Page 64 - TheGoldBug1938-39
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PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. Oleair WOWS WFMD The From the \lei I HERMITAGE Audience WilhExpose WATCHBIRD Of College "Life In The Raw" By Alvin Newton By Hank There's a lot to be said. Mr. Joseph Oleair, fearing that the Spring is welcomed'to the campus The spring scene ... male melo- WFUD radio audience was getting of Western Maryland College. TYpical Official student newspaper of Western Maryland College, published on Thurs- dy from the Mourners' Bench. the wrong opinion of the Western comment: "Oh where, oh where have., day, semi-monthly during October, November, February, March, April, May, more than four hundred renditions of Maryland College student body from my cuts gone t01" and monthly during September, December, and January, by the students of Western Maryland College, Westminster, Maryland. Entered as second-class the first two lines of the "Prisoner's the consistently serious programs Goldfish Again matter at the Westminster Post Office, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Song" have been heard in the con- ~:~iCt~eh;:=r,b::s:n7eS:,n~:t ~~~~j!~To bring up this unusually obnoa, SUBSCRIPTION PR1CE $1.50 A YEAR fines of the men's chorus ... one sun- N;ti~~N;I~Ad;e;ti~i~;s;~;:Nin~: young lady with that a pre-season is sear at three o'clock, campus life as it ;;usu~u~~:a~t ~:ho~!t~ou:eta~:!re~e~ bur-n remarked Spring 1957· Member 19!8 ... 6:00 A. M. tennis duals replace re~~ i~reaj;. Variety Program was writer, but the latest bulletin concern- CDllege Publishers RePt"senl ..I;~.. 420 M"OI90N AvEC. NECW YORK. N. V. Ibsocialed G:>Ileeiale Press former morning slumber among the orga~ized and presented by. Mr. :~~i:i~~ ct~r~:n!v~~~~:e~~s~iiia~~:: c.,,,Go· Bono" LooA•• 'LU more athletically inclined. ~l~a:l~:t~; a:~d ;~eco;:::;~:~~l ~~: sophom~re, who held the .title ~or a EDITORIAL STAFF Peachy script was written in answer to short. time, wa~ recentl~ mtervlewed Editor-in-Chief . . ---- VERONICA KOMPANEK, '40 Bill. Wiley, the wily sophomore, Associate EdittYrs . .. PAUL BURTIS, '40; HENRY HOLLJES, '.11 celebrated the eve of the Junior Prom ~r~es:or John D. Makosky's call forI :~Ui:~~~o:~~ j~:~PSr~\~~;~~n~u:~ h!~: Managing EdittYr '40 News Editor .... . ALVIN NEWTON, '41 by shaving that lone fuzzy tendril e ~t e'~'asp:o~~::\hOW and strangely, taken place in .his abdomen ., Sp01·tS Editor __ . . -.--- ---- RUTH MANSBERGER, '41 from his countenance. Next we ex- it did I t h t M Olea' boasted of The following explanation was SOLOMON, HAROLD Assistant Srmrts EdittYrs .. FIELD, '40; '41 pect to hear that Jbe Oieair has taken :t-~t J~~l't;a;ed ~ester~ Maryland given: "Th~y did not squirm, because . RUTH WILLIAM BANKS, L. CARLETON GOODEN, '40 to high heels 1>0 that he may be seen life as it really is. With such names I bit them III two befo_re they had a Copy Editor ---.- -----..... . _._ ~.__SUE PRICE, '40 or that "Chunky" Davis has gone on as "Reds" Bender, Dave Calhoun, chance. They tasted bitter. When I Assistant Copy Edit01's ..KATHERINE KiIER, '40; KATHERINE BERRY, '40 a reducing diet. P1'00f Editor ..------ __._..... HENRY TRIESLER, '41 Assistant Proof Editor .. . -' ELLEN SHIPLEY, '40 !,~~~ni;~n~~~~~n~~~~~~~~:, Je~;~c:~: ~~~;~~te~:~n:h~:ta~l~r~f ~~u~::'Pa~dd: Feature Editors .EDITH RITCHIE, '40; SIDNEY MANSCR, '41 "Demon Deacons" "Vic" Impeciato, and a gang of dia- tremendously to the attractiveness of Typists JANE FRALEY, '42; EL1ZABETH ELLWEIN, '42 (Wake Forest please note) zy girls appearing in the cast, the consuming goldfish. PATRICIA WHITE, '42; LAURETTA MCCUSKER, '42 Second floor Warditea love a laugh. BUSINESS STAFF Their taking to the "cheesecloth" was show was assured of success. How Dancing Business 11.1anag6r _ . . --- .. _ .EDWARD WEANT, '41 further proof of their exuberance. As Olealr ever assembled such a gang is Sinclair Lewis is hereby nominated Circnlatwn Manage'I's MARY LOUISE ASBURY, '41; JAMES MERRITT, '40 Bill Robinson referred to himself the puzzle of the month. to write an essay on his'observations And was Jimmy and his comrades, the "chicken Stoner's then there which we almost of "formal dancing" at Western orchestra friars" are a peppy gang. They and forgot, but not because it lacked or- Maryland College. Suggested title: Editorials people like them have funned quite a iginality. "Graceful Methods of Dancing with Dignity in the Ballroom," or, "How to Because of their bit this term. pranks, they have been criticized ad- and Of course there were high lights Pitch Publicly without Notice." Mr. in 'the program. shadows Al- versely by the older and wiser of the though we won't mention any of the Lewis is so good at 'satire. God Gave Man the Power- administration and by a few members shadows we may be safe-In asserting Note of encouragement: At Johns of the dorm (who have been the butt Hopkins, a goldfish gulping contest to make fences and guns. Certainly He must be satisfied with of some of their jokes, or who have that one of the high lights was when has been announced to take place at man's display of these talents. Everywhere the good earth is been disturbed by the rumpus they Danny Boy, we mean "Chunky" the Junior Prom on May 6. We aren't fenced and fortified, Within every fence and behind every ram- sometimes raise.) The