~' to I~hethseto:a~c~iC~~::~;' game, 11-2, but made a remarkable aces of the Bluejay team. The Hopkins meet will be the last dual showing, considering that it was their meet of the season. Mt. diamondmen U., Georgetown, The first game together. The game only St. Mary's, Terror Towson, and Navy have yet American before they can write In Play Day Saturday i~:~;~~'~~~:ds~eaate;o~f~Pp:~e~n Kt~~ to face 17th hole for a birdie and the margin went" six innings, and was stopped at "finis" to their season. Some of these teams will be met in two lunchtime. The Baltimoreans had \v.A.A. REVISES CONSTITUTION of victory. Burtis beat Hunt 3 and 1, and the Oleair-Burtis combination their big innings in the first and sixth; games. In the last two games the Terror baseballers have played scoring four runs in each of these fine ball, chalking up victories over Hopkins and Wilson Teachers. Girls from Notre Dame, American took the best-ball by 1 up, thus gain- frames. Bricker led the Baby Ter- Coach Havens is grooming his team to take the majority of the University, University of Maryland, ing the team's two points. All the rors at bat with two singles, while remaining games, and he will not be greatly surprised if the Green and Towson Teachers will participa'te SCOl'esin the first foursome were in with won and lost average. Gold lads come through and a favorable the 70's, while the best ball of Wes- Spencel', Henneman, and Clary led Coach Hurt is breathing easier now that the toughest part of in the "play day" on the campus Sat- tern Maryland was 69 for 18 holes. the opposition with two hits each. the tennis schedule is past history. The only really formidable op- urday. They will compete with each The Terrors still face the important Bohle's pitching was above par for a other and with Western Maryland in is Gettysburg Tournament sank the freshman team, and the game uncov- ponent remaining under on a barrage card. of tennis strokes College, who of 8-1. tennis, archery, golf, badminton, Maryland Intercollegiate These matches to the tune and five dual matches. Carnegie Tech ered some excellent prospects which Bad weather ruined whatever practice the netmen might have had softball, and volleyball. will determine the final standings in no one had noticed before. before the season started, but they are finally starting to stroke the The girls representing Western the Maryland Intercollegiate Golf The same afternoon, the varsity ball as if they meant it. Mt. St. Mary's and Towson Teachers, two Maryland in the various sports on Association this season, and will be met Wilson College of Washington, newcomers to college net ranks, will be met by the Western Mary- the schedule are: tennis~V. Wigley, D. C., and did they meet with a crash! land tennis players for the first time. H. Frey, E. Newman, P. Payne, and played away. When the game was over, 24 men had S. Feurst; archery~B. Helm, 1\1. crossed the plate--16 for the Terrors (Cont. from Col. 1) and 8 for Wilson. Everyone had a Ramblings ~!~~~~L ~~n~::~':t, a~~ ~~e!~~~ini:' grand time at the bat, since all but Glenn McQuillen is now playing for Williamsport of the New Fitzgerald, and R. Greenfield; bad- caster socked a sweet home run for one of the regular members of each York-Pennsylvania League ... Loyola defeated Mt. St. Mary'~ minton~T. Yohn, M. J. Honeman, E. the Wilson men. Wilson got eight team got at least one hit. Kenny in baseball last week for the first time in five years ... Oleair is Prescott, H. Newman, J. Gilchrist, runs off eleven hits and erred 4 times, Bills was the shining light at bat, still winning money and losing matches to Burtis. How do you do and B. Brown. while Western Maryland got 16 runs slamming a mighty home run and it, Joe? ... Otto Greiner, winner of the Western Maryland Invi~ The softball team consists of J. off 17 hits, with only 2 errors against four singles for a neat 5 hits out of tation Golf Tournament, merely won something like five tourna- Berwager, M, McKenny, T. Yohn, E. them. The sixth inning was sweet 5 times at bat. Edmonds, Barkdoll, ments last summer besides participating in the National Amateur Edmond, R. Field, C. Timmons, E. for the Terrors. Eleven men came to the bat; five got hits, two were walk- and Honeman were next in line with Tournament ... Yale is in third place in the Eastern Intercol- Gibbs, A. Vollmer, L. Bogan, E. Lin- 2 hits each. Carroll Cook and Doug legiate Baseball League ... Pity the poor high school tennis play- ton, N. Kalor, and L. Meyers. J. ed, one reached first on a fielder's Catington shared pitching duties for ers who have to face Joe Hunt, the Navy plebe who is being touted I Wigley, D. Brown, R. l\facVean, K. choice, and three got out; six runs the Terrors. Ervin led the opposition for Davis Cup honors ... We hear that Coach Bruce Ferguson i3 Fertig, C. Gompf, B. Scott, E. Logan, resulted. This batting strength at bat with three hits, although Lan- emulating Theodore Roosevelt by using the "big-stick" policy on a E. Barnes, M. Jefferson, D, Delahay, should do the Terrors a lot of good before the season is gone, (Cont. on Col. 5) certain recalcitrant two-miler who wouldn't exercise. I (Cont. on Page 4, Col. 2)
   64   65   66   67   68   69   70   71   72   73   74