Hermitage Thomas, struck a high note and quite that depraved at W. M. C. Yet. part is another dwelling place of the idol of fear or the war god. doesn't defend this last publicity stunt broke the microphone. Steel mesh and steel bullets within steel barrels are the sign of a of the deacons, but neither does it It's probably a good thing that the Blood civilized nation today, and today the peace of the world is being find any great fault with their action. show was put 011 before television has Now that Baltimore's famous torso because if it hadn't, been perfected, jeopardized by fences and guns. The Hermitage points out, however, there would probably have been a lot murder has been solved by the sleuths God gave man the power to tear down other people's fences that this is a young persons' school, more things broken-but we consider of the police department, thousands of unhappy readers will now have to and destroy other people's guns. Certainly He must be satisfied not a home for the aged. Healthy it safer not to say which faces would return to reading "Trigger Joe and with man's display of these talents. Mankind has never' ceased youth will always contrive pranks, have done it. the Great Head in the Bucket Mys- to trespass and ravage his neighbor's arables and industries. To- boys will be boys. Oh, Oleair's Great Variety Show tery." And think of the unemployed day men usurp that which is their neighbors. Item: NQ shorts, no backless dreee- portrayed Western Maryland life as photographera who can no longer cs, nor shall there be any sun bath- it really is. Only one question about But God gave man the power to be a friend to his brother. ing upon the roofs of the girls' dorms. snap interesting angles of dismem- God gave man the power to leave the world better for having lived Fltrthermore, no girls may play ten- it-a lot of people are wondering bered arms, legs, heads, etc. within it. Certainly He isn't satisfied with man's uses of these nis upon the men's courts. what Bob Walters meant about "put- Who can explain the animal nature talents. ting the cows to bed." that becomes evident when a group of An Intercepted Note apparently sane citizens suddenly be- Young Gentlemen's Dorm. gins to pursue hungrily the gory-ac:- Dear Miss Anastacia, counts of such a medieval atrocity, We Should Realize That- Will Y6U play tennis with me to- Letter To The Editor and to gaze rapturously at "exclustva, morrow morning? Please wear your revealing photographs" oozing blood Every student residing on the campus of Western Maryland daring bloomers and furlined beer' allover the front page? Why should College has a personal responsibility to see that visitors to our jacket, with parasol attached, so that 'Dothe Editor: any healthy minded, normal individ, campus are made to feel at home. On several previous occasions you may have freedom of movement Quoting from the 1938 Aloha, "the ual want to read such uncivilized hor- _Uttlehas been done to fulfill this obligation and strangers on our and so that, at the same time, the Men's Student Government has spent rors, and why do newspapers publish campus have been either completely neglected or treated with an harsh morning sun shall not touch a relatively tranquil year," or to such gore? attitude of condescension and indifference, your tender epidermis. quote from the 1937 Aloha, "The chief Certainly no discriminating person of .the out_going council contribution This is a very appropriate time in which to urge a more evi- SILAS. is a new constitution for the league." with' any sense of fineness would low- dent display of hospitality because several groups of visitors are P.S. We'll play on the lower courts. er his mind into such pools of blood. to -appear on the campus in the immediate future. The administration is down on their (Rumors indicate that there exists a uppers. new constitution which is being care_ Cinema Representatives from a number of eastern colleges will at- fully preserved for the next council to Pygmalim has been the object of tend the National Debating Fraternity Convention on Friday and execute.) unlimited volumes of praise in the Saturday of this week. Most of the schools from which these rep- Constitutional Last year the president of the coun_ • past few weeks. At times it seems resentatives come have sometime during the year entertained This is the season to revise your cil was elected on May 9; therefore it stra.nge that the American movie members of a Western Maryland debating team. It is only fitting constitution, or so several of the or~ is logical to conclude that the new ex- audiences, who usually applaud most and proper that this courtesy should be returned and that the ganizations on the Hill believe. The ecutive will be chosen during the next enthusiastically those pictures which .... convention members should carry away a favorable impression of Men's StUdent Government, the W. A. five weeks. star glorified glamor girls and pretty Maryland hospitality. A., and the S. C. A,. are all "consti_ In the past, most of the men have boys, should react so favorably to tutionalizing." Emperor Ransone and voted for a friend, a f~'at brother, or such a picture as Pygmalion. On May 6 and 13, Western Maryland College will act as host his colleagues have cut their docu- a "nice guy" (and it must be granted ~he picture is noted for its artistic to high school students from all over the state. These young men ment to the bone; they have reduced that according to 'these criteria their actmg and for a certain unique qual- and women are prospective students of the college and deserve it to a foundation script, to which the choice has been good) for positions on ity in its story and production, which every courtesy and attention. men may enact what meaSU1'es they the council purely for the purpose of is projeded on an intellectual level Western Maryland College coum be noted for its hospitality. believe are necessary to their self- bestowing honor on their selection. far above the average movie. Such a This can only be accomplished, however, if every resident of the government. The W. A. A. is reViS-j Unfortunately this practice has de- picture is worthy of commendation Hill shares in the responsibility. Do your part! ing its regulations with the aim' of feated its own purpose because the and reeognition by those who nurse creating and maintaining a livelier "nice guys" on the council have per- fondly the timid steps of the moving organization. To "constitutionalize" mitted their organization to lapse picture industry toward a higher in- effectly we must eliminate the useless into, or remain in, such a torpor that teliectual and moral plane. and injeet the needed. neither they nor their friends or frat Anythingf~r a Laugh- Alice Vollmer suggests a male stu- brothers undertake to defend it Song Of Spring male choruses Thinking of certain For some people this constitutes a philosophy of life. The dent food-tasting staff for the produc- against the many derogatory remarks on the campus, we quote Samuel Tay- actions of an individual are in most circumstances the result of his tions. of the home economics majors. frequently aimed at it. It seems that lor Coleridge: fundamental philosophy. Recently on the campus several expon- EVidently dogs aren't the style any- there is left little honor in serving on ents of this philosophy have advertised their allegiance to the doc- more. They either die or they don't the council. "Swans sing before they die; t'were no bad thing trine. die, but men are more reactionary_ All ends might be served best if the they say the cutest things about the men's student government eleetion Should certain persons die before "Boys will be boys" is the trite remark that is usually offered worst concoctions. (Or am I wrong were replaced by a men's popularity they sing." to excuse such horseplay. Certainly every person has enjoyed in assuming that the proposed staff contest. Or lest we seem very naive, Recordings participating in a stunt of some sort at one time or another. This would be a very select group?) perhaps we should merely suggest a The Three Little Fishes has sky- is a normal thing. Anyone, however, whose actions continually That new field house being built to change in appelation, as indicated rocketed to fame in a surprisingly place him in this category, has simply carried a good thing too far. the left of the Seminary will furnish above, of the event which last took short period of time. It has much :;0 There. are times, and there are plq.ces for everything. the men of the campus and the college place on May 9, 1938. recommeJ;ld it, being clever, swingy teams a much needed gymnasium. Already, before the election datt.! When will the "boys" grow up is a question which may be That is its purpose. It is not de- has been announced, the fraternity and danceable at the same time. Kay asked. In many cases, the answer is neve1'. signed for dances and military drills. propaganda machines seem to be Kyser's recording is now. the most popular. When the advocates of this "anything for a laugh" philosophy The spring dances on the Hill are not swinging into action to bring about Can anyone explain how Horace leave college they will find new fields in which to exhibit their so large nor so elaborate (for exam· the election of one of the popular idols Heidt's Or-chestra ever managed to sense of humor. Annually the American Legion holds a conven- pIe the "lemonade stand" decorations now serving on t~ council for the win the popularity poll of John tion which is characterized by this type of humor. of the J. P.) that they require the fa- junior cla~s. If they succeed, as they Ademy's Varieties? This puts him Why not just go from high I It is to be regretted that local exponents of the philosophy cilities of the new building. Let that have in the past, it is only logical to ahead of Clinton, Goodman, Dorsey place be devoted to athlctics. expect student to pursue government found it necessary to enter college. "Doc" Elliot's portable radio has the same passive course which it has and twenty_eight others! Maybe the school into the broader fi.elds of activity? Nothing can really be opened up. several, new for in the past. same persons who continually request done about this sort of thmg. Those on the campus who are more fun and leisure. Wlth such an mstru- m:!b:e:~: ;:;eP~~~!!~1~f ~~:O!::C:i~ Little Sir Echo stuffed the ballot box. Personal opinion: "I'll take my corn ~l~~~~t:~~yp~~~~~nf: :~~e s!m~~~ld~rinand bear it. It does take I :::~fa:t~:~i~:Co!:n~~j~ya~~:' even' (Cont. on Page 4, Col. 2) on the cob." (Cont. on Page 4, Col. 3)
